Delphi failover needs to reconnect to the database - postgresql

I was trying to implement the failover available here
but if I add a database connection and kill the first server, when I use some of the remote functions or '.open' a TClientDataSet 2 times, it throws an exception and I need to reconnect to the database again.
Expected: '{' found: '-+0-9.' at position: 84
{"result":[{"rows":[0]},{"data":[44,#192#16#0(nabas - (Server 213) pacote36-trafegusgr]}]}#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0
(the error message contains about 23000 of those '#0')
It works if I reconnect but when you have to implement in a system that have hundreds of '.open' and remote method calls it isn't the best option.
And since the error is only thrown the second time I click the button and call the method, it looks like it doesn't need to reconnect, it must be something I'm doing wrong.
Here's the project:
it uses the postgresql connection from devart (DevartPostgreSQL)


How to establish a server with a unix domain socket

I am trying to establish a server with OCaml using a unix domain socket. I tried the following:
let sock_addr = Unix.ADDR_UNIX sock_file_path in
Unix.establish_server server_loop sock_addr;
With sock_file_path being a path to a .sock file.
But I always get one of the following errors:
if the file in sock_file_path doesn't exist, the exception Unix.EPERM is raised (Operation not permitted).
if the file in sock_file_path exists and is just an empty file, the exception Unix.EADDRINUSE is raised (Address already in use).
In both cases, it is the call to bind that raises the exception in Unix.establish_server.
Is there a particular way in which the file needs to be initialized for it to work?

Sails.js + MongoDB when lifting often throw error "`orm` is taking too long to load"

Why the error
`Error: The hook 'orm' is taking too long to load.`
It occurs very often when sails is lifting? Even orm timeout already set to 100000, it still occur sometimes (not always). Usually it happen after PC has been restarted and sails run at first time.
It also often occur at cloud server and my laptop beside my PC. So it occur at my tested environment:
Windows 8.1 (PC and laptop) and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
node.js version 0.10.38
sails version 0.11
MongoDB version 3
The complete error report is like this
error: Error: The hook `orm` is taking too long to load.
Make sure it is triggering its `initialize()` callback, or else set `sails.config.orm._hookTimeout to a higher value (currently 20000)
at [object Object].tooLong [as _onTimeout] (D:\Workspace\Hellowin\cannes\node_modules\sails\lib\app\private\loadHooks.js:92:21)
at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:112:15) { [Error: The hook `orm` is taking too long to load.
Make sure it is triggering its `initialize()` callback, or else set `sails.config.orm._hookTimeout to a higher value (currently 20000)] code: 'E_HOOK_TIMEOUT' }
if (called) throw new Error("Callback was already called.");
Error: Callback was already called.
at D:\Workspace\Hellowin\cannes\node_modules\sails\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:30:31
at process._tickDomainCallback (node.js:492:13)
Is it a MongoDB adapter bug?
I have encountered the same error recently and found syntax error in one of my model. Now it is working fine. SO basically this error occurs because of some error related to the database. you can check your models, connection, etc..

How do I fix server Oops error when deploying Play Framework 2.0 application as a Windows service?

I was following the processes in this very helpful post:
How do I run a Play Framework 2.0 application as a Windows service?
when I ran into trouble in Step 9. When I execute runConsole.bat, the service cycles between the running and restarting states. The full log is here:
but what jumps out at me in the log are the following:
INFO|7268/0|play.core.server.NettyServer|13-12-28 13:07:28|Oops, cannot start the server.
INFO|7268/0|play.core.server.NettyServer|13-12-28 13:07:28|Configuration error: Configuration error[Cannot connect to database [default]]
INFO|7268/0|play.core.server.NettyServer|13-12-28 13:07:28|Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Database may be already in use: "Locked by another process". Possible solutions: close all other connection(s); use the server mode [90020-168]
INFO|wrapper|play.core.server.NettyServer|13-12-28 13:07:28|restart process due to default exit code rule
INFO|wrapper|play.core.server.NettyServer|13-12-28 13:07:28|restart internal RUNNING
INFO|wrapper|play.core.server.NettyServer|13-12-28 13:07:28|stopping process with pid/timeout 7268 45000
INFO|wrapper|play.core.server.NettyServer|13-12-28 13:07:30|process exit code: -1
INFO|7812/1|play.core.server.NettyServer|13-12-28 13:07:45|[error] c.j.b.h.AbstractConnectionHook - Failed to obtain initial connection Sleeping for 0ms and trying again. Attempts left: 0. Exception: null
INFO|7812/1|play.core.server.NettyServer|13-12-28 13:07:45|Oops, cannot start the server.
INFO|7812/1|play.core.server.NettyServer|13-12-28 13:07:45|Configuration error: Configuration error[Cannot connect to database [default]]
repeats several times...
Half way through writing this post, I realized that before step 9., you should terminate the start.bat script which you start up in step 6. When I did this, runConsole.bat would execute normally without all the errors I list above.

Jboss shows error with datasource on startup

On starting jboss I am getting the following error :
ObjectName: jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=DefaultDS
Depends On Me:
And for all database connections in the servlet I get the following exception :
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: password a
uthentication failed for user "poll"
It was working fine and all of a sudden I started getting these errors. My password is correct. I even tried changing the password and then tried again it showed the same exception. What is happening here?
The DefaultDS data source is what the name suggests; the default datasource. It ships with JBoss and is configured to use the Hypersonic (ie in-memory) database. JBoss uses the DefaultDS datasource to read/write internal queues, timed events, etc
Check the file ../conf/standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml to see what you've got configured for the DefaultDS datasource. It sounds like you've edited that file unintentionally. Unless you need to persist internal queues etc across boots, just leave it as shipped using Hypersonic.
See the JBoss doc for more.

EF4 EntityException - The underlying provider failed on Open

Okay, this is a new one. I'm trying to debug my project, which I've done many times in the past, and I'm now getting this exception in one of my repositories. I haven't seen it before now. I haven't touched my repos in days, and my connection string is the same as its always been. The inner exception states:
{"A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"}
And the code it's choking on is:
public class HGArticleRepository : IArticleRepository
private HGEntities _siteDB = new HGEntities();
public List<Article> Articles
get { return _siteDB.Articles.ToList(); } // <-- this is the line
// more repo code
Again, like I said, I've never encountered this exception before, and I haven't touched my domain code in days.
This error usually means:
Connection String points to nonexistent SQL Server.
Connection String points to SQL Server that was shut down. Or not started.
Named pipes transport was disabled in SQL Server settings.
Check them carefully one by one. In your case I guess it is 2.
A second option of solution:
Review that IIS is running.
In my case it was stopped, so I got the same error.