Printing content of ARRAY inside hash - perl

how do I print a content of an array inside the hash? I am using Dumper so you can see the data that I am parsing.
print Dumper \%loginusers;
for my $key ( keys %loginusers ) {
my $value = $loginusers{$key};
print "$key => $value\n";
printf "%s %-32s %-18s\n","User","Hostname","Since";
The output is
$VAR1 = {
'' => [
', 'user=user1
' 'since=2017-03-10 13:53:27
}; => ARRAY(0x1584748)
User Hostname Since
As you can see there is an ARRAY(0x1584748) and I don't know how to get that value inside from the hash.
What I would like to see is something like:
User Hostname Since
user1 2017-03-10 13:53:27
Thank you very much for someone that can help.
So after trying this to see the data how it looks:
foreach my $key (keys %loginusers)
print "For $key:\n";
print "\t|$_|\n" for #{$loginusers{$key}};
The output looks like this:
| |user=user1
| |since=2017-03-10 13:53:27
tried the add these on the code:
foreach my $key (keys %loginusers)
my #fields =
map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*\Z//; s/\s*\n\s*/ /g; $_ }
grep { /\S/ }
print "For $key:\n";
print "$_\n" for #fields;
And using the both sample code:
printf "%-8s %-32s %s\n", qw(User Hostname Since);
foreach my $key (keys %loginusers)
my %field = map { /\s*(.*?)=\s*(.*)/ } #{$loginusers{$key}};
my ($host, $rgsender, $port) = split /:/, $key;
printf "%-8s %-32s %s\n", $field{user}, $host, $field{since};
my $newusers;
for my $host ( keys %loginusers ) {
local $/ = "\r\n"; #localised "input record separator" for the "chomp"
%{$newusers->{$host}} = map { chomp; split /=/,$_,2 } #{$loginusers{$host}};
undef %loginusers; #not needed anymore
#print "NEW STRUCTURE: ", Dumper $newusers;
printline( qw(User Hostname Since) );
printline($newusers->{$_}{user}, $_, $newusers->{$_}{since}) for (keys %$newusers);
sub printline { printf "%-8s %-32s %-18s\n", #_; }
and here is the results:
User Hostname Since
user1 2017-03-10 13:53:27
User Hostname Since
user1 2017-03-10 13:53:27

A hash value is a scalar, and it can take a reference. This is how we build complex data structures. Yours apparently have arrayrefs, so you need to dereference them. Something like
foreach my $key (keys %hash) {
say "$key => #{$hash{key}}";
See the tutorial perlretut and the cookbook on data structures perldsc.
The strange output from Dumper indicates that there may be leading/trailing spaces around values (or worse), which need be cleaned out. Until this is clarified I'll assume data like
'' => ['user=user1', 'since=2017-03-10 13:53:27']
In order to get the desired output you need to split each element
printf "%-8s %-32s %s\n", qw(User Hostname Since);
foreach my $key (keys %hash)
my ($user, $since) = map { /=\s*(.*)/ } #{$hash{$key}};
printf "%-8s %-32s %s\n", $user, $key, $since;
For each value, we dereference it and pass that through map. The code in maps block, that is applied to each element, pulls what is after =. Given the data, the first one is the user and the second one is timestamp. Since this is an array (and not a hash) I assume that the order is fixed. If not, get strings from both sides of = and analyze them to see which one goes where. Or better use a hash
my %field = map { /\s*(.*?)=\s*(.*)/ } #{$hash{$key}};
where .*? is the non-greedy version of .*, capturing until the first =. Then print as
printf "%-8s %-32s %s\n", $field{user}, $key, $field{since};
and you don't rely on the order in the arrayref. See the answer by jm666 for a nice and consistent approach building this from the beginning.
With the hash shown above this prints
User Hostname Since
user1 2017-03-10 13:53:27
I've used 8 and 32 widths based on shown data. For more precision, there are modules for tabular output. If you do it by hand you need to pre-process and find the longest word for each column among keys and/or values, and then use those lengths in the second pass with printf.
It appears that Dumper is getting confused by strange data. To see what we have do
foreach my $key (keys %loginusers)
print "For $key:\n";
print "\t|$_|\n" for #{$loginusers{$key}};
To clean up the data you can try
foreach my $key (keys %loginusers)
my #fields =
map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; s/\s*\R\s*/ /g; $_ }
grep { /\S/ }
print "For $key:\n";
print "$_\n" for #fields;
The grep takes an input list and filters out those elements for which the code inside its block evaluates false. Here we require at least one non-space character. Then its output goes into map, which removes all leading and trailing whitespace, and replaces all newlines with spaces.

The your data-structure isn't very nice. I would convert it to some better, using:
#convert to better structure
my $newusers;
for my $host ( keys %loginusers ) {
%{$newusers->{$host}} = map { chomp; split /=/,$_,2 } #{$loginusers{$host}};
undef %loginusers; #the old not needed anymore
print "NEW STRUCTURE: ", Dumper $newusers;
The dump now looks like:
'' => {
'user' => 'user1',
'since' => '2017-03-10 13:53:27'
after the above the printing is simple:
printline( qw(User Hostname Since) );
printline($newusers->{$_}{user}, $_, $newusers->{$_}{since}) for (keys %$newusers);
sub printline { printf "%-8s %-32s %-18s\n", #_; }
For the explanation read #zdim's excellent answer (and accept his answer :))
full code
use 5.014;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my %loginusers = (
'' => [
"user=user1\r\n", # you probably have the \r too
"since=2017-03-10 13:53:27\r\n",
say "OLD STRUCTURE: ", Dumper \%loginusers;
#convert to better structure
my $newusers;
for my $host ( keys %loginusers ) {
%{$newusers->{$host}} = map { s/[\r\n]//g; split /=/, $_, 2 } #{$loginusers{$host}}; #removes all \r and \n
undef %loginusers; #not needed anymore
say "NEW STRUCTURE: ", Dumper $newusers;
printline( qw(User Hostname Since) );
printline($newusers->{$_}{user}, $_, $newusers->{$_}{since}) for (keys %$newusers);
sub printline { printf "%-8s %-32s %-18s\n", #_; }
'' => [
'since=2017-03-10 13:53:27
'' => {
'user' => 'user1',
'since' => '2017-03-10 13:53:27'
User Hostname Since
user1 2017-03-10 13:53:27
You probably have the \r in your data too. See the updated code.


Hash adding value without assignment [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Hash in Perl adds key if it does not exist
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I've got a script which contains 2 hashes and while printing out the contents I'm finding that the script is assigning a value to the 2nd hash without me doing it. I read through the 1st hash, then the 2nd, and then read through the entire 2nd hash after. It should only contain 1 entry in hash2, but it now contains 2 entries. How is the value James in hash2 getting assigned here?
my %hash1 = ();
my %hash2 = ();
$hash1{"James"}{"1 Main Street"}++;
$hash1{"John"}{"2 Elm Street"}++;
$hash2{"John"}{"3 Oak Street"}++;
foreach my $name (keys %hash1) {
print "Hash1 Name $name\n";
foreach my $address (keys %{$hash1{$name}}) {
print "Hash1 Address $address\n";
foreach my $address (keys %{$hash2{$name}}) {
print "Hash2 Address $address\n";
print "\n";
foreach my $name (keys %hash2) {
print "Hash2 Name $name\n";
foreach my $address (keys %{$hash2{$name}}) {
print "Hash2 Address $address\n";
output looks like this:
Hash1 Name James
Hash1 Address 1 Main Street
Hash1 Name John
Hash1 Address 2 Elm Street
Hash2 Address 3 Oak Street
Hash2 Name James
Hash2 Name John
Hash2 Address 3 Oak Street
The second value is being created when you are trying to read non-existan key from hash 2.
my %hash1 = ();
my %hash2 = ();
$hash1{"James"}{"1 Main Street"}++;
$hash1{"John"}{"2 Elm Street"}++;
$hash2{"John"}{"3 Oak Street"}++;
foreach my $name (keys %hash1) {
print "Hash1 Name $name\n";
foreach my $address (keys %{$hash1{$name}}) {
print "Hash1 Address $address\n";
next unless exists $hash2{$name}; # check if the key exists in second hash before trying to use the key in $hash2
foreach my $address (keys %{$hash2{$name}}) { #second value gets created here
print "Hash2 Address $address\n";
print "\n";
foreach my $name (keys %hash2) {
print "Hash2 Name $name\n";
foreach my $address (keys %{$hash2{$name}}) {
print "Hash2 Address $address\n";
When you used an undefined value as if it's a reference, Perl makes the reference sort that you wanted then tries to perform the operation. This is called "auto-vivification".
Here's a small demonstration. A variable starts out as undefined. You then treat it as an array reference (the dereference to get the 0th element):
use Data::Dumper;
my $empty;
print Dumper( $empty );
my $value = $empty->[0];
print Dumper( $empty );
Perl converts $empty to an array reference then tries to get the 0th element from that. You are left with an array reference where you formerly had undef:
$VAR1 = undef;
$VAR1 = [];
This is intended behavior.
Take it one step further. Put that undef inside an array and treat that element as if it's an array reference:
use Data::Dumper;
my #array = ( 1, undef, 'red' );
print Dumper( \#array );
my $value = $array[1]->[0];
print Dumper( \#array );
Now the second element is an empty array reference:
$VAR1 = [
$VAR1 = [
Take it another step further. Don't store the undef value. Instead, access an array position past the last item in the array:
use Data::Dumper;
my #array = ( 1, 'red' );
print Dumper( \#array );
my $value = $array[2]->[0];
print Dumper( \#array );
Now you get an array reference element in your array. It's one element longer now:
$VAR1 = [
$VAR1 = [
Had you gone further out (say, element 5), the interstitial elements up to the element you wanted would have been "filled in" with undef:
use Data::Dumper;
my #array = ( 1, 'red' );
print Dumper( \#array );
my $value = $array[5]->[0];
print Dumper( \#array );
$VAR1 = [
$VAR1 = [
A hash works the same way, and that's what you are seeing. When you want to check if there is a second-level key under James, Perl needs to create the James key and give it an empty hash ref value to it can check that. That second-level key is not there, but the first-level key of 'James' sticks around:
use Data::Dumper;
my %hash = (
John => { Jay => '137' },
print Dumper( \%hash );
if( exists $hash{James}{Jay} ) {
print $hash{James}{Jay};
print Dumper( \%hash );
Now you see an extra key:
$VAR1 = {
'John' => {
'Jay' => '137'
$VAR1 = {
'James' => {},
'John' => {
'Jay' => '137'
In this case, you don't like this feature, but you can turn it off with the no autovivification pragma. It's a CPAN module that you need to install first:
no autovivification;
use Data::Dumper;
my %hash = (
John => { Jay => '137' },
print Dumper( \%hash );
if( exists $hash{James}{Jay} ) {
print $hash{James}{Jay};
print Dumper( \%hash );
You don't get the extra key:
$VAR1 = {
'John' => {
'Jay' => '137'
$VAR1 = {
'John' => {
'Jay' => '137'
You might also like to read How can I check if a key exists in a deep Perl hash?. I show a method that allows you to inspect a nested hash without creating intermediate levels.

How to use refernce concept and access element of subroutine argument using Perl?

I am writing a code for calling a subroutine which has 4 argument(3 hashes and one file handler).i want to know how to access them in subroutine.My code is as below.
#print OUTFILE "Content of TPC file:.\n";
my $DATA_INFO = $ARGV[0];
my $OUT_DIR = $ARGV[1];
my $log= "$OUT_DIR/log1";
require "$DATA_INFO";
require "$SCRIPT_DIR/";
require "$SCRIPT_DIR/";
require "$SCRIPT_DIR/";
print "\nComparing data:\n\n" ;
print "\n Comparison done:\n";
foreach $pattern (keys %status) {
print "pattern";
foreach $attr (keys %{$status{$pattern}}) {
print ",$attr";
print "\n";
#Print Data
foreach $pattern (keys %status) {
print "$pattern";
foreach $attr (keys %{$status{$pattern}}) {
print ",$status{$pattern}{$attr}";
print "\n";
Sub routine cmp_fault is here:
sub cmp_fault {
use strict;
use warning;
$data_ref= $_[0];;
$VAR1_ref= $_[1];
$status_ref = $_[2];
# print LOG1"For TPC : First find the pattern and then its fault type\n";
for $pat ( keys %$data_ref ) {
print "fgh:\n$pat,";
for $key (keys %{$data_ref{$pat}}) {
print LOG1 "$key:$data_ref{$pat}{$key},\n";
# print LOG1 "\nFor XLS : First find the pattern and then its pattern type\n";
for $sheet (keys %$VAR1_ref){
if ("$sheet" eq "ATPG") {
for $row (1 .. $#{$VAR1_ref->{$sheet}}) {
$patname = $VAR1_ref->{'ATPG'}[$row]{'Pattern'} ;
next if ("$patname" eq "") ;
$faultXls = $VAR1_ref->{'ATPG'}[$row]{'FaultType'} ;
# print LOG1 " $patname==>$faultXls \n";
if (defined $data{$patname}{'fault'}) {
$faultTpc = $data{$patname}{'fault'} ;
# print LOG1 "\n $patname :XLS: $faultXls :TPC: $faultTpc\n";
if("$faultXls" eq "$faultTpc") {
print LOG1 "PASS: FaultType Matched $patname :XLS: $faultXls :TPC: $faultTpc\n\n\n";
print "PASS: FaultType Matched $patname :XLS: $faultXls :TPC: $faultTpc\n\n";
$status_ref->{$patname}{'FaultType'} = PASS;
else {
print LOG1 "FAIL: FaultType Doesn't Match\n\n";
$status_ref->{$patname}{'FaultType'} = Fail;
return 1;
When passing parameters into an array, you can only ever pass a single list of parameters.
For scalars, this isn't a problem. If all you're acting on is a single array, this also isn't a problem.
If you need to send scalars and an array or hash, then the easy way is to 'extract' the scalar parameters first, and then treat 'everything else' as the list.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub scalars_and_array {
my ( $first, $second, #rest ) = #_;
print "$first, $second, ", join( ":", #rest ), "\n";
scalars_and_array( "1", "2", "3", 4, 5, 6 );
But it should be noted that by doing so - you're passing values. You can do this with hashes too.
To pass data structure references, it's as you note - pass by reference, then dereference. It's useful to be aware though, that -> becomes useful, because it's accessing a hash and dereferencing it.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
sub pass_hash {
my ( $hashref ) = #_;
print $hashref,"\n";
print $hashref -> {"one"},"\n";
print $hashref -> {"fish"} -> {"haddock"};
my %test_hash = ( "one" => 2,
"three" => 4,
"fish" => { "haddock" => "plaice" }, );
pass_hash ( \%test_hash );
print "\n";
print Dumper \%test_hash;
The core of your problem here though, is that you haven't turned on strict and warnings which would tell you that:
for $pat ( keys %data_ref ) {
is wrong - there is no hash called data_ref there's only a scalar (which holds a hash reference) called $data_ref.
You need %$data_ref here.
And here:
for $key ( keys %{ $data{$pat} } ) {
You also have no $data - your code says $data_ref. (You might have %data in scope, but that's a really bad idea to mess around with within a sub).
There's a bunch of other errors - which would also be revealed by strict and warnings. That's a very basic debugging step, and you will generally get a much better response from Stack Overflow if you do this before asking for assistance. So please - do that, tidy up your code and remove errors/warnings. If you are still having problems after that, then by all means make a post outlining where and what problem you're having.

Perl Hashref Substitutions

I'm using DBI to connect to Sybase to grab records in a hash_ref element. The DBI::Sybase driver has a nasty habit of returning records with trailing characters, specifically \x00 in my case. I'm trying to write a function to clean this up for all elements in the hashref, the code I have below does the trick, but I can't find a way to make it leaner, and I know there is away to do this better:
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Sybase:...');
my $sql = qq {SELECT * FROM table WHERE age > 18;};
my $qry = $dbh->selectall_hashref($sql, 'Name');
foreach my $val(values %$qry) {
$qry->{$val} =~ s/\x00//g;
foreach my $key(keys %$qry) {
$qry->{$key} =~ s/\x00//g;
foreach my $val1(keys %{$qry->{$key}}) {
$qry->{$key}->{$val1} =~ s/\x00//g;
foreach my $key1(keys %{$qry->{$key}}) {
$qry->{$key}->{$key1} =~ s/\x00//g;
While I think that a regex substitution is not exactly an ideal solution (seems like it should be fixed properly instead), here's a handy way to solve it with chomp.
use Data::Dumper;
my %a = (
foo => {
a => "foo\x00",
b => "foo\x00"
bar => {
c => "foo\x00",
d => "foo\x00"
baz => {
a => "foo\x00",
a => "foo\x00"
print Dumper \%a;
local $/ = "\x00";
chomp %$_ for values %a;
print Dumper \%a;
chomp will remove a single trailing value equal to whatever the input record separator $/ is set to. When used on a hash, it will chomp the values.
As you will note, we do not need to use the values directly, as they are aliased. Note also the use of a block around the local $/ statement to restrict its scope.
For a more manageable solution, it's probably best to make a subroutine, called recursively. I used chomp again here, but you can just as easily skip that and use s/\x00//g. Or tr/\x00//d, which basically does the same thing. chomp is only safer in that it only removes characters from the end of the string, like s/\x00$// would.
print Dumper \%a;
sub strip_null {
local $/ = "\x00";
my $ref = shift;
for (values %$ref) {
if (ref eq 'HASH') {
strip_null($_); # recursive strip
} else {
First your code:
foreach my $val(values %$qry) {
$qry->{$val} =~ s/\x00//g;
# here you are using a value as if it was a key
foreach my $key(keys %$qry) {
$qry->{$key} =~ s/\x00//g;
foreach my $val1(keys %{$qry->{$key}}) {
$qry->{$key}->{$val1} =~ s/\x00//g;
foreach my $key1(keys %{$qry->{$key}}) {
$qry->{$key}->{$key1} =~ s/\x00//g;
# and this does the same thing twice...
what you should do is:
foreach my $x (values %$qry) {
foreach my $y (ref $x eq 'HASH' ? values %$x : $x) {
$y =~ s/(?:\x00)+$//
which will clean up only ending nulls in the values of two levels of the hash.
the body of the loop could also be written as:
if (ref $x eq 'HASH') {
foreach my $y (values %$x) {
$y =~ s/(?:\x00)+$//
else {
$x =~ s/(?:\x00)+$//
But that forces you to write the substitution twice, and you shouldn't repeat yourself.
Or if you really want to reduce the code, using the implicit $_ variable works well:
for (values %$qry) {
s/(?:\x00)+$// for ref eq 'HASH' ? values %$_ : $_

array to hash in perl

I have a source list from which I am picking up random items and populating the destination list. The item that are in the list have a particular format. For example:
etc and many more fields.
while inserting into the destination list I check for unique names on items and insert it into that list. For this I have to traverse the entire destination list to check if an item with a given name exists and if not insert it.
I thought it would be nice if I make the destination list as hash instead of a list again so that I can look up for the item faster and efficiently. I am new to Perl and am not getting how to do this. Anybody, Please help me on how to insert an item, find for a particular item name, and delete an item in hash?
How can I make both the name and date as key and the entire item as value?
my %hash;
Insert an item $V with a key $K?
$hash{$K} = $V
Find for a particular name / key $K?
if (exists $hash{$K}) {
print "it is in there with value '$hash{$K}'\n";
} else {
print "it is NOT in there\n"
Delete a particular name / key?
delete $hash{$K}
Make name and date as key and entire item as value?
Easy Way: Just string everything together
set: $hash{ "$name:$date" } = "$name:$date:$field1:$field2"
get: my ($name2,$date2,$field1,$field2) = split ':', $hash{ "$name:$date" }
del: delete $hash{ "$name:$date" }
Harder Way: Store as a hash in the hash (google "perl object")
my %temp;
$temp{"name"} = $name;
$temp{"date"} = $date;
$temp{"field1"} = $field1;
$temp{"field2"} = $field2
$hash{"$name:$date"} = \$temp;
my $find = exists $hash{"$name:$date"} ? $hash{"$name:$date"} : undef;
if (defined find) { # i.e. it was found
printf "field 1 is %s\n", $find->{"field1"}
} else {
print "Not found\n";
delete $hash{"$name:$date"}
It is not easy to understand what you are asking because you do not describe the input and the desired outputs specifically.
My best guess is something along the lines of:
use strict; use warnings;
my #list = (
my %lookup;
for my $entry ( #list ) {
my ($name, $attrib) = $entry =~ /([^{]+){'([^']+)'}/;
$lookup{ $name }{ $attrib } = $entry;
for my $entry ( keys %lookup ) {
my %entry = %{ $lookup{$entry} };
print "#entry{keys %entry}\n"
use YAML;
print Dump \%lookup;
item1{'date'} item1{'name'}
date: "item1{'date'}"
name: "item1{'name'}"
If you know what items, you are going to need and what order you'll need them in
for keys, then re parsing the key is of questionable value. I prefer to store
them in levels.
$hash{ $h->{name} }{ $h->{date} } = $h;
# ... OR ...
$hash{ $h->{date} }{ $h->{name} } = $h;
foreach my $name ( sort keys %hash ) {
my $name_hash = $hash{$name};
foreach my $date ( keys %$name_hash ) {
print "\$hash{$name}{$date} => " . Dumper( $name_hash->{$date} ) . "\n";
For arbitrary levels, you may want a traversal function
sub traverse_hash (&#) {
my ( $block, $hash_ref, $path ) = #_;
$path = [] unless $path;
my ( #res, #results );
my $want = wantarray;
my $want_something = defined $want;
foreach my $key ( %$hash_ref ) {
my $l_path = [ #$path, $key ];
my $value = $hash_ref->{$key};
if ( ref( $value ) eq 'HASH' ) {
#res = traverse_hash( $block, $value, $l_path );
push #results, #res if $want_something && #res;
elsif ( $want_something ) {
#res = $block->( $l_path, $value );
push #results, #res if #res;
else {
$block->( $path, $value );
return unless $want_something;
return $want ? #results : { #results };
So this does the same thing as above:
traverse_hash {
my ( $key_path, $value ) = #_;
print( '$hash{' . join( '}{', #$key_path ) . '} => ' . ref Dumper( $value ));
} \%hash
Perl Solution
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
sub main{
my %hash;
my #keys = qw(firstname lastname age); # hash's keys
# fname lname age
# --------|--------|-----
my #arr = ( [ 'foo1', 'bar1', '1' ],
[ 'foo2', 'bar2', '2' ],
[ 'foo3', 'bar3', '3' ]
# test if array set up correctly
print "\$arr[1][1] : $arr[1][1] \n"; # bar2
# loads the multidimensional array into the hash
for my $row (0..$#arr){
for my $col ( 0..$#{$arr[$row]} ){
my $itemnum = "item" . ($row+1); # using the item# format you used
$hash{$itemnum}->{$keys[$col]} = $arr[$row][$col];
# manually add a 4th item
$hash{item4} = {"firstname", "foo", "lastname", "bar", "age", "35"};
# How to Retrieve
# -----------------------
# single item pull
print "item1->firstname : $hash{item1}->{firstname} \n"; # foo1
print "item3->age : $hash{item3}->{age} \n"; # 3
# whole line 1
{ local $, = " ";
print "full line :" , %{$hash{item2}} , "\n"; # firstname foo2 lastname bar2 age 2
# whole line 2
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$hash{item2}}){
print "$key : $hash{item2}{$key} \n";
# Clearer description
#print "Hash:\n", Dumper %hash;
This should be used in addition to the accepted answer. Your question was a little vague on the array to hash requirement, perhaps this is the model you are looking for?

Where can I find an array of the (un)assigned Unicode code points for a particular block?

At the moment, I'm writing these arrays by hand.
For example, the Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A block has an entry in hash like this:
my %symbols = (
miscellaneous_mathematical_symbols_a => [(0x27C0..0x27CA), 0x27CC,
The simpler, 'continuous' array
miscellaneous_mathematical_symbols_a => [0x27C0..0x27EF]
doesn't work because Unicode blocks have holes in them. For example, there's nothing at 0x27CB. Take a look at the code chart [PDF].
Writing these arrays by hand is tedious, error-prone and a bit fun. And I get the feeling that someone has already tackled this in Perl!
Perhaps you want Unicode::UCD? Use its charblock routine to get the range of any named block. If you want to get those names, you can use charblocks.
This module is really just an interface to the Unicode databases that come with Perl already, so if you have to do something fancier, you can look at the lib/5.x.y/unicore/UnicodeData.txt or the various other files in that same directory to get what you need.
Here's what I came up with to create your %symbols. I go through all the blocks (although in this sample I skip that ones without "Math" in their name. I get the starting and ending code points and check which ones are assigned. From that, I create a custom property that I can use to check if a character is in the range and assigned.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $property = 'My::InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA';
foreach ( 0x27BA..0x27F3 )
my $in = chr =~ m/\p{$property}/;
printf "%X is %sin $property\n",
$_, $in ? '' : ' not ';
sub digest_blocks {
use Unicode::UCD qw(charblocks);
my $blocks = charblocks();
foreach my $block ( keys %$blocks )
next unless $block =~ /Math/; # just to make the output small
my( $start, $stop ) = #{ $blocks->{$block}[0] };
$blocks->{$block} = {
assigned => [ grep { chr =~ /\A\p{Assigned}\z/ } $start .. $stop ],
unassigned => [ grep { chr !~ /\A\p{Assigned}\z/ } $start .. $stop ],
start => $start,
stop => $stop,
name => $block,
define_my_property( $blocks->{$block} );
sub define_my_property {
my $block = shift;
(my $subname = $block->{name}) =~ s/\W//g;
$block->{my_property} = "My::In$subname"; # needs In or Is
no strict 'refs';
my $string = join "\n", # can do ranges here too
map { sprintf "%X", $_ }
#{ $block->{assigned} };
*{"My::In$subname"} = sub { $string };
If I were going to do this a lot, I'd use the same thing to create a Perl source file that has the custom properties already defined so I can just use them right away in any of my work. None of the data should change until you update your Unicode data.
sub define_my_property {
my $block = shift;
(my $subname = $block->{name}) =~ s/\W//g;
$block->{my_property} = "My::In$subname"; # needs In or Is
no strict 'refs';
my $string = num2range( #{ $block->{assigned} } );
print <<"HERE";
sub My::In$subname {
return <<'CODEPOINTS';
sub num2range {
local $_ = join ',' => sort { $a <=> $b } #_;
s/(\d+)/ sprintf "%X", $1/eg;
return $_;
That gives me output suitable for a Perl library:
sub My::InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA {
return <<'CODEPOINTS';
27C0 27CA
27D0 27EF
sub My::InSupplementalMathematicalOperators {
return <<'CODEPOINTS';
2A00 2AFF
sub My::InMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols {
return <<'CODEPOINTS';
1D400 1D454
1D456 1D49C
1D49E 1D49F
1D4A5 1D4A6
1D4A9 1D4AC
1D4AE 1D4B9
1D4BD 1D4C3
1D4C5 1D505
1D507 1D50A
1D50D 1D514
1D516 1D51C
1D51E 1D539
1D53B 1D53E
1D540 1D544
1D54A 1D550
1D552 1D6A5
1D6A8 1D7CB
sub My::InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB {
return <<'CODEPOINTS';
2980 29FF
sub My::InMathematicalOperators {
return <<'CODEPOINTS';
2200 22FF
Maybe this?
my #list =
grep {chr ($_) =~ /^\p{Assigned}$/}
#list = map { $_ = sprintf ("%X", $_ )} #list;
print "#list\n";
Gives me
27C0 27C1 27C2 27C3 27C4 27C5 27C6 27C7 27C8 27C9 27CA 27D0 27D1 27D2 27D3
27D4 27D5 27D6 27D7 27D8 27D9 27DA 27DB 27DC 27DD 27DE 27DF 27E0 27E1 27E2
27E3 27E4 27E5 27E6 27E7 27E8 27E9 27EA 27EB
I don't know why you wouldn't say miscellaneous_mathematical_symbols_a => [0x27C0..0x27EF], because that's how the Unicode standard is defined according to the PDF.
What do you mean when you say it doesn't "work"? If it's giving you some sort of error when you check the existence of the character in the block, then why not just weed them out of the block when your checker comes across an error?