Hosting Spring Boot / MongoDB Application in Cloud - mongodb

I will host my Spring Boot/ MongoDB application, developed with Java-8 in the cloud (in Europe and if possible in Germany - a demand of the customer).
I did a research and I really found a lot of possibilities.
The one that I think fits best are
Microsoft Azure and
honestly I dont know how to start. Does anyone know if there is a good tutorial to start - e.g. for installing MongoDB, than for uploading my jar file.
And than I would start my application with java -jar myApp.jar.
Is there a good how to do link?

If you're open to using Kubernetes then you could look at the example of or You could use Azure's AKS as I'm guessing you wouldn't want to spend much time on cluster management. (AWS's EKS offering is still in preview mode at the moment.) If you did go this route you could test on a local cluster with minikube. It sounds like you're looking for a cloud provider but you might instead want to use Kubernetes as a cloud-agnostic orchestrator for your application. (On this you might want to look at Is Kubernetes + Docker + AWS = Azure + Service Fabric? ) This is just a suggestion - you could instead choose to go for something provider-specific e.g. using Azure's CosmosDB


How to deploy a next.js + mongo app to AWS (or any other service like G Cloud)?

I just have some experience developing in JS but almost nothing in devops, and there's a lot of documentation but I don't really know where to start.
I built a next.js app (both frontend and backend) connected to mongo db. They run fine locally using docker-compose. Now I would like to deploy them to aws, also because I need to store on S3 files needed by the application.
What services do I tipically need? should I deploy my app to EC2, or use AWS amplify, or any other service like google cloud for example?
Can I deploy my images just how they are, including mongo, to EC2? Or should I, for example, just deploy next.js and connect it to a managed mongo db, which I suppose is an additional cost.
I know it is a pretty generic question, if you can just point me to the tools I need to manage the whole deploy process then I'll find out how to use them. Currently all the code (including Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml) is on github.
This is probably not the perfect answer since the question is very general and AWS provides a lot of features but I'll give it a go.
For JS app you could use a AWS Elastic Beanstalk which is for setting up web applications easily as it creates all the resources like EC2, load balancers, etc. Since you're new to AWS you can check this service out instead of manually creating EC2. Even if you use AWS Elastic Beanstalk you will still have access to the EC2 and other resources created by AWS Elastic Beanstalk. You'll get exposure to various different services which can help speed up your application.
For images S3 would be a great choice. However, depending on how frequently data is accessed I would look up the different S3 options as well as backup options.
As for your DB, MongoDB would work but you'd need to run it on a EC2 and maintain it yourself. AWS has different managed database option such as DynamoDB in your case but it all depends on the tools you require, budget, etc.

When to not use StatefulSets?

CONTEXT: I have been learning Kubernetes and trying to get some hands-on experience. I have been using AKS to abstract the complexity of having to deal with the control plane (and because I have a free student azure account). I am deploying a NodeJS app that connects to the MongoDB database. So far the deployment has been successful but I am using MongoDB Atlas and connecting to it.
Based on the little I have learned about Stateful sets, the MongoDB Atlas service seems a lot easier and more convenient but my question is, when would it be a better idea to consider deploying a stateful set with MongoDB database? (running on the pod) What's more cost-effective? More easily scalable?
I realize the questions might be a little bit vague but I am just getting started with Kubernetes..
disclaimer: This is not a production application, just something simple I am using to learn K8S
Official docs docs uses statefullset and that would make sense. Generally all DB kind of applications deployed as statefullset. Because there can be states that nodes are not sync with each other and that would create data inconsistencies between nodes(mongodb nodes not kubernetes).
You can deploy MongoDB as deployment. I have seen it deployed. But most clients use a connection string to connect(a string of multiple node addresses). And since kubernetes exposes statefullsets with headless services you should be okay.
For learning purpose, I advice you to deploy your MongoDB in a StatefulSet. Then you can learn how it works and what problem you could encounter with this Kubernetes object.
For production application, I advice to never deploy a database in a StatefulSet if you don't need it. In fact, StatefulSet will come with a lot of problematics that you might not need to manage.
Sometimes, companies rules restrict to host their data on external company storage.
To know if you need to put your database in a StatefulSet, the question I try to answer is:
Should my DB be hosted on premise (for privacy)?
Should my DB be scalable?
Should my DB be updated frequently?
You can find a list of pros/cons on the documentation.

RESTful services and MYSQL deployment in cloud

I have developed RESTful services with Asp.NET, Web API 2.0 and MySQL.
What are my options to deploy this in to the Cloud? I don't want a complete EC2 instance or Azure Virtual Machine.
Are there any cloud platform services where I can only get IIS server and a MYSQL database?
See below for good links on Azure and AWS options. Since you mention IIS, Azure may be your best bet. Keep in mind you should try and keep your API and DB in the same cloud data center to improve performance and reduce cost for ingress and egress.
From an Azure perspective:
Take a look at their MySQL as a service offering (in preview)
And then you can host your code in a couple of ways.
Asp.Net in an App Service
An Azure Function
Using a combination of the above you can leverage PaaS and avoid having to manage your own VMs.
Further, look in to using a consumption plan to pay for only what you use.
From an AWS perspective
Use Amazon RDS (MySQL)
Use Lambda to host your API
Again, here you wont need to manage servers either.

MongoDB Amazon Web Service - Do I actually have it installed?

I really want to use mongoDB as my server backend for my android application/ web app that im hosting on the cloud. I ( think ) I installed it on my instance but Im confused as when I run my app its not showing up.
I ssh'd into my EC2 instance ( I am running Elastic Beanstalk on ssh) and I installed mongoDb and created all my tables and when I exit and ssh back into it the same tables are there however after reading up on it, I think the process is a little more complicated than that and more expensive.
Can anyone tell me if what I did was correct and if there actually a way to get mongoDb for free like this on Elastic Beanstalk? Its for my Computer Science masters.
I have now used Cloud Formation and installed mongo DB but now have no idea how to deploy my app without elastic beanstalk as my app runs on apache.
Thank you
No, keypoints to keep in mind:
When you SSH to your Elastic Beanstalk EC2 instances you can see a big message that says that any change that you make directly to your EC2 instances won't be saved anywhere. What I mean, you don't make ANY changes in your EC2s if you are using Elastic Beanstalk.
AWS has a MongoDB on the AWS Cloud: Quick Start Reference Deployment Guide. This document guides you through the process of installing MongoDB (includes a nice CloudFormation template -and it takes only about 15 mins to be ready-)

Does azure support things like mongodb and redis?

Can you use mongodb and redis/memcached with azure?
I'm guessing no but just want to make sure.
It turns out they do support things other than .net, are they using linux servers then?
You can very easily run mongodb in Windows Azure. I presented this at MongoSV - video here.
EDIT: In December 2011, 10gen published their official MongoDB+Azure code on github. This contains a project for replica-sets, as well as a demo ASP.NET MVC application (taken from the Windows Azure Platform Training Kit) that uses a replica set for its storage.
Standalone servers are straightforward, except you have to deal with scale-out: you can't have multiple instances of a standalone server simultaneously, so you'll need to plan for this: take all but one out of the load balancer, or only launch mongod if you can acquire the Cloud Drive lock.
Replicasets are doable, as I demonstrated at MongoSV. However, I didn't cover the intricacies of graceful shutdown of a replicaset to ensure zero data loss.
You can run memcached as well - see David Aiken's post about this. Note: Now that the AppFabric Cache service is live, you should look into the pros/cons of using that over memcached. Cost-wise, AppFabric Cache should run much less, as you don't have to pay for role instances to host your cache. More info about AppFabric Cache here.
You now also have the option of running Redis in Windows Azure on Linux virtual machines ! In the case of Redis, this would allow you to use the "official" build instead of the "unsupported" Windows build ... For MongoDB, both choices seem equally valid (running on Linux virtual machines, "plain" Windows virtual machines, or using 10gen's package to run on "managed" VMs (Cloud Services).
FYI, there's now a Redis installer for Windows Azure available from MS Open Tech (my team). Here's a tutorial on how to use it:
[UPDATE] Azure now supports MongoDB and Redis.
In the Azure Store you can now select Redis Cloud as an add-on.
Heres the Azure store description:
"Redis Cloud is a fully-managed cloud service for hosting and running Redis in a highly-available and scalable manner, with predictable and stable top performance. Tell us how much memory you need and get started instantly with your new Redis database."
You can access the store by selecting the "New" button in the Azure portal then "Store". I have yet to use it but it looks promising.
Azure now has a first-party Redis service, currently in preview: