Optaplanner Curriculum example, Explanation for curriculumCourseScoreRules.drl - drools

I'm currently reading the course curriculum example of optaplanner and I can't seem to understand this:
rule "conflictingLecturesSameCourseInSamePeriod"
// line 1
Lecture($leftId : id, $leftCourse : course, $period : period, period != null)
// line 2
Lecture(course == $leftCourse, period == $period, id > $leftId)
scoreHolder.addHardConstraintMatch(kcontext, -1);
Questions are:
- What's the difference between the Lecture() in line 1 and the Lecture in line 2?
- I understand the variable assignements are happening in Line 1 but in Line 2, what's the difference between course and $leftCourse, period and $period and id and $leftId
So far, I can't seem to find any explanation in the documentation

A binding such as $leftCourse : course establishes $leftCourse as a variable that refers to the field course of a Lecture object.
The lecture in line 1 is identified by its id; the one in line 2 has an id that is greater. Assuming that id values are primary keys, this combination would basically match all possible unordered pairs of Lectures, but ...
... the constraint course == $leftCourse restricts the pairings to those of identical courses and ...
... the constraint period == $period furthermore restricts it to equal (non-null) periods.
In other words, the planning rules out an assignment for two different Lectures for the same course in the same period.


Clingo flexible but maximum count of literals and how to prevent negation cycles

I'm programming a Sudoku solver and have come across two problems.
I would like to generate a specific number of literals, but keep the total number flexible
How can I prevent a negation cycle, so that I have a clean solution for declaring a digit as not possible?
General code with generator regarding my first question:
row(1..3). %coordinates are declared via position of sub-grid (row, col) and position of
col(1..3). %field in sub-grid (sr, sc)
1 { candidate(R,C,A,B,N) : num(N) } 9 :- row(R), col(C), sr(A), sc(B).
Here I want to create all candidates for a field, which at the beginning are all the numbers from 1 to 9. So I want for all candidate(1,1,1,1,1-9). But it would be nice to keep the number of candidates for each field flexible, so I can declare a solution if through integrity constraints like
:- candidate(R,C,A,B,N), solution(R1,C,A1,B,N), R != R1, A != A1. %excludes candidates if digit is present in solution in same column
I have excluded all 8 other candidates:
solution(R,C,A,B,N) :- candidate(R,C,A,B,N), { N' : candidate(R,C,A,B,N') } = 1.
Regarding my second question, I basically want to declare a solution, if a specific condition is fulfilled. The problem is, if I have a solution, the condition is no longer true and this leads to a negation cycle:
solution(R,C,A,B,N) :- candidate(R,C,A,B,N), { set1(R',C',A',B') } = { posDigit(N') }, { negDigit(N'') } = { set2(R'',C'',A'',B'') } - 1, not taken(R,C,A,B), not takenDigit(N).
taken(R,C,A,B) :- solution(R,C,A,B,N).
I would be glad I somebody offers input on how to solve these problems.

ASP Clingo - getting the exact count of atoms

I'm looking forward to assign a specific count of persons to a specific shift. For example I got six persons and three different shifts. Now I have to assign exact two persons to every shift. I tried something like this but..
NOTE: this won't work, so please edit as fast as possible to misslead people, I even removed the "." after it so nobody is copying it:
{ assign(P,S) : shift(S)} = 1 :- person(P).
:- #count{P : assign(P,"mor")} = K, shiftCount(K).
:- #count{P : assign(P,"aft")} = K, shiftCount(K).
:- #count{P : assign(P,"nig")} = K, shiftCount(K).
#show assign/2.
Is this possible to count the number of assigned shifts, so I can assign exactly as many people as a given number?
The output of the code above (when the "." are inserted) is:
clingo version 5.5.0
Reading from stdin
Answer: 1
assign(a,"nig") assign(b,"aft") assign(c,"mor") assign(d,"mor")
assign(e,"mor") assign(f,"mor")
Models : 1+
Calls : 1
Time : 0.021s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time : 0.000s
Here you can defently see, that the morning ("mor") shift is used more than two times, as difined in the shiftCount. What do I need to change to get the wanted result?
Replace your 3 lines constraints with
{assign(P,S): person(P)} == K :- shift(S), shiftCount(K).
or alternatively if you want to use the constraint writing:
:- {assign(P,S): person(P)} != K, shift(S), shiftCount(K).
First line states: For a given shiftCount K and for every shift S: the number of assignments over all people P for this shift S is K.
The constraint reads: it can not be the case for a shiftCount K and a shift S that the number of assignments over all people P to the shift S is not K.
Please do not alter your question / sample code dramatically since this may leads to the case that this answer won't work anymore.

OptaPlanner: Drools rule on consecutive shift assignments

The context is Employee Shift Assignment with OptaPlanner using Drools rules for calculating scores.
My Employees cannot work for, say, for more than three consecutive days without a rest day.
I implement such a constraint very stupidly as:
rule "No more than three consecutive working days"
$id1 : id,
$empoloyee : empoloyee != null,
$shift1 : shift
id > $id1,
empoloyee == $empoloyee,
$id2 : id,
$shift2 : shift
id > $id2,
empoloyee == $empoloyee,
$id3 : id,
$shift3 : shift
id > $id3,
empoloyee == $empoloyee,
I hope the name of the methods/variables clearly reveal what they do/mean.
Is there a more convenient and smart way to implement such a rule? Keep in mind that the three days above may need to change to a bigger number (I used three to avoid a more realistic ten and more lines of code in the rule). Thanks.
If we can assume an employee takes up to a single shift per day and the shift.isConsecutiveDay() may be replaced by something like shift.day == $shift1.day + 1, exists can be used:
ShiftAssignment($employee : empoloyee != null, $shift1 : shift)
exists ShiftAssignment(employee == $employee, shift.day == $shift1.day + 1)
exists ShiftAssignment(employee == $employee, shift.day == $shift1.day + 2)
exists ShiftAssignment(employee == $employee, shift.day == $shift1.day + 3)
If such an assumption cannot be made, your solution should work, with one potential corner case to think about:
The rule tries to filter out combinations of the same shifts by the condition id > $id1. This condition works, but the IDs must be generated ascendingly by the time of the shift, otherwise, it clashes with shift.isConsecutiveDay(...). In case this property cannot be guaranteed, checking for ID inequality could be preferable.
I used a combination of rules to achieve this. First rule sets up the start of a consecutive work sequence, second one sets up the end, 3rd rule creates a "Work Sequence" to fit between the start and end. Finally the "Max Consecutive Days" rule actually checks your "Work Sequence" against a limit on number of consecutive days.
This paradigm is actually in the nurse rostering example:

In Drools, what does it mean to compare IDs

I understand the basics of writing drools rules now but i can't seem to understand in the examples that i've seen (optaplanner), there are comparisons of IDs. Is this necessary? Why is it there?
// RoomOccupancy: Two lectures in the same room at the same period.
// Any extra lecture in the same period and room counts as one more violation.
rule "roomOccupancy"
Lecture($leftId : id, period != null, $period : period, room != null, $room : room)
// $leftLecture has lowest id of the period+room combo
not Lecture(period == $period, room == $room, id < $leftId)
// rightLecture has the same period
Lecture(period == $period, room == $room, id > $leftId, $rightId : id)
scoreHolder.addHardConstraintMatch(kcontext, -1);
From my understanding deleting the line with not Lecture(.. and leaving Lecture(period == $period, room == $room) should do the trick. Is my understanding correct or am I missing some use cases here?
You should understand that a pattern such as
$a: Lecture()
$b: Lecture()
with two Lecture facts A an B in the system will produce the following matches and firings:
$a-A, $b-B (1)
$a-B, $b-A (2)
$a-A, $b-A
$a-B, $b-B
Therefore, to reduce the unwanted combinations you need have a way to ascertain to have not identical facts matching (bound to) $a and $b:
$a: Lecture( $ida: id )
$b: Lecture( $idb: id != $ida )
However, using not equal still produces combinations (1) and (2).
Given 2 queens A and B, the id comparison in the "no 2 queens on the same horizontal row" constraint makes sure that we only match A-B and not B-A, A-A and B-B.
Same principle for lectures.

To satisfy x out of y constraints

I am making a timetabling program which does one to one matches from SubjectTeacherPeriod (planning entity) to Period. There comes a case when I need to: "for y periods, atleast x of the SubjectTeacherPeriod must match a match_condition"
For example, I want to constrain 3 particular periods, atleast two of them to be taught by teachers who match to asst prof.
Here is the data structure holding such a constraint:
Class XOfYPeriods
SomeType match_condition
int x
List<Period> Periods //problem
SubjectTeacherPeriod has a Period, of course
class SubjectTeacherPeriod
int id
SomeType attrib
Period period
How do I write a rule that evaluates individual Periods from a list to check if x number of SubjectTeacherPeriods that are allocated those Periods meet the match condition?
Do correct me if I am defining my classes in bad form.
For the sake of example, here is a statement to be evaluated to determine a match: eval(matches($stp_attrib,$match_condition))
Sorry for the use of Pseudocode if it confused more than clarified. The SomeType is actually List< String> and thus the match condition is checked with a Collections.disjoint
I will give it a try, but not sure I completely understand your problem statement:
rule "X of Y Periods"
$c : XOfYPeriods( )
$list : List( size > $c.x ) from
accumulate( $stp : SubjectTeacherPeriod( matches(attrib, $c.match_condition),
period memberOf $c.periods ),
collectList( $stp ) )
// $list of STP that match the condition and
// whose period matches one of the periods in the list
Hope it helps.