[Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: function split_part(...) does not exist - amazon-redshift

I'm trying to run below query in redshift
select row_number() over(order by 1) as assignment_tag_id ,
user_id as user_id ,
split_part(t.assignment, ',', numbers.num) as assignment
from cardlytics_test t
join numbers on numbers.num <= regexp_count(t.assignment, ',\\s') + 1
but it's throwing the error
Amazon Invalid operation: function split_part(character varying, character varying, double precision) does not exist;
What's wrong with the query?

select row_number() over(order by 1) as assignment_tag_id ,
user_id as user_id ,
split_part(t.assignment, ',',cast (numbers.num as int)) as assignment
from cardlytics_test t
join numbers on numbers.num <= regexp_count(t.assignment, ',\\s') + 1
Third argument in split_part(string,delimiter,part) has to be an integer and from the error code I presume you are passing float. Part- Position of the portion to return (counting from 1). Must be an integer greater than 0. If part is larger than the number of string portions, SPLIT_PART returns an empty string.If I’ve made a bad assumption please comment and I’ll refocus my answer.


Postgresql Percentile_Cont not working: function percentile_cont(numeric, character varying, numeric) does not exist

I have a table TableX looks like:
And I would like to process the median on column Value to obtain:
I'm trying to use the percentile_cont:
select name, percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by name, value) from TableX
But obtained error:
ERROR: function percentile_cont(numeric, character varying, numeric) does not exist
My postgresql version is 13+, and that the following line actually works.
SELECT percentile_cont(array(SELECT j/10.0 FROM generate_series(1,10) j)) WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY i) AS median FROM generate_series(1,11) AS s(i);
Pretty sure my script is wrong... would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks!
create table percent_test (name varchar, value float);
insert into percent_test values ('Bob', 100), ('Cathy', 500), ('Cathy', 200), ('Cathy', 100);
select name, percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by value) from percent_test group by name;
name | percentile_cont
Bob | 100
Cathy | 200
Per Aggregate Functions:
percentile_cont ( fraction double precision ) WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY double precision ) → double precision
percentile_cont ( fraction double precision ) WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY interval ) → interval
Computes the continuous percentile, a value corresponding to the specified fraction within the ordered set of aggregated argument values. This will interpolate between adjacent input items if needed.
So the order by in the within group can only be a numeric value not a character value. Push the name grouping out to the from part of the query.

Update null values in a column based on non null values percentage of the column

I need to update the null values of a column in a table for each category based on the percentage of the non-null values. The following table shows the null values for a particular category -
There are only two types of values in the column. The percentage of types based on rows is -
The number of rows with null values is 7, I need to randomly populate the null values based on the percentage share of the non-null values as shown below - 38%(CV) of 7 = 3, 63%(NCV) of 7 = 4
If you want to dynamically calculate the "NULL rate", one way to do it could be:
with pcts as (
(select count(*)::numeric from the_table where type = 'cv') / (select count(*) from the_table where type is not null) as cv_pct,
(select count(*)::numeric from the_table where type = 'ncv') / (select count(*) from the_table where type is not null) as ncv_pct,
(select count(*) from the_table where type is null) as null_count
), calc as (
select d.ctid,
row_number() over () as rn,
when row_number() over () <= round(null_count * p.cv_pct) then 'cv'
else 'ncv'
end as new_type
from the_table d
cross join pcts p
where type is null
update the_table t
set type = c.new_type
from calc c
where t.ctid = c.ctid
The first CTE calculates the percentage of each type and the total number of NULL values (in theory the percentage of the NCV type isn't really needed, but I included it for completeness)
The second then calculates for each row which new type should be used. This is done by multiplying the "current" row number with the expected percentage (the CASE expression)
This is then used to update the target table. I have used the ctid as an alternative for a primary key, because your sample data does not have any unique column (or combination of columns). If you do have a primary key that you haven't shown, replace ctid with that primary key column.
I wouldn't be surprised though, if there was a shorter, more efficient way to do it, but for now I can't think of a better alternative.
Online example
If you are on PG11 or later, you can use the groups frame to do this in what should be close to a single pass (except reordering for output when sorted by tid) with window functions:
select tid, category, id, type,
when type is not null then type
when round(
(count(*) over (partition by category
order by type nulls last
groups between 2 preceding
and 2 preceding))::numeric /
count(*) over (partition by category
order by type nulls last
groups 2 preceding
exclude group), 0), 1
) *
count(*) over (partition by category
order by type nulls last
groups current row)
) >= row_number() over (partition by category, type
order by tid)
first_value(type) over (partition by category
order by type nulls last
groups between 2 preceding
and 2 preceding)
first_value(type) over (partition by category
order by type nulls last
groups 1 preceding
exclude group)
end as extended_type
from cv_ncv
order by tid;
Working fiddle here.

postgresql: How to grab an existing id from a not subsequent ids of a table

Postgresql version 9.4
I have a table with an integer column, which has a number of integers with some gaps, like the sample below; I'm trying to get an existing id from the column at random with the following query, but it returns NULL occasionally:
IF NOT EXISTS test_tbl(
INSERT INTO test_tbl
VALUES (10),
SELECT * FROM test_tbl;
SELECT COALESCE(tmp.id, 20) AS classification_id
SELECT tt.id,
row_number() over(
ORDER BY tt.id) AS row_num
FROM test_tbl tt
) tmp
WHERE tmp.row_num =floor(random() * 10);
Please let me know where I'm doing wrong.
but it returns NULL occasionally
and I must add to this that it sometimes returns more than 1 rows, right?
in your sample data there are 6 rows, so the column row_num will have a value from 1 to 6.
floor(random() * 10)
creates a random number from 0 up to 0.9999...
You should use:
floor(random() * 6 + 1)::int
to get a random integer from 1 to 6.
But this would not solve the problem, because the WHERE clause is executed once for each row, so there is a case that row_num will never match the created random number, so it will return nothing, or it will match more than once so it will return more than 1 rows.
See the demo.
The proper (although sometimes not the most efficient) way to get a random row is:
SELECT id FROM test_tbl ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1
Also check other links from SO, like:
quick random row selection in Postgres
You could select one row and order by random(), this way you are ensured to hit an existing row
select id
from test_tbl
order by random()

generate_series for Min and Max dates

Here's the very basic query that i want to accomplish in Greenplum Database (like postgresql 8.2.15).
The field create_date in table t is timestamp w/o time zone.
Could anyone point me to right query to accomplish this? Thanks.
select * from generate_series ((select EXTRACT (YEAR FROM MIN(t1.create_date)) from t1),(select EXTRACT (YEAR FROM MAX(t1.create_date)) from t1))
Its throwing error
ERROR: function generate_series(double precision, double precision) does not exist
LINE 1: select * from generate_series ((select EXTRACT (YEAR FROM MI...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts.
You can explicitly cast arguments to integer:
select *
from generate_series (
(select EXTRACT (YEAR FROM MIN(t1.create_date)) from t1)::int,
(select EXTRACT (YEAR FROM MAX(t1.create_date)) from t1)::int
sql fiddle demo

How do I replace a SSN with a 9 digit random number in SQL Server 2008R2?

To satisfy security requirements, I need to find a way to replace SSN's with unique, random 9 digit numbers, before providing said database to a developer. The SSN is in a column in a table of a database. There may be 10's of thousands of rows in said table. The number does not need hyphens. I am a beginner with SQL and programming in general.
I have been unable to find a solution for my specific needs. Nothing seems quite right. But if you know of a thread that I have missed, please let me know.
Thanks for any help!
Here is one way.
I'm assuming that you already have a backup of the real data as this update is not reversible.
Below I've assumed your table name is Person with your ssn column named SSN.
SSN = CAST(LEFT(CAST(ABS(CAST(CAST(NEWID() as BINARY(10)) as int)) as varchar(max)) + '00000000',9) as int)
If they do not have to be random, you could just replace them with ascending numeric values. Failing that, you’d have to generate a random number. As you may have discovered, the RAND function will only generate a single value per query statement (select, update, etc.); the work-around to that is the newid() function, which would generate a GUID for each row produced by a query (run SELECT newid() from MyTable to see how this works). Wrap this in a checksum() to generate an integer; modulus that by 1,000,00,000 to get a value within the SSN range (0 to 999,999,999); and, assuming you’re storing it as a char(9) prefix it with leading zeros.
Next trick is ensuring it’s unique for all values in your table. This gets tricky, and I’d do it by setting up a temp table with the values, populating it, then copying them over. Lessee now…
DECLARE #DummySSN as table
PrimaryKey int not null
,NewSSN char(9) not null
-- Load initial values
,right('000000000' + cast(abs(checksum(newid()))%1000000000 as varchar(9)), 9)
from Users
-- Check for dups
select NewSSN from #DummySSN group by NewSSN having count(*) > 1
-- Loop until values are unique
IF exists (SELECT 1 from #DummySSN group by NewSSN having count(*) > 1)
set NewSSN = right('000000000' + cast(abs(checksum(newid()))%1000000000 as varchar(9)), 9)
where NewSSN in (select NewSSN from #DummySSN group by NewSSN having count(*) > 1)
-- Check for dups
select NewSSN from #DummySSN group by NewSSN having count(*) > 1
This works for a small table I have, and it should work for a large one. I don’t see this turning into an infinite loop, but even so you might want to add a check to exit the loop after say 10 iterations,
I've run a couple million tests in this and it seems to generate random (URN) 9 digit numbers (no leading zeros).
I cannot think of a more efficient way to do this.
The test used;
,Tester AS
SELECT TOP 5000000 *
FROM Tester
Not so fast, but easiest... I added some dot's...
SET #tr = CAST(ROUND((888*RAND()+111),0) AS CHAR(3)) + '.' +
CAST(ROUND((8888*RAND()+1111),0) AS CHAR(4)) + '.' + CAST(ROUND((8888*RAND()+1111),0) AS
CHAR(4)) + '.' + CAST(ROUND((88*RAND()+11),0) AS CHAR(2))
If the requirement is to obfuscate a database then this will return the same unique value for each distinct SSN in any table preserving referential integrity in the output without having to do a lookup and translate.