talend - log level of tLogRow - log4j - talend

I have a tLogRow component that logs the output of tSetGlobalVar and tContextDump. I have exported the job, and in the zip file I found a log4j which makes me think it is using this for the tLogRow component. Now, my question is how can I specify the log level for the tLogRow component? as I'll be only wanting to see its log on WARN or maybe DEBUG level.
And for my tLogRow component I have checked "Print content with log4j".
Thank you in advance!

This is not the use case of tLogRow component, its just to dislay a flow to console. The check box of using log4j does not change the content of the output, its about to change the api of writing. To change the settings of log4j in Talend, you can go to the top left of screen, the menu file then edit the project properties and you find this screen :

As #54l3d mentioned above, tLogRow component seems not be the ideal component for logging using log4j. I have achieved this via tJava instead:
org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
logger.debug("MY_CONTEXT_NAME: " + context.MY_CONTEXT_NAME);
logger.debug("GLOBAL MAP paramA: " + globalMap.get("paramA"));
For the globalMap's values logging, please note that if the your tJava component that's performing the log is within the same subjob as the tSetGlobalVar, the value you have set will not be immediately reflected. I was only able to log the values set when it is on a different subjob than tSetGlobalVar.


How do I capture the output of tSampleRow/tFileProperties?

I have this flow where I am trying to fetch the details of the last modified file at the SFTP location. While I am able to do that and print the required file's name in the tLogRow component, I am not sure how to use that info to capture more details about the file / pass that info to the tFTPGet component. Any pointers?
Used the tSetGlobalVar with row11.CURRENT_FILE. Can use the global var now.

Log timestamp of an exception in Play?

I have some play code that calls some spark functions. Sometimes things break and I want a timestamp associated to the event. I currently get the error messages printed to STDOUT without a timestamp and am wondering if there's a way to configure the logger.xml to associate timestamps with these??
Providing your logger.xml file would have been helpful but anyways look for the "pattern" element for your STDOUT in the logger.xml file and change it by prepending the %d{ISO8601}
Check the logback configuration documentation for more information.
Logback Configuration

How to call java code in a talend job

I'm new to talend, I have java code which need to get data from files. I want to use them in talend job. Now am facing problem how to use this java code in talend, I created routine but facing problem in creating jar files, and also how should I use this routine in my job.
I don't know what you want to do but normally you would use the build-in Talend components for reading a file.
Depending on your File you are going to read you can use:
tFileInputRaw - for reading a file line by line
tFileInputDelimited - for reading CSV files (getting a set of columns)
tFileInputExcel - for XLS/XLSX files (getting a set of columns)
If you want to use your code anyway you have to make your routine available to your job. To do that, close your job, click right on the job and choose "setup routine dependencies". You should be able to add a routine by click the green "+"-button.
After that you are able to use your functions in a tJava or tJavaRow component with routines.ClassName.functionName().

Perl parsing a log4j log [duplicate]

We have several applications that use log4j for logging. I need to get a log4j parser working so we can combine multiple log files and run automated analysis on them. I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel, so can someone point me to a decent pre-existing parser? I do have the log4j conversion pattern if that helps.
If not, I'll have to roll our own.
I didn't realize that Log4J ships with an XML appender.
Solution was: specify an XML appender in the logging configuration file, include that output XML file as an entity into a well formed XML file, then parse the XML using your favorite technique.
The other methods had the following limitations:
Apache Chainsaw - not automated enough
jdbc - poor performance in a high performance distributed app
You can use OtrosLogViewer with batch processing. You have to:
Define you log format, you can use Log4j pattern layout parser or Log4j XmlLayout
Create java class that implements LogDataParsedListener. Method public void logDataParsed(LogData data, BatchProcessingContext context) will be called on every parsed log event.
Create jar
Run OtrosLogViewer with specifying your log processing jar, LogDataParsedListener implementation and log files.
What you are looking for is called SawMill, or something like it.
Log4j log files aren't really suitable for parsing, they're too complex and unstructured. There are third party tools that can do it, I believe (e.g. Sawmill).
If you need to perform automated, custom analysis of the logs, you should consider logging to a database, and analysing that. JDBC ships with the JdbcAppender which appends all messages to a database of your choice, but it has performance implications, and it's a bit flaky. There are other, similar, alternatives on the interweb, though (like this one).
You -can- use Log4j's Chainsaw V2 to process the various log files and collect them into one table, and either output those events as xml or use Chainsaw's built-in expression-based filtering, searching & colorizing support to slice & dice the logs.
- Start Chainsaw V2
- Create a chainsaw configuration file by copying the example configuration file available from the Welcome tab - define one LogFilePatternReceiver 'plugin' entry for each log file that you want to process
- Start Chainsaw with that configuration
- Each log file will end up as a separate tab in the UI
- Pause the chainsaw-log tab and clear the events from that tab
- Create a new tab which aggregates the events from the various tabs by going to the 'view, crate custom expression logpanel' menu item and enter 'level >= DEBUG' in the box. It will create a new tab containing events from all of the tabs with level >= debug (which is why you cleared the chainsaw-log tab).
You can get an overview of the expression syntax used to filter, colorize and search from the tutorial (available from the Help menu).
If you don't want to use Chainsaw, you can do something similar - start a simple app that doesn't log but loads a log4j.xml config file with the 'plugin' entries you defined for the Chainsaw configuration, but also define a FileAppender with an xmllayout - all of the events received by the 'receivers' will be sent to the single appender.

Eclipse write to console

In Eclipse, how can I write a debug statement to a console window? I tried:
Log.d("tag", urls);
But I don't see the values being displayed anywhere.
Create a console and write to it. When a console is created, you give it a name. That way your console output can be kept separate from other plugin's console output. See this article for details.
Are you sure you have the console window in eclipse setup to display output? On the menu bar in eclipse, go to Window->Show View->Console. When you run the program, that console window should be where your System.out.print(ln) output is displayed.
If you are running some kind of client-server application, you may actually have multiple consoles. If you see a console, there should be a little arrow icon next to it. Use that to dropdown a list of all the various consoles, and pick the appropriate one.
My output goes to the LogCat tab, not the Console.
If you are running any class having main method and want to print logs on eclipse console, then create a file "log4j.properties" in src/main/resources
If you want to print log in your test classes then put this file in src/test/resources.
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR, stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%C:%L] [%t] - %m%n
try this , it will output in console tab
System.out.print("Hello World ..... !");
// Redirect the stdout and stderr to the LogPanel
SystemLogger out = new SystemLogger(System.out, Level.INFO);
SystemLogger err = new SystemLogger(System.err, Level.ERROR);
I assume your code is in Java? If you want to use a logger that will print out to your console similarly to "system.out.println();", add java.util.logging to your eclipse project. import java.util.logging.Logger;
Then inside each class where you want output to your console, add private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(<your_class_name>.class.getName()); replacing with your class name.
And where you want console output, put a line in that part of your class like LOG.info("code got to this point!"); similarly to how you would use system.out.println();
I only use the logger instead of system.out.println(); statements because the logging seems more professional. And frankly the logger is less key strokes to write log.info than system.out.println, which saves time.
This article is where I learned the logging info: https://examples.javacodegeeks.com/core-java/util/logging/java-util-logging-example/
There is a simple way to switch between client and server outputs in eclipse. Please see the screenshot which shows an option to toggle between the console outputs.
Eclipse screenshot to show console option