Select all rows 7 days prior from a specific date - tsql

I want to get all rows 7 days prior from 01/09/2017
I know I can do
Load_DTM <= '2017-01-09' and Load_DTM >= '2017-01-02'
But can I not use DateAdd or DatePart?
i.e. DateAdd(dd, -7, '2017-01-09')

Load_DTM BETWEEN DATEADD(dd,-7,'2017-01-09') AND '2017-01-09 11:59:59'
ought to work.

You should be able to do exactly what you showed in your example:
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE DateField = DATEADD(DAY, -7, '2017-09-01')
Since running:
Gives you:
2017-03-15 19:26:29.833


How can i get last 13 weeks in T SQL excluding current week?

I am working on a project and need to pull last 13 weeks of data. I have tried datediff in filter but it is pulling extra weeks. I have already set datefirst to 1 but still not getting desired result.
WHERE clause is
Try this code:
SELECT date_key FROM tbl WHERE date_key BETWEEN DATEADD(week, -13,GETDATE()) AND DATEADD(week, -1,GETDATE())
I have managed to get the answer. Put below in where clause and it has worked as expected.
d.date_key is my date column.
d.date_key >= DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEADD(ww, DATEDIFF(ww, 0, DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE())) - 13, 0)) and d.date_key <= DATEADD(dd, 6, DATEADD(ww, DATEDIFF(ww, 0, DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE())) - 1, 0))

Get difference between two dates in Years

I am working with a table that has StartDate and EndDate fields. I need to find difference between then in years.
StartDate = 1/1/2017
EndDate = 12/31/2017
I expect Result = 1 for the date difference.
Also, I'd like to round it to nearest whole number.
StartDate = 1/1/2017
EndDate = 11/30/2017
I expect Result = 1 for the date difference.
Using datediff function, I am able to get the result, but it isn't rounding to nearest whole number.
Example query:
I am getting 6 years even though 65 months / 12 would be less than 5.5:
select (DATEDIFF(yy, '01/01/2016', '5/31/2021')
+ CASE WHEN abs(DATEPART(day, '01/01/2016') - DATEPART(day, '05/31/2021')) > 15 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
select (DATEDIFF(mm, '01/01/2016', '05/31/2021')
+ CASE WHEN abs(DATEPART(day, '01/01/2016') - DATEPART(day, '05/31/2021')) > 15 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
DECLARE #startdate DATETIME = '1-1-2017',
#enddate DATETIME = '12-31-2018'
SELECT #startdate as StartDate, #enddate as EndDate,
DATEDIFF(YEAR, #startdate, #enddate)
DATEDIFF(YEAR, #startdate,#enddate), #startdate)
> #enddate THEN 1
ELSE 0 END) 'Date difference in Years'
Use this code, I hope it will help you.
So far following query seems to be working okay. My mistake was I dividing by 12 instead of 12.0 for rounding to work correctly. Who knew! :
Round((DATEDIFF(mm, '01/01/2016', '07/1/2017')
+ CASE WHEN abs(DATEPART(day, '01/01/2016') - DATEPART(day, '06/30/2017')) > 15 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / 12.0, 0)
This may be a bit old but when using Oracle SQL Developer you can use the following. Just add your Dates below. I was using DateTime. This was used to get years between 0 and 10.
TRUNC((MONTHS_BETWEEN(<DATE_ONE>, <DATE_TWO>) * 31) / 365) > 0 and TRUNC((MONTHS_BETWEEN(<DATE_ONE>, <DATE_TWO>) * 31) / 365) < 10

subtracting month AND days with dateadd()

Trying to get minus 1 month and 6 days from todays date GETDATE()??
This is returning : 2132-11-02 01:10:33.500

Need a help to solve an SQL Server Query regarding a Date Time condition

Please can anyone help/suggest me to solve the following condition which is inside one of my SELECT queries
ExamDate >= CONVERT(date, getdate())
Where I need to check the second condition when only the ExamDate is equal to getdate(), if ExamDate is > than getdate() I need to ignore the second condition.
ExamDate > CONVERT(date, getdate())
or (ExamDate = CONVERT(date, getdate()) AND ExamEndTime >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),GETDATE(),108))
Use DateDiff when compairing date objects
DATEDIFF(day,ExamDate, getdate()) >= 0
OR (DATEDIFF(hh,ExamEndTime,GETDATE()) >= 0 AND DATEDIFF(day,ExamDate, getdate())=0)

T-SQL Date Function

I have a T-SQL script that runs every weekday. The script does a lookup for new customers in the past 24 hours, with the exceptionof Monday it will do a lookup in the past 72 hours (Friday through Sunday)
Select FirstName, LastName, CustomerID, Date
FROM Customers
DATEDIFF(DAY, Customers.Date, GetDate()) <= 3 AND
DATEDIFF(DAY, Customers.Date, GetDate()) >= 1
OR DATEDIFF(DAY, Customers.Date, GetDate()) = 1
I need to change this to do a lookup 30 days prior instead.
ANy ideas? Thanks.
WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, Customers.Date, GetDate()) <= 30