Twilio Programmable Chat Mute Notifications by Channel - chat

We are using Twilio Programmale Chat and we need to allow people to mute/unmute notifications on a channel by channel basis (like Slack).
Is it possible? this is critical to us right now.
Thank you

PM from Twilio here. Good news: this feature has been added to the product with the User-Channel REST resource (specifically NotificationLevel), or on the Channel object on the first-person iOS, Android, and JavaScript SDKs. That notification level expresses one particular user's preference within the given channel.

Twilio developer evangelist here.
I'm afraid Programmable Chat does not currently allow you to mute notifications on a channel by channel basis. It is on the roadmap for the future though.


Agora. How can I listen for an user joining or leaving a Video Call Agora

I am making a Flutter application using Agora.
The app has the ability to make a video call through Agora. To connect to Video Call, rtcToken, appId and ChannelName are used from the console of Agora from the server (Generate comes from the server.). For now, 2 users can make a video call with each other through these 3 fields.
Question: is it possible to know the users who joined and left videoCall without sending a request to our server from mobile?
If this is not possible, then how can I tell the server from the mobile that users have joined or left?
Of course, it can be done via Rest api or socket. but the request to the Rest API may not go through (For example, the phone may be turned off). I wonder if the socket will hurt the server. It would be nice to have other solutions.
Thanks a lot for the answer
How did I solve the problem?
Agora itself could not solve the problem. Had to use web-socket. To know if the user is in the channel:
This is what I used in web-socket.
check this agora documentation.
it shows channel methods for joining and leaving channel by the user.

Azure Notification Hub, Preview capability

Is there a way in Notification hub to preview the push notification on simulators/devices before they are pushed to real user's devices? if not, what approach can be utilized here?
At this time a preview feature is not available on Azure Notification hub.You can leave your feedback/ feature request on Uservoice. All of the feedback you share in these forums will be monitored and reviewed by the Microsoft engineering teams responsible for building Azure.
You can successfully send push notifications to the Android Emulator. You cannot do the same with the iOS Simulator, due to the fact the Simulator just doesn't allow for it.
You can also use a physical device and using a unique tag, or just logging out a registration or installation ID, you could send a notification directly to your own development devices before sending out to real users. This would allow you to validate behavior and appearances before sending to real users. So basically the same process you would use to validate any kind of UI changes before sending an App update out to users. Try on your own devices first.
Hope that helps! :)

Bluemix Mobile Push Notification Service, how to register by consumerId

When send push notification messages, consumerIds can be specified as target. But when register the device, I don't see where to supply the consumerId in the SDK doc.
Register iOS Devices
Register Android Devices
Can you let me know how to register with the consumerId?
Currently there is no way to register a consumerId / userId through the Android and iOS SDKs. This is a feature that existed prior but was removed due to security issues when dealing with the public facing REST APIs. It is my understanding that work is being done to reintroduce the functionality but I know nothing more than that.
That said it is possible to recreate the functionality through the REST API (!/devices/put_apps_applicationId_devices_deviceId)
In short what you would need to do it register the device normally through iOS or Android, then execute the REST GET devices/{deviceId} using the deviceId obtained at the time of registration. From there you could copy off the data, insert your desired consumerId and then execute PUT devices/{deviceId} using that data to update the device registration with the new consumerId.
The answer I posted here goes over that in a little more detail
How to register a userId to Bluemix Push Notifications services?
Again unfortunately it's pretty convuluted to execute at this point while we wait on the native SDKs to reacquire the functionality. In some cases it may be wiser to just create your own mapping of deviceIds to consumerIds and use deviceIds as your push parameter.
Have you check this documentation of the rest API for IBM Push Notification?!/push/sendMessage_post_21
There's optional parameters for consummerIds and deviceIds.
There's also this more complex API documentation of IBMPushService:

How to get the latest version information using APS

I am developing one application.In that i want to get the latest version of my app information using Apple Push Notifications.So please tell me how to do this one.I seen in some posts,in that they mension like configure the APNS in apple site and send abinary information to apple service provider.Is it sufficient to get the latest version information.
You will need to create your own server, to store the identifiers for your users. With this, you can then send notifications to users who have allowed notifications from your app.
Doing this can be quite complicated, so you may want to use a service such as Urban Airship who will provide the server, and instructions on how to implement APNS in your app.
With this done, it can be quite simple to send a push notification to your users from their website.

Is there any SDK available for Iphone so that we can show adds via push notification?

In android we have Air push , using which we can send and show add via push notification. Is there any thing similar we have for iPhone.
Advertising by use of push notifications are explicitly forbidden by Apple: according to section 2.2 of the APN terms and conditions:
You may not use the APN or Local Notifications for the purposes of
advertising, product promotion, or direct marketing of any kind (e.g.
up-selling, cross-selling, etc.), including, but not limited to,
sending any messages to promote the use of Your Application or
advertise the availability of new features or versions.
Technically you can do it by rolling your own push notification server or by signing up with one of the established APN providers, e.g. Urban Airship. But I doubt your App will be approved by Apple if you use it for sending ads.
Yes you can use same Urban Airship for Push Notification for iphone too...