Does the kube-apiserver expect the presence of kube-proxy? - kubernetes

I've been running my kubernetes masters separate from my kubernetes nodes. So I have kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler and kube-controllermanager running on a server without kubelet, kube-proxy or flannel.
So far this has worked perfectly. However, today I attempted to set up the Web UI and access it through an API server. I got the the following error when accessing http://kube-master-0:8080/ui:
Error: 'dial tcp getsockopt: connection timed out'
Trying to reach: ''
This suggests to me that the API server is trying to connect to the pod IP, as we don't have flannel or kube-proxy running on this host, the IP will not be routed.
Am I expected to run kube-proxy and flannel on my API servers? Is there another way to let the API server proxy the UI?

It's not required, but it will certainly make your life easier.
The reason this isn't working is because kube-proxy isn't directing traffic to the service. Try kube-node:8080/ui (assuming you have exposed it as with NodePort configuration

In theory, Kube apiserver does not expect the presence of kube-proxy.
This means kube apiserver will run correctly, receives requests and handles them(mostly reads from and writes to etcd).
But if you want the whole cluster working, you will need other components running, for example:
if you want pods or deployments to be scheduled, kube-scheduler should be running
if you want pods and containers be running in nodes, kubelet has to be running
if you want replications can be guarded, controller-manager should be runing
As for kube-proxy and flannel, they are critical parts to make sure networking is working. Load Balance, service, across-hosts pod communication etc all depends on them.


Deploying a stateless Go app with Redis on Kubernetes

I had deploy a stateless Go web app with Redis on Kubernetes. Redis pod is running fine but the main issue with application pod and getting error dial tcp: i/o timeout in log. Thank you!!
Please take look: aks-vm-timeout.
Make sure that the default network security group isn't modified and that both port 22 and 9000 are open for connection to the API server. Check whether the tunnelfront pod is running in the kube-system namespace using the kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system command.
If it isn't, force deletion of the pod and it will restart.
Also make sure if Redis port is open.
More info about troubleshooting: dial-backend-troubleshooting.
Answering on your question about tunnelfront:
tunnelfront is an AKS system component that's installed on every cluster that helps to facilitate secure communication from your hosted Kubernetes control plane and your nodes. It's needed for certain operations like kubectl exec, and will be redeployed to your cluster on version upgrades.
Speaking about VM:
I would SSH into the it and start watching the disk IO latency using bpf / bcc tools and the docker / kubelet logs.

How do we debug networking issues within istio pods?

I am working on setting up istio in my kubernetes cluster.
I downloaded istio-1.4.2 and installed demo profile and did manual sidecar injection.
But when I check sidecar pod logs, I am getting the below error.
2019-12-26T08:54:17.694727Z error Failed to list *v1beta1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
It seems to be the networking issue, but could you please let me know what it is trying to do exactly?
Is there a way to get more logs than just 'connection refused'?
How do we verify networking issues between istio pods. It seems I cannot run 'wget', 'curl', 'tcpdump', 'netstat' etc within istio sidecar pod to debug further.
All the pods in kube-system namespace are working fine.
Check what port your API Server is serving https traffic(controlled by this flag --secure-port int Default: 6443). It may be 6443 instead of 443.
Check what is the value of server in your kubeconfig and are you able to connect to your kubernetes via kubectl using that kubeconfig.
Another thing to check is whether you have network policy attached to the namespace which blocks egress traffic.
And you could use an ephemeral container to debug issue with the sidecar

Kubernetes nginx ingress controller returns 504 error

Our on-premise Kubernetes/Kubespray cluster has suddenly stopped routing traffic between the nginx-ingress and node port services. All external requests to the ingress endpoint return a "504 - gateway timeout" error.
How do I diagnose what has broken?
I've confirmed that the containers/pods are running, the node application has started and if I exec into the pod then I can run a local curl command and get a response from the app.
I've checked the logs on the ingress pods and traffic is arriving and nginx is trying to forward the traffic on to the service endpoint/node port but it is reporting an error.
I've also tried to curl directly to the node via the node port but I get no response.
I've looked at the ipvs configuration and the settings look valid (e.g. there are rules for the node to forward traffic on the node port the service endpoint address/port)
We couldn't resolve this issue and, in the end, the only workaround was to uninstall and reinstall the cluster.
I was getting this because the nginx ingress controller pod was running out of memory, I just increased the memory for the pod and it worked.
I was facing a similar issue and the simple fix was to increase the values for the K8S_CPU_LIMIT and K8S_MEMORY_LIMIT for the application pods running on the cluster.

Why go-micro Kubernetes plugin requires to register the pod to registry?

I have a question regarding how to use go-micro with Kubernetes. AFAIK, Kubernetes already has kube-dns for service discovery and kube-proxy with Service abstraction to expose the pods.
Is it possible to use go-micro, but skip the kubernetes go-micro plugin to register itself to the Kubernetes API server?
Because I am not sure why it is necessary in first place. The fact is that kubelet will do that for us automatically (by livenessProbe and readinessProbe check, it can then determine pod is healthy or not), by only including the healthy pod to the endpoint of service.
I am asking the question because we're also using istio-proxy. We got micro-services errors whenever the pod is starting, due to istio-proxy is not yet ready to route the traffic (even the traffic to kube api, since it intercepts the egress traffic from our main container (it uses the go-micro Kubernetes plugin)).
2018/10/17 04:37:55 Can't create server! reason: Patch
dial tcp connect: connection refused
It then causes the main container (go-micro kube plugin app) in the crashloopback multiple times, until the istio-proxy is ready. This is not a big issue, but it troubles my mind about the motivation behind the registration thing.

Kubernetes Load balancing among pods

I made a deployment and scaled out to 2 replicas.
And I made a service to forward it.
I found that kube-proxy uses iptables for forwarding from Service to Pod.
But I am confused that which one is actually responsible for load-balancing.
Service or Kube-proxy?
Actually it's iptables that's responsible for load-balancing.
At the beginning, you setup a service. At the same time, kube-proxy is watching at the apiserver to get the new service, and setup iptables rules. last, when somebody try to access the service ip, iptables fowarding the request to actual pod ip according to the rules.