eclipse on MacOSX :marketplace plugins resinstallation - eclipse

I am using eclipse oxygen/Neon on Mac OSx SIerra ,I have installed nodeclipse plugin but when I close my eclipse and start it again. it prompts me for reinstallation for same plugins where as this behaviour is not exhibited on windows.How can I make the installation of plugins as permanent


Eclipse upgrade for macOS Catalina

I have to upgrade my Eclipse IDE (currently 2019-03). I found the upgrade instructions on the Eclipse wiki, which involve adding the URL for the latest Eclipse release to the "Available software sites" (where Eclipse checks for updates).
However, there is also now an Eclipse Installer ( which is labelled as "the easiest way to install AND UPDATE your Eclipse...", and includes a JRE.
I am especially concerned about my pending Eclipse upgrade given that I need to upgrade my macOS to 10.15 (i.e. Catalina). Eclipse has had many problems reported with Catalina in the past, many related to Java compatibility issues with Catalina. So I am thinking that the Eclipse Installer with the bundled JRE may be a more reliable upgrade path. Can people report if the Eclipse 2020-09 installer builds an Eclipse IDE which seamlessly works with Catalina?

How stop Eclipse to auto install plugins?

I've installed Eclipse Neon Java EE. When I uninstall some plugins and restart Eclipse for apply changes, the eclipse updater reinstall all the plugins I have uninstalled. How do I uninstall software without Eclipse reinstalling it?

Installing another Eclipse on Mac

I already have Eclipse installed on my computer, Mac, for school and I would like to install second Eclipse for my personal use. Can I install two same version of Eclipse on my computer?
Yes you can. You don't have to install eclipse, eclipse can copy to a location. But you can switch the workspace during starting eclipse, then you have your own developer environment too.

Upgraded to Pydev 3 not working with eclipse 4.3 Kepler on Mac 64 bit cocoa

I have tried using a clean workspace and a fresh installation of eclipse with nothing but pydev. In all cases, I don't get the pydev configuration options or preferences or views. The plugin install goes through without a hitch and I can see pydev in the installed software also. Anybody else face the same?
PyDev 3 requires Java 7 to function. Unfortunately, the version of Java that is installed on Mac OS X is not a compatible or recent version.
You can check the current version of java on your system by typing java -version in the terminal. In order to run PyDev 3 you should have version
To update Java you will need to install a Java Development Kit (JDK), since just installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) will not update the symlink at /usr/bin/java on OS X. If you think that you have installed Java 7, but java -version still gives you a version of then you probably installed the JRE instead of the JDK.
I agree with pseudocubic, In my case I just downloaded JDK8 : which by the way includes the JRE8 so pydev worked without trouble in my mac . I had to do this after installing JRE7 but when checking in console java -version it was returning 1.6 version (despite the fact that checking at java icon in system preferences says 1.7 was installed)
Install JDK8 and it's done

Eclipse upgrade killed PyDev

I just upgraded my version of Eclipse on Ubuntu, and now whenever I open a Python file it opens in an external window, and the existing Python files I have open in Eclipse say "Could not open the editor: No editor descriptor for id org.python.pydev.editor.PythonEditor".
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling both Eclipse and the PyDev plugin, and it didn't fix the problem.
From my experience (~8 years) with eclipse don't do in place updates. Always install a fresh version with a new workspace. And re-checkout projects from SCM.
Check first whether all required plugins still work before switching to the new environment.
Make sure your Java version is correct (what your version of PyDev is expecting).
After I updated PyDev (5 min ago) I had the exact same error message displayed in the tabs where I once had python source files opened (No editor descriptor for id).
I updated my Java version from 1.7 to 1.8 with:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Then to check your version, run:
java -version
You should see something like:
java version "1.8.0_91"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)
Re-opened eclipse, and the PyDev plugin is working. Yay!
Actually, when you install Eclipse new version then new plugins are installed which lead to change in ubuntu libraries and installing again will not take effect until you install new plugin which is supported
I had same issue, when I updgradet PyDev with newest version 3.*. It needs java 1.7, but I have only java 1.6, so it does not work at all. I uninstalled it and set eclipse to old updating point, but nothing helped. Advise is to use PyDev versio 2.82. You can not find it from update repositories.
Only way is to download old version 2.8.2 from PyDev site, unzip that zip file to eclipse's drop in directory, in linux it is /usr/lib/eclipse/dropins. After unzipping you should see there features- and plugins-directories. And after some starting of eclipse, I could see PyDev again. At first restart of eclipse I could not see PyDev and tried "Check updates" and "Install new software" settind url to /usr/lib/eclipse/dropins but they did not see any software there. But trying to restart few times, old PyDevc 2.8.2 was in eclipse again. Huh.
I disabled PyDev from eclipses "check uopdates" so I don't make that error again, this machine will not get java 1.7 (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS).
I now ran into exactly the same problem when updating to PyDev 5.0 and its definitely an issue that the user is not warned that the program might break on update. However, the simplest solution is to install the new required Java and JRE version, for PyDev 5.0 that's Java 8 and OpenJDK 1.8 (on Linux), and tell Eclipse to actually use the new JRE in the eclipse.ini file, by pointing it to the right path. See on how to achieve this.