How to shrink colorbar of heatmap()? - plots.jl

Code below produced too large colorbar compared to the heatmap itself. I didn't find a way to shrink the color bar. See the image: too large colorbar

I found the answer elsewhere:
Colorbars are handled by the backend, so you cannot control that at the moment within Plots.jl.
Work-arround: change size of plot frame to match size of colorbar by for instance:


Limit of Decreasing Plot Size in MATLAB

I use MATLAB R2021b. I have a 10x10 data array and I am using contourf function to plot the data. By default, MATLAB gives me a figure with 1120x840 pixels.
I know that I can use the command set(gcf, 'position', [700, 700, 100, 100]) to decrease the size of the figure. And I get a figure with 200x200 pixels. I decided to shrink the value in the set function by half to get a 100x100 figure.
However, when I try to do set(gcf, 'position', [700, 700, 50, 50]) , I got a figure with size 100x160. No matter how much further I decrease the value in the set function, the second dimension of the figure remained at 160 pixels. And there's no problem with the first dimension -- it can shrink with the value in the set function.
Does anyone know what's the problem here? My goal is to get a figure with 100x100 pixels.
Thank you very much for any advice!
MATLAB has always had a minimal size for figure windows. A smaller window cannot contain the minimal set of menus and toolbar buttons.
But you don’t need a small window to export a small plot.
When exporting a plot, MATLAB uses the “PaperPosition” and “PaperUnits” figure properties. Set the units to pixels and the size to your required sizes to export the figure in those sizes.
There are of course other alternatives:
Set the axes to your required sizes, then export only the axes area (or crop the produced image to size).
Export a figure at twice (or four times) the size, then resample by a factor 1/2 (or 1/4).
If you’re not exporting, and just want a small display on the screen, consider putting multiple things in the same figure window, all you need to do is control the axes’s “Position” property.
I am the original poster. I think there is a minimum window size in both Windows and Mac operating systems. 100 pixels are smaller than the minimum windows size, so I cannot generate such a small figure.
This should be the answer for my question.

How do you fix the size of an axes graphic object?

I'm creating a simple GUI in MATLAB and I'm trying to create a figure that contains a 2d plot on an axes, all is working well, but I have a rough time trying to figure out how to fix the position of the axes/plot.
The axes seems to scale with the figure window size. If I maximize the figure on my screen, the axes is maximized within, etc. What I want to accomplish is to have a row of buttons beneath the plot on the same figure as the plot, basically an area of 50 (ish) pixels tall that the plot does not encroach on. I know how to do this in HTML, but I can't figure out a good way in MATLAB.
Any alternative approaches would also be greatly appreciated.
Change the units of the axes to anything other than 'normalized', like 'pixels'. Then it won't automatically resize with the figure. From this documentation page:
When you create a graph, MATLAB® creates an axes to display the graph. The axes is sized to fit in the figure and automatically resizes as you resize the figure. MATLAB applies the automatic resize behavior only when the axes Units property is set to normalized (the default).
Use set(gca,'Position',pos) where pos = [x y w h] to set the position and size of the axes in the units you chose.
See this answer for an example and a function for holding an axis size once you have it in place.

Display multiple axes on image plot

I have a large plot showing an image. Now, I want to diplay several small bar plots on top of that image, each having its own axes and positioned on a specified position on the image.
I already tried to just append more axes (with transparent background color) to the same figure. This basically works, but If I now zoom in or pan around the background image, the small axes stay on the same position relative to the figure, so they lose the relation to their position on the background image.
Does Matlab offer a better solution?
I recommend drawing the bars using patch command.
For example:
hold on;

When saving a figure as eps file, Matlab cuts off colormap labels

I have a figure generated using contourf with a colorbar. Most of my plots are fine, but when the values on the colorbar are of the order 10^{-3}, either the numbers 0.005 etc are written by the colorbar, or x10^{-3} is written at the top.
In both cases, part of the label gets cut off - either the 3 in x10^{-3} or half of the 5 in 0.005.
I can fix this using
set(gca, 'ActivePositionProperty', 'OuterPosition')
for the figure onscreen, but I need to save it in eps format. When I do this, the 3 (or 5) is cut off again!
I can also fix this if I manually pull the bottom right corner of the figure window to make it larger. But this changes the sizes of the axis labels etc in comparison to the plot itself so that they're different to all my other figures, i.e. the figures that I don't resize.
Any suggestions?
Matlab uses two sizes for figures: screen size (Position figure property) and the PaperSize. The former is used for displaying on screen, and the latter for printing or exporting to image formats other than .fig. I suspect this is the source of your problem.
Here is what you can try:
size = get(gcf,'Position');
size = size(3:4); % the last two elements are width and height of the figure
set(gcf,'PaperUnit','points'); % unit for the property PaperSize
This sets the size of the "paper" to export to .eps to the size of the figure displayed on screen.
If this doesn't work, you can try to play a bit with PaperSize or other "paper" related properties. The Figure Properties documentation page gives more info about properties.
Hope this helps!
The former suggestion is partly correct. Here is what i did:
set both, figure and paper units, to the same measure (figure has pixels, not points!)
do the same as suggested before:
size = get(gcf,'Position');
size = size(3:4);
the thing now is, that it might be shifted off the paper, as in my case, so put it back on
I am not sure about the offset of [0,0], but what is a single point cut off :)
Try this to save your file to filename.eps:
size = get(gcf,'Position');
size = size(3:4);
print(gcf,'filename','-depsc','-loose'); % Save figure as .eps file

how to make an image large enough to avoid tick label overlapping?

Assume that the data X has size 1000 *1000. X is displayed using the command:
and all the rows are labeld using:
set(gca, 'YTickLabel', somelabels);
Although the data X are properly polotted and the Ytick labels are also shown, the labels are highly overlapped because of the large number of rows. Is there any way to solve the problem? Any help will be highly appreciated.
Edit 1
I realize my question was not stated well to represent my problem. I am going to wrap up my understanding based on the answers and re-ask a question:
To show as many rows/labels in a Figure Window, the following helps:
or, alternate the distance (suggested by yuk),
or, set(gca,'YTick',1:10:1000,'YTickLabel',somelabels(1:10:1000));
The code
set(gca,'Units','pixels','Position',[20 20 10000 10000]);
will display a zoomed-in image by default. But if the zoomed-in image is too large to fit in the Figure Window, only part of the image will be displayed. However, neither zoom out nor the pan tool can reach to the rest part of that image.
The default behavior of the code
set(gca, 'ytick', 1:1000, 'yticklabe', ylabel);
displays the whole image fitting to the Figure Window with overlapping labels. Nevertheless, it does allow one to zoom into part of the image and to see the un-overlapped labels.
If I save the image into a pdf file:
set(gca, 'ytick', 1:1000, 'yticklabe', ylabel);
saveas(gcf, 'fig.pdf');
Then the saved pdf is only the image fit to the Figure Window with overlapping labels. However, unlike zoom in within Matlab figure window, zoom in within a pdf reader won't change the relative position/distance of labels. As a result, the zoomed-in image in pdf is still label-overlaped.
So my question is:
How to save the image into a pdf file or png such that it has a similar behavior as of point 3 above when opened in Adobe reader, rather than that of point 4?
You can also play with axes label font to make it smaller.
See also other axes properties to change font - FontName, FontWidth, FontUnits, etc.
Another solution: If your labels are short, you can alternate there distance from the axes, so the labels will not overlap. Check this example:
lbl = cellstr(reshape(sprintf('%3d',1:100),3,100)');
lbl(1:2:100) = strcat(lbl(1:2:100),{' '});
Part of the resulted image:
To answer your updated question.
PDF document can contain only static images. Once you saved the figure to PDF (or any other graphic file), you cannot zoom in/out as with MATLAB figure tools.
You can zoom first on the MATLAB figure, then save PDF file. In this case the figure will be saved as is. But this way assumes user interactivity with the figure.
If you know your region of interest in advance, you can set axes limits with XLim/YLim properties, then save the figure.
set(gca, 'ytick', 1:1000, 'yticklabe', ylabel);
set(gca, 'XLim',[1 20], 'YLim', [20 40])
saveas(gcf, 'fig.pdf');
By the way, you can also save figure to file with PRINT function. More flexible. SAVEAS is just wrapper around it.
Another option is to rotate the tick labels which is discussed in this technical solution. You can find a number of easy-to-use implementations on the MATLAB File Exchange.