Firebase get Provider Tokens - facebook

I am using Firebase for my app. I can successfully authenticate users with facebook and twitter providers. I have added the linking the user accounts. Now a user can authenticate with email and then connect the facebook and twitter providers. But I have a problem in this case.
The scenario is, the user signed in with email. Connect twitter and facebook accounts to original account. Then, try to send a tweet. Right there, twitter login page opens. The user did not know the twitter tokens for twitter provider. I need to get custom tokens from the firebase for facebook and twitter. This way its meaningful to link providers. How can I do that?


Correct way to connect Instagram API

I am trying to connect Instagram to my app. The users will not be able to use the app without connecting to Instagram, therefore I technically need Instagram auth. But Facebook states the following:
Note that Basic Display is not an authentication tool. Data returned by the API cannot be used to authenticate your app users or log them into your app. If your app uses API data to authenticate users, it will be rejected during App Review. If you need an authentication solution, use Facebook Login instead.
So I had to implement a Facebook login. After Facebook login is complete, I am sending the user to Instagram auth window for a second authorization which feels weird for a user.
The other solution that I can think of is the following:
Use Instagram's user_id that is retrieved after Instagram auth and use it to create a custom auth method with Firebase. (I believe this would be rejected at app review)
What is the correct way to achieve this?
Instagram auth:
Firebase custom auth:
NOTE: Facebook login has "instagram_basic" scope but that doesn't allow me to get instagram info or media of normal users (non-business accounts)

Link facebook messenger with facebook login on app

I have a facebook messenger bot that sends a webhook to my web app. People can login to my app via facebook login.
The first user contact is normally with my facebook bot on which they can create a profile. When they make contact I take their facebook id, name, profile pic, etc.
Users can then login with facebook to my web app to enhance their profile.
My problem is facebook uses different scoped ids for messenger and their login.
How can I recognise if a user has already been on my facebook bot if they use my web app, and vice verca.
I think it has something to do with the business mapping api: but I'm struggling to understand how it works.
I am sending a get request using:
GET /me?fields=token_for_business
But the docs do not specify the full url to use. I'm also unsure if you can use this in developer mode.
facebook provides an id-matching api
for the app and pages owned by the same business manager. More informations:

Can I used passport.js to login to Facebook from an app?

I and a friend are developing an app and would like to use Facebook as a way of users having their own accounts without us having to ask them to store passwords or make users for security and ease of use.
Passport.js has a facebook plugin but it talks about a redirect URL so my question is: is it actually possible to just send information like email address and password to facebook for authorisation and return the users profile without actually redirecting the user to a facebook login page.
I don't see how i could redirect the user to a facebook login while inside my app and also what on earth would i put as the callback URL? Am i just trying to use passport-facebook in the wrong way?
is it actually possible to just send information like email address and password to facebook for authorisation
No. Users are strongly discouraged from giving this information to any 3rd party app, and you are not allowed to ask users for them.
Login with username/email and password happens on Facebook, not in your app. You will get feedback from the login endpoint then that they logged in successfully.

Facebook SDK and Parse user auth

I have setup an application to use and the Facebook SDK for user auth.
Is there anyway in Facebook App Center or any where else that I can find the users that setup using Facebook. I can see basic auth information in Parse, but how do I then find the information that is requested from a Facebook user i.e. profile information, email address etc to then email/use?

authenticate blackberry application with facebook account

I am developing an application where user can register themselves by filling up the registration form or login with their facebook account to use the application. But my problem is- how can I hit the login page of facebook and retrieve the userid, token, session key, username etc when user successfully logins to his facebook account and then redirect him back to my application.
I am really confused searching here and there. I have to just authenticate my user with his facebook account and comeback to my application with userid and all the keys.
please help.
Kind Regards,
Apparently Facebook supports OpenID, so use that. A quick google brings up articles such as