Files: bash_profile zhrc confusion - emacs

I am not sure this is clear to me and if is neat for my system. I'm aware of the ~/.zhrc file where I can store alias and paths, but today after installing node via brew I was asked to put this: export PATH="$HOME/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH" in my ~/.bash_profile file, which it doesn't exist, thus in my effort to keep my system clean I putted it in the former file but emacs complaint. Now, I removed it and putted it, after creating, in the ~/.bash_profile. Is that OK to keep both in the home directory?

You need to provide the exact wording of whatever error or warning message you
get from emacs to ensure accurate or better answers. However, I will make a
guess and assume the warning you are getting is from the exec-path package.
This package has a check, which you can disable, that looks to make sure you
have variables defined in the correct init file.
In general, most shells support two types of configuration files
Startup or Login init files
Interactive shell init files
The difference is how often or when the files are sourced (loaded). To
understand the difference, you really need to understand when a shell is run and
the relationship between each shell. I'll try to give a vary high level
explanation, but you really should read the manual page for the particular shell
you are using.
Think of your environment as a tree of shell processes. When you login to the
system, a login shell is created. This shell will be the parent of all the other
shells you create. Each time you run a command, it is executed in a new shell
(this isn't 100% accurate, but is accurate enough to explain the main
points). So when you open a terminal, it runs another shell which is a child of
your login shell. When you execute various commands, the system creates a new
shell and runs that command inside the shell. These are all children of your
parent login shell. Some shells only exist for a short period of time (as long
as it takes to execute the command), others may last for hours, days or possibly
weeks (such as the shell that emacs is running in).
The important point to keep in mind is that child shells inherit various
settings from the parent shell. The idea of the 'export' command you will see in
front of some variables is actually a command to the shell telling it to export
the variable to child shells. For example, if we have a line like
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
what we are really doing is
PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin # set the variable
export PATH # make it available in child shells
We don't always want variables to be exported as some variables need to be reset
in the child shell itself. For example, the variable holding the prompt string.
It would not work to have this variable only defined in the login parent shell
if you want the prompt to have dynamic components, such as the current
directory, date or time. We want these types of variables to be defined in each
shell when it is created.
To handle this, shells have the two different init files. The login init files
are only sourced for the parent shell and are particularly useful for setting
variables that will be common to all child shells. the per-shell init files are
sourced for every new shell and are best used for setting things which need to
be updated or changed each time a shell is started. There are also other shell
configuration files which can be used for other special purposes, such as when
you log out or log off a system, or to just put alias definitions in etc.
Once upon a time, it made a big difference where you put your variables as there
was a performance hit when sourcing these init files. If the per-shell init file
was too large and consumed too many resources, the whole performance of your
environment could be affected. This is largely less of an issue these days due
to increased processing speeds. Unfortunately, because many people didn't
understand the role and relationships between the different shell configuration
files, there is lots of incorrect or misleading information out there regarding
where values should be set. People often advise setting variables in (for
example) bashrc when they should be set in the bash__profile=. The confusion is
partly caused by the fact you can add a variable to bashrc and it will work when
you test it (usually because your test involves forking a new child shell) and
putting it in your bash_profile will only work after the next login.
There are also some platform differences which make things a little less
clear. For example, under OSX, there is actually a special file in the /etc
directory where you should add additional path components (I'm not on a mac just
now, but it is something like /etc/paths or a per path component file in
/etc/path.d). This is done so that you have a global place to set paths which
will ensure desktop processes, such as the dock, which do not run as a child
process of your login shell, are able to be set.
As a general rule, most variables can go in the login profile, with the
exception of variables relating to the prompt or other variables which have a
dynamic content i.e. content which changes depending on time, directory
location or other tracking of interactive actions which are specific to a shell
Setting of the path (noting OS differences as described above) should go into
the profile or login configuration file. Under bash, this is .bash_profile and
under zsh, it is typically .zprofile. As bash has become the most common shell,
documentation etc often advises adding things to .bash_profile. If your running
zsh, then add the same information using .zprofile.
As you have said you don't have a.bash_profile, but you do have a zshrc file, I
am assuming you are running zsh rather than bash as your login shell. This being
the case, you need to add that path setting to .zprofile in your home
directory. The exec-path package is complaining because you added it to
zshrc/bashrc, which are not the correct place to set path variables. If your
running under OSX, you really need to add the path to the correct file in /etc
(you will need to check the OSX documentation as I cannot remember the precise


Possible to use commands provided by a recently installed program without restarting cmd/powershell?

I'm working on a script that automatically installs software. One of the programs to be installed includes its own command line commands and sub-commands when installed.
The goal is to use the program's provided commands to perform an action after its installation.
But running the command right after the program's installation I'm greeted by:
" is not recognized as an internal or external command , operable program or batch file"
If I open a new Powershell or cmd window the command is available in that instance.
What is the easiest way to to grant the script access to the commands?
Bender the Greatest's helpful answer explains the problem and shows you how to modify the $env:PATH variable in-session by manually appending a new directory path.
While that is a pragmatic solution, it requires that you know the specific directory path of the recently installed program.
If you don't - or you just want a generic solution that doesn't require you to hard-code paths - you can refresh the value of $env:PATH (the PATH environment variable) from the registry, via the [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable() .NET API method:
$env:PATH = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'Machine'),
[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'User') -join ';'
This updates $env:PATH in-session to the same value that future sessions will see.
Note how the machine-level value (list of directories) takes precedence over the user-level one, due to coming first in the composite value.
If you happen to have made in-session-only $env:PATH modifications before calling the above, these modifications are lost.
If applicable, this includes modifications made by your $PROFILE file.
Hypothetically, other processes could have made additional modifications to the persistent Path variable definitions as well since your session started, which the call above will pick up too (as will future sessions).
This is because the PATH environment variable gets updated, but existing processes don't see that update unless they specifically query the registry for the live value of the update the PATH environment variable, then update PATH within its own process. If you need to continue in the same process, the workaround is to add the installation location to the PATH variable yourself after the program has been installed:
Note: I don't recommend updating the live value from the registry instead of the below in most cases. Other processes can modify that value, not just your own. It can introduce unnecessary risk, whereas appending only what you know should have changed is a more pragmatic approach. In addition, it adds code complexity for a case that often doesn't need to be generalized to that point.
# This will update the PATH variable for the current process
$env:PATH += ";C:\Path\To\New\Program\Folder;"

Broke my terminal with a bad PATH [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Wrong path set and now .bashrc throws errors [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I put an invalid path into my bashrc and now my terminal doesn't work. I've deleted my bash_profile as well as my bashrc and I still can't get it to work.
Every command I use in terminal gives me the error:
sh: parse_git_branch: command not found
This was something I had in my bash_profile for git autocompletion. The problem is once I've deleted the files using /bin/rm <file>, I can't apply my changes with source ~/.bash_profile because it's giving me errors. I've looked at this question, and this question, but I still am having no luck.
How can I fix my command line after breaking things like this?
You can export a correct PATH in your current session using a command similar to :
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
After using this, you should be able to source your bashrc.
You can always change your path right on the command line for the rest of the current shell session: PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:"
Exporting the PATH won't solve your problem. It will only export the value of PATH to child shells/processes. This only achieves the same thing as resetting/changing the PATH variable from the command-line (as shown above), because your scope is limited to the current shell process (and its children) while you are working within that shell environment (working from the command-line). If you open a new terminal (start a new login shell, which is a parent process), bash will still be trying to read from the resource files (.bash_profile and .bashrc), which no longer exist.
So, we need to be able to widen our scope and tell bash that we want to make changes for all future bashes (shell processes--new shells, shells within shells, etc.), and the way that is done is by writing those statements in the resource files.
Once you set your PATH there, every shell session will spawn with those resources (all the aliases, commands, variables, and functions stored in those files), loaded, regardless of whether you export it or not, since each shell process will always consult those files before it does anything else (so they effectively pre-emptively import what you are trying to export to them).
bash is like any other script or program. You took away all its inputs and pointers and shortcuts, and now its just been made pretty dumb, so you've got to be explicit with everything you do till you can teach it where to look for stuff (give it a PATH to search) and shorten your conversations with it.
If you don't have a backup of your .bash_profile, here's one that you can use:
# This loads in the configuration in .bashrc
# Put all configuration in there!
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
And here's a .bashrc that can get you started:
export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:"

Using the --glob_ignores flag of SVN_Load_Dirs.PL

I am attempting to use the SVN_Load_Dirs.PL script file ( to attempt to merge a platform drop.
However, I can't get the --glob_ignores flag to behave as I'd expect, and I know so little perl that I can't dig into the script to understand why. The format I am using is:
Where I want to ignore all .jazzignore files (although I am fine with anything with "jazzignore" in either the extension or name being ignored. I've looked for examples but can't find any actual usage of this flag anywhere. What I am looking for is a way to ignore all .jazzignore files and a few entire directories (like jazz5 for an example)
I assumed the flag would then be --glob_ignores="*.jazzignore *.jazz5" but that doesn't appear to be working.
It turns out that the script was failing silently because I was running it from a windows cmd (and therefore never getting to the flag option). Apparently there are some issues running it this way and it was designed to be run from a linux command line. After switching it works perfectly.

Source configuration filr in terminal though perl script

I need to source configuration file 'eg.conf' to terminal though perl script. I am using system command but its not working.
system('. /etc/eg.conf')
Basically I am writing script in which later point it will use the environment variable (under conf file) for execute other process.
It is not clear what you are trying to achieve, but if you want to make the config available from within Perl AND your config file is valid Perl code you can use do or require (see perldoc for more information).
What you are doing in your code is to spawn a shell with system, include the config inside this shell (which must be in shell syntax) and then exit the shell again which of course throws all the config away on close. I guess this is not what you intend to do, but your real intention is not clear.
What is your goal? Do you need to source eg.conf to set up further calculations from within a perl controlled shell, or are you trying to affect the parent shell that is running the perl script?
Your example call to system('. /etc/eg.conf') creates a new shell subprocess. /etc/eg.conf is sourced into that shell at which point the shell exits. Nothing is changed within the perl script nor in the parent process that spawned the perl script.
One can not modify the environment of a parent process from a child process, without the assistance of the parent process[1]. One generally returns code for the parent shell to source or to eval.
1: ok, one could theoretically affect the parent process by directly poking into its memory space. Don't do that.

How is a program in a specific location?

When writing a program, the program is sort of running in a particular directory which is the current working directory.
I'm trying to understand more about the idea of a cwd. How does a program know what its cwd is? Where is that information stored?
I know perfectly well how to use the os module in python, but I don't really understand what it means to have a cwd. Is it simply a data attribute, "this is where we are", that we can change arbitrarily? And we simply look for things and create things on that particular section of the HD? Or is some sort of pathway actually opening and closing actively when we change cwd, like a door getting shut and another being opened?
What happens on the computer when I change cwd in a program?
This may be language-agnostic, I am unsure.
The current working directory is (at least on most operating systems) an attribute of a process, so yes, it is more or less a simple attribute stating "this is where we are". As it's an attribute of a process, it is stored and managed by the OS kernel.
It can be changed arbitrarily by calling e.g. os.chdir in python, and a shell would similarly change its working directory each time you run the builtin cd command. And they both would normally call the same API of the operating system, e.g. chdir(). Changing the cwd is subject to filesystem permissions, so you can only change the working directory to a path that actually exists and you have permissions to.
The cwd may also be involved in file operations, as when a process opens a file path that is not an absolute path, the file name will be resolved relative to the cwd of the process.
On unix systems the cwd is inherited from the parent process, as such the cwd of a process you start from a shell will have its cwd to the directory you are in when you start the process (and not e.g. the directory of the executable you start).