LinqPad error with Rx.NET Observable - system.reactive

I'm trying to run Rx.NET inside LinqPad. I added the Rx.NET DLLs as you see in the picture.
The error that I'm seeing is
CS0103 The name 'Observable' does not exist in the current context.
How can I fix this error?

Ensure you have added the required namespaces in the "Additional Namespace Imports" tab (accessible via Ctrl-Shift-M).
For Observable you need System.Reactive.Linq.


OpenThread API: undefined reference to otThreadGetMaxAllowedChildren()

I have the problem with compilation. After adding function call
otThreadGetMaxAllowedChildren() in the openthread/examples/apps/cli/main.c I got an error:
openthread/examples/apps/cli/main.c:228: undefined reference to `otThreadGetMaxAllowedChildren'
Similary, the same issue with otThreadGetChildInfoByIndex():
openthread/examples/apps/cli/main.c:204: undefined reference to `otThreadGetChildInfoByIndex'
I have added -DOPENTHREAD_FTD=1 flag, but error still occurs.
Any idea what should I do to make compilation successful?
The otThreadGetChildInfoByIndex() is only available for FTD builds.
You should either:
Disable MTD and RCP in your build options, or
Wrap your child table code with #if OPENTHREAD_FTD.
You can refer to the CLI code for example usage.

Error: #inject called with undefined (...)

This is not the first time I work with Inversify, but never had a problem like such. Currently what I have in my project is just a bunch of decorated (properly, constructor injections) services, therefore I assume it's failing on building the metadata.
I'm getting Error: #inject called with undefined this could mean that the class X has a circular dependency problem. You can use a LazyServiceIdentifer to overcome this limitation. whenever I start the application (bear in mind - I don't have a container yet).
Following the "circular dependency problem" part I built a dependency graph using dependency-graph package and it shows no circular dependencies in my project, it also managed to properly generate registration order.
I'm wondering if there's any way to avoid using LazyServiceIdentifier everywhere in the project?
Additionaly I'm trying to understand how is it even possible for this error to occur when using constructor injection (and having no circular dependencies of course)?

Why it compiles with different type?

IL2CPP error for type 'Namespace.SubNamespace.MyClass/<MyIEnumeratorFunc>d__20' in assembly 'Path\MyUnityProject\Temp\StagingArea\Data\Managed\VisualStudioSolutionName.dll'
Additional information: Interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1<System.Object> method T System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1<System.Object>::get_Current() not implemented on non-abstract class Namespace.SubNamespace.MyClass/<MyIEnumeratorFunc>d__20
Unity expect System.Collections.IEnumerator and I try to use IEnumerator:
I tried to write directly
private System.Collections.IEnumerator MyIEnumeratorFunc(){}
I tried to remove
using System.Collections.Generics;
and append it to each List/Dictionary entry
Everything works in Editor, but I get error I described above:
Seems like it tries to use System.Collections.GENERICS.IEnumerator.
Also, the error disappears if I use source code (not .dll)
Also, you can reproduce it by creating .dll with any IEnumerator/async function (even empty) and build for iOS.
The problem was in Project name.
Solution is
Right mouse click on Project name (not solution name) in Solution Explorer.
"Application" tab
Assembly name -> set to the same to .dll file name (without ".dll")

Error while passing external variable in an if condition in workflow

I have a workflow containing 3 activities. The external variable that is used throughout the workflow is of type Dictionary which contains only two fields: EmailAddress and PhoneNumber(all strings). This is the screenshot of the workflow
So the scenario is that the activity GetParticipant has an outargument of type Dictionary which I am assigning to an external variable called pax. Using the if condition I am checking if the EmailAddress is provided or not.
My problem is that I am getting an error at the if condition:
Reference required to assembly 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' containing the base class 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.TableEntity'. Add one to your project.
The mentioned reference is already added to the project and the workflow also imports it. But the error remains. However giving only True as the condition works. What am I doing wrong?
Its seems some reference issue as i can see one bubble near if condition.
Check for dependency of mentioned Dll, can use nugget manager.
You can do below steps.
Delete reference of dll and import.
Clean solution and add reference and set property copy local true and import the namespace in workflow.
Rebuild the solution.

The type or namespace name 'EventHandler' does not exist in the namespace 'Windows.UI.Xaml'

I'm trying to build a Metro app using the Windows 8 SDK, but when I try to actually compile it using Visual Stuido I get this
The type or namespace name 'EventHandler' does not exist in the namespace 'Windows.UI.Xaml'
Keep in mind, I'm a total beginner, is this easy to fix?
The type EventHandler is not contained in that namespace. One of your using statements must reference "System" since that is where this type lives
You can use the fully qualified name of the object, such as "System.EventHandler".
If you are doing something like "Windows.UI.Xaml.EventHandler" you would get that error OR if you only declared ONE using statement at the top of your file such as "using Window.UI.Xaml".
Without knowing more about or seeing your code, it's difficult to say with absolute certainty. If this doesn't resolve your problem, include your code.