I would like to proof some properties of sets on Inox/Welder but I'm lacking examples that help me to figure out how to do so. Say I want to proof:
content(y::xs).contains(x) && x != y ==> content(xs).contains(x)
I define the property:
def property(xs: Expr) =
forall("x"::A,"y"::A){case (x,y)
content(ConsA(y,xs)).contains(x) && x !== y ==> content(xs).contains(x)
But it turns out that this property will not compile because it is not well formulated (apparently the wrong parts are .contains, &&, !==...)
So, what is the right way to formulate the property?. Here I'm assuming I have a content function defined as:
val contentFunction = mkFunDef(contentID)("A") { case Seq(aT) => (
Seq("l" :: T(list)(aT)), SetType(aT), { case Seq(l) =>
if_ (l.isInstOf(T(cons)(aT))) {
SetAdd(E(contentID)(aT)(l.asInstOf(T(cons)(aT)).getField(tail)), l.asInstOf(T(cons)(aT)).getField(head))
} else_ {
FiniteSet(Seq.empty, aT)
Regarding the proof part imagine I'm given the function:
def without(x: A, xs: List[A]) = xs match{
case Nil() => Nil()
case y :: ys if(x == y) => without(x,ys)
case y :: ys if(x != y) => y :: without(x,ys)
that should remove x from list xs and say I want to proof that
content(without(x,l)) == content(l) -- Set(x)
Can you give a sketch of how to do it? Should I be using the BuiltInNames such as SetDifference?
Compilation Error
The compilation error you are seeing might come from the missing arrow after the case in your formulation of the property. Also, be sure to use the right identifier for content.
def property(xs: Expr) =
forall("x"::A,"y"::A) { case (x,y) =>
contentID(ConsA(y,xs)).contains(x) && x !== y ==> contentID(xs).contains(x)
Otherwise, the property looks correctly encoded using the Inox DSL.
Proof of Property
Regarding the proof itself, it don't think the without function is entirely necessary. The proof should go smoothly by structural induction on the list xs.
structuralInduction(property(_), "xs" :: T(List)(A)) { case (ihs, goal) =>
ihs.expression match {
case C(`Cons`, head, tail) => // Your case for Cons here.
case C(`Nil`) => // Your case for Nil here.
The ListAndTrees showcases many such proofs.
Regarding the BuiltInNames class, it is used in the parser of Inox expressions that is currently being developed within Welder. This very likely will be put in a separate project very soon.
This parser is used within Welder so that you can write Inox expressions using a somewhat friendlier syntax. For instance, your property could be stated as:
def property(xs: Expr) =
e"forall x, y. contains(content(Cons(y, $xs)), x) && x != y ==> contains(content($xs), x)"
Inox Expressions
One last point. If you are looking for an exhaustive list of the different constructs available in Inox, have a look at the Expressions file in Inox.
What is a good way( read better readability) to filter a list of tuples. I'm using
But this does not feel readable.
Not sure how much better but you can use collect:
tupleList.collect { case (true, x) => x }
and of course give x some meaningful name. If the first element is not a boolean you can even do something like:
tupleList.collect { case (x, y) if (cond) => y}
and give x and y meaningful names
Using the equivalent with partial functions can also help:
tupleList.filter { case (_, snd) => snd }
.map { case (fst, _) => fst }
This should improve significantly when Dotty arrives with tuple unpacking.
Title says it all, really; iterating over collection while preserving state between loops and finishing iteration based on termination condition in addition to simply running out of elements may be the most common pattern to accomplish anything in imperative programming. It seems to me however like it's something functional gentleprogrammers agreed to not talk about, or at least I never encountered an idiom for it or a semi-standarized name such as with map, fold, reduce, etc.
I often use the followinig code in scala:
implicit class FoldWhile[T](private val items :Iterable[T]) extends AnyVal {
def foldWhile[A](start :A)(until :A=>Boolean)(op :(A, T)=>A) :A = {
if (until(start)) start
else {
var accumulator = start
items.find{ e => accumulator = op(accumulator, e); until(accumulator) }
But it's ugly. Whenever I try a more declarative approach, I come with even longer and almost surely slower code, akin to:
Iterator.iterate((start, items.iterator)){
case (acc, i) if until(acc) => (acc, i)
case (acc, i) if i.hasNext => (op(acc, i.next()), i)
case x => x
}.dropWhile {
case (acc, i) => !until(acc) && i.hasNext
(A more functional variant would use Lists or Streams, but iterators have arguably lesser overhead than converting items to a Stream, as default implementation for the latter uses an iterator underneath anyway).
My questions are:
1) Does this concept have a name in functional programming, and if so, what is the pattern associated with its implementation?
2) What would be the best (i.e. concise, generic, lazy, and with least overhead) way to implememnt it in scala?
This is frowned upon by scala purists, but you can use a return statement like this:
def foldWhile[A](zero: A)(until:A => Boolean)(op: (A,T) => A): A = items.fold(zero) {
case (a, b) if until(a) => return a
case (a,b) => op(a, b)
Or, if you are one of those frowning, and would like a purely functional solution without dirty imperative tricks, you can use something lazy, like an iterator or a stream:
.toStream // or .iterator - it doesn't really matter much in this case
The functional way of doing such things is via Tail Recursion:
implicit class FoldWhile[T](val items: Iterable[T]) extends AnyVal {
def foldWhile[A](zero: A)(until: A => Boolean)(op: (A, T) => A): A = {
#tailrec def loop(acc: A, remaining: Iterable[T]): A =
if (remaining.isEmpty || !until(acc)) acc else loop(op(acc, remaining.head), remaining.tail)
loop(zero, items)
Using recursion you can decide at each step if you want to proceed or not without using break and without any overhead, because tail recursions are converted to iterations from the compiler.
Also, pattern matching is often used to decompose sequences. For example, if you had a List you could do:
implicit class FoldWhile[T](val items: List[T]) extends AnyVal {
def foldWhile[A](zero: A)(until: A => Boolean)(op: (A, T) => A): A = {
#tailrec def loop(acc: A, remaining: List[T]): A = remaining match {
case Nil => acc
case _ if !until(acc) => acc
case h :: t => loop(op(acc, h), t)
loop(zero, items)
Scala has the #scala.annotation.tailrec annotation to force compilation to fail if the function you're annotating is not tail recursive. I suggest you use it as much as you can because it helps both to avoid errors and document the code.
The functional name for this is an Iteratee.
There are a bunch of references about this, but it's probably better to start from where the design ended up by reading the Pipes Tutorial and only if you're interested working backwards from there to see how it came from an early terminating left fold.
A right fold, when done lazily, can do early termination. In Haskell, for example, you can write the find function (return first element of list that satisfies predicate) with foldr:
find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
find p = foldr (\a r -> if p a then Just a else r) Nothing
-- For reference:
foldr :: (a -> r -> r) -> r -> [a] -> r
foldr _ z [] = []
foldr f z (a:as) = f a (foldr f z as)
What happens when you try, say, find even [1..]? (Note that this is an infinite list!)
find even [1..]
= foldr (\a r -> if even a then Just a else r) Nothing [1..]
= if even 1
then Just 1
else foldr (\a r -> if even a then Just a else r) Nothing ([2..])
= if False
then Just 1
else foldr (\a r -> if even a then Just a else r) Nothing ([2..])
= foldr (\a r -> if even a then Just a else r) Nothing ([2..])
= if even 2
then Just 2
else foldr (\a r -> if even a then Just a else r) Nothing ([3..])
= if True
then Just 2
else foldr (\a r -> if even a then Just a else r) Nothing ([3..])
= Just 2
Laziness means that the function that we fold with (\a r -> if even a then Just a else r) gets to decide whether to force the r argument—the one whose evaluation requires us to recurse down the list—at all. So when even 2 evaluates to True, we pick the branch of the if ... then ... else ... that discards the result computed off the tail of the list—which means we never evaluate it. (It also runs in constant space as well. While programmers in eager functional languages learn to avoid foldr because of space and termination issues, those aren't always true in lazy languages!)
This of course hinges on the fact that Haskell is lazily evaluated, but it should nevertheless be possible to simulate this in an eager language like Scala—I do know it has a lazy val feature that might be usable for this. It looks like you'd need to write a lazyFold function that does a right fold, but the recursion happens inside a lazy value. You might still have problems with space usage, though.
val col: IndexedSeq[Array[Char]] = for (i <- 1 to n) yield {
val x = for (j <- 1 to m) yield 'x'
This is a fairly simple char matrix. toArray used to allow updating.
var west = last.x - 1
while (west >= 0 && arr(last.y)(west) == '.') {
arr(last.y)(west) = ch;
west -= 1;
This is updating all . to ch until a non-dot char is found.
Generically, update until stop condition is met, unknown number of steps.
What is the idiomatic equivalent of it?
It's doable, but the trade-off isn't worth it, a lot of performance is lost to expressive syntax when the collection allows updating.
Your wish for a "cleaner, more idiomatic" solution is of course a little fuzzy, because it leaves a lot of room for subjectivity. In general, I'd consider a tail-recursive updating routine more idiomatic, but it might not be "cleaner" if you're more familiar with a non-functional programming style. I came up with this:
def update(arr:List[Char], replace:Char, replacement:Char, result:List[Char] = Nil):List[Char] = arr match {
case `replace` :: tail =>
update(tail, replace, replacement, replacement :: result)
case _ => result.reverse ::: arr
This takes one of the inner sequences (assuming a List for easier pattern matching, since Arrays are trivially convertible to lists), and replaces the replace char with the replacement recursively.
You can then use map to update the outer sequence, like so:
col.map { x => update(x, '.', ch) }
Another more reusable alternative is writing your own mapUntil, or using one which is implemented in a supplemental library (Scalaz probably has something like it). The one I came up with looks like this:
def mapUntil[T](input:List[T])(f:(T => Option[T])) = {
def inner(xs:List[T], result:List[T]):List[T] = xs match {
case Nil => Nil
case head :: tail => f(head) match {
case None => (head :: result).reverse ::: tail
case Some(x) => inner(tail, x :: result)
inner(input, Nil)
It does the same as a regular map invocation, except that it stops as soon as the passed function returns None, e.g.
mapUntil(List(1,2,3,4)) {
case x if x >= 3 => None
case x => Some(x-1)
Will result in
List[Int] = List(0, 1, 3, 4)
If you want to look at Scalaz, this answer might be a good place to start.
x3ro's answer is the right answer, esp. if you care about performance or are going to be using this operation in multiple places. I would like to add simple solution using only what you find in the collections API:
col.map { a =>
val (l, r) = a.span(_ == '.')
l.map {
case '.' => ch
case x => x
} ++ r
I'd like to be able to use a single variable multiple times within one pattern, so that it will only match if the same value is present in all places, such as
list match {
case x :: x :: xs => // recurse
which would match List(1,1,2) but would not match List(1,2,1). But this does not compile with error: x is already defined as value x.
In researching this question, I found out that I can also include a guard in the case clause, so I can do
list match {
case x1 :: x2 :: xs if x1==x2 => // recurse
which seems to work the same way (it does, right?). This is good, but it wouldn't look as clean if I wanted the same value in many places, like
list match {
case x1::x2::x3::x4::xs if x1==x2 && x2==x3 && x3==x4 => // recurse
Is there any more elegant way I can do this?
A few notes: Yes, I am just learning scala, if that wasn't clear, so I'm not sure this is something I'd ever really want to do, but I'm just interested in what's possible. In that regard, I'm not really looking for a completely different solution, like takeWhile or filter or something, but more so am specifically interested in pattern matching.
Scala doesn't provide quite that much flexibility with its matches (which may be a good thing, as one has to be aware of errors arising from unintentional variable re-use).
If you have a large number of identical items, you might want to consider a nested match (but note that you won't fail out of the inner match to be completed later down the outer match, so you have to handle everything locally):
list match {
case x :: rest => rest match {
case `x` :: `x` :: `x` :: xs => println("Four of the same")
case _ => println("Well, nonempty at least")
case _ => println("Boring, there's nothing here!")
Note the backticks which mean "we've already got this variable, check against it, don't set it!".
Alternatively, if you have specialized functionality that you use repeatedly, you can create a custom matcher:
object FourOf {
def unapplySeq(xs: List[Int]): Option[(Int, List[Int])] = xs match {
case x :: y :: z :: a :: rest if x==y && y==z && z==a => Some((x,rest))
case _ => None
and then use it whenever you need that complicated pattern:
list match {
case FourOf(x,rest) => println("four of the same")
case x :: more => println("Nonempty")
case _ => println("Yawn")
Neither of these are quite as tidy and flexible as what you were apparently hoping for, but then again, I'm not sure flipping between assigning and testing the same variable in a match statement is a good way to write clear code anyway.
For many repeats you might use stable identifiers to do a comparison (instead of catching a value):
val x = list.head
list match {
case `x`::`x`::`x`::`x`::xs => ....
But note that this won't work on empty list (you just cannot get head of it).
I think Rex's answer rocks. I am a fan of unapplySeq. But here's a not-so-clever-and-maybe-wasteful alternative, if your main bother is just with the sequence of =='s in each guard.
So in the TMTOWTDI spirit:
def same[A](xs: A*) = xs forall (xs.head==)
// Then in your pattern match,
list match {
// case x1::x2::x3::x4::xs if x1==x2 && x2==x3 && x3==x4 => // recurse
case x1::x2::x3::x4::xs if same(x1,x2,x3,x4) => // recurse
I like Om's answer as well, so here's an adaptation:
list.headOption map (x => list match {
case `x`::`x`::`x`::`x`::xs => //...;
case _ => // ...
}) getOrElse {
// do what you'd have done for an empty list...
Suppose I have two Options and, if both are Some, execute one code path, and if note, execute another. I'd like to do something like
for (x <- xMaybe; y <- yMaybe) {
// do something
else {
// either x or y were None, handle this
Outside of if statements or pattern matching (which might not scale if I had more than two options), is there a better way of handling this?
Very close to your syntax proposal by using yield to wrap the for output in an Option:
val result = {
for (x <- xMaybe; y <- yMaybe) yield {
// do something
} getOrElse {
// either x or y were None, handle this
The getOrElse block is executed only if one or both options are None.
You could pattern match both Options at the same time:
(xMaybe, yMaybe) match {
case (Some(x), Some(y)) => "x and y are there"
case _ => "x and/or y were None"
The traverse function in Scalaz generalises your problem here. It takes two arguments:
A => F[B]
and returns F[T[B]]. The T is any traversable data structure such as List and the F is any applicative functor such as Option. Therefore, to specialise, your desired function has this type:
List[Option[A]] => (A => Option[B]) => Option[List[B]]
So put all your Option values in a List
val z = List(xMaybe, yMaybe)
Construct the function got however you want to collection the results:
val f: X => Option[Y] = ...
and call traverse
val r = z traverse f
This programming patterns occurs very often. It has a paper that talks all about it, The Essence of the Iterator Pattern.
note: I just wanted to fix the URL but the CLEVER edit help tells me I need to change at least 6 characters so I include this useful link too (scala examples):
Why would something like this not work?
val opts = List[Option[Int]](Some(1), None, Some(2))
if (opts contains None) {
// Has a None
} else {
// Launch the missiles
val values = opts.map(_.get) // We know that there is no None in the list so get will not throw
If you don't know the number of values you are dealing with, then Tony's answer is the best. If you do know the number of values you are dealing with then I would suggest using an applicative functor.
((xMaybe |#| yMaybe) { (x, y) => /* do something */ }).getOrElse(/* something else */)
You said you want the solution to be scalable:
val optional = List(Some(4), Some(3), None)
if(optional forall {_.isDefined}) {
//All defined
} else {
//At least one not defined
EDIT: Just saw that Emil Ivanov's solution is a bit more elegant.
Starting Scala 2.13, we can alternatively use Option#zip which concatenates two options to Some tuple of their values if both options are defined or else None:
opt1 zip opt2 match {
case Some((x, y)) => "x and y are there"
case None => "x and/or y were None"
Or with Option#fold:
(opt1 zip opt2).fold("x and/or y were None"){ case (x, y) => "x and y are there" }
For scaling to many options, try something along these lines:
def runIfAllSome[A](func:(A)=>Unit, opts:Option[A]*) = {
if(opts.find((o)=>o==None) == None) for(opt<-opts) func(opt.get)
With this, you can do:
scala> def fun(i:Int) = println(i)
fun: (i: Int)Unit
scala> runIfAllSome(fun, Some(1), Some(2))
scala> runIfAllSome(fun, None, Some(1))
I think the key point here is to think in term of types as what you want to do. As I understand it you want to iterate over a list of Option pairs and then do something based on a certain condition. So the interesting bit of your question would be , what would the return type look like you would except? I think it would look something like this: Either[List[Option], List [Option,Option]] . on the error side (left) you would accumulate the option which was paired with a None (and was left alone so to speak) . On the right side you sum the non empty options which represent your successful values. So we would just need a function which does exactly that. Validate each pair and accumulate it according to it's result( success - failure) . I hope this helps , if not please explain in more detail your usecase. Some links to implement what I described : http://applicative-errors-scala.googlecode.com/svn/artifacts/0.6/pdf/index.pdf and : http://blog.tmorris.net/automated-validation-with-applicatives-and-semigroups-for-sanjiv/