View last N documents using MongoDB Compass - mongodb

I wish to view in MongoDB Compass the last N documents in a very large collection; too many to scroll through.
I could .skip(total - N) if I knew the syntax for that within Compass.
Alternatively, I have a date field and could use $gte with a date if I knew how to express a date in a manner acceptable to Compass.
Suggestion/example how to do this, please?

MongoDB Compass 1.6.1(Stable)
For date comparison you need to use $date operator with a string that represents a date in ISO-8601 date format.
{"date": {"$gte": {"$date": "2017-03-13T09:51:26.317Z"}}}
In my case the values of date field in Compass and mongo shell are different. So firstly I query the documents in the shell and then copy the "2017-03-13T09:51:26.317Z" from the result to the Compass filter line. In mongo shell it look like:
"date" : ISODate("2017-03-13T09:51:26.317Z"),
MongoDB Compass 1.7.0-beta.0 (Beta)
This version have an advanced query bar that lets you input not just the filter (as before), but also project, sort, skip and limit

(#Oleksandr I learned from your effective answer; thank you.)
I've also been shown that the Compass Schema tab allows one to drag a date range on the _id field to apply a filter query for that range. That range can be successively narrowed as desired.

Skip is descibed here
In the Query Bar, click Options.
Enter an integer representing the number of documents to skip into the Skip field
Click Find to run the query and view the updated results.


Mongo Atlas filter by date is not working

I am using the the following query to filter dates greater than the 25th of May, but it does not work. In the UI I chose the $match operator
query: {$date:{ $gte:ISODate('2022-05-25')}}
In fact in the resulting collection it returns also dates prior to the one that I have specified in the filter condition.
Can you point me to the exact query?

How to embed the date-to-timestamp conversion in a mongodb query?

Suppose I have documents in a mongo collections with a timestamp field. I want to query the documents based on the timestamp value (greater than, less than). In order to do that, instead of calculating each time the timestamp for my current date, I would like to embed the conversion from the date to timestamp in the query. I tried something like this (suppose "ts" is my timestamp field):
db.my_collection.find({"ts": {$lt: {$toLong : new Date("2020-12-09")}}})
instead of doing:
db.my_collection.find({"ts": {$lt: 1578524400}})
but it seems to return an empty result.
Is there a result to perform the date-to-timestamp conversion inside the query?
You can use $toLong but it's an aggregation pipeline operator, you need an aggregation pipeline not a plain find.

Query mongodb for a specific date range

I've googled and googled this, and for the life of me I can't make it work...which I know I am just missing something totally simple, so I'm hoping someone here can save my sanity.
I have am trying to lookup a range of documents from a mongodb collection (using mongoose) based on a date range.
I have this code:
var startDate = new Date(req.query.startDate);
var stopDate = new Date(req.query.stopDate);
studentProgression.find({ $and: [ {'ACT_START': {$gte: startDate, $lte: stopDate} } ]})
But it doesn't return any documents.
The date in the MongoDb collection is stored as a string, and looks like this (for example):
ACT_START: "25-MAY-20"
I know I'm probaby tripping somewhere with the fact it's a string and not a date object in mongo, as I haven't had this issue before. I'd rather not go through the collection and change all the string dates to actual date objects.
Is there anyway to do this lookup the way I've laid it out?
Unfortunately, you have to change the format of your ACT_START field and cast it to a Date.
By doing $gte and/or $lte on a string field, mongo will compare the two strings based on their alphabetical order.

Mongo - query, Embedded document not match except dot notation

i am confuse.
here is the example:
MongoDB Enterprise > db.employee.find()
{"_id":1002,"name":"Jack","address":{"previous":"Cresent Street","current":"234,Bald Hill Street","unit":"MongoDB" } }
I try this:
db.employee.find({address:{previous: "Cresent Street"}})
result: nothing returns
Next a try this:
db.employee.find({"address.previous": "Cresent Street"})
{"_id":1002,"name":"Jack","address":{"previous":"Cresent Street","current":"234,Bald Hill Street","unit":"MongoDB"}}
The question is wath is wrong with this?
i use
MongoDB shell version v4.2.7 installed
cmd db.version() 4.2.6
debian 10.4
thanks for your replies.
When you Query on Embedded/Nested Documents using dotted field notation
{"address.previous": "Cresent Street"}
means find a document that containd an address field that contains a document whose previous field is equal to "Cresent Street".
When you provide a subdocument like
{address:{previous: "Cresent Street"}}
this means to find a document that contains an address field whose content is exactly the document {previous: "Cresent Street"}, with no additional fields. If you provide multiple fields in the subdocument, field order also matters.
Both of these queries are useful in specific scenarios, pick the one that does what you need in your situaion.

querying documents in a date range using Mongo built-in 'timestamp'

I'm aware that the Mongo "ObjectId" has the method "getTimestamp()" , which works like
And also I'm aware that it can be sorted based on built-in 'timestamp'
db.collection.find().sort({'timestamp': -1})
I know I can create a new field "created_time" in each document by converting ObjectId to created_time, then query based on this new field.
I've also read this post which converts the date range to ObjectId and then directly compare the ObjectId, but this method I'm worried about the other bytes which is not for time but for machine and process.
My question is, is there a way to directly query documents in a date range using Mongo built-in 'timestamp'? without extra field or extra effort.
something like below (but I tried below command and not working), which can directly query Mongo using its built-in timestamp.
db.collection.find({'timestamp':{$gt: new Date(ISODate("2015-08-14T14:00:00Z"))}})