REST url proper format - rest

my REST API format: - get all products - get product with id=3
Also, the products can be orginized into a product groups.
What is a proper way to get all product groups according to REST best practices:
another option ?

I can't agree with Rishabh Soni because may lead to ambiguity.
I would put my money on or even better (better readability).
I've had similar discussion here: Updating RESTful resources against aggregate roots only
Question: About the thing of /products/features or /product-features,
is there any consensus on this? Do you know any good source to ensure
that it's not just a matter of taste?
Answer: I think this is misleading. I would expect to get all features
in all products rather than get all possible features. But, to be
honest, it’s hard to find any source talking directly about this
problem, but there is a bunch of articles where people don’t try to
create nested resources like /products/features, but do this
So, we can't be sure will return all possible groups or just all groups that are connected with all existing products (what about a group that has not been connected with the product yet?).
To avoid this ambiguity, you can add some annotation in documentation. But you can just prepare and all is clear.

If you are developing Rest API for your clients than you should not rely on id's. Instead build a meaningful abbreviation and map them to actual id on server side.
If that is not possible, instead of using you can use and then you can provide "product_id" description in the documentation. basically telling the client ways to use product_id.
In short a url must be meaningful and follow a pattern.The variable part must be send by in the url query(part after ? or POST payload)
With this, method to querying the server is also important. If client is trying to get something to the server he should use "GET" http request, similar POST http request if it is uploading new info and "PUT" request if it is updating or creating a new resource.
So by this analogy is more appropriate as it is following a pattern(groups in product) while productgroups is more like a keyword with no pattern.
A directory like pattern is more easier to understand. Like in file systems(C:\Program Files\WinRAR), every part gets us to more generalized target.
You can also customize this for specific group-


How to specify data security constraints in REST APIs?

I'm designing a REST API and I'm a big defender of keeping my URL simple, avoiding more than two nested resources.
However, I've been having second thoughts because of data security restrictions that apply to my APIs, that have been trying to force me to nest more resources. I'll try to provide examples to be more specific, as I don't know the correct naming for this situation.
Consider a simple example where I want to get a given contact restriction for a customer, like during what period my customer accepts to be bothered with a phone call:
So, I believe it's simpler to have this:
- GET /customers/12345
- GET /customers/12345/contacts
- GET /contacts/9999
- GET /contacts/9999/restrictions
- GET /restrictions/1
than this:
- GET /customers/12345
- GET /customers/12345/contacts
- GET /customers/12345/contacts/9999
- GET /customers/12345/contacts/9999/restrictions
- GET /customers/12345/contacts/9999/restrictions/1
Note: If there are more related resources, who knows where this will go...
The first case is my favourite because since all resources MUST have a unique identifier, as soon I have its unique identifier I should be able to get the resource instance directly: GET /restrictions/1
The data security restriction in place in my company states that not everyone can see every customers' info (eg: only some managers can access private equity customers). So, to guarantee that, the architects are telling me I should use /customers/12345/contacts/9999/restrictions/1 or /customers/12345/contact-restrictions/1 so that our data access validator in our platform has the customerId to check if the caller has access to it.
I understand the requirement and I see its value. However, I think that this kind of custom security informatio, because that's what I believe to be, should be in a custom header.
So, I believe I should stick to GET /restriction/1 with a custom header "customerId" with the value 12345.
This custom header would only be needed for the apis that have this requirement.
Besides the simpler URL, another advantage of the header, is that if an API didn't start with that security requirement and suddenly needs to comply to it, we could simply require the header to be passed, instead of redefining paths.
I hope I made it clear for you and I'll be looking to learn more about great API design techniques.
Thank you all that reached the end of my post :)
TL;DR: you are fighting over URI design, and REST doesn't actually offer guidance there.
REST, and REST clients, don't distinguish between your "simpler" design and the nested version. A URI is just an opaque sequence of bytes with some little domain agnostic semantics.
Is a perfectly "RESTFUL" URI. See Stefan Tilkov, REST: I don't Think it Means What You Think it Does.
Fundamentally, REST servers are document stores. You provide a key (the URI) and the server provides the document. Or you provide a key, and the server modifies the document.
How this is implemented is completely at the discretion of the server. It could be that /4290c3b2-134e-4647-867a-214d0c866f29 is used to look up the tuple (12345, 9999, 1), and then the server checks to see if the credentials described in the request header have permission to access that information, and if so the appropriate representation of the resource corresponding to that tuple is returned.
From the client's perspective, it's all the same thing: I provide an opaque identifier in a standard way, and credentials in a standard way, and I get access to the resource or I don't.
the architects are telling me I should use /customers/12345/contacts/9999/restrictions/1 or /customers/12345/contact-restrictions/1 so that our data access validator in our platform has the customerId to check if the caller has access to it.
I understand the requirement and I see its value. However, I think that this kind of custom security information, because that's what I believe to be, should be in a custom header.
There's nothing in REST to back you up. In fact, the notion of introducing a custom header is something of a down check, because your customer header is not something that a generic component is going to know about.
When you need a new header, the "REST" way to go about it is to introduce a new standard. See RFC 5988 for an example.
Fielding, writing in 2008
Every protocol, every media type definition, every URI scheme, and every link relationship type constitutes prior knowledge that the client must know (or learn) in order to make use of that knowledge. REST doesn’t eliminate the need for a clue. What REST does is concentrate that need for prior knowledge into readily standardizable forms.
The architects have a good point - encoding into the uri the hints that make it easier/cheaper/more-reliable to use your data access validator is exactly the sort of thing that allowing the servers to control their own URI namespace is supposed to afford.
The reason that this works, in REST, is that clients don't depend on URI for semantics; instead, they rely on the definitions of the relations that are encoded into the links (or otherwise expressed by the definition of the media type itself).

REST Best practise for filtering and knowing the result is singular: List or single?

Variety of REST practises suggest (i.e. 1, 2, 3) to use plurals in your endpoints and the result is always a list of objects, unless it's filtered by a specific value, such as /users/123 Query parameters are used to filter the list, but still result in a list, nevertheless. I want to know if my case should 'abandon' those best practices.
Let's use cars for my example below.
I've got a database full of cars and each one has a BuildNumber ("Id"), but also a model and build year which combination is unique. If I then query for /cars/ and search for a specific model and year, for example /cars?model=golf&year=2018 I know, according to my previous sentence, my retrieve will always contain a single object, never multiple. My result, however, will still be a list, containing just one object, nevertheless.
In such case, what will be the best practise as the above would mean the object have to be extracted from the list, even though a single object could've been returned instead.
Stick to best practises and export a list
Make a second endpoind /car/ and use the query parameters ?model=golf&year=2018, which are primarily used for filtering in a list, and have the result be a single object, as the singular endpoint states
The reason that I'm asking this is simply for the cleanness of the action: I'm 100% sure my GET request will result in single object, but still have to perform actions to extract it from the list. These steps should've been unnecessary. Aside of that, In my case I don't know the unique identifier, so cars/123 for retrieving a specific car isn't an option. I know, however, filters that will result in one object and one specific object altogether. The additional steps simply feel redundant.
As you've specifically asked for best practices in regards to REST:
REST doesn't care how you specify your URIs or that semantically meaningful tokens are used inside the URI at all. Further, a client should never expect a certain URI to return a certain type but instead rely on content-type negotiation to tell the server all of the capabilities the client supports.
You should furthermore not think of REST in terms of object orientation but more in terms of affordance and statemachines where a client get served every information needed in order to make an educated decision on what to do next.
The best sample to give here is probably to take a close look at the Web and how it's done for HTML pages. How can you filter for a specific car and how it will be presented to you? The same concepts that are used in the Web also apply to REST as both use the same interaction model. In regards to your car sample, the API should initially return some control-structures that teach a client how a request needs to be formed and what options could be filtered for. In HTML this is done via forms. For non-HTML based REST APIs dedicated media-types should be defined that translate the same approach to non-HTML structures. On sending the request to the server, your client would include all of the supported media-types it supports in an Accept HTTP header, which informs the server about the capabilities of the client. Media-types are just human-readable specification on how to process payloads of such types. Such specifications may include hints on type information a link relation might return. In order to gain wide-usage of media-types they should be defined as generic as possible. Instead of defining a media-type specific for a car, which is possible, it probably would be more convenient to use an existing or define a new general data-container format (similar to HTML).
All of the steps mentioned here should help you to design and implement an API that is free to evolve without having to risk to break clients, that furthermore is also scalable and minimizes interoperability concerns.
Unfortunately your question targets something totally different IMO, something more related to RPC. You basically invoke a generic method via HTTP on an endpoint, similar like SOAP, RMI or CORBA work. Whether you respect the semantics of HTTP operations or not is only of sub-interest here. Even if you'd reached level 3 of the Richardson Maturity Model (RMM) it does not mean that you are compliant to REST. Your client might still break if the server changes anything within the response. The RMM further doesn't even consider media-types at all, hence I consider it as rather useless.
However, regardless if you use a (true) REST or RPC/CRUD client, if retrieving single items is your preference instead of feeding them into a collection you should consider to include the URI of the items of interest instead of its data directly into the collection, as Evert also has suggested. While most people seem to be concerned on server performance and round-trip-times, it actually is very elegant in terms of caching. Further certain link-relation names such as prefetch may inform the client that it may fetch the targets payload early as it is highly possible that it's content will be requested next. Through caching a request might not even have to be triggered or sent to the server for processing, which is probably the best performance gain you can achieve.
1) If you use query like cars/where... - use CARS
2) If you whant CAR - make method GetCarById
You might not get a perfect answer to this, because all are going to be a bit subjective and often in a different way.
My general thought about this is that every item in my system will have its own unique url, for example /cars/1234. That case is always singular.
But this specific item might appear as a member in collections and search results. When /cars/1234 apears in these, they will always appear as a list with 1 item (or 0 or more depending on the query).
I feel that this is ultimately the most predictable.
In my case though, if a car appears as a member of a search or colletion, it's 'true url' will still be displayed.

REST URL Design for One to Many and Many to Many Relationships

Your backend has two Models:
One Company to Many Employees.
You want to accomplish the following:
Get all Companies
Get a Company by ID
Get all Employees for a Company
Get all Employees
Get a Employee by ID
What is the best practice for handling the REST URLs when your models have 1:M relationships? This is what I have thought of so far:
Now let's pretend One Company has Many Models. What is the best name to use for "Adding an employee to a Company" ? I can think of several alternatives:
Using GET:
Using POST:
The URIs look fine to me, except maybe the last one, that does not need an additional "id" in the path. Also, I prefer singular forms of words, but that is just me perhaps:
The URIs do not matter that much actually, and can be changed at any point later in time when done properly. That is, all the URIs are linked to, instead of hardcoded into the client.
As far as adding an employee, I would perhaps use the same URIs defined above, and the PUT method:
PUT /employee/123
With some representation of an employee. I would prefer the PUT because it is idempotent. This means, if the operation seems to fail (timeout, network error occurs, whatever) the operation can be repeated without checking whether the previous one "really" failed on the server or not. The PUT requires some additional work on the server side, and some additional work to properly link to (such as forms), but offers a more robust design.
As an alternative you can use
POST /employee
With the employee representation as body. This does not offer any guarantees, but it is easier to implement.
Do not use GET to add an employee (or anything for that matter). This would go against the HTTP Specification for the GET method, which states that it should be a pure information retrieval method.

RESTful url to GET resource by different fields

Simple question I'm having trouble finding an answer to..
If I have a REST web service, and my design is not using url parameters, how can I specify two different keys to return the same resource by?
I want (and have already implemented)
which returns a person as expected.
Now I also want
which returns a person by name.
Is this the correct RESTful format? Or is it something like:
You should only use one URI to refer to a single resource. Having multiple URIs will only cause confusion. In your example, confusion would arise due to two people having the same name. Which person resource are they referring to then?
That said, you can have multiple URIs refer to a single resource, but for anything other than the "true" URI you should simply redirect the client to the right place using a status code of 301 - Moved Permanently.
Personally, I would never implement a multi-ID scheme or redirection to support it. Pick a single identification scheme and stick with it. The users of your API will thank you.
What you really need to build is a query API, so focus on how you would implement something like a /personFinder resource which could take a name as a parameter and return potentially multiple matching /person/{ID} URIs in the response.
I guess technically you could have both URI's point to the same resource (perhaps with one of them as the canonical resource) but I think you wouldn't want to do this from an implementation perspective. What if there is an overlap between IDs and names?
It sure does seem like a good place to use query parameters, but if you insist on not doing so, perhaps you could do
I generally agree with this answer that for clarity and consistency it'd be best to avoid multiple ids pointing to the same entity.
Sometimes however, such a situation arises naturally. An example I work with is Polish companies, which can be identified by their tax id ('NIP' number) or by their national business registry id ('KRS' number).
In such case, I think one should first add the secondary id as a criterion to the search endpoint. Thus users will be able to "translate" between secondary id and primary id.
However, if users still keep insisting on being able to retrieve an entity directly by the secondary id (as we experienced), one other possibility is to provide a "secret" URL, not described in the documentation, performing such an operation. This can be given to users who made the effort to ask for it, and the potential ambiguity and confusion is then on them, if they decide to use it, not on everyone reading the documentation.
In terms of ambiguity and confusion for the API maintainer, I think this can be kept reasonably minimal with a helper function to immediately detect and translate the secondary id to primary id at the beginning of each relevant API endpoint.
It obviously matters much less than normal what scheme is chosen for the secret URL.

What is a good strategy for adding additional information in a GET query over REST?

Given that we provide a restful api that serves book entities listening at
And a client can get a book at the usual
GET /books/{id}
Suppose that we want to begin offering discounts on books to only our most vigilant buyers. These buyers would be given a discount code, and that code will reduce the price of the book.
Thus, a generic response may be
GET /books/4
{"id":4, "price":"24.95"}
Where a response to a query with a discount code may be
GET /books/4
{"id":4, "price":"24.95", "yourPrice":"19.95"}
The back-end processing we can get figured out, but what is the best practice for a client submitting a discount code over a restful api?
Certain books will be eligible for discounts while others will not. Discounts will not be broad (20% off everything), but instead will map to a specific price for that particular code (or client/code combo).
We've considered:
kludging the url
GET /codes/{someCode}/books/{id}
Adding the code in a header value
Using a query string
GET /books?code=myCode
anything else?
EDIT: Our goal is not to implement single-use codes. Instead, these discount codes could be used some fixed number of times for some fixed set of books.
I like using query variables. I just looked at the RESTful Web Services book, my main reference in this area, and they say:
Use query variables only to suggest
arguments being plugged into an
algorithm... If two URIs differ only
in their query variables, it implies
they're the different sets of inputs
into the same underlying algorithm.
It seems to me your discount codes are inputs to a discounting algorithm.
If you're going to be submitting anything that's not idempotent, I would suggest using POST instead of GET. You wouldn't want a client to be able to use their code more than once.
Anything you add in the URL or header values are open to be intercepted, and possibly allowing other users to 'fake' their discount ID. 1 approach would be to introduce a new POST call, that will allow the ID to be encrypted with simple HTTPS. The POSTed data could be as simple as the discountID or customerID.
Added - Sorry Michael, you already said that :)
You can register the code in a table so when the user retrieves that book automatically returns that book with the proper discount, for example:
The user can add some code
POST /register/{code}
This will add an entry to a table {user} - {code} so when the user retrieves by
GET /books/{id}
will use that entry to apply the discount. I'm guessing that you already have some relation between {code}-{book} so wont get into that.