Matlab rref() function precision error after 12th column of hilbert matrices - matlab

My question may be a simple one but I could not think of a logical explanation for my question:
When I use
rref(hilb(8)), rref(hilb(9)), rref(hilb(10)), rref(hilb(11))
it gives me the result that I expected, a unit matrix.
However when it comes to the
it does not give a nonsingular matrix as expected. I used Wolfram and it gives the unit matrix for the same case so I am sure that it should have given a unit matrix. There may be a round off error or something like that but then 1/11 or 1/7 have also some troublesome decimals
so why does Matlab behave like this when it comes to 12?

It indeed seems like a precision error. This makes sense as the determinant of Hilbert matrix of order n tends to 0 as n tends to infinity (see here). However, you can use rref with tol parameter:
[R,jb] = rref(A,tol)
and take tol to be very small to get more precise results. For example, rref(hilb(12),1e-20)
will give you identity matrix.
EDIT- more details regarding the role of the tol parameter.
The source code of rref is provided at the bottom of the answer. The tol is used when we search for a maximal element in absolute value in a certain part of a column, to find the pivot row.
% Find value and index of largest element in the remainder of column j.
[p,k] = max(abs(A(i:m,j))); k = k+i-1;
if (p <= tol)
% The column is negligible, zero it out.
A(i:m,j) = zeros(m-i+1,1);
j = j + 1;
If all the elements are smaller than tol in absolute value, the relevant part of the column is filled by zeros. This seems to be where the precision error for rref(hilb(12)) occurs. By reducing the tol we avoid this issue in rref(hilb(12),1e-20).
source code:
function [A,jb] = rref(A,tol)
%RREF Reduced row echelon form.
% R = RREF(A) produces the reduced row echelon form of A.
% [R,jb] = RREF(A) also returns a vector, jb, so that:
% r = length(jb) is this algorithm's idea of the rank of A,
% x(jb) are the bound variables in a linear system, Ax = b,
% A(:,jb) is a basis for the range of A,
% R(1:r,jb) is the r-by-r identity matrix.
% [R,jb] = RREF(A,TOL) uses the given tolerance in the rank tests.
% Roundoff errors may cause this algorithm to compute a different
% value for the rank than RANK, ORTH and NULL.
% Class support for input A:
% float: double, single
% See also RANK, ORTH, NULL, QR, SVD.
% Copyright 1984-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2006/01/18 21:58:54 $
[m,n] = size(A);
% Does it appear that elements of A are ratios of small integers?
[num, den] = rat(A);
rats = isequal(A,num./den);
% Compute the default tolerance if none was provided.
if (nargin < 2), tol = max(m,n)*eps(class(A))*norm(A,'inf'); end
% Loop over the entire matrix.
i = 1;
j = 1;
jb = [];
while (i <= m) && (j <= n)
% Find value and index of largest element in the remainder of column j.
[p,k] = max(abs(A(i:m,j))); k = k+i-1;
if (p <= tol)
% The column is negligible, zero it out.
A(i:m,j) = zeros(m-i+1,1);
j = j + 1;
% Remember column index
jb = [jb j];
% Swap i-th and k-th rows.
A([i k],j:n) = A([k i],j:n);
% Divide the pivot row by the pivot element.
A(i,j:n) = A(i,j:n)/A(i,j);
% Subtract multiples of the pivot row from all the other rows.
for k = [1:i-1 i+1:m]
A(k,j:n) = A(k,j:n) - A(k,j)*A(i,j:n);
i = i + 1;
j = j + 1;
% Return "rational" numbers if appropriate.
if rats
[num,den] = rat(A);


Which function allow me to calculate cumulative variance over a vector?

I need to calculate the cumulative variance of a vector. I have tried to build and script, but this script takes too much time to calculate the cumulative variance of my vectors of size 1*100000. Do you know if there exists a faster way to find this cumulative variance?
This is the code I am using
%%Creation of the rand vectors. ans calculation of the variances
d=100000; %dimension of the vectors
nv=6 %quantity of vectors
for j=1:nv;
VItimeseries(:,j)=rand(d,1); % Final matrix with vectors
%% script to calculate the cumulative variance in the columns of my matrix
for k=1:nv %number of columns
for j=1:numel(VItimeseries(:,k)) %size of the rows
VectorVarianza(1:j)= Vector(1:j); % Vector to calculate the variance...
VectorFinalVar(j,k)= var(VectorVarianza);%Calculation of variances
VectorFinalTotalVAriances(:,k)=VectorFinalVar(:,k)% construction of the...
...Final Vector with the cumulative variances
Looping over the n elements of x, and within the loop computing the variance of all elements up to i using var(x(1:i)) amounts to an algorithm O(n2). This is inherently expensive.
Sample variance (what var computes) is defined as sum((x-mean(x)).^2) / (n-1), with n = length(x). This can be rewritten as (sum(x.^2) - sum(x).^2 / n) / (n-1). This formula allows us to accumulate sum(x) and sum(x.^2) within a single loop, then compute the variance later. It also allows us to compute the cumulative variance in O(n).
For a vector x, we'd have the following loop:
x = randn(100,1); % some data
v = zeros(size(x)); % cumulative variance
s = x(1); % running sum of x
s2 = x(1).^2; % running sum of square of x
for ii = 2:numel(x) % loop starts at 2, for ii=1 we cannot compute variance
s = s + x(ii);
s2 = s2 + x(ii).^2;
v(ii) = (s2 - s.^2 / ii) / (ii-1);
We can avoid the explicit loop by using cumsum:
s = cumsum(x);
s2 = cumsum(x.^2);
n = (1:numel(x)).';
v = (s2 - s.^2 ./ n) ./ (n-1); % v(1) will be NaN, rather than 0 as in the first version
v(1) = 0; % so we set it to 0 explicitly here
The code in the OP computes the cumulative variance for each column of a matrix. The code above can be trivially adapted to do the same:
s = cumsum(VItimeseries,1); % cumulative sum explicitly along columns
s2 = cumsum(VItimeseries.^2,1);
n = (1:size(VItimeseries,1)).'; % use number of rows, rather than `numel`.
v = (s2 - s.^2 ./ n) ./ (n-1);
v(1,:) = 0; % fill first row with zeros, not just first element

Generating random diagonally dominant dense/sparse matrices in matlab

Is there a matlab command for generating a random n by n matrix, with elements taken in the interval [0,1], with x% of the entries on the off-diagonal to be 0. Then, additionally setting the element in the diagonal to be the sum of every element in its respective column? In order to create a diagonally dominant dense/sparse matrix? This may be easy enough to write a code for but I was wondering if there was already a built in function with this capability.
I am new to Matlab/programming so this was an easier said than done. I'm having trouble making the matrix with the percentage ignoring the diagonal. It's a n x n matrix, so there are $n^2$ entries, with n of them on the diagonal, I want the percentage of zeros to be taken from $n^2 - n$ elements, i.e. all the off-diagonal elements. I cannot implement this correctly. I do not know how to initialize my M (see below) to correspond correctly.
% Enter percentage as a decimal
function [M] = DiagDomSparse(n,x)
M = rand(n);
disp("Original matrix");
x = sum(M);
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
if(i == j)
M(i,j) = x(i);
Here is one approach that you could use. I'm sure you will get some other answers now with a more clever approach, but I like to keep things simple and understandable.
What I'm doing below is creating the data to be put in the off-diagonal elements first. I create an empty matrix and copy this data into the off-diagonal elements using linear indexing. Now I can compute the sum of columns and write those into the diagonal elements using linear indexing again. Because the matrix was initialized to zero, the diagonal elements are still zero when I compute the sum of columns, so they don't interfere.
n = 5;
x = 0.3; % fraction of zeros in off-diagonal
k = round(n*(n-1)*x); % number of zeros in off-diagonal
data = randn(n*(n-1)-k,1); % random numbers, pick your distribution here!
data = [data;zeros(k,1)]; % the k zeros
data = data(randperm(length(data))); % shuffle
diag_index = 1:n+1:n*n; % linear index to all diagonal elements
offd_index = setdiff(1:n*n,diag_index); % linear index to all other elements
M = zeros(n,n);
M(offd_index) = data; % set off-diagonal elements to data
M(diag_index) = sum(M,1); % set diagonal elements to sum of columns
To refer to the diagonal you want eye(n,'logical'). Here is a solution:
M = rand(n);
disp("Original matrix");
x = sum(M);
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
if(i == j)
M(i,j) = x(i);
disp('loop solution:')
disp('eye solution:')

How to make probability matrix with each row elements sum 1 and each row have uniform probability in matlab

I found matlab file ( which generates probability matrix with uniform probability and each column has sum 1. file is as follow
function [x,v] = randfixedsum(n,m,s,a,b)
%[x,v] = randfixedsum(n,m,s,a,b)
% This generates an n by m array x, each of whose m columns
% contains n random values lying in the interval [a,b], but
% subject to the condition that their sum be equal to s. The
% scalar value s must accordingly satisfy n*a <= s <= n*b. The
% distribution of values is uniform in the sense that it has the
% conditional probability distribution of a uniform distribution
% over the whole n-cube, given that the sum of the x's is s.
% The scalar v, if requested, returns with the total
% n-1 dimensional volume (content) of the subset satisfying
% this condition. Consequently if v, considered as a function
% of s and divided by sqrt(n), is integrated with respect to s
% from s = a to s = b, the result would necessarily be the
% n-dimensional volume of the whole cube, namely (b-a)^n.
% This algorithm does no "rejecting" on the sets of x's it
% obtains. It is designed to generate only those that satisfy all
% the above conditions and to do so with a uniform distribution.
% It accomplishes this by decomposing the space of all possible x
% sets (columns) into n-1 dimensional simplexes. (Line segments,
% triangles, and tetrahedra, are one-, two-, and three-dimensional
% examples of simplexes, respectively.) It makes use of three
% different sets of 'rand' variables, one to locate values
% uniformly within each type of simplex, another to randomly
% select representatives of each different type of simplex in
% proportion to their volume, and a third to perform random
% permutations to provide an even distribution of simplex choices
% among like types. For example, with n equal to 3 and s set at,
% say, 40% of the way from a towards b, there will be 2 different
% types of simplex, in this case triangles, each with its own
% area, and 6 different versions of each from permutations, for
% a total of 12 triangles, and these all fit together to form a
% particular planar non-regular hexagon in 3 dimensions, with v
% returned set equal to the hexagon's area.
% Roger Stafford - Jan. 19, 2006
% Check the arguments.
if (m~=round(m))|(n~=round(n))|(m<0)|(n<1)
error('n must be a whole number and m a non-negative integer.')
elseif (s<n*a)|(s>n*b)|(a>=b)
error('Inequalities n*a <= s <= n*b and a < b must hold.')
% Rescale to a unit cube: 0 <= x(i) <= 1
s = (s-n*a)/(b-a);
% Construct the transition probability table, t.
% t(i,j) will be utilized only in the region where j <= i + 1.
k = max(min(floor(s),n-1),0); % Must have 0 <= k <= n-1
s = max(min(s,k+1),k); % Must have k <= s <= k+1
s1 = s - [k:-1:k-n+1]; % s1 & s2 will never be negative
s2 = [k+n:-1:k+1] - s;
w = zeros(n,n+1); w(1,2) = realmax; % Scale for full 'double' range
t = zeros(n-1,n);
tiny = 2^(-1074); % The smallest positive matlab 'double' no.
for i = 2:n
tmp1 = w(i-1,2:i+1).*s1(1:i)/i;
tmp2 = w(i-1,1:i).*s2(n-i+1:n)/i;
w(i,2:i+1) = tmp1 + tmp2;
tmp3 = w(i,2:i+1) + tiny; % In case tmp1 & tmp2 are both 0,
tmp4 = (s2(n-i+1:n) > s1(1:i)); % then t is 0 on left & 1 on right
t(i-1,1:i) = (tmp2./tmp3).*tmp4 + (1-tmp1./tmp3).*(~tmp4);
% Derive the polytope volume v from the appropriate
% element in the bottom row of w.
v = n^(3/2)*(w(n,k+2)/realmax)*(b-a)^(n-1);
% Now compute the matrix x.
x = zeros(n,m);
if m == 0, return, end % If m is zero, quit with x = []
rt = rand(n-1,m); % For random selection of simplex type
rs = rand(n-1,m); % For random location within a simplex
s = repmat(s,1,m);
j = repmat(k+1,1,m); % For indexing in the t table
sm = zeros(1,m); pr = ones(1,m); % Start with sum zero & product 1
for i = n-1:-1:1 % Work backwards in the t table
e = (rt(n-i,:)<=t(i,j)); % Use rt to choose a transition
sx = rs(n-i,:).^(1/i); % Use rs to compute next simplex coord.
sm = sm + (1-sx).*pr.*s/(i+1); % Update sum
pr = sx.*pr; % Update product
x(n-i,:) = sm + pr.*e; % Calculate x using simplex coords.
s = s - e; j = j - e; % Transition adjustment
x(n,:) = sm + pr.*s; % Compute the last x
% Randomly permute the order in the columns of x and rescale.
rp = rand(n,m); % Use rp to carry out a matrix 'randperm'
[ig,p] = sort(rp); % The values placed in ig are ignored
x = (b-a)*x(p+repmat([0:n:n*(m-1)],n,1))+a; % Permute & rescale x
but I want to generate matrix which has each row elements sum 1 and each row have uniform probability in matlab. how to do this with above programme. to run above programme I am calling it to another file and setting parameters
m=4;n=4; a=0; b=1.5;s=1;
[x,v] = randfixedsum(n,m,s,a,b)
create a random matrix and divide each row by sum of elements of that row:
function result = randrowsum(m ,n)
rnd = rand(m,n);
rowsums = sum(rnd,2);
result = bsxfun(#rdivide, rnd, rowsums);
to create an m * n random matrix :
check if sum of each row is 1:
I would say the easiest was is to generate the array with the given function.
[x,v] = randfixedsum(n,m,s,a,b);
Then just transport the results.
x = x';

Matlab Random Number with Condition [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Random numbers that add to 100: Matlab
(4 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am looking how to pick 10 positive non-zero elements in 1x10 array randomly whose sum is 1
Example :
A=[0.0973 0.1071 0.0983 0.0933 0.1110 0.0942 0.1062 0.0970 0.0981 0.0974]
Note: If we sum the elements in above matrix it will be 1. I need matlab to generate a matrix like this randomly
Try using Roger's fex submission:
Here is a copy of the content of the file (in case the link dies).
All the credit obviously goes to the original poster Roger Stafford:
function [x,v] = randfixedsum(n,m,s,a,b)
% [x,v] = randfixedsum(n,m,s,a,b)
% This generates an n by m array x, each of whose m columns
% contains n random values lying in the interval [a,b], but
% subject to the condition that their sum be equal to s. The
% scalar value s must accordingly satisfy n*a <= s <= n*b. The
% distribution of values is uniform in the sense that it has the
% conditional probability distribution of a uniform distribution
% over the whole n-cube, given that the sum of the x's is s.
% The scalar v, if requested, returns with the total
% n-1 dimensional volume (content) of the subset satisfying
% this condition. Consequently if v, considered as a function
% of s and divided by sqrt(n), is integrated with respect to s
% from s = a to s = b, the result would necessarily be the
% n-dimensional volume of the whole cube, namely (b-a)^n.
% This algorithm does no "rejecting" on the sets of x's it
% obtains. It is designed to generate only those that satisfy all
% the above conditions and to do so with a uniform distribution.
% It accomplishes this by decomposing the space of all possible x
% sets (columns) into n-1 dimensional simplexes. (Line segments,
% triangles, and tetrahedra, are one-, two-, and three-dimensional
% examples of simplexes, respectively.) It makes use of three
% different sets of 'rand' variables, one to locate values
% uniformly within each type of simplex, another to randomly
% select representatives of each different type of simplex in
% proportion to their volume, and a third to perform random
% permutations to provide an even distribution of simplex choices
% among like types. For example, with n equal to 3 and s set at,
% say, 40% of the way from a towards b, there will be 2 different
% types of simplex, in this case triangles, each with its own
% area, and 6 different versions of each from permutations, for
% a total of 12 triangles, and these all fit together to form a
% particular planar non-regular hexagon in 3 dimensions, with v
% returned set equal to the hexagon's area.
% Roger Stafford - Jan. 19, 2006
% Check the arguments.
if (m~=round(m))|(n~=round(n))|(m<0)|(n<1)
error('n must be a whole number and m a non-negative integer.')
elseif (s<n*a)|(s>n*b)|(a>=b)
error('Inequalities n*a <= s <= n*b and a < b must hold.')
% Rescale to a unit cube: 0 <= x(i) <= 1
s = (s-n*a)/(b-a);
% Construct the transition probability table, t.
% t(i,j) will be utilized only in the region where j <= i + 1.
k = max(min(floor(s),n-1),0); % Must have 0 <= k <= n-1
s = max(min(s,k+1),k); % Must have k <= s <= k+1
s1 = s - [k:-1:k-n+1]; % s1 & s2 will never be negative
s2 = [k+n:-1:k+1] - s;
w = zeros(n,n+1); w(1,2) = realmax; % Scale for full 'double' range
t = zeros(n-1,n);
tiny = 2^(-1074); % The smallest positive matlab 'double' no.
for i = 2:n
tmp1 = w(i-1,2:i+1).*s1(1:i)/i;
tmp2 = w(i-1,1:i).*s2(n-i+1:n)/i;
w(i,2:i+1) = tmp1 + tmp2;
tmp3 = w(i,2:i+1) + tiny; % In case tmp1 & tmp2 are both 0,
tmp4 = (s2(n-i+1:n) > s1(1:i)); % then t is 0 on left & 1 on right
t(i-1,1:i) = (tmp2./tmp3).*tmp4 + (1-tmp1./tmp3).*(~tmp4);
% Derive the polytope volume v from the appropriate
% element in the bottom row of w.
v = n^(3/2)*(w(n,k+2)/realmax)*(b-a)^(n-1);
% Now compute the matrix x.
x = zeros(n,m);
if m == 0, return, end % If m is zero, quit with x = []
rt = rand(n-1,m); % For random selection of simplex type
rs = rand(n-1,m); % For random location within a simplex
s = repmat(s,1,m);
j = repmat(k+1,1,m); % For indexing in the t table
sm = zeros(1,m); pr = ones(1,m); % Start with sum zero & product 1
for i = n-1:-1:1 % Work backwards in the t table
e = (rt(n-i,:)<=t(i,j)); % Use rt to choose a transition
sx = rs(n-i,:).^(1/i); % Use rs to compute next simplex coord.
sm = sm + (1-sx).*pr.*s/(i+1); % Update sum
pr = sx.*pr; % Update product
x(n-i,:) = sm + pr.*e; % Calculate x using simplex coords.
s = s - e; j = j - e; % Transition adjustment
x(n,:) = sm + pr.*s; % Compute the last x
% Randomly permute the order in the columns of x and rescale.
rp = rand(n,m); % Use rp to carry out a matrix 'randperm'
[ig,p] = sort(rp); % The values placed in ig are ignored
x = (b-a)*x(p+repmat([0:n:n*(m-1)],n,1))+a; % Permute & rescale x

Matrices kernelpca

we are working on a project and trying to get some results with KPCA.
We have a dataset (handwritten digits) and have taken the 200 first digits of each number so our complete traindata matrix is 2000x784 (784 are the dimensions).
When we do KPCA we get a matrix with the new low-dimensionality dataset e.g.2000x100. However we don't understand the result. Shouldn;t we get other matrices such as we do when we do svd for pca? the code we use for KPCA is the following:
function data_out = kernelpca(data_in,num_dim)
%% Checking to ensure output dimensions are lesser than input dimension.
if num_dim > size(data_in,1)
fprintf('\nDimensions of output data has to be lesser than the dimensions of input data\n');
fprintf('Closing program\n');
%% Using the Gaussian Kernel to construct the Kernel K
% K(x,y) = -exp((x-y)^2/(sigma)^2)
% K is a symmetric Kernel
K = zeros(size(data_in,2),size(data_in,2));
for row = 1:size(data_in,2)
for col = 1:row
temp = sum(((data_in(:,row) - data_in(:,col)).^2));
K(row,col) = exp(-temp); % sigma = 1
K = K + K';
% Dividing the diagonal element by 2 since it has been added to itself
for row = 1:size(data_in,2)
K(row,row) = K(row,row)/2;
% We know that for PCA the data has to be centered. Even if the input data
% set 'X' lets say in centered, there is no gurantee the data when mapped
% in the feature space [phi(x)] is also centered. Since we actually never
% work in the feature space we cannot center the data. To include this
% correction a pseudo centering is done using the Kernel.
one_mat = ones(size(K));
K_center = K - one_mat*K - K*one_mat + one_mat*K*one_mat;
clear K
%% Obtaining the low dimensional projection
% The following equation needs to be satisfied for K
% N*lamda*K*alpha = K*alpha
% Thus lamda's has to be normalized by the number of points
opts.disp = 0;
opts.isreal = 1;
neigs = 30;
[eigvec eigval] = eigs(K_center,[],neigs,'lm',opts);
eig_val = eigval ~= 0;
eig_val = eig_val./size(data_in,2);
% Again 1 = lamda*(alpha.alpha)
% Here '.' indicated dot product
for col = 1:size(eigvec,2)
eigvec(:,col) = eigvec(:,col)./(sqrt(eig_val(col,col)));
[~, index] = sort(eig_val,'descend');
eigvec = eigvec(:,index);
%% Projecting the data in lower dimensions
data_out = zeros(num_dim,size(data_in,2));
for count = 1:num_dim
data_out(count,:) = eigvec(:,count)'*K_center';
we have read lots of papers but still cannot get the hand of kpca's logic!
Any help would be appreciated!
PCA Algorithm:
PCA data samples
Compute mean
Compute covariance
: Covariance matrix.
: Eigen Vectors of covariance matrix.
: Eigen values of covariance matrix.
With the first n-th eigen vectors you reduce the dimensionality of your data to the n dimensions. You can use this code for the PCA, it has an integraded example and it is simple.
KPCA Algorithm:
We choose a kernel function in you code this is specified by:
K(x,y) = -exp((x-y)^2/(sigma)^2)
in order to represent your data in a high dimensional space hopping that, in this space your data will be well represented for further porposes like classification or clustering whereas this task could be harder to be solved in the initial feature space. This trick is aslo known as "Kernel trick". Look figure.
[Step1] Constuct gram matrix
K = zeros(size(data_in,2),size(data_in,2));
for row = 1:size(data_in,2)
for col = 1:row
temp = sum(((data_in(:,row) - data_in(:,col)).^2));
K(row,col) = exp(-temp); % sigma = 1
K = K + K';
% Dividing the diagonal element by 2 since it has been added to itself
for row = 1:size(data_in,2)
K(row,row) = K(row,row)/2;
Here because the gram matrix is symetric the half of the values are computed and the final result is obtained by adding the computed so far gram matrix and its transpose. Finally, we divide by 2 as the comments mention.
[Step2] Normalize the kernel matrix
This is done by this part of your code:
K_center = K - one_mat*K - K*one_mat + one_mat*K*one_mat;
As the comments mention a pseudocentering procedure must be done. For an idea about the proof here.
[Step3] Solve the eigenvalue problem
For this task this part of the code is responsible.
%% Obtaining the low dimensional projection
% The following equation needs to be satisfied for K
% N*lamda*K*alpha = K*alpha
% Thus lamda's has to be normalized by the number of points
opts.disp = 0;
opts.isreal = 1;
neigs = 30;
[eigvec eigval] = eigs(K_center,[],neigs,'lm',opts);
eig_val = eigval ~= 0;
eig_val = eig_val./size(data_in,2);
% Again 1 = lamda*(alpha.alpha)
% Here '.' indicated dot product
for col = 1:size(eigvec,2)
eigvec(:,col) = eigvec(:,col)./(sqrt(eig_val(col,col)));
[~, index] = sort(eig_val,'descend');
eigvec = eigvec(:,index);
[Step4] Change representaion of each data point
For this task this part of the code is responsible.
%% Projecting the data in lower dimensions
data_out = zeros(num_dim,size(data_in,2));
for count = 1:num_dim
data_out(count,:) = eigvec(:,count)'*K_center';
Look the details here.
PS: I encurage you to use code written from this author and contains intuitive examples.