Find paypal api credential - paypal

I already build a paypal account and then
I created Sandbox Test Accounts in "",
1 personal account and
1 business account.
now I want to use below credential where can I find these.
please help me out, I am new in paypal api

PayPal is having pretty good documentation.
To create API Username, API Password, Signature follow the steps
Select Profile on the right side of page -- Select Profile and settings
From left menu, select My selling tools
In selling online section, click Update link for API access item
Click on Request API Credentials on the API Access page
Select Request API signature and click Agree and Submit to generate the API signature
more details here

The only things you should need are a client id and secret. This will enable you to make REST api calls. If you're new to PayPal APIs, the REST api is where you should be starting.
Please see


Paypal OAuth Implementation to onboard merchants on our site

We have an app where we want to onboard Merchants to connect their Paypal account and then they can accept money from the customers directly through our webapp. I read through the docs and am a little lost on how to start.
What I understood is :
Using this document Paypal Doc we first need to generate authorization code then generate refresh and access token. But this document is for Paypal Here.
Also on the Customer Side should I use Smart Buttons Doc where I can generate the order Id and execute the capture step on the Server side using the access token generated for the Merchants in the first part.
Am I heading in the right direction?
If you also need to do things like manage refunds via the API, have the merchants generate a REST client ID and secret via and copy this information into your configuration interface
If you don't need to do that, you can integrate PayPal Checkout with your own API credentials, and set a 'payee' object,

PayPalExpress Processor Declines my order says Security header not valid

I have got a Paypal order, with a order id (O-123213XXXX) from Paypal. I am trying to Authorize it via Hybris Storefront. Hybris will pass the payload to third party when user clicks on place order button, that third party will authorize the payment by communicating to PayPalExpress processor.
My payment is reaching till the processor and I am getting the response like [cart] 10002 Security Header not valid. I searched online and came to know that its something related to invalid API Credentials. They are suggesting not to get confused with live Paypal credentials with sandbox credentials.
I have cross-checked everything,
1) I have a Paypal button at my Hybris Storefront which user click when they wish to pay using Paypal. This will create the order.
2) After which, I am logging in using my sandbox test user account of type personal to approve the order via Paypal popup window.
3) Next, I execute that order. Before that, I need the bearer access-token using my online store's "Sandbox" Client ID and Secret Key combination in another REST call. (Just to mention... this online store/app is associate with a sandbox account of type "Business")
Once I get the token, I execute the order via another REST call using that access-token.
4) Now I get the Order Id from Paypal so that once the order is placed in Hybris, it will be Authorized and then Captured at a later stage. (Thats the plan...)
I have noticed in the Paypal developer account that the Business account associated with my online store/app has some credentials such as Username, Password and Signature.. But I am not using them anywhere in my flow.
(Those are for SOAP/NVP Calls that what they say in docs..)
and now I am getting 10002 Security header invalid response from processor.
As per my understanding I am not using any live credentials anywhere but the sandbox.
or am I missing something related to those mentioned credentials I am not using anywhere??

PayPal Sandbox API Credentials for DoDirectPay

I am trying to setup a testbed in PayPal Sandbox in order to implement/test the DoDirectPay API for my company. DoDirectPay uses a certificate file (as opposed to a signature) per the documentation as well as the example code snippet here
Per the top Google search result for "download api certificate paypal" it should be possible to choose between obtaining a signature or downloading a certificate.
The test Merchant account I have created for sandbox was instantiated properly; and I am able to login to the sandbox site without issue. I have verified that the Merchant account is indeed set up for PayPal Pro. When I proceed to Account->Profile->Request API Credentials the only option is to obtain a signature. The signature matches what is displayed in the Sandbox admin panel for users; however that is useless to me as I need to test DoDirectPay which requires a PEM formatted certificate file.
How can I get SandBox to spit out a certificate file for me to test DoDirectPay API?
P.S. - I have already looked through several articles including SO1 and SO2 but neither really seems to relate to exactly what I need.
You must first remove the API signature before you can request an API certificate.
Log in to
Choose the account you would like to request a certificate for, then click "Sandbox Site"
Log in to your Sandbox account
Click "Profile" at the top of the page
Click "Request API Credentials"
Click "set up PayPal API credentials and permissions"
Click "View API Signature"
Click "Remove"
Click "Request API Credentials"
Choose Request API Certificate, then click "Agree and Submit"
Hope this helps!
In reference to the original question, paypal allows dodirectpayment api calls with an API signature too. you do not need a certificate.

What username/password/signature should I be using for the PayPal Sandbox?

I'm trying to refund transactions using the Paypal NVP API. I've got some payments in a sandbox account, but when I try to issue a refund though the API I get You do not have permissions to make this API call. But I'm not sure what credentials I should be using.
According to the documentation, it says:
To access the PayPal API, you need API credentials, either an API
signature or API certificate, that identify you. Use the following
sample API signature and password in your sample programs that run in
the PayPal Sandbox test environment.
API username
API signature A‑IzJhZZjhg29XQ2qnhapuwxIDzyAZQ92FRP5dqBzVesOkzbdUONzmOU
I tried generating API credentials for the sandbox merchant account that's issuing the refunds, but the Paypal website crashes every time I try. Are these the correct credentials? What do I need to do to test this?
Your test accounts do not have credentials.
To get started with Payment Card in Sandbox, you must first create a buyer test account and enable in-store checkout.
After login sandbox you will find that option in menu API and Payment Card Credentials
and then click it you will get option Create Test Account and after create account you will get API Username, API Password and Signature.
Use those API Username, API Password and Signature in your application.
I found these details in my account after logging in:
go to the sandbox tab
below this you will find Accounts. Click on Accounts.
All your email lists will be shown.
Click on the email id that belongs to the Business account.
You will see two options: profile and notifications below the email id's.
After clicking on profile one window will pop up with name Account details.
In that you will see the tab API Credentials. In this you will find your username, password and signature. Please note : You will find these details only in your Business type account, not for buyer type.

How to get paypal API credentials?

I am using Paypal recurring payments and direct payment.
I tested it using beta-sandbox and works fine.
Now I want to make to real paypal account.
I have been given real paypal account, and I login with it on, but I don't know how can I generate API Credentials ?
this looks completely different from sandbox environment.
Check out this guide to Obtaining API Credentials from PayPal. You will find how to create/view/remove your API signature/certificate in PayPal's live setting.
As per the comment, the previously held answer is out of date. To obtain your API credentials, log in here.
If you want to retrieve the api user name, api password and api signature for live then you can get it directly by log in to this url from Paypal.
Log in to Paypal. Click Tools or hover over Tools and click All Tools from the drop down menu. Sort alphabetically and API Credentials will be the first one.
Login to PayPal, go to Profile and then Selling tools. Click the update link on API access and request API credentials. Refer to this link for a detailed step by step guide.