I'm having trouble with the recent facebook update with their API.
I was having an error that said
Laravel FacebookProvider Error. Undefined variable: access_token.
I found another question where they said to do this :
In vendor/laravel/socialite/src/Two/FacebookProvider.php
parse_str($body, $data);
return $access_token;
parse_str($body, $data);
$json = json_decode(key($data));
return $json->access_token;
After I made those changes, now i'm having this error
FatalErrorException in FacebookProvider.php line 67:
Cannot access empty property
Here's the link :

Never, ever modify vendor files. Instead, update your package through composer. This was fixed awhile ago as the FacebookProvider has changed greatly and utilizes a completely different method to retrieve and provide the access code.
* {#inheritdoc}
public function getAccessTokenResponse($code)
$postKey = (version_compare(ClientInterface::VERSION, '6') === 1) ? 'form_params' : 'body';
$response = $this->getHttpClient()->post($this->getTokenUrl(), [
$postKey => $this->getTokenFields($code),
$data = [];
$data = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
return Arr::add($data, 'expires_in', Arr::pull($data, 'expires'));

I had the same problem and I solved with
composer require laravel/socialite:^2.0
Tested with Laravel 5.2 and 5.3


How to write an extbase Repository-Method for Update in TYPO3?

I have written an update query in TYPO3, Now I need to change it to query-object repository method. How to change the code below?
public function updatePaymentDetails($uid, $txnID, $amt, $stats)
$itemUID = $uid;
$transID = $txnID;
$amountPaid = $amt;
$txStatus = $stats;
$tableName = 'tx_paypalpayment_domain_model_transactions AS tpp';
$whereCondition = 'tpp.uid=' . '"' . $itemUID . '"';
$setValues = ['transactionid' => $transID, 'amount' => $amountPaid, 'txnstatus' => $txStatus];
$result = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery($tableName, $whereCondition, $setValues);
return $result;
I created this much in my own idea (don't know it is correct or not), What should be the remaining portion?
public function paymentUpdate($uid, $txnID, $amt, $stats) {
$query = $this->createQuery();
$query->equals("transactionid", $txnID),
$query->equals("amount", $amt),
$query->equals("txnstatus", $stats)
/*--- Update Code ---*/
return $query->execute();
Is there any way to do that?
The TYPO3/Extbase way is to first fetch your transaction from the persistence layer then apply your changes to the domain object and then update it in your repository.
Something like below in your controller action:
$transaction = $this->transactionRepository->findByIdentifier($itemUid);
If you wants to do a direct update instead of first fetching the record then take a look at the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\QueryBuilder (Only exists in newer versions of TYPO3 - 8.7 and above). In older versions of TYPO3 you could take a look at $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_*.

How to detect wrong URL using Joomla! System Plugin?

I have developed a Joomla! system plugin.
I would like to detect wrong URL when that plugin is executed.
For example:
If I enter a URL "http://localhost/wrong-url", I want to catch that error in the system plugin.
How do I know that the system will display the error page (404)?
You can do this using the following technique
Check URL Function
function checkURL($URL){
$ch = curl_init($URL);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($httpcode != 200) {
return false;
return true;
Use Of the CheckURL Function
/*URL May be a Joomla OR Non Joomla Site*/
echo "URL Exist";
echo "URL NOT Exist";
//JError::raiseWarning(500,$URL. " is not exists");
echo "URL Exist";
echo "URL NOT Exist";
//JError::raiseWarning(500,$URL. " is not exists");
NOTE: Check you have PHP curl lib installed
In a system plugin to trap the 404 you would have to add a function from your plugin as a callback to JError error handler array.
I would have a look at the way com_redirect does it, with it's system plugin. e.g.
function __construct(&$subject, $config)
parent::__construct($subject, $config);
// Set the error handler for E_ERROR to be the class handleError method.
JError::setErrorHandling(E_ERROR, 'callback', array('plgSystemRedirect', 'handleError'));
static function handleError(&$error)
// Get the application object.
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
// Make sure we are not in the administrator and it's a 404.
if (!$app->isAdmin() and ($error->getCode() == 404))
// Do cool stuff here
The only problem is JError is depreciated so I'm not sure going forward when this would break e.g. it should be fine in 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.5 but after that who knows?
I know this is an old question, but I needed a solution today and found this question, so leaving my solution below to help anyone else searching in the future.
In the plugin file:
* The global exception handler registered before the plugin was instantiated
* #var callable
* #since 3.6
private static $previousExceptionHandler;
* Constructor.
* #param object &$subject The object to observe
* #param array $config An optional associative array of configuration settings.
* #since 1.6
public function __construct(&$subject, $config) {
parent::__construct($subject, $config);
// Register the previously defined exception handler so we can forward errors to it
self::$previousExceptionHandler = set_exception_handler(array('PlgSystemVmsreporting', 'handleException'));
public static function handleException($exception) {
// Wrap in try/catch to prevent any further exceptions being raised
try {
// Do whatever you need with the error
} catch (Exception $e) {
//Don't make a fuss - fail silently
// Proxy to the previous exception handler if available, otherwise use the default Joomla handler
if (self::$previousExceptionHandler) {
call_user_func_array(self::$previousExceptionHandler, array($exception));
} else {

WordPress 3.5 Changed User.php Which Breaks Plugin, Can this function be the issue? Can it be fixed?

A plugin provides login for a WordPress multi-site network. This plugin now fails under WP 3.5 because the user.php file was changed. The old lines in /wp-includes/user.php can be added back in and the plugin would work. Obviously this is not a long term solution.
This is the old code from user.php
if ( empty( $user ) )
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$user = new WP_User( $user );
if ( ! isset( $user->ID ) )
return false;
This is the new code from 3.5
if ( empty( $user ) )
$user = get_current_user_id();
if ( ! $user = get_userdata( $user ) )
return false;
I'm a beginner trying to learn php and so I'm not sure on all of the meanings. However, I think this is the code in the plugin causing issue:
function get_userdata( $user_id ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( ! is_numeric( $user_id ) )
return false;
$user_id = absint( $user_id );
if ( ! $user_id )
return false;
$user = wp_cache_get( $user_id, 'users' ); //check to see if the cache object already has the user
if ( $user )
return $user; //it was in the cache
$user = new StdClass ();
global $XF;
XF_User_Data::fillUserData($XF->visitor, $user, $user_id);
return $user;
The new StdClass can be commented out and the error is removed but then no one can login.
How could I re-write this function to not cause the error?
*Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::has_prop() /wp-includes/user.php*
The developer of the plugin is 'on vacation' and hasn't updated. He's waiting for some other changes, however, this needs to be fixed.
Any suggestions on fixing the code? Am I looking in the wrong place? Are other details needed before someone can help?
Even if you are a skilled PHP programmer, modifying WP core or any plugin script is really a bad idea. In my opinion, you should downgrade to previous version and wait for the plugin's update. Check this link to do it easily. In fact, many plugins had problems with version 3.5, including the popular CKEditor, but they are being updated and in this case, waiting seems to be the best option. Make sure all plugins are compatible with 3.5 before trying another update.
If you post which plugin you're using and a link to download it I'll take a look at it and see what the issue is.

how to build query string in zend framework?

I'm trying to build a query string as following:
Next Page
I want to add an array to query string. For example, array('find_loc'=>'New+York', 'find_name'=>'starbucks')
I expect to get url that looks like
What's the best way to do this? I found a similar question that suggested appending the string to the url. Is there a helper for query string?
Simple answer to your question is no.
Here is the class description:
* Helper for making easy links and getting urls that depend on the routes and router
* #package Zend_View
* #subpackage Helper
* #copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* #license New BSD License
Helper for making easy links and getting urls that depend on the routes and router
I think the description is clear in it's purpose. Use it for making URLs that depend on the routes and router. So, just append your query strings as recommend in the link you posted in your question.
The following should work for you:
Next Page
The ZF-Router will map the values to the Request object.
In your controller you can access these params with the Response-Object:
$loc = $this->getRequest()->getParam('find_loc');
$name = $this->getRequest()->getParam('find_name);
You can make custom helper:
class My_View_Helper_UrlHttpQuery extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
public function urlHttpQuery($query)
$urlHelper = $this->view->getHelper('url');
$params = func_get_args();
array_shift($params);//removing first argument
$url = call_user_func_array(($urlHelper, 'url'), $params);
if(!is_string($query)) { //allow raw query string
$query = array($query);
$query = http_build_query($query);
if(!empty($query) {
$url .= '?' . ltrim('?', $query);
return $url;
After you register this helper with view, you can use it like this Next Page
Working code
* Class Wp_View_Helper_UrlHttpQuery
class Wp_View_Helper_UrlHttpQuery extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
public function urlHttpQuery($query = array())
$urlHelper = $this->view->getHelper('url');
$params = func_get_args();
//removing first argument
$url = call_user_func_array(array($urlHelper, 'url'), $params);
if (is_array($query) || is_object($query)) {
$query = http_build_query($query);
if (!empty($query)) {
$url .= '?' . ltrim($query, '?');
return $url;
since the upstream code doesn't work

Integrating Zend Framework 1.11 with MongoDB using Doctrine ODM

Does any know of a way to integrate zend framework with Mongo using Doctrine 2 beta ODM?
I've viewed the zendcast video on integrating with Doctrine 2 ORM for MySQL but Bisna was never updated to support Mongo.
I guess I can try and hack Bisna to get it working but I'd like to know if someone else has already found a way to get it working.
It's pretty easy to write a Zend Bootstrap Resource.
Here is one I use:
namespace Cob\Application\Resource;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader,
* Creates a MongoDB connection and DocumentManager instance
* #author Andrew Cobby <>
class Mongo extends \Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract
* #return \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\DocumentManager
public function init()
$options = $this->getOptions() + array(
'defaultDB' => 'my_database',
'proxyDir' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/domain/Proxies',
'proxyNamespace' => 'Application\Proxies',
'hydratorDir' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/domain/Hydrators',
'hydratorNamespace' => 'Application\Hydrators'
$config = new Configuration();
$reader = new AnnotationReader();
$config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $this->getDocumentPaths()));
$evm = new EventManager();
$evm->addEventSubscriber(new SlugSubscriber());
return DocumentManager::create(new Connection(), $config, $evm);
public function getDocumentPaths()
$paths = array();
foreach(new \DirectoryIterator(APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules') as $module){
$path = $module->getPathname() . '/src/Domain/Document';
if((!$module->isDir() || $module->isDot()) || !is_dir($path)){
$paths[] = $path;
throw new \Exception("No document paths found");
return $paths;
Though you'll have to update the getDocumentPaths() method to suit your application directory structure.
I wrote my own very simple application resource plugin and container, using Guilherme's integration suite for inspiration.
I'm sure this could be much more featured in terms of capturing options but I figured I'll add those in as I need them.