where find clientid from console - email

I need to send some mails my users.
I will send it from console, so I have not any user's cookies.
And to track opening mails I insert img in letter body like this:
<img src="https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&tid={{UA}}&cid={{CID}}&uid={{UID}}..." alt="" />
How can I replace {{CID}} ?
Where should I find it?

If you want this hit to be connected to an existing user from your website you would need to record the client id when a user signs up for your emails, maintain a database that maps the recorded id to the e-mail address and the actual substitution would depend on your mail script. Since in this case the clientid is created in your users browser the only possible source would be the cookie.
If you just want to record a hit (without connecting it to existing users) then, as DalmTo pointed out, just use a random unique id.
If you do not have a client id, but have a way to identify the user on your website then you could also try the UserId feature and session unification. In this case you would use a random client id and append your known user id as parameter.

You should refer to the measurement protocol documentation
Protocol Version v v=1 The protocol version. The value should be 1.
Tracking ID tid tid=UA-123456-1 The ID that distinguishes to which Google Analytics property to send data.
Client ID cid cid=xxxxx An ID unique to a particular user.
Hit Type t t=pageview The type of interaction collected for a particular user.
this may also help Email Tracking - Measurement Protocol
How can I replace {{CID}} ? Where should I find it?
It should be a unique number identifying this user, its basically used for session control. Random Guid works.


What is the best way to import data into holochain from another source, like mongo?

MongoDB => Holochain Rust DHT
How to import, if possible
If I am using a different app backend, like mongo, and I get my holochain set up correctly and configured, is there a way to get the data from mongo to holochain? How would I do that?
Here is the question in context
Definitely technologically possible; you could write a nodejs script, fire up a Holochain container with the holochain-nodejs library, and import all the data as one agent. Then when users join the HC-based network, they vouch for their identity in some way and 'claim' all the data as theirs.
Here's a sketch of how it could look:
you (let's call you 'agent 0') import all the data.
For each user, you create an 'anchor' with the user's ID (I'll explain anchors in a
sec) and link each piece of data to the anchor.
You also record that
user's password hash as a private entry on your own source chain. A
user joins the network and is required to prove continuity of
They do this by using node-to-node messaging to send their
user ID and their password hash to you privately. You authorise them
to claim their identity by publishing an entry that says that "agent
public key x = user ID". (You would probably want to link from your
authorisation entry to their user ID anchor and their public key too,
for convenience's sake.)
The user collects all their data by asking
for all the links to their user ID anchor.
The user then publishes
each piece of their data to their own source chain as a way of
'claiming' ownership of it.
Now, every redundant copy of the data in
the DHT has two authors in its metadata fields -- you and the user
that actually owns the data. Peers validate that piece of data by
saying, "Is agent 0 already the author of this piece of data?
If so,
has agent 0 published an authorisation entry that says that the new
author of this data is allowed to claim/republish it?"
Problems with this approach (not insurmountable):
Agent 0 has to be online all the time cuz they never know when a new
user is going to sign up and try to claim their data. Agent 0 has to
import a ton of data. (I don't think it'd be vastly
time-prohibitive though)
For relational data, there's the chicken-and-egg problem of how to
create links if the data doesn't exist. I'm thinking not of linking
data to data -- that can be done on initial import -- but linking
data to humans, who now have a public key which might not exist on
the DHT yet because they haven't joined the network. That would
always have to happen per-user once they join, and it could create
some cyclic dependency problems.
Re: anchors, an anchor is just a pattern that consists of a base and a link -- the base is a simple string, so it's easy for anyone who knows the string to find it by hash. It acts as, well, an anchor to hang links off of. That's why I'm recommending using it to connect legacy user IDs to pieces of content. You can get sample source code for implementing the anchor pattern at https://github.com/holochain/mixins/tree/master/anchors (note that this is for the legacy version of Holochain, so it's written in JavaScript).
( answer provided by
pauldaoust )

Assigning and accessing custom email headers in .NET

I need to add a custom header to an email using the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage class and then using the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage class I need to read that value.
What I'm trying to do exactly is bounce processing for emails we send out. I am generating a new Guid value and adding it to the headers right before it's sent. I'm storing that value in a database and need to match it up when a separate process scans the inbox for processing. I all of that working except one part - I can't get the message ID from the header.
I know messages have a Message-ID header (which is automatically added) and I can access that but what I'm having difficulty with is getting that value when it's sent in the first place. Is that even possible? If so I'll use that instead of my own value.
I can get the email address and the other relevant information but the system I've written uses the message ID I was assigning as the foreign key used in joins in the database.
Any guidance on this would be appreciated. I doubt I'm the only person whose ever tried doing this.
Sorry everyone, the email I was testing with didn't have the header in it, that's why it couldn't be found.
I created a new email with it added and I could access it through the InternetMessageHeaders property of the EmailMessage object.

Outlook Mail Rest API message id repeating for different mails?

I am using outlook rest api to interact with my emails. I am storing my emails in a SQL database. The message response object has a filed called ID which according to the documentation is "The unique identifier of the message.". But I can see this id is same for multiple emails.
What is the exact behaviour of Id field??
You need to make sure you're comparing them in a case-sensitive manner. They do not repeat.
#ptwo There are two types of IDs, one of them is called 'ID', which is unique for every email, the other one is conversationID, which can be the same for the emails that are part of the same conversation (Reply, Reply All,...). You should not make ConversationID a primary key in your database table.

How to securize an entitie on Sails?

I'm developing an API with Sails, and now I need to securize some variables from an entity. Those variable will be accesed only from Admin or own user.
I have an structure like this:
Employee (contains your employee records)
Location (contains a record for each location you operate)
I need to encrypt phonenumber and accountbank, to avoid anyone to see the values of this fields in the DataBase. Only the owner or the admin.
How I can do that? Thanks
You are looking for a way to encrypt data so that people with no required access right could not see it.
The solution for that is not Sails.js specific and Node actually comes with tools to encrypt data :https://nodejs.org/api/crypto.html.
The key rule here is to always keep your secret password safe.
As for integration in your Sails.js application, I would use callbacks in Models. The official documentation provides a good example here : http://sailsjs.org/documentation/concepts/models-and-orm/lifecycle-callbacks
Basically you just define a function that will be called each time the record is about to be created, fetched or updated. You can then apply your encrypt/decrypt functions there.
This will encrypt/decrypt your phone numbers and bank account numbers automatically.
Regarding access control, you can use Sails' policies along with authentication to determine if the client has the right to access the resource. If not you can always remove attributes from the response sent back to the client.

How can I verify a Paypal account registered under a business name using GetVerifiedStatus?

I am successfully using Paypal's Adaptive Accounts API's GetVerifiedStatus endpoint to verify our users' Paypal accounts by first name, last name, and email address. However, a significant fraction of them use Paypal business accounts which don't have a first and last name associated (or else they did provide one and have forgotten it.)
Is there a special way to e.g. enter business name in the "first name" field? Or do all accounts have a first/last name associated and our users need to look that up? Thanks!
Update to clarify: I'm aware that setting matchCriteria to NONE in the request theoretically allows one to perform an email-only search. However, Paypal enables this on a case by case basis, and we haven't been granted NONE status, thus must use NAME which per the docs requires first and last.
I've been playing around with this and found a way to make the call without having to set the option to matchCriteria=NONE. If you make the call by placing the business name twice, both in the first name and last name field, you should be able to get a successful reply from the API.
Looking at the API and playing around with the API explorer, you've got two options.
Set matchCriteria to NONE
In this case sending the first name and last name to the API is optional and the validation will only use the email address.
Set matchCriteria to NAME
In this case sending the first name and last name to the API are required and the validation will use the email address, the first name and last name fields.
You can verify the setting by using the playground, e.g. using test#example.com and any random names.
In your case I would provide the email address, first name and last name as input fields and set matchCriteria to NONE and send the request to the API.