Functions tabular output changing on some remote computers - powershell

I have this function I'm using a foreach statement block to run against a number of machines:
function Get-InstalledApps ($appStr) {
$appWC = "*$appStr*"
if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) {
$regpath = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*'
else {
$regpath = #(
$getapps = Get-ItemProperty $regpath | .{process{if($_.DisplayName -and $_.UninstallString) { $_ } }}
Foreach ($app in $getapps | where {$_.DisplayName -like $appWC}) {
[pscustomobject]#{Computer = ($env:COMPUTERNAME + "." + $env:USERDNSDOMAIN)
AppName = ($app.displayname)
Publisher = ($app.Publisher)
DisplayVersion = ($app.DisplayVersion)
InstallDate = ($app.InstallDate)
UninstallString = ($App.UninstallString)}
Locally, it looks like this:
PS C:\windows\system32> Get-InstalledApps ibm | ft
Computer AppName Publisher DisplayVersion InstallDate UninstallString
-------- ------- --------- -------------- ----------- ---------------
Computer.domain.COM IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client IBM 06.04.0001 20140807 MsiExec.exe /I{FF99015E-71B4-41AB-8985-67D99383A72A}
But when run remotely on some computers
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock
${function:Get-InstalledApps} -ArgumentList $appStr
I get the above, however on others I get this:
Name Value
---- -----
UninstallString MsiExec.exe /I{68C09095-AC00-4541-B46B-0835F2BDB0CE}
Publisher IBM
InstallDate 20150122
DisplayVersion 07.01.0000
AppName IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client
UninstallString MsiExec.exe /X{1316AC9A-7A5D-4866-B41F-4B3CF03CE52A}
Publisher IBM Corp.
InstallDate 20170226
AppName IBM BigFix Client
Without having a chance to verify PowerShell versions of some of the computers yet, I'm guessing the 2nd set of results may be as a result of being run against computers running < version 3.0.
Any way to force the output to display as a table (1st example output) on all computers?

I'm guessing the 2nd set of results may be as a result of being run against computers running < version 3.0.
If you are running that on systems that are not at least version 3 then your [pscustomobject] cast would fail since that was introduced in v3. I would have expected that to just trigger an error but instead it appears to be returning the hashtable. A compatible solution would be to use new-object instead.
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{
Computer = ($env:COMPUTERNAME + "." + $env:USERDNSDOMAIN)
AppName = ($app.displayname)
Publisher = ($app.Publisher)
DisplayVersion = ($app.DisplayVersion)
InstallDate = ($app.InstallDate)
UninstallString = ($App.UninstallString)

Thanks Matt.
That worked, which is my preferred method.
if the app wasn't installed or the host was offline, a couple of variations of IF statements didn't seem to pick up the output at another point in the script (only displayed if it was installed) and returned as a blank line, however this seemed to be picked up by the statement blocks:
function Get-InstalledApps ($appStr) {
$appWC = "*$appStr*"
if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) {
$regpath = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*'
else {
$regpath = #(
$getapps = Get-ItemProperty $regpath | .{process{if($_.DisplayName -and $_.UninstallString) { $_ } }}
$getapps | where {$_.DisplayName -like $appWC} | Select #{n='Computer';e={$env:COMPUTERNAME + "." + $env:USERDNSDOMAIN}},Displayname,Publisher,DisplayVersion,InstallDate,UninstallString


PowerShell :: How to filter worker processes list by User Name

Basically as per screen-shot there are multiple worker processes are running on machine in IIS but we need w3wp which is running under Sitecore User Username.
We tried below PS script but getting blank value in User Name column
$processlist = get-process | where {$_.cpu -gt 5 -and $_.Name -eq 'w3wp'} |select Name, #{l="User name";e={$_.getowner().user}} | ft -AutoSize
foreach($proc in $processlist){
if($proc -eq "Sitecore User" ){
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\someexe.exe $proc.Id "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\output.dmp"
and finally we need to perform some action on process Id.
I suggest the following PoSh-Script that should give you all the necessary info and more:
# Ensure to import the WebAdministration module
Import-Module WebAdministration
# Declare the variables
$server = "localhost"
$search = "*"
$wmiQuery=[wmisearcher]"SELECT * FROM __Namespace where NAME like 'WebAdministration' or NAME like 'MicrosoftIISv2'"
$wmiQuery.Scope.Path = "\\" + $server + "\root"
$WebNamespace = $wmiQuery.Get()
# Checking if the the server has IIS installed
if($WebNamespace -like '*WebAdministration*')
"IIS found on $server"
$WPlist=Get-WmiObject -NameSpace 'root\WebAdministration' -class 'WorkerProcess' -ComputerName 'LocalHost'
# Loop through the list of active IIS Worker Processes w3wp.exe and fetch the PID, AppPool Name and the startTime
forEach ($WP in $WPlist)
if ($WP.apppoolname -like$search)
write-host "Found:""PID:"$WP.processid "AppPool_Name:"$WP.apppoolname
(get-process -ID $WP.processid|select starttime)
write-host"WARNING: IIS not detected."

Property has a value but cannot select it

I have a function that checks the registry for an uninstall key called Get-InstalledApps
Function Get-InstalledApps {
param (
[string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
[string]$NameRegex = ''
foreach ($comp in $ComputerName) {
$keys = '','\Wow6432Node'
foreach ($key in $keys) {
try {
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $comp)
$apps = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE$key\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall").GetSubKeyNames()
} catch {
foreach ($app in $apps) {
$program = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE$key\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$app")
$name = $program.GetValue('DisplayName')
if ($name -and $name -match $NameRegex) {
ComputerName = $comp
DisplayName = $name
DisplayVersion = $program.GetValue('DisplayVersion')
Publisher = $program.GetValue('Publisher')
InstallDate = $program.GetValue('InstallDate')
UninstallString = $program.GetValue('UninstallString')
Bits = $(if ($key -eq '\Wow6432Node') {'64'} else {'32'})
Path = $
and then I grab the DisplayName/Version for what I need. My current problem is that it only seems to work on certain machines. Example:
Get-InstalledApps | Where-Object {$_.Displayname -like "*Citrix Receiver*"}
Name Value
---- -----
ComputerName Computer
DisplayName Citrix Receiver 4.7
Bits 64
UninstallString C:\ProgramData\Citrix\Citrix Receiver 4.7\TrolleyExpress.exe /uninstall /cleanup
Path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb
Publisher Citrix Systems, Inc.
So this is great, I get what I want. Now I normally just pipe in | Select-Object Displayname -ExpandProperty Displayname and it would return "Citrix Receiver 4.7" just like I want. My problem is that on certain machines I'm getting this:
Get-InstalledApps | Where-Object {$_.Displayname -like "*Citrix Receiver*"} | Select-Object DisplayName
And that's it. Why is there no value listed? If I try to expandproperty I get an error because it says nothing is there, but clearly there is something there or the Where-Object would not have found it in my search. Again, in a lot cases this code works just fine and I get the value I want but on a lot of machines I'm getting what you see above.
Edited in from comments:
I run this on a user's machine and I get the results I posted. If I run it on my machine I'll get the value "Citrix Receiver 4.7" every time. Also, on my machine I don't get the Name and Value columns. Only about 1/4 of the machines I ran this code on actually gave me the value I expected. Windows 7 vs Windows 10 thing?
It looks to me like your function returns a [hashtable], but you're using it like it's an object with properties.
That happens to work fine with Where-Object because the .Member syntax works for accessing [hashtable] values, but it's not going to work with Select-Object because it's operating on actual properties.
So what can you do?
If you want to keep it as a [hashtable], and insist on doing it in a pipeline, you can use ForEach-Object:
Get-InstalledApps |
Where-Object {$_.Displayname -like "*Citrix Receiver*"} |
ForEach-Object -Process { $_.DisplayName }
Get-InstalledApps |
Where-Object {$_.Displayname -like "*Citrix Receiver*"} |
ForEach-Object -MemberName Item -ArgumentList DisplayName
Another thing you can do is change your function to return an object.
This is really easy to do with a [hashtable]; so say your function is about to return $hash, instead return:
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $hash
Now you can use the normal suite of cmdlets and have them work as expected.
Edit: after seeing your code, it looks like you are converting your hashtable to an object already, but your output says otherwise. It wouldn't display as Name and Value columns if that were the case, so I still think something is wrong and the output is a [hashtable].
Edit 2: with info from comments about the platform differences, this seems to be happening because the object conversion is being done with the [pscustomobject] type accelerator which was added in PowerShell v3. Since the problematic machine is running Windows 7, it may be running v2 (which is what Win 7 shipped with).
Get rid of Windows 7.
If you can't do that, upgrade PowerShell (Windows Management Framework) on that machine.
Either way, use New-Object as posted above.

PowerShell list installed third party application update

Is there a powershell command to return a list of installed non-microsoft application updates?
Example: after installing softwareA and installing update to softwareA -> one can see the installed update in the Control Panel - View Installed Updates section
Is there a PowerShell command or simple script to return true if update is installed or false if update is not installed?
Try this and replace the program name string with your program. Use wildcards to help narrow down the program name. An expected output will be the uninstall string last write time. Making the assumption that the last write time of the files are changing when there's a patch.
$programname = "Notepad++*"
$32bit = Get-ItemProperty
$64bit = Get-ItemProperty
$programs = $32bit + $64bit
foreach ($program in $programs){
$program = Write-Output $program | where Displayname -like $programname
if ($program.DisplayName -ne $null) {
$LastModified = (Get-Item $program.uninstallstring).lastwritetime
$properties = #{
ProgramName = $program.DisplayName
Publisher = $program.Publisher
Version = $program.DisplayVersion
UninstallString = $program.UninstallString
LastModified = $LastModified
$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties
Write-Output $obj
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where-Object { $_.ParentDisplayName -like "*foo*" }
This returns an object where ParentDisplayName is your program and DisplayVersion is the update version.

Resolve-DNSName for Windows 2008

I have a script working for Windows 2012 (PowerShell v4) but it has to work also for Windows 2008 (PowerShell v2), what is the equivalent of the cmdlet "Resolve-DNSName" for Windows 2008?
Resolve-DnsName -Name client01 -Server server01
I know it exists the same for nslookup and this is what I would like as a cmdlet (one-liner, with no input required from my part)
server server01
The following works for DNS resolution but is missing the -server parameter :
Unfortunately there isn't a way to do this natively in powershell prior to Version 4 in Windows 8.1 or Server 2012. There are .NET methods however:
The simplest solution in powershell is to call nslookup, and cleanup the output
&nslookup.exe client01 server01
I removed select-string from the original sample, it left less to work with
The function you posted following mine doesnt work very well, and will never work in PowershellV2, [PSCustomObject] wasn't supported until v3. Furthermore if you send a dns query that would normally return a single address, it returns nothing. For queries with aliases, it returns the aliases where the ipaddress should be. Test Resolve-DnsName2008 -name -server
The Following is a function that should do what your asking, at least for ipv4addresses:
function Resolve-DnsName2008
[string]$Server = ''
$nslookup = &nslookup.exe $Name $Server
$regexipv4 = "^(?:(?:0?0?\d|0?[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-5][0-5]|2[0-4]\d)\.){3}(?:0?0?\d|0?[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-5][0-5]|2[0-4]\d)$"
$name = #($nslookup | Where-Object { ( $_ -match "^(?:Name:*)") }).replace('Name:','').trim()
$deladdresstext = $nslookup -replace "^(?:^Address:|^Addresses:)",""
$Addresses = $deladdresstext.trim() | Where-Object { ( $_ -match "$regexipv4" ) }
$total = $Addresses.count
$AddressList = #()
for($i=1;$i -lt $total;$i++)
$AddressList += $Addresses[$i].trim()
$AddressList | %{
new-object -typename psobject -Property #{
Name = $name
IPAddress = $_
{ }
I use this code to input FQDNs one per line and output respective IPs.
$Server = Get-Content servers.txt
$OutArray = #()
$output = foreach ($Server in $Server) {
$IP = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($Server)
$OutArray += $Server + " " + $IP.IPAddressToString
$OutArray | Out-File IPs.txt
The problem is that if I use :
&nslookup.exe client01 server01 | select-string "Name", "Addresses"
It will only display the first record, in my case I had 5 records found and only one displayed.
The solution I found works very well :
function Resolve-DNSName2008
$nslookup = &nslookup.exe $Name $Server
$name = [string]($nslookup | Select-String "Name")
$nameClean = ([regex]::match($name,'(?<=:)(.*\n?)').value).Trim()
$addresses = (([regex]::match($nslookup,'(?<=Addresses:)(.*\n?)').value).Trim()).Split(' ')
$addressesClean = $addresses.Split('',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) | Sort-Object
$addressesClean | %{
Name = $nameClean
IPAddress = $_
Resolve-DNSName2008 -Name -Server
Name IPAddress
---- ---------

How to get server information from VMware

I have access to the VMWare GUI and I can easily export all the columns such as UPtime, IPAddress, Notes, DNS, GuestOs, State, Name and so on.
I want to right a script that can automatically get this information daily. So gar I was only able to get the server name, power state and VMhost. for some reason VMware is making it so hard to extract that information. I used the script below and I thought by adding the columns I mentioned above to this script, I should be able to retireve the data I need. But it doesn't work that way. Can someone please tell me how I can get this information?
Add-PSSnapin vmware.vimautomation.core
Get-VM|Select Name, VMHost, Id, PowerState
Exit 0
After digging into the system and many hours of research I found the solution. I just wish VMWare would make it easier to retrieve data or at least improve the manual.
The following code creates two files; one with the server information and another one with Uptime information.
Get-VM | select name,VMHost, #{ Name = "IP Addresses"; Expression = { $_.Guest.IPAddress }}, #{ Name = "PowerState"; Expression = { $_.Guest.State }} , #{ Name = "GuestOS"; Expression = { $_.Guest }}, Notes | Export-Csv -Path "HQstat.csv"
Get-Stat -Entity * -Stat sys.uptime.latest -Realtime -MaxSamples 1| Export-Csv -Path "HQtime.csv"
Why not use the views? They have all the information that you need. Code below assumes you are connected to the vCenter.
$vmView = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name,Config,Guest,Runtime
$hostView = Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Property Name
$date = Get-Date
Foreach ($vm in $vmView)
If ($vm.Runtime.BootTime -ne $null)
$dateDiff = $date.Subtract($vmView.Runtime.BootTime)
$dateDiff = $null
foreach ($h in $hostView)
If ($vm.Runtime.Host -eq $h.MoRef)
$tempHost = $($h.Name)
$global:Export += #([PSCustomObject]#{
VMName = $($vm.Name)
ID = $($vm.Config.Uuid) #or use $($vm.MoRef)
Host = $tempHost
PowerState = $($vm.Guest.GuestState)
IPAddress = $($vm.Guest.IPAddress)
Notes = $($vm.Config.Annotations)
UptimeMinutes = $($dateDiff.TotalMinutes)
$dateDiff = $null
$tempHost = $null
$exportFileName = "C:\temp\VMInformation.csv"
$Export | Export-Csv $exportFileName -Force -NoTypeInformation