How to get the integral (function) from a vector? - matlab

I have a vector than can be plotted and I would like to compute its integral. I don't mean the total area below, but how it evolves over the domain of integration. Basically, its "indefinite" integral. Is this possible? maybe via interpolation? Since I am working with Chebyshev differentiation matrices, do you know if there is an equivalent for integration?
Thank you

You probably want cumtrapz:
x = linspace(0,2*pi,1000); % example x axis values
y = sin(x); % example function
I = cumtrapz(x, y); % compute its integral
plot(x, y, x, I) % plot them
grid on % grid


Curve fitting using for loop for polynomial up to degree i?

I have this hard coded version which fits data to a curve for linear, quadratic and cubic polynomials:
for some data x and a function y
M=[x.^0 x.^1];
L=[x.^0 x.^1 x.^2];
linear = (M'*M)\(M'*y);
plot(x, linear(1)+linear(2)*x, ';linear;r');
deg2 = (L'*L)\(L'*y);
plot(x, deg2(1)+deg2(2)*x+deg2(3)*(x.*x), ';quadratic plot;b');
I am wondering how can I turn this into a for loop to plot curves for degree n polynomials? The part I'm stuck on is the plotting part, how would I be able to translate the increase in the number of coefficients in to the for loop?
what I have:
for i = 1:5 % say we're trying to plot curves up to degree 5 polynomials...
degI = (curr'*curr)\(curr'*y);
plot(x, ???) % what goes in here<-
If it is only the plotting, you can use the polyval function to evaluate polynomials of desired grade by supplying a vector of coefficients
% For example, some random coefficients for a 5th order polynomial
% degI = (curr'*curr)\(curr'*y) % Your case
degi = [3.2755 0.8131 0.5950 2.4918 4.7987 1.5464]; % for 5th order polynomial
x = linspace(-2, 2, 10000);
hold on
% Using polyval to loop over the grade of the polynomials
for i = 1:length(degI)
plot(x, polyval(degI(1:i), x))
gives the all polynomials in one plot
I believe this should answer your question exactly. You just have to be careful with the matrix dimensions.
for i = 1:5
degI = (curr'*curr)\(curr'*y);
plot(x, x.^(0:i)*degI)

Obtaining a 2D interpolation polynomial in Matlab

I have three vectors, one of X locations, another of Y locations and the third is a f(x, y). I want to find the algebraic expression interpolation polynomial (using matlab) since I will later on use the result in an optimization problem in AMPL. As far as I know, there are not any functions that return the interpolation polynomial.
I have tried, but this function only gives the interpolated values at certain points.
I have also tried as sugested in Functional form of 2D interpolation in Matlab, but the output isn't the coefficents of the polynomial. I cannot see it, it seems to be locked inside of a weird variable.
This is a small program that I have done to test what I am doing:
close all
[X,Y] = ndgrid(1:10,1:10);
V = X.^2 + 3*(Y).^2;
F = griddedInterpolant(X,Y,V,'cubic');
[Xq,Yq] = ndgrid(1:0.5:10,1:0.5:10);
Vq = F(Xq,Yq);
mesh(X, Y, V)
I want an output that instead of returning the value at grid points returns whatever it has used to calculate said values. I am aware that it can be done in mathematica with, so I find weird that matlab can't.
You can use fit if you have the curve fitting toolbox.
If it's not the case you can use a simple regression, if I take your example:
% The example data
[X,Y] = ndgrid(1:10,1:10);
V = X.^2 + 3*(Y).^2;
% The size of X
s = size(X(:),1);
% Let's suppose that you want to fit a polynome of degree 2.
% Create all the possible combination for a polynome of degree 2
% cst x y x^2 y^2 x*y
A = [ones(s,1), X(:), Y(:), X(:).^2, Y(:).^2, X(:).*Y(:)]
% Then using mldivide
p = A\V(:)
% We obtain:
p =
0 % cst
0 % x
0 % y
1 % x^2
3 % y^2
0 % x*y

Graphing a multi variable function in MATLAB

I have never used MATLAB before, so I am very lost. For my calculus class, we were tasked with finding a certain function and then using MATLAB to graph it. Finding the function was no problem. However, trying to graph it has me pulling my hair out. The function is z(x,y)= xy(x+y)(2x+y)(3x+y)(x-2y)(x-3y)(x-4y). Any help or advice is GREATLY appreciated.
You can define a anonymous function handle.
% define function
% .* denotes element wise multiplication
f = #(x,y) x.*y.*(x+y).*(2*x+y).*(3*x+y).*(x-2*y).*(x-3*y).*(x-4*y);
% define range and resolution for x and y
x = -20:0.5:20;
y = -20:0.5:20;
% create meshgrid for 3d plotting
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
% calculate z values (for meshgrid)
z = f(X, Y);
% plot the function
To explain further, since you want to calculate the z value for x and y pairs, you should use a element wise multiplication .*.
Then you have to create a meshgrid for the x and y values, to have all the possible x and y pairs in the two new matrices X and Y. Providing these to your function will calculate the corresponding z value for all these pairs. You can use these for plotting, e.g. surf.

MATLAB: Symbolic Toolbox Plotting versus Discreet Plotting

I'm wondering if anyone has any insight into why these two plot commands produce domains that are orders of magnitude different?
syms t
x1Axis = 0:.01:10;
fun1(t) = sin(t)
hold on
y = sin(x1Axis)
plot(x1Axis, y)
fun1(t) is plotted "symbolically" while y is evaluated and plotted "discreetly". Should I be using a different plot method in the case of the first function?
No, you are not plotting the symbolic function correctly.
In your code, the instruction plot(sin(x1Axis)) is not a symbolic plot, but a numeric plot of the sine versus the index of each value.
From the plot documentation page:
plot(Y) creates a 2-D line plot of the data in Y versus the index of
each value.
If Y is a vector, then the x-axis scale ranges from 1 to length(Y).
To plot the symbolic function use fplot.
The following example will allow you to see that both the symbolic and numeric plots are the same:
xmin = 0;
xmax = 10;
% Symbolic Plot.
syms t
fun1(t) = sin(t);
fplot(fun1, [xmin xmax], '-r');
hold on;
% Numeric Plot.
x = xmin:.01:xmax;
y = sin(x);
plot(x, y, '--g');
% Add legend.
legend('Symbolic Plot', 'Numeric Plot', 'Location', 'north');
This is the result:

How to plot using surf gird in 2D using function value

if the function F is available it is easy to draw surf plot i.e.
view(2) ;
in my case I calculated F function using least square:
for example I have x and y vectors
x = [0 9.8312 77.1256 117.9810 99.9979];
y = [0 2754.5 4043.3 5376.3 5050.4];
the linear function of these two vector is define by
F= [1149.73 , 37.63];
therefore the estimation is equal to
z= [ones(5,1) x']*F';
which is
z = [1149.73 1519.67 4051.96 5589.35 4912.65];
and if it is plotted
hold on;plot(x,y,'b-');
hold on; plot(x,z,'-r');
The linear z ( red line) is showing correctly. Now I want to plot it for all possible combination of x and y using grid and I need to have a mesh for all inputs
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
but how to make the Z matrix to show the intensity plot of function Z? The Z suppose to have high intensity close to z value and less value far from it. I should suppose to get something like this
P.S: the F is calculated using pinv (least square).
You have to interpolate the scattered data to plot it on grid. Here is a simple example for your x, y and z vectors
[XI YI]=meshgrid(xi,yi);
ZI = griddata(x,y,z,XI,YI);