Text extraction using spark and scala - scala

I have an text extraction algorithm in scala, I want to use spark on top of it. I am not able to understand how to use it as I am new to both spark and scala
My algorithm is like this
object HelloWorld {
val algoobejct = new ObjectExtract
var textFile = ("Path to text file")
for each sentence in textFile
val instances = algoobject.extract(sentence);
save instances to texFile
I can have here multiple text files and these text files are a lot.
can anyone tell me how it can be done using spark ?
My algorithm is in scala so I will be using scala only to do this task.

try this..
val algoobejct = new ObjectExtract
val rdd = sparkContext.textFile("Path to text file")
just make sure algoobejct extends Serializable otherwise it won't work


Spark Scala - textFile() and sequenceFile() RDDs

I'm successfully loading my sequence files into a DataFrame with some code like this:
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
val jsonRecs = file.map((record: (String, String)) => new String(record._2))
val df = sqlContext.read.json(jsonRecs)
I'd like to do the same with some text files. The text files have a similar format as the sequence files (A timestamp, a tab char, then the json). But the problem is textFile() returns an RDD[String] instead of an RDD[LongWritable,String] like the sequenceFile() method.
My goal is to be able to test the program with either sequence files or text files as input.
How could I convert the RDD[String] coming from textFile() into an RDD[LongWritable,String]? Or is there a better solution?
Assuming that your text file is a CSV file, you can use following code for reading a CSV file in a Dataframe where spark is the SparkSession:
val df = spark.read.option("header", "false").csv("file.txt")
Like header option there are multiple options you can provide depending upon your requirement. Check this for more details.
Thanks for the responses. It's not a CSV but I guess it could be. It's just the text output of doing this on a sequence file in HDFS:
hdfs dfs -text /path/to/my/file > myFile.txt
Anyway, I found a solution that works for both sequence and text file for my use case. This code ends up setting the variable 'file' to a RDD[String,String] in both cases, and I can work with that.
var file = if (inputType.equalsIgnoreCase("text")) {
sc.textFile(src).map(line => (line.split("\t")(0), line.split("\t")(1)))
} else { // Default to assuming sequence files are input

How to read many files and assign each file to the next variable?

I am beginner in Scala, I have following question:
How to read more that one csv file and and assign each file to the next variable?
I know how the read one file:
val file_1.sc.textFile("/Users/data/urls_20170225")
I also know how to read many files:
val file_2.sc.textFile("/Users/data/urls_*")
But second way assign all data to one variables file_2, is something that I don't want to! I am looking for elegant way to do this in Spark Scala.
spark has no API to load multiple files into multiple RDD. What you can do is load them one by one into one List of RDD. Below is a sample code.
def main(arg: Array[String]): Unit = {
val dir = """F:\Works\SO\Scala\src\main\resource"""
val startsWith = """urls_""" // we will use this as the wildcard
val fileList:List[File] = getListOfFiles(new File(dir))
val filesRDD: List[RDD[String]] = fileList.collect({
case file: File if file.getName.startsWith(startsWith)=> spark.sparkContext.textFile(file.getPath)
//Get all the individual file paths
def getListOfFiles(dir: File):List[File] = dir.listFiles.filter(_.isFile).toList

Will standalone scala program takes advantage of distributed/parallel processing? or does spark Scala require separate code?

First of all sorry for asking the basic doubt over here, but still explanation for the below will be appreciable..
i am very new to scala and spark, so my doubt is if i write a standalone scala program, and execute it on spark(1 master 3 worker), will the scala program takes advantage of disturbed/parallel processing, or should i need to write a separate program to get an advantage of distributed processing??
For example, we have a scala code that process a particular formatted file to comma separated file, it takes a directory as input and parses all file and write an output to single file(each file will be usually 100-200MB). So here is the code.
import scala.io.Source
import java.io.File
import java.io.PrintWriter
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import java.util.Calendar
//import scala.io.Source
//import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
//import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
//import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
object Parser {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
//val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("fileParsing").setMaster("local[*]")
//val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
var inp = new File(args(0))
var ext: String = ""
if(args.length == 1)
{ ext = "log" } else { ext = args(1) }
var files: List[String] = List("")
if (inp.exists && inp.isDirectory) {
files = getListOfFiles(inp,ext)
else if(inp.exists ) {
files = List(inp.toString)
println("Enter the correct Directory/File name");
if(files.length <=0 )
println(s"No file found with extention '.$ext'")
var out_file_name = "output_"+Calendar.getInstance().getTime.toString.replace(" ","-").replace(":","-")+".log"
var data = getHeader(files(0))
var writer=new PrintWriter(new File(out_file_name))
var record_count = 0
//var allrecords = data.mkString(",")+("\n")
for(eachFile <- files)
record_count += parseFile(writer,data,eachFile)
println(record_count +s" processed into $out_file_name")
//all func are defined here.
Files from the specific dir are read using scala.io
So my doubt is will the above code(standalone prg) can be executed on distributed spark system? will i get an advantage of parallel processing??
ok, how about using sc to read file, will it then uses distributed processing
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("fileParsing").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
for(eachFile <- files)
record_count += parseFile(sc,writer,data,eachFile)
def parseFile(......)
So if i edit the top code to make use of sc then will it process on distributes spark system.
No it won't. To make use of distributed computing using Spark, you need to use SparkContext.
If you run the application you have provided using spark-submit you will not be using the Spark cluster at all. You have to rewrite it to use the SparkContext. Please read through the Spark Programming Guide.
It is extremely helpful to watch some introductory videos on Youtube for getting to know how Apache Spark works in general.
For example, these:
Is is very important to understand it for using Spark.
"advantage of distributed processing"
Using Spark can give you advantages of distributing processing on multiple server cluster. So if you are going to move your application later to the cluster, it makes sense to develop application using Spark model and corresponding API.
Well, you can run Spark application locally on your local machine but in this case you won't get all the advantages the Spark can provide.
Anyway, as it is said before, Spark is a special framework with its own libraries for developtment. So you have to rewrite your application using Spark context and Spark API, i.e. special objects like RDDs or Dataframes and corresponding methods.

Unit testing with Spark dataframes

I'm trying to test a part of my program which performs transformations on dataframes
I want to test several different variations of these dataframe which rules out the option of reading a specific DF from a file
And so my questions are:
Is there any good tutorial on how to perform unit testing with Spark and dataframes, especially regarding the dataframes creation?
How can I create these different several lines dataframes without a lot of boilerplate and without reading these from a file?
Are there any utility classes for checking for specific values inside a dataframe?
I obviously googled that before but could not find anything which was very useful. Among the more useful links I found were:
Running a basic unit test with a dataframe
Custom made assertions with DF
It would be great if examples/tutorials are in Scala but I'll take whatever language you've got
Thanks in advance
This link shows how we can programmatically create a data frame with schema. You can keep the data in separate traits and mix it in with your tests. For instance,
// This example assumes CSV data. But same approach should work for other formats as well.
trait TestData {
val data1 = List(
val data2 = ...
Then with ScalaTest, we can do something like this.
class MyDFTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"method" should "perform this" in new TestData {
// You can access your test data here. Use it to create the DataFrame.
// Your test here.
To create the DataFrame, you can have few util methods like below.
def schema(types: Array[String], cols: Array[String]) = {
val datatypes = types.map {
case "String" => StringType
case "Long" => LongType
case "Double" => DoubleType
// Add more types here based on your data.
case _ => StringType
StructType(cols.indices.map(x => StructField(cols(x), datatypes(x))).toArray)
def df(data: List[String], types: Array[String], cols: Array[String]) = {
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
val parser = new CSVParser(',')
val split = rdd.map(line => parser.parseLine(line))
val rdd = split.map(arr => Row(arr(0), arr(1), arr(2), arr(3)))
sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema(types, cols))
I am not aware of any utility classes for checking specific values in a DataFrame. But I think it should be simple to write one using the DataFrame APIs.
You could use SharedSQLContext and SharedSparkSession that Spark uses for its own unit tests. Check my answer for examples.
For those looking to achieve something similar in Java, you can use start by using this project to initialize a SparkContext within your unit tests: https://github.com/holdenk/spark-testing-base
I personally had to mimick the file structure of some AVRO files. So I used Avro-tools (https://avro.apache.org/docs/1.8.2/gettingstartedjava.html#download_install) to extract the schema from my binary records using the following command:
java -jar $AVRO_HOME/avro tojson largeAvroFile.avro | head -3
Then, using this small helper method, you can convert the output JSON into a DataFrame to use in your unit tests.
private DataFrame getDataFrameFromList() {
SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(jsc());
ImmutableList<String> elements = ImmutableList.of(
JavaRDD<String> parallelize = jsc().parallelize(elements);
return sqlContext.read().json(parallelize);

How to read parquet files using `ssc.fileStream()`? What are the types passed to `ssc.fileStream()`?

My understanding of Spark's fileStream() method is that it takes three types as parameters: Key, Value, and Format. In case of text files, the appropriate types are: LongWritable, Text, and TextInputFormat.
First, I want to understand the nature of these types. Intuitively, I would guess that the Key in this case is the line number of the file, and the Value is the text on that line. So, in the following example of a text file:
Another Test
The first row of the DStream would have a Key of 1 (0?) and a Value of Hello.
Is this correct?
Second part of my question: I looked at the decompiled implementation of ParquetInputFormat and I noticed something curious:
public class ParquetInputFormat<T>
extends FileInputFormat<Void, T> {
public class TextInputFormat
extends FileInputFormat<LongWritable, Text>
implements JobConfigurable {
TextInputFormat extends FileInputFormat of types LongWritable and Text, whereas ParquetInputFormat extends the same class of types Void and T.
Does this mean that I must create a Value class to hold an entire row of my parquet data, and then pass the types <Void, MyClass, ParquetInputFormat<MyClass>> to ssc.fileStream()?
If so, how should I implement MyClass?
EDIT 1: I have noticed a readSupportClass which is to be passed to ParquetInputFormat objects. What kind of class is this, and how is it used to parse the parquet file? Is there some documentation that covers this?
EDIT 2: As far as I can tell, this is impossible. If anybody knows how to stream in parquet files to Spark then please feel free to share...
My sample to read parquet files in Spark Streaming is below.
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(2))
ssc.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("parquet.read.support.class", "parquet.avro.AvroReadSupport")
val stream = ssc.fileStream[Void, GenericRecord, ParquetInputFormat[GenericRecord]](
directory, { path: Path => path.toString.endsWith("parquet") }, true, ssc.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
val lines = stream.map(row => {
println("row:" + row.toString())
Some points are ...
record type is GenericRecord
readSupportClass is AvroReadSupport
pass Configuration to fileStream
set parquet.read.support.class to the Configuration
I referred to source codes below for creating sample.
And I also could not find good examples.
I would like to wait better one.
You can access the parquet by adding some parquet specific hadoop settings :
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(5))
var schema =StructType(Seq(
StructField("a", StringType, nullable = false),
val schemaJson=schema.json
val fileDir="/tmp/fileDir"
ssc.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("parquet.read.support.class", "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetReadSupport") ssc.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.row.requested_schema", schemaJson)
ssc.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set(SQLConf.PARQUET_BINARY_AS_STRING.key, "false")
ssc.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set(SQLConf.PARQUET_INT96_AS_TIMESTAMP.key, "false")
ssc.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set(SQLConf.PARQUET_WRITE_LEGACY_FORMAT.key, "false")
ssc.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set(SQLConf.PARQUET_BINARY_AS_STRING.key, "false")
val streamRdd = ssc.fileStream[Void, UnsafeRow, ParquetInputFormat[UnsafeRow]](fileDir,(t: org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) => true, false)
This code was prepared with Spark 2.1.0.