User role authorization with Scala-Play frameork - scala

I am new to Play framework and Scala. I know Json Web Tokens and concepts of authorization. I have done a Spring Boot app that does user role authorization with JWT. Basically, I put my custom key value pair while creating the JWT and it has something like this "authorizations":[role_employee, role_user]
When a request comes, I intercept it, parse the token, and create a spring security context and use the annotation on the spring controller method and the authorization works perfectly. I tried finding this concept in Play framework, most examples are talking about how to intercept the call and verify the validity of the token, but no one is talking about how to make sure the authorization is also correct. Basically, by merely verifying that token is fine, how do I create a binding that for a particular controller to be allowed to execute, what roles are permitted?

The most powerful framework for authorization in the Play environment is the Deadbolt
You can also find simple authorization parts in the other frameworks. For example, I often use Pac4J for Play. It has authentification and simple authorization parts:


.Net5 using a centralized web applications for login

I'm building a platform on .Net5 that will consist of at least 3 MVC web applications: User, Admin, Product. Authentication is performed on the User application where we can take a Username/Password to log the user in. The User Application also has the Forgot Password/Reset Password, etc functionality on it. Authorization is claims based. Based on this document I believe I would fall into Figure 9-2 Authentication by identity microservice, where my other microservices are web applications rather than APIs.
The issue I'm running into is trying to figure out the proper way to implement this.
Do I use JWT or Cookies for this? The article above does have a link for cookie sharing but wouldn't JWT be appropriate?
If I did use JWT, how do I pass it back to the server if I used something like #Html.ActionLink? Or is it expected that I would be using a front end framework like React and thus making any calls back to the server manually?
Again, if I'm using JWT, how would I pass it from the User application to the other applications?

Symfony - Most secure way to authenticate using REST?

I'm trying to build a proof of concept using Angular 5 and Symfony 4. I need the backend to be decoupled from the frontend so that I can focus on using JS entirely for the frontend and to be able to escalate to apps and other types of clients.
For this reason I'm building a RESTful API on Symfony. I've managed to send credentials from the front to the back... and that's pretty much what I've managed to do because I don't know how to proceed next.
Symfony should take the login data, somehow call a service to validate, and respond properly to the frontend. What is the most secure way of doing this? I've read a lot about JWT and how it's unfitting for this use case, and apparently OAuth2 is good only for authorization and not authentication unless you use OpenId Connect. I've read that the simplest approach is to create a session ID + a CSRF token and store it in a cookie (I don't care if this breaks statelessness, being certain that the system is secure is more important). I think the latter can be done with a bundle transparently but I don't know how to do the former.
In fact I'm entirely lost. I don't know where to begin, I've been stuck for days and the task seems just too overwhelming. I was even suggested to use Laravel instead, but I don't even know where to get started and this is legit the first time I try to implement a REST API, so it's quite daunting.
What am I supposed to do here?
EDIT: Here are some of the reasons why I'm schewing JWT for authentication.
Wanting to use JWT instead of OpenID Connect is like wanting to use a SAML assertion without the SAML protocol.1
(This one could lead me to use OpenID Connect as my solution)
Stateless JWT tokens cannot be invalidated or updated, and will introduce either size issues or security issues depending on where you store them. Stateful JWT tokens are functionally the same as session cookies, but without the battle-tested and well-reviewed implementations or client support.2
Unfortunately, an attacker can abuse this. If a server is expecting a token signed with RSA, but actually receives a token signed with HMAC, it will think the public key is actually an HMAC secret key.3
This isn't just an implementation bug, this is the result of a failed standard that shouldn't be relied on for security. If you adhere to the standard, you must process and "understand" the header. You are explicitly forbidden, by the standard, to just disregard the header that an attacker provides.4
The linked websites have more information as of why JWT is not secure.
Now I am implementing a similar task, only on the frontend Vue.js. On the backend I use Symphony 4 + API Platform. At the moment, I implement secure access to the API through JWT Authentication, this method is recommended.
Links for your topic:
If you want fast setup, then use FOSUserBundle Integration, but API Platform not recomendated his method.
Or use this method at Symfony4: -

Authentication with Akka-Http

We're developing an iOS app, where the user needs to authenticate using email+password (or mobile number). Our backend is made of a couple of microservices using Akka-Http. It needs to be fast, scalable, concurrent, and the authentication+authorization should work across our multiple services.
I'm trying to figure out which authentication method to use.
Akka-HTTP currently offers Basic Auth and a partial implementation of OAuth2.
So at first we were considering Basic authentication (too simple and not enough functionality), Oauth1 (too complex), so we moved towards OAuth-2.0 because it is sort of a standard.
Then we considered AWS Cognito because it combines Oauth-2.0 and OpenID Connect which gives the authentication mechanism that OAuth2 lacks.
Then we realised that OAuth2 is just for authentication using a third party - when in fact we don't need a third party authentication provider - maybe we need to do it ourselves, and using Cognito is an overkill that would create extra api calls outside our microservices...
So I read a little bit about creating our own custom auth provider, using WSSE specs:
And I also found this example using Spray, but I'm sure it's not that different from Akka-Http:
It looks too simplified and doesn't have token expiration...
So my question is, am I missing something? What method should I chose and where can I find examples for it?
I feel like I'm going in circles, we're gonna have to write our own custom authentication provider from scratch, which kinda doesn't make sense. After all almost everybody needs authentication and it should be a standard.
I've recently been using SoftwareMill's akka-http-session library and found it simple and easy to integrate. It has support for case class based sessions, JWTs, refresh tokens with pluggable storage, using headers and CSRF tokens as well as some nice simple directives for use in routes.
My solution for user registration has been to use Keycloak, an open source server which can handle user registration and do OIDC, OAuth2 style login. It reduces the amount of code I have to write, and the code is more secure than if it rolled it myself.
I then write my application as Scala backend that's purely a JSON API and a React/Javascript rich frontend in front of that API. In this configuration the authentication is handled completely on the front-end (and can be done in your iOS client). The front-end app redirects the user to Keycloak and when the user comes back they have a signed "JWT" token you can keep in a cookie.
That JWT token is attached to all API calls made the JSON backend as an Authorization Bearer token HTTP header. The token itself contains the users email address and is cryptographically signed by the Keycloak server.
The backend gets the JWT token in the HTTP header, extracts the email address and verifies the token is cryptographically signed by the keycloak server.
It's performing a certificate check on the keycloak server and can cache it's certificate. So it doesn't need to have roundtrips like OAuth, or any upstream calls to make.
This gives us simple, low-chance-of-failure, high speed authorisation in our JSON backend API and means we aren't putting secrets in the iOS client, or rolling too much of our own code.

Symfony Restful API authentication and OAuth2

I am building a RESTful API application with Symfony2.
The app will consist of two parts.
JavaScript front-end - everything the user will ever be able to see and do will reside here.
Symfony2 back-end API - every resource and data the user will be able to reach from front-end will be served in standard JSON via endpoints.
I have never built a fully RESTful application before. My main concern is how to authenticate users.
I imagine REST authentication like this:
A user enters his credentials in a form generated in the front end, then the request is sent to the server where authentication logic happens and if the user is authenticated, a response with "token" is sent back to user, that he will add that token to every request url or authorization header (I don't know which of these options is preferable).
Then with every request, the server will check if the user token is valid and if the user is authorized to access that data (roles) and if so serves request data. (I don't want to allow users login with Google, Facebook or anything like that. I want my users logging in to other application using my app)
Now this seems quite simple, but then there's OAuth2 that got me confused because I jumped into developing without research. I downloaded FOSOAuthServerBundle and started messing around when I started to get a feeling that something is not right.
What I would like to know is the difference between RESTful authentication and OAuth.
What are the recommendations for implementing the described login mechanism?
You've got it pretty spot on. You use OAuth just for the authentication and all the following requests will have to provide that HTTP-Authorization header. You would need to create your custom authentication provider to handle that. Also use something like FOSRestBundle to create your resources.

RESTful Authentication via spring with username/passwd and token

I'm developing a mobile app, the server side is REST using Spring 3 MVC.
I was trying to integrate Spring Security with it to secure resources. I've read through a lot of material to get information on how to do it. I understand the architecture, however, when it comes to implementation I am still confused.
I referred a SO question; I have the same requirements. I understand the code, however, I am confused about when the first authenticate request comes in; at that time a token will not be present as the part of the header, so the same filter won't work.
So I was wondering how should I implement it. I was thinking of implementing it as follows:
A separate filter that authenticates user using username password from the request
After authentication the filter sets the authentication info in the context
And another filter that works with tokens for authentication for all API URLs
Is this the correct way to implement it?
No need to add another filter. Whatever the authentication result, the system will try to call handler for corresponding mapping, as you have chain.doFilter() outside if(validate_token).
You must tell Spring security that your request /login MUST NOT BE AUTHENTICATED. You can configure it in xml/java config.