I am using kie-drools-wb-6.5.0.Final-eap6_4.war to create a project and generate a DRL file.
But am not able to find the physical location of any file created using the Drools workbench.
Where can I find it?
They're in the .niogit directory.
I have created a java project in eclipse which automatically picks up
all the .drl files from an external directory and executes all the
rules in that directory .So this enables the execution of dynamic
addition of new rules at anytime.
Now, instead of creating a new drool file and add it into that
directory, i want to use the guided rule editor to help non technical
users to add new rules into that directory.
I have started on with drools-workbench, but still i have no idea how
to integrate this eclipse project with the guided rule editor feature
available in drools-wb.
Is there any way in which i can export this project into the drools
workbench. If that is possible, then how can i deploy this directory
which contains all the .drl files into drools-wb and how these .drl
files can be used in the guided rule editor.
If your existing project is a maven project then you can import that project into drools-workbench, but there should be some required files(project.import,..etc) need to available specific to drools-workbench those should be available into project. We cant download any specific rule file from drools-workbench, workbench will create jar file which contains all the assets(rules and BPMN files), you can add this jar into classpath and create kieSession from there through which you can execute rules.
Wildfly 8:
Where are the deployed war files located on the server file system?
How do I download them? I tried using the JBoss CLI as well as the Web Interface.
Found the war files to be located here. In this directory I found several subdirectories. The war files were all named content and did not have an extension. I could figure out what they were based on file size and timestamp.
wildfly location\standalone\data\content
You want the files 'after' they have been deployed? This generally isn't a good idea as it isn't guaranteed to be exactly the same as the source archive.
The standard location for the deployment archives is ./standalone/deployments/ although this can be changed in the configuration.
After an archive is deployed you can see the exact location of there the deployed archive came from in the configuration, it will be written to the bottom of the xml file.
There is a download button to download the .war
in the management console localhost:9990
click the view button near your war
on top you will find a download icon
I found it in the %WILDFLY_HOME%\standalone\temp\ directory. If it is not present there then you can perform a search in all the subdirectories of the wildfly.
How do I create data source in eclipse level in atg .?
I have removed jdbc folder from config and configured that jdbc folder in eclipse.
On build of Eclipse, that data source file needs to point the database and needs to start the server.
Like dynamo/ admin / or project need to up.
Can anyone help me with how to do these?
I would like to change the default data-source to oracle. So as per the user guide another database the db.properties in the WEB-INF/classes of the Activiti Explorer web application should be changed if i change the db.properties again i need to create .war file, correct ? How to i create the activiti-explorer.war file ? Or Is there any options for change it from explorer ? Please advise
I dont know the Activiti Explorer well, but you can build your war file from the activity sources.
Its a simple maven project and should be quite easy.
Have a look to the Activiti Documentation here: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/ACT/Developers+Guide#DevelopersGuide-Buildingthedistribution
BTW: I use Activiti embedded to spring framework using the spring-activiti extension... works like a charm.
No need to create WAR again you just put your war in server(tomcat or any other server) and start the server then it will generate an application folder parallel to war file in web-apps folder.
Change the db.properties in application folder generated in web-apps and restart the server.
changes in db.properties will reflect in web application.
I need to import a existing Web Application , into Eclipse .
Please see the Structure of my Web Application as shown in the below figure .
From Eclipse IDE , while using import What option i need to select that is should i use
Existing projects into Eclipse
Archive File
File System
please see this image
Import existing projects into Eclipse works only for projects that were created in Eclipse.
And you're definitely not dealing with an Archive File here.
Import from the File System just copies the resources but does not actually create an Eclipse project for you.
What I would advise you, is to create a new Dynamic Web Project, configuring all the required facets, and then just copy all the contents of your existing app to the WebContent folder, either by drag'n'dropping it into the Project Explorer or by using Import from the File System, overwriting all the contents.
So far, there seems to be no other way to do it in Eclipse. However you may check out the similar post. The user #RC recommends using ant task for this process, but I'm more than sure that it won't configure all the required facets for you. It may work for some simple Java projects, but surely not enough for Java EE projects.