dagger2 in android can't inject Fragment with #FragmentKey - dagger-2

on dagger2 home page, it suggest use the annotation #FragmentKey to inject Fragment. But this Fragment is under the package android.app , but we usually use the Fragment that was under the package android.support.v4.app, so, how to fix this?

The dagger.android.support library is designed for this. See the user guide (under "Android" -> "Support Libraries"), the javadoc, and the code.


How do I actually install and use YouTube Android Player API?

I want to make a Flutter app that can play YouTube playlists using the YouTube Android Player API, found here: https://developers.google.com/youtube/android/player
The "Getting started" instructions say:
The following documents will help you to set up your development environment and use the YouTube Android Player API:
The download page provides a link to download the API client library
and JavaDocs.
The instructions for registering your application explain how to
register your app in the Google API Console and to obtain an Android
API key, which you will need to use the API.
The setup instructions explain how to set up an API project using
either Eclipse or IntelliJ.
The sample applications overview describes the sample applications
included in the API download.
The JavaDoc reference provides detailed definitions of the API's
interfaces, classes, methods, and enums.
I've followed every step in those points and links, but I still don't know how to use the provided package in my code! I now have a sample app running on my phone, and apparently using the package... which is cute... but it is in Java, which I don't speak, so it doesn't help me make my own app! Plain English instructions would have been more helpful...
I have tried:
import 'com.google.android.youtube.player'
and even:
import '<path>/YouTubeAndroidPlayerApi.jar'
but Dart Analysis tells me the URL doesn't exists. And when I try any of the classes that are supposed to be included in the package, I get that it's not defined.
I've tried right-clicking on the YouTubeAndroidPlayerApi.jar file and choosing "Add as library", but same result.
So what I normally do is to write something in my pubspec.yaml file, like:
provider: ^4.3.2+3
Then I would run pub get.
Then I would write import <package name> in my code, and now the classes will be ready to use.
What is the correspondence in this case? What am I supposed to do with this package so that I can use the classes in my code? I'm using Android Studio.
Most grateful for guidance!

how to find dependency related to specific class

I am going to use Package Manager class in my code, but in android studio it is not recognizable class for it . I want to add dependency for it , but I do not know that how to search dependency related to this class on google so that I can easily find it and can add it to graddle.build file.
You can search for classnames in MavenCentral:
with c:yourClassName

Location of network settings class in android jellybean

I’m developing for android jelly bean and I would like to add a field to the network settings menu, but can’t seem to find it in the android source code….
I’ve looked in packages-apps-settings-src-android-settings but then didn’t know exactly where to look.
Can anyone help me please?
You should first have a look at the packages/apps/Settings/res/xml/setting_headers.xml file which list the different categories used in the Settings app.
Then, you can implement a new category by looking how others are implemented - for example the "Data usage" setting is implemented in src/com/android/settings/DataUsageSummary.java (the fragment is referenced from the setting_headers.xml file).

HttpRequestHandler in LWUIT

I'm trying to define a HtmlComponent to open an external link in LWUIT but I found that I need to use HttpRequestHandler when I try to define an object
I can't find this class defined in the LWUIT, so what should I do ?
For LWUIT see the sample browser application that ships with it.
For CodenameOne use the WebBrowser Component.

SVG error in my j2me NetBeans6.5 project

I use svgForms, svgMenus and svgSplashScreen, but one annoying error always appears in the pre verification (last) step, which is the following:
Error preverifying class org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGElement
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/dom/Element
It seems like it needs a library to be added, but I have hit the wall here. My svg files are all of baseProfile='tiny'.
Thanks in advance :)
You need stubs for JSR226 on the preverifier class-path. The file is usually called jsr226_1.1.jar.
Once you specify what tools exaxtly are you using to build the application I could be able to help more.
In your project properties, select "Platform", then look into the "Optional Packages" area.
From there, you can then select the SVG API to add the missing component.