Can I write multiple statements in an anonymous function? [duplicate] - matlab

I'd like to do something like this:
>> foo = #() functionCall1() functionCall2()
So that when I said:
>> foo()
It would execute functionCall1() and then execute functionCall2(). (I feel that I need something like the C , operator)
functionCall1 and functionCall2 are not necessarily functions that return values.

Trying to do everything via the command line without saving functions in m-files may be a complicated and messy endeavor, but here's one way I came up with...
First, make your anonymous functions and put their handles in a cell array:
fcn1 = #() ...;
fcn2 = #() ...;
fcn3 = #() ...;
fcnArray = {fcn1 fcn2 fcn3};
...or, if you have functions already defined (like in m-files), place the function handles in a cell array like so:
fcnArray = {#fcn1 #fcn2 #fcn3};
Then you can make a new anonymous function that calls each function in the array using the built-in functions cellfun and feval:
foo = #() cellfun(#feval,fcnArray);
Although funny-looking, it works.
EDIT: If the functions in fcnArray need to be called with input arguments, you would first have to make sure that ALL of the functions in the array require THE SAME number of inputs. In that case, the following example shows how to call the array of functions with one input argument each:
foo = #(x) cellfun(#feval,fcnArray,x);
inArgs = {1 'a' [1 2 3]};
foo(inArgs); %# Passes 1 to fcn1, 'a' to fcn2, and [1 2 3] to fcn3
WORD OF WARNING: The documentation for cellfun states that the order in which the output elements are computed is not specified and should not be relied upon. This means that there are no guarantees that fcn1 gets evaluated before fcn2 or fcn3. If order matters, the above solution shouldn't be used.

The anonymous function syntax in Matlab (like some other languages) only allows a single expression. Furthermore, it has different variable binding semantics (variables which are not in the argument list have their values lexically bound at function creation time, instead of references being bound). This simplicity allows Mathworks to do some optimizations behind the scenes and avoid a lot of messy scoping and object lifetime issues when using them in scripts.
If you are defining this anonymous function within a function (not a script), you can create named inner functions. Inner functions have normal lexical reference binding and allow arbitrary numbers of statements.
function F = createfcn(a,...)
F = #myfunc;
function b = myfunc(...)
a = a+1;
b = a;
Sometimes you can get away with tricks like gnovice's suggestion.
Be careful about using eval... it's very inefficient (it bypasses the JIT), and Matlab's optimizer can get confused between variables and functions from the outer scope that are used inside the eval expression. It's also hard to debug and/or extent code that uses eval.

Here is a method that will guarantee execution order and, (with modifications mentioned at the end) allows passing different arguments to different functions.
call1 = #(a,b) a();
call12 = #(a,b) call1(b,call1(a,b));
The key is call1 which calls its first argument and ignores its second. call12 calls its first argument and then its second, returning the value from the second. It works because a function cannot be evaluated before its arguments. To create your example, you would write:
foo = #() call12(functionCall1, functionCall2);
Test Code
Here is the test code I used:
>> print1=#()fprintf('1\n');
>> print2=#()fprintf('2\n');
>> call12(print1,print2)
Calling more functions
To call 3 functions, you could write
call1(print3, call1(print2, call1(print1,print2)));
4 functions:
call1(print4, call1(print3, call1(print2, call1(print1,print2))));
For more functions, continue the nesting pattern.
Passing Arguments
If you need to pass arguments, you can write a version of call1 that takes arguments and then make the obvious modification to call12.
call1arg1 = #(a,arg_a,b) a(arg_a);
call12arg1 = #(a, arg_a, b, arg_b) call1arg1(b, arg_b, call1arg1(a, arg_a, b))
You can also make versions of call1 that take multiple arguments and mix and match them as appropriate.

It is possible, using the curly function which is used to create a comma separated list.
curly = #(x, varargin) x{varargin{:}};

If functionCall1() and functionCall2() return something and those somethings can be concatenated, then you can do this:
>> foo = #() [functionCall1(), functionCall2()]
>> foo = #() [functionCall1(); functionCall2()]
A side effect of this is that foo() will return the concatenation of whatever functionCall1() and functionCall2() return.
I don't know if the execution order of functionCall1() and functionCall2() is guaranteed.


Can an anonymous function in MATLAB have more than one line? [duplicate]

I'd like to do something like this:
>> foo = #() functionCall1() functionCall2()
So that when I said:
>> foo()
It would execute functionCall1() and then execute functionCall2(). (I feel that I need something like the C , operator)
functionCall1 and functionCall2 are not necessarily functions that return values.
Trying to do everything via the command line without saving functions in m-files may be a complicated and messy endeavor, but here's one way I came up with...
First, make your anonymous functions and put their handles in a cell array:
fcn1 = #() ...;
fcn2 = #() ...;
fcn3 = #() ...;
fcnArray = {fcn1 fcn2 fcn3};
...or, if you have functions already defined (like in m-files), place the function handles in a cell array like so:
fcnArray = {#fcn1 #fcn2 #fcn3};
Then you can make a new anonymous function that calls each function in the array using the built-in functions cellfun and feval:
foo = #() cellfun(#feval,fcnArray);
Although funny-looking, it works.
EDIT: If the functions in fcnArray need to be called with input arguments, you would first have to make sure that ALL of the functions in the array require THE SAME number of inputs. In that case, the following example shows how to call the array of functions with one input argument each:
foo = #(x) cellfun(#feval,fcnArray,x);
inArgs = {1 'a' [1 2 3]};
foo(inArgs); %# Passes 1 to fcn1, 'a' to fcn2, and [1 2 3] to fcn3
WORD OF WARNING: The documentation for cellfun states that the order in which the output elements are computed is not specified and should not be relied upon. This means that there are no guarantees that fcn1 gets evaluated before fcn2 or fcn3. If order matters, the above solution shouldn't be used.
The anonymous function syntax in Matlab (like some other languages) only allows a single expression. Furthermore, it has different variable binding semantics (variables which are not in the argument list have their values lexically bound at function creation time, instead of references being bound). This simplicity allows Mathworks to do some optimizations behind the scenes and avoid a lot of messy scoping and object lifetime issues when using them in scripts.
If you are defining this anonymous function within a function (not a script), you can create named inner functions. Inner functions have normal lexical reference binding and allow arbitrary numbers of statements.
function F = createfcn(a,...)
F = #myfunc;
function b = myfunc(...)
a = a+1;
b = a;
Sometimes you can get away with tricks like gnovice's suggestion.
Be careful about using eval... it's very inefficient (it bypasses the JIT), and Matlab's optimizer can get confused between variables and functions from the outer scope that are used inside the eval expression. It's also hard to debug and/or extent code that uses eval.
Here is a method that will guarantee execution order and, (with modifications mentioned at the end) allows passing different arguments to different functions.
call1 = #(a,b) a();
call12 = #(a,b) call1(b,call1(a,b));
The key is call1 which calls its first argument and ignores its second. call12 calls its first argument and then its second, returning the value from the second. It works because a function cannot be evaluated before its arguments. To create your example, you would write:
foo = #() call12(functionCall1, functionCall2);
Test Code
Here is the test code I used:
>> print1=#()fprintf('1\n');
>> print2=#()fprintf('2\n');
>> call12(print1,print2)
Calling more functions
To call 3 functions, you could write
call1(print3, call1(print2, call1(print1,print2)));
4 functions:
call1(print4, call1(print3, call1(print2, call1(print1,print2))));
For more functions, continue the nesting pattern.
Passing Arguments
If you need to pass arguments, you can write a version of call1 that takes arguments and then make the obvious modification to call12.
call1arg1 = #(a,arg_a,b) a(arg_a);
call12arg1 = #(a, arg_a, b, arg_b) call1arg1(b, arg_b, call1arg1(a, arg_a, b))
You can also make versions of call1 that take multiple arguments and mix and match them as appropriate.
It is possible, using the curly function which is used to create a comma separated list.
curly = #(x, varargin) x{varargin{:}};
If functionCall1() and functionCall2() return something and those somethings can be concatenated, then you can do this:
>> foo = #() [functionCall1(), functionCall2()]
>> foo = #() [functionCall1(); functionCall2()]
A side effect of this is that foo() will return the concatenation of whatever functionCall1() and functionCall2() return.
I don't know if the execution order of functionCall1() and functionCall2() is guaranteed.

Matlab: Call function that has no outputs from an anonymous function

I'd like to call a certain function from within an anonymous function, as in
Trouble is, fooBar has no outputs, which makes the anonymous function complain. Is there a way around this besides making the fooBar function return a dummy output?
The problem is in your anonymous function definition. By enclosing your function foobar(baz) between the characters {...}, you are programming a function which has to :
evaluate the expression foobar(baz)
Place the result of this expression into a cell
return the cell
Obviously in step (2) Matlab cannot place the result of the expression (1) in a cell because there is no output from (1).
So simply define your function without the curly braces:
myFunction = #() fooBar(baz)
and everything should work ok.
To demonstrate with an example, let's define the function fooBar by doing something which does not produce an output (change an axe limits for example):
fooBar = #(axlim) set(gca,'XLim',axlim)
I can now call fooBar([0 20]) and the current axes will directly have its axes limits set to [0 20]
If there is an axis span which I use often ([-5 5] for example), I could be tempted to define a new function which will always call fooBar with the same (often used) parameters:
fooBarPrefered = #() fooBar([-5 5])
Now every time I call fooBarPrefered(), my axes X limits are directly set to [-5 5].
To further prove the point, since calling fooBar([-5 5]) does not produce an output, Matlab will indeed complain if I define my function with curly braces:
fooBarPrefered = #() {fooBar([-5 5])} ;
>> fooBarPrefered()
One or more output arguments not assigned during call to "set".
Error in #(axlim)set(gca,'XLim',axlim)
Error in #(){fooBar([-5,5])}
But note that this is the same error than if you were trying to assign the output of fooBar to a variable directly in the workspace:
a = fooBar([0 20])
One or more output arguments not assigned during call to "set".
Error in #(axlim)set(gca,'XLim',axlim)
Bottom line: If a function does not have an output, do not try to redirect this output to a variable or an expression.

When can I pass a function handle?

I have a function for cached evaluation. As one of the arguments, it takes a function handle. Under some circumstances, the function handle is unaccessible, and I don't quite understand why. The example below shows what got me stumped:
>> A.a = #plus; feval(#A.a, 1, 1)
ans =
>> clear A
>> A.a.a = #plus; feval(#A.a.a, 1, 1)
Error using feval
Undefined function 'A.a.a' for input arguments of type 'double'.
So, if I have a function handle stored as a structure member, I can pass it along fine if it's one level deep, but not if it's two levels deep. In my real use case, I have a structure D that holds many (117) instances of various classes, so I actually have stct.obj.meth, where stct is a structure, obj is a class instance/object, and meth is a method. Passing #stct.obj.meth fails, but if I assign A = stct.obj, then passing #A.meth succeeds.
Under what conditions can I pass a function handle as an argument, so that it's still accessible down the stack?
Edit: Although in the use case above, I could simply remove the # because #plus is already a function handle. However, consider the situation here:
>> type cltest.m
classdef cltest < handle
function C = mymeth(self, a, b)
C = a + b;
>> A.a = cltest();
>> feval(#A.a.mymeth, 1, 1)
Error using feval
Undefined function 'A.a.mymeth' for input arguments of type 'double'.
>> b = A.a;
>> feval(#b.mymeth, 1, 1)
ans =
In this case, I need the # before A.a.mymeth...
Introducing classes was a big deal for MATLAB. So big, in fact, that they still do not work properly today. Your example shows that structure access and class method access conflict, because they had to overload the the meaning of dot '.' and didn't get it to work seamlessly. It all more or less works fine when you are calling class methods explicitly by their name on the MATLAB console, e.g. in your example >> A.a.mymeth(1,1). But when you have any type of indirection, it soon breaks.
You tried getting the function handle by >> #A.a.mymeth, which MATLAB cannot make sense of, probably because it gets confused by the mixed structure/class thing. Trying to work around using str2func doesn't work either. It works, again, only for explicit name access, as shown here. It breaks for your example, e.g. >> str2func('b.mymeth'). It does not even work inside the class. Try other indirections and watch them fail.
Additionally, MATLAB does not like giving you a class method's handles. There's no function for it. There's no way to get all function handles in one go, or even dynamically by a name string.
I see three options here. First, try changing your program, if possible. Do these functions need to sit in a classdef?
Second, follow your or nispio's workaround. They both create a temporary variable to hold a reference to the class instance in order to create a non-mixed access to its member methods. The problem is, they both require explicitly naming the function. You have to explicitly put this code for every function involved. No way to abstract that out.
Third, cheat by giving out your class' method handles from the inside. You can give them out in a structure.
classdef cltest < handle
function C = mymeth(self, a, b)
C = a + b;
function hs = funhandles(self)
hs = struct('mymeth', #self.mymeth, ...
'mymeth2', #self.mymeth2);
You can then access the handles by name, even dynamically.
>> A.a = cltest;
>> feval(A.a.funhandles.mymeth, 1, 1);
>> feval(A.a.funhandles.('mymeth'), 1, 1)
ans =
But be careful, by using this you can access Access=private methods from outside.
Try this:
It is a little kludgy, but it should work.
The way it works is by creating an Anonymous Function that takes a variable number of arguments, and dumps those arguments into the method A.a.mymeth(). So you are not actually passing a pointer to the function A.a.mymeth, you are passing a pointer to a function that calls A.a.mymeth.
An alternative way of achieving the same thing without using varargin would be:
This creates an anonymous function that accepts two arguments, and passes them along to A.a.mymeth.
<speculation> I think that it must be inherent in the way that the unary function handle operator # works. The Matlab parser probably looks at #token and decides whether token is a valid function. In the case of a.mymeth it is smart enough to decide that mymeth is a member of a, and then return the appropriate handle. However, when it sees A.a.mymeth it may discover that A is not a class, nor does A have a member named a.mymeth and therefore no valid function is found. This seems to be supported by the fact that this works:
A.a.a = #plus; feval(A.a.a,1,1)
and this doesn't:
A.a.a = #plus; feval(#A.a.a,1,1)
You can get around it by introducing a separate function that corrects what # operator is not doing:
function h=g(f)
x = functions(f);
if ~strcmp(x.type, 'anonymous')
h = evalin('caller', ['#(varargin)' x.function '(varargin{:})']);
h = f;
Now for your example:
>> feval(g(#A.a.mymeth), 1, 1)
ans =
>> feval(g(#b.mymeth), 1, 1)
ans =
I think this will have the smallest impact on your code. You can make it a bit more elegant but less robust and/or readable. The uplus method is not defined for function_handle class so you can create uplus.m in folder #function_handle somewhere in your path with this content:
function h=uplus(f)
x = functions(f);
if ~strcmp(x.type, 'anonymous')
h = evalin('caller', ['#(varargin)' x.function '(varargin{:})']);
h = f;
Now you just need to use +# instead of #. For your examples:
>> feval(+#A.a.mymeth, 1, 1)
ans =
>> feval(+#b.mymeth, 1, 1)
ans =

How to declare a function with an argument which is an array?

I need to declare a function that has 32 arguments, so it would be handy to put an unique argument: an array of 32 elements.
I don't find the syntax to do that, I've tried everythinh like:
function x=myfunction(str(32)) (etc...)
But without success.
Unlike other languages, MATLAB can accept matrices as a single argument; so you could just check that the input argument is a vector of length 32:
function x = myfunction(arg)
if length(arg) ~= 32
error('Must supply 32 arguments!');
%# your code here
If it's a variable number of arguments, check out varargin:
function x = myfunction(varargin)
But for 32 arguments, consider using an input structure:
function x = myfunction(argStruct)
if length(fieldnames(argStruct)) ~= 32
error('not enough arguments!');
Supply arguments in the structure, then pass the structure:
>> myArgs = struct();
>> myArgs.arg1 = 5;
>> myArgs.arg2 = 7;
>> %#(etc)
>> x = myfunction(myArgs);
Then in the function, you could either call argStruct.arg1, etc, directly; or unpack it into 32 different variables inside the function. I would give the fields descriptive names so you don't refer to them as arg1, etc inside your function. For that many input arguments, people using the function probably won't remember the order in which your function requires them to pass inputs to. Doing it with a struct lets users pass in arguments without needing to think about what order those inputs are defined.
To add to #strictlyrude27's awesome answer, it looks like you may misunderstand how function declarations work in Matlab. You wrote:
function x=myfunction(str(32))
However, you don't need to declare the type of input in matlab. Just give it a name, and then use it. So, the proper syntax for a declaration would be:
function x = myfunction(myInput)

MATLAB- passing a function handle parameter into another function as a handle

Working on an assignment involving Genetic Algorithms (loads of headaches, loads of fun). I need to be able to test differing crossover methods and differing mutation methods, to compare their results (part of the paper I have to write for the course). As such, I want to just pass the function names into the Repopulate method, as function handles.
function newpop = Repopulate(population, crossOverMethod, mutationMethod)
child = crossOverMethod(parent1, parent2, #mutationMethod);
function child = crossOverMethod(parent1, parent2, mutationMethod)
if (mutateThisChild == true)
child = mutationMethod(child);
The key point here is like 3, parameter 3: how do I pass mutationMethod down another level? If I use the # symbol, I get told:
"mutationMethod" was previously used as a variable,
conflicting with its use here as the name of a function or command.
If I don't use the # symbol, then mutationMethod gets called, with no parameters, and is quite unhappy.
While I am aware that yes, I could just rewrite my code to make it work differently, I'm now curious as to how to make it actually work.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Actually just dont use the # symbol, use it when you call the Repopulate function instead.
function x = fun1(a,m)
x = fun2(a,m);
function y = fun2(b,n)
y = n(b);
which we call as:
> fun1([1 2 3], #sum)
Refer to the documentation for Passing Function Handle Arguments
Note you can check if the argument is a function handle by: isa(m,'function_handle'). Therefore you can make your function Repopulate more flexible by accepting both a function handle and a function name as a string:
function x = fun(a,m)
if ischar(m)
f = str2func(m);
elseif isa(m,'function_handle')
f = m;
error('expecting a function')
x = fun2(a,f);
which now can be called both ways:
fun1([1 2 3], #sum)
fun1([1 2 3], 'sum')