Mongoose how to return only the modified object in array of objects? [duplicate] - mongodb

Given the following MongoDB collection:
"_id": ObjectId("56d6a7292c06e85687f44541"),
"name": "My ranking list",
"rankings": [
"_id": ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55542"),
"name": "Ranking 1",
"score": 1
"_id": ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543"),
"name": "Ranking 2",
"score": 10
"_id": ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55544"),
"name": "Ranking 3",
"score": 15
Here is how I increase the score of a given ranking:
{ "_id": ObjectId("56d6a7292c06e85687f44541"), "rankings._id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543") },
{ $inc : { "rankings.$.score" : 1 } }
How do I get the new score value? In the previous query I increase the second ranking from 10 to 11... How do I get this new value back after the update?

If you are on MongoDB 3.0 or newer, you need to use the .findOneAndUpdate() and use projection option to specify the subset of fields to return. You also need to set returnNewDocument to true. Of course you need to use the $elemMatch projection operator here because you cannot use a positional projection and return the new document.
As someone pointed out:
You should be using .findOneAndUpdate() because .findAndModify() is highlighed as deprecated in every official language driver. The other thing is that the syntax and options are pretty consistent across drivers for .findOneAndUpdate(). With .findAndModify(), most drivers don't use the same single object with "query/update/fields" keys. So it's a bit less confusing when someone applies to another language to be consistent. Standardized API changes for .findOneAndUpdate() actually correspond to server release 3.x rather than 3.2.x. The full distinction being that the shell methods actually lagged behind the other drivers ( for once ! ) in implementing the method. So most drivers actually had a major release bump corresponding with the 3.x release with such changes.
"_id": ObjectId("56d6a7292c06e85687f44541"),
"rankings._id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543")
{ $inc : { "rankings.$.score" : 1 } },
"projection": {
"rankings": {
"$elemMatch": { "_id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543") }
"returnNewDocument": true
From MongoDB 3.0 onwards, you need to use findAndModify and the fields options also you need to set new to true in other to return the new value.
query: {
"_id": ObjectId("56d6a7292c06e85687f44541"),
"rankings._id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543")
update: { $inc : { "rankings.$.score" : 1 } },
new: true,
fields: {
"rankings": {
"$elemMatch": { "_id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543") }
Both queries yield:
"_id" : ObjectId("56d6a7292c06e85687f44541"),
"rankings" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543"),
"name" : "Ranking 2",
"score" : 11


What is the right prototype of using $mul in such requirement?

I am new at MongoDB and I want to increase the "rate2" of the "increase" array by 100%. It is located in my "CUSTOMER.ratings" document that has first name of "Jimmy".
The collection is like this:
"first name": "Jimmy",
"ratings": [{"increase": {"rate":99}, {"increase": {"rate2": 20.5}}]
I tried the following, but it created a new set insted putting a new address inside the array of location:
db.collection.update({"CUSTOMER.first name": "Jimmy"}, {$mul:{"ratings":{"increase":{ "rate2": 2 }}}});
I tried to put the "ratings" prior to the $mul put it doesn't work.
I need the right prototype of doing such thing.
The expected outcome is the following:
"first name": "Jimmy",
"ratings": [{{"increase": "rate": 99}},
{"increase": "rate": 41}}
To sum up, I want to increase rate2 by 100% .
To not be confusing, consider the following:
C {rate}
C {rate2} ]
So how to multiply the value of "rate2"?
I tried {$mul: {"A":{"B":{"C":2 }}}};
Also, I tried {$mul: {"A.B.C": 2}};
Also, I tried {"A.B": {$mul: {"C": 2}}};
Also, I have used the $pull and $push prototype, but not sure why not working!!
Consider the input document:
"_id" : 1,
"first name" : "Jimmy",
"ratings" : [
"increase" : {
"rate" : 99
"increase" : {
"rate2" : 20.5
The following query will update the document and multiply (by 2 and update) the nested field rate2 ("CUSTOMER.ratings.increase.rate2").
{ _id: 1 },
{ $mul: { "CUSTOMER.ratings.$[e].increase.rate2": 2 } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { "e.increase.rate2": { $exists: true } } ] }
Note the usage of the arrayFilters and the filtered positional operator $[some_id] (which is used to update specific array elements as mentioned in the arrayFilters condition).
Another way of updating: Updating using the positional $ update operator:
{ "CUSTOMER.ratings.increase.rate2": { $exists: true } },
{ $mul: { "CUSTOMER.ratings.$.increase.rate2": 2 } }

how to lower case the value of unique:true keys in mongodb?

I have created a mongodb and by mistake have entered duplicate values in the form of capital and small case letters.
I have made the index unique. MongoDB is case sensitive and hence, considered the capital letter and small letter as different values.
Now my problem is the database have got around 32 GB. and I came across this issue. Kindly help me.
Here is the sample:{'email':1},{unique:true})
"_id" : ObjectId("591d706c0ef9acde11d7af66"),
"email" : "",
"src" : [
"acc" : "ln"
"acc" : "drb"
"_id" : ObjectId("591d70740ef9acde11d7af68"),
"email" : "",
"src" : [
"acc" : "ln"
"acc" : "drb"
"acc" : "dd"
How I can make the email as lowercase and assign the src values to the original one. Kindly help me.
you can achive this using $toLower aggregation operator like this :[
$addToSet allow to keep oly one distinct occurence of src items
this will write this document to a new collection named anotherCollection:
{ "email" : "", "src" : [ { "acc" : "dd" }, { "acc" : "drb" }, { "acc" : "ln" } ] }
Note that with $out, you can averwrite directly your tt collection, however before doing this make sure to understand what your doing because all previous data will be lost
The most efficient way I can think of to merge the data is run an aggregation and loop the result to write back to the collection in bulk operations:
var ops = [];[
{ "$unwind": "$src" },
{ "$group": {
"_id": { "$toLower": "$email" },
"src": { "$addToSet": "$src" },
"ids": { "$addToSet": "$_id" }
]).forEach(doc => {
var id = doc.ids.shift();
ops = [
"deleteMany": {
"filter": { "_id": { "$in": doc.ids } }
"updateOne": {
"filter": { "_id": id },
"update": {
"$set": { "email": doc._id },
"$addToSet": { "src": { "$each": doc.src } }
if ( ops.length >= 500 ) {;
ops = [];
if ( ops.length > 0 );
In steps, that's $unwind the array items so they can be merged via $addToSet, under a $group on using $toLower on the email value. You also want to keep the set of unique source document ids.
In the loop you shift the first _id value off of doc.ids and update that document with the lowercase email and the revised "src" set. Using $addToSet here makes the operation write safe with any other updates that might occur to the document.
Then the other operation in the loop deletes the other documents that shared the same converted case email, so there are no duplicates. Actually do that one first. The default "ordered" operations make sure this is fine.
And do it in the shell, since it's a one-off operation and is really just as simple as listing as shown.

How to get back the new value after an update in a embedded array?

Given the following MongoDB collection:
"_id": ObjectId("56d6a7292c06e85687f44541"),
"name": "My ranking list",
"rankings": [
"_id": ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55542"),
"name": "Ranking 1",
"score": 1
"_id": ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543"),
"name": "Ranking 2",
"score": 10
"_id": ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55544"),
"name": "Ranking 3",
"score": 15
Here is how I increase the score of a given ranking:
{ "_id": ObjectId("56d6a7292c06e85687f44541"), "rankings._id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543") },
{ $inc : { "rankings.$.score" : 1 } }
How do I get the new score value? In the previous query I increase the second ranking from 10 to 11... How do I get this new value back after the update?
If you are on MongoDB 3.0 or newer, you need to use the .findOneAndUpdate() and use projection option to specify the subset of fields to return. You also need to set returnNewDocument to true. Of course you need to use the $elemMatch projection operator here because you cannot use a positional projection and return the new document.
As someone pointed out:
You should be using .findOneAndUpdate() because .findAndModify() is highlighed as deprecated in every official language driver. The other thing is that the syntax and options are pretty consistent across drivers for .findOneAndUpdate(). With .findAndModify(), most drivers don't use the same single object with "query/update/fields" keys. So it's a bit less confusing when someone applies to another language to be consistent. Standardized API changes for .findOneAndUpdate() actually correspond to server release 3.x rather than 3.2.x. The full distinction being that the shell methods actually lagged behind the other drivers ( for once ! ) in implementing the method. So most drivers actually had a major release bump corresponding with the 3.x release with such changes.
"_id": ObjectId("56d6a7292c06e85687f44541"),
"rankings._id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543")
{ $inc : { "rankings.$.score" : 1 } },
"projection": {
"rankings": {
"$elemMatch": { "_id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543") }
"returnNewDocument": true
From MongoDB 3.0 onwards, you need to use findAndModify and the fields options also you need to set new to true in other to return the new value.
query: {
"_id": ObjectId("56d6a7292c06e85687f44541"),
"rankings._id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543")
update: { $inc : { "rankings.$.score" : 1 } },
new: true,
fields: {
"rankings": {
"$elemMatch": { "_id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543") }
Both queries yield:
"_id" : ObjectId("56d6a7292c06e85687f44541"),
"rankings" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("46d6a7292c06e85687f55543"),
"name" : "Ranking 2",
"score" : 11

MongoDB lists - get every Nth item

I have a Mongodb schema that looks roughly like:
"name" : "name1",
"instances" : [
"value" : 1,
"date" : ISODate("2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z")
"value" : 2,
"date" : ISODate("2015-04-01T00:00:00.000Z")
"value" : 2.5,
"date" : ISODate("2015-03-05T00:00:00.000Z")
"name" : "name2",
"instances" : [
where the number of instances for each element can be quite big.
I sometimes want to get only a sample of the data, that is, get every 3rd instance, or every 10th instance... you get the picture.
I can achieve this goal by getting all instances and filtering them in my server code, but I was wondering if there's a way to do it by using some aggregation query.
Any ideas?
Assuming the data structure was flat as #SylvainLeroux suggested below, that is:
{"name": "name1", "value": 1, "date": ISODate("2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z")},
{"name": "name2", "value": 5, "date": ISODate("2015-04-04T00:00:00.000Z")},
{"name": "name1", "value": 2, "date": ISODate("2015-04-01T00:00:00.000Z")},
{"name": "name1", "value": 2.5, "date": ISODate("2015-03-05T00:00:00.000Z")},
will the task of getting every Nth item (of specific name) be easier?
It seems that your question clearly asked "get every nth instance" which does seem like a pretty clear question.
Query operations like .find() can really only return the document "as is" with the exception of general field "selection" in projection and operators such as the positional $ match operator or $elemMatch that allow a singular matched array element.
Of course there is $slice, but that just allows a "range selection" on the array, so again does not apply.
The "only" things that can modify a result on the server are .aggregate() and .mapReduce(). The former does not "play very well" with "slicing" arrays in any way, at least not by "n" elements. However since the "function()" arguments of mapReduce are JavaScript based logic, then you have a little more room to play with.
For analytical processes, and for analytical purposes "only" then just filter the array contents via mapReduce using .filter():
function() {
var id = this._id;
delete this._id;
// filter the content of "instances" to every 3rd item only
this.instances = this.instances.filter(function(el,idx) {
return ((idx+1) % 3) == 0;
function() {},
{ "out": { "inline": 1 } } // or output to collection as required
It's really just a "JavaScript runner" at this point, but if this is just for anaylsis/testing then there is nothing generally wrong with the concept. Of course the output is not "exactly" how your document is structured, but it's as near a facsimile as mapReduce can get.
The other suggestion I see here requires creating a new collection with all the items "denormalized" and inserting the "index" from the array as part of the unqique _id key. That may produce something you can query directly, bu for the "every nth item" you would still have to do:
"_id.index": { "$in": [2,5,8,11,14] } // and so on ....
So work out and provide the index value of "every nth item" in order to get "every nth item". So that doesn't really seem to solve the problem that was asked.
If the output form seemed more desirable for your "testing" purposes, then a better subsequent query on those results would be using the aggregation pipeline, with $redact
{ "$redact": {
"$cond": {
"if": {
"$eq": [
{ "$mod": [ { "$add": [ "$_id.index", 1] }, 3 ] },
0 ]
"then": "$$KEEP",
"else": "$$PRUNE"
That at least uses a "logical condition" much the same as what was applied with .filter() before to just select the "nth index" items without listing all possible index values as a query argument.
No $unwind is needed here. You can use $push with $arrayElemAt to project the array value at requested index inside $group aggregation.
Something like
You might like this approach using the $lookup aggregation. And probably the most convenient and fastest way without any aggregation trick.
Create a collection Names with the following schema
{ "_id": 1, "name": "name1" },
{ "_id": 2, "name": "name2" }
and then Instances collection having the parent id as "nameId"
{ "nameId": 1, "value" : 1, "date" : ISODate("2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z") },
{ "nameId": 1, "value" : 2, "date" : ISODate("2015-04-01T00:00:00.000Z") },
{ "nameId": 1, "value" : 3, "date" : ISODate("2015-03-05T00:00:00.000Z") },
{ "nameId": 2, "value" : 7, "date" : ISODate("2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z") },
{ "nameId": 2, "value" : 8, "date" : ISODate("2015-04-01T00:00:00.000Z") },
{ "nameId": 2, "value" : 4, "date" : ISODate("2015-03-05T00:00:00.000Z") }
Now with $lookup aggregation 3.6 syntax you can use $sample inside the $lookup pipeline to get the every Nth element randomly.
{ "$lookup": {
"let": { "nameId": "$_id" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": ["$nameId", "$$nameId"] }}},
{ "$sample": { "size": N }}
"as": "instances"
You can test it here
Unfortunately, with the aggregation framework it's not possible as this would require an option with $unwind to emit an array index/position, of which currently aggregation can't handle. There is an open JIRA ticket for this here SERVER-4588.
However, a workaround would be to use MapReduce but this comes at a huge performance cost since the actual calculations of getting the array index are performed using the embedded JavaScript engine (which is slow), and there still is a single global JavaScript lock, which only allows a single JavaScript thread to run at a single time.
With mapReduce, you could try something like this:
Mapping function:
var map = function(){
for(var i=0; i < this.instances.length; i++){
{ "_id": this._id, "index": i },
{ "index": i, "value": this.instances[i] }
Reduce function:
var reduce = function(){}
You can then run the following mapReduce function on your collection:
db.collection.mapReduce( map, reduce, { out : "resultCollection" } );
And then you can query the result collection to geta list/array of every Nth item of the instance array by using the map() cursor method :
var thirdInstances = db.resultCollection.find({"_id.index": N})
.map(function(doc){return doc.value.value})
You can use below aggregation:
$project: {
instances: {
$map: {
input: { $range: [ 0, { $size: "$instances" }, N ] },
as: "index",
in: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$instances", "$$index" ] }
$range generates a list of indexes. Third parameter represents non-zero step. For N = 2 it will be [0,2,4,6...], for N = 3 it will return [0,3,6,9...] and so on. Then you can use $map to get correspinding items from instances array.
Or with just a find block:
db.Collection.find({}).then(function(data) {
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
if (i % 3 === 0 ) {
return ret;
Returns a promise whose then() you can invoke to fetch the Nth modulo'ed data.

select only subdocuments or arrays

"name":"andhra pradesh",
In above collection(i.e countries) i have only one document , and i want to fetch the details about a particular state (lets say "" : "orissa" ) ,But i want my result as here under instead of entire document .Is there a way in Mogo...
"name": "orissa",
"direction": "east",
"population": 41947358,
"districts": [
"name": "puri",
"headquarter": "puri",
"population": 1498604
"name": "khordha",
"headquarter": "bhubaneswar",
"population": 1874405
Tried this:
"$project": {
"state": "$states",
"_id": 0
"$unwind": "$state"
"$group": {
"_id": "$",
"state": {
"$first": "$state"
"$match": {
"_id": "orissa"
And got:
"result" : [
"_id" : "orissa",
"state" : {
"name" : "orissa",
"direction" : "east",
"population" : 41947358,
"districts" : [
"name" : "puri",
"headquarter" : "puri",
"population" : 1498604
"name" : "khordha",
"headquarter" : "bhubaneswar",
"population" : 1874405
"ok" : 1
You can't do it right now, but you will be able to with $unwind in the aggregation framework. You can try it now with the experimental 2.1 branch, the stable version will come out in 2.2, probably in a few months.
Any query in mongodb always return root document.
There is only one way for you to load one sub document with parent via $slice if you know ordinal number of state in nested array:
// skip ordinalNumberOfState -1, limit 1
db.countries.find({_id: 1}, {states:{$slice: [ordinalNumber -1 , 1]}})
$slice work in default order (as documents was inserted in nested array).
Also if you don't need fields from a country you can include only _id and states in result:
db.countries.find({_id: 1}, {states:{$slice: [ordinalNumber -1 , 1]}, _id: 1})
Then result document will looks like this one:
db.countries.find({ "states": { "$elemMatch": { "name": orissa }}},{"country" : 1, "states.$": 1 })
If you don't want to use aggregate, you can do it pretty easily at the application layer using underscore (included by default):
var country = Groops.findOne({"property":value);
var state _.where(country, {"state":statename});
This will give you the entire state record that matches statename. Very convenient.