Windows 7 commands- copy a file with a specific Name from a folder with dynamic folder name - command

C:\Automateinstaller\#*.*\cucumber-junitreport.xml C:\destin /Y /H /E /F /I
I am using above command but not able to copy the cucumber-junitreport.xml file to "destin" folder can anyone help me with this
Here the folder with dynamic name always with # in its name


Is there a possibility to pass variable in Exclude parameter of xcopy command

So basically I am looking for some way to pass variable to exclude parameter of xcopy command.
Is it possible? Because it does work for source and destination path
So something like this
$excludeFilesPath = 'excludeFilePath'
xcopy "$($deploySourceRoot)*" $deployRoot /E /Y /Q /Exclude:$excludeFilesPath
So as you can see it works for source and destination but as soon as I give the exclude path in the same way it gives me this error
Invalid number of parameters
Seems like Xcopy works only with a list of files, and can accept an array of excluded files from *.txt files
As a variant (possibly the worst way), you can previously create a list of files in EXCLUDE.TXT to bypass restrictions:
$DirsToExclude = #("C:\FILES\exclude1\","C:\FILES\exclude2\"); <#add here more dirs as you need#>
$FilesToExclude =(gci $DirsToExclude -file).FullName >> C:\temp\FilesToExclude.txt ;
xcopy "$($deploySourceRoot)*" $deployRoot /E /Y /Q /Exclude:C:\temp\FilesToExclude.txt

How to use xcopy to add the date in the destination file?

This is my current code
xcopy "C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\Test\Test.MDB" "C:\Users\Asus\Google Drive\" /Y /H /E /F /I
I need the code to do something like:
xcopy "C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\Test\Test.MDB" "C:\Users\Asus\Google Drive\Test (4-21-18).MDB" /Y /H /E /F /I
I need to back up the files every 2 weeks in the task scheduler and I need the script to automatically add the date of the back-up. Also, I have looked at the list of commands (e.g. /Y /H /E) and I cannot find one that describes non-overwriting in the destination folder. I need the back-ups to pile up and not get deleted every time the code runs.
You can add %date%
If you want to create folders with the date and put the file in it,
use like this to join the date to a foldername (D:\myFolder15-04-2020):
xcopy /y /q /s "c:\myFolder\*" "D:\myFolder"%date%"\"
or a folder name with just the date: (D:\15-05-2020)
xcopy /y /q /s "c:\myFolder\*" "D:\"%date%"\"
If you want to put the files in the same folder and change the file name use:
xcopy /y /q /s "c:\myFolder\*" "D:\myFolder\"%date%".MDB*"
The trick is:
"\" at the end of the command means a folder name
"*" at the end of the command means a file name
You can do this. Maybe exist better solutions but it will be working and Additionally, this is an approach for more than one file.
XCOPY /Y /H /E /F /I C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\Test\*.MDB
rem get date, make if file name friendly
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date/t') do set d=%%i-%%j-%%k-%%l
set MDB=*.%d%.MDB
ren *.MDB %mdb%
move C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\Test\*.MDB C:\Users\Asus\Google Drive\Test\
Hope this help.
You can create a bat file, get the current date in a variable and have this variable as part of the file name.
This bat file works:
for /f "skip=1" %%x in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do if not defined MyDate
set MyDate=%%x
set today=%MyDate:~4,2%-%MyDate:~6,2%-%MyDate:~2,2%
mkdir "C:\Users\Asus\Google Drive\Test (%today%).MDB"
xcopy "C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\Test\Test.MDB" "C:\Users\Asus\Google Drive\Test (%today%).MDB" /Y /H /E /F /I
This code first saves the current date in "MyDate" variable.
Then the desired date format is saved in "today" variable.
Finally the content of the "today" variable is used as part of the file name that is passed in "xcopy" as an argument.
Mkdir makes sure that the directory is first created before xcopy is used.
This prevents the xcopy question <F = file, D= directory>? that pops out.
If a path refers to a file or directory that does not exist, xcopy considers it reasonable to first ask you what it is. Alternatively you could add a '\' in the end of the directory path to indicate that it is a directory.
It works! "echo F|" to auto confirm that you copy a file in the cmd prompt.
call set currentDate=%date:/=-%
call set currentDate=%currentDate:~-10%
echo F|xcopy "C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\Test\Test.MDB" "C:\Users\Asus\Google Drive\Test (%currentDate%).MDB" /Y /H /E /F

Copy same root directory with files to multiple wildcard directories including files

I am trying to copy one folder and its contents to multiple user directories which vary depending on the username. The directory under each user will remain constant.
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve:
xcopy "C:\OF" "C:\Users\*\AppData\Roaming" /O /X /E /H /K /S
I am trying to use a wildcard because the username is different, but xcopy apparently cannot use wildcards any longer?
The directory of "C:\OF" will have files and other nested directories and I want to place those under the "Roaming" directory.
Thank you for any help and explanation of what I am doing wrong.
Put this in a batch file:
FOR /d %%I IN (C:\Users\*) DO (
XCOPY "C:\OF" "%%I\AppData\Roaming"/O /X /E /H /K /S
That should do want you want. I didn't validate your XCOPY switches because I stopped using XCOPY years ago in favor of ROBOCOPY.
This will do the trick.
#echo off
for /d %%x in (C:\Users\*) do xcopy "C:\OF" "%%x\AppData\Roaming\OF\*" /d /e

Copying backup files from a network drive daily, need different dated copies for the end of each day

I am trying to backup files from a network drive to my C: drive. for the copy I am using:
xcopy "\MY_SERVER_IP\SharedDRIVE\TEST*" "C:\Test_Folder" /D /E /C /I /H /Y
Is there any way I can have the date added onto this and the information not replace but instead compound and have a daily record of changes made to the files but not lose older copies? This will work for copying the most current information, but I need many months of records not just the most current copy.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
This is a way of getting a DateTime string independent of localization:
for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%i in ('wmic os get localdatetime^|find "."') do set dt=%%i
This is format YYYYMMDDHHMMSScc
You can shorten this string to your needs. for example:
set dt=%dt:~0,8%
will set it to YYYYMMDD only.
set dt=%dt:~0,12%
will set it to YYYYMMDDHHMM
Then you can copy like this:
xcopy "\MY_SERVER_IP\SharedDRIVE\TEST*" "C:\Test_Folder_%dt%" /D /E /C /I /H /Y

Using xcopy to move files

Having some trouble. Trying to copy some files from a network share to the local user profile for a user on XP. I'm getting an "invalid drive specification" message when I try to run my .bat script.
Any suggestions would be helpful. Below is my script:
#echo off &setlocal
if exist "%userprofile%\SapWorkDir\" xcopy "\\serverip\folder\" "%userprofile%\SapWorkDir\" /i /q /s /y /z &&
echo New folder 1 copied successfully || echo copied NOT successfully