Querying polygons that contain 4 points - postgresql

I have 4 points that I always get, I would like to query if the polygon defined by a multipoint contains those 4 points. I’m using PostGIS and Postgres.
I'm also using OGR/GDAL for that purpose. Would someone provide me with the Query using SQL for that purpose.

This checks if the points (1 1), (2 2), (3 3), and (4 4) all lie inside the polygon defined by (0 0), (10 0), (10 10), (0 10) and (0 0):
SELECT st_contains(
'MULTIPOINT(0 0, 10 0, 10 10, 0 10, 0 0)'
'MULTIPOINT(1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4)'
So to find all multipoints that satisfy the criterion, you could use something like that:
FROM multipoints
WHERE st_contains(
'MULTIPOINT(1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4)',
This assumes that the multipoints don't form a closed polygon (i.e., first point is equal to last).
I used SRID 8307 in my example, replace it with the one you need.


For What Can I Use Transform.lossyScale in Unity For Example in this Script

private float UnitPerPixel;
UnitPerPixel = PrefabsWallTile.transform.lossyScale.x;
float HalfUnitPerPixel = UnitPerPixel / 2f;
Have you tried reading the API?
-> it is the absolute scale after all parent object scaling has been applied. In contrary to the localScale which is only the scale in the parents space.
For instance let's say you have a hierarchy with local sales (the ones displayed and configured in the Inspector) like e.g.
A (2, 2, 2)
|--B (5, 5, 5)
|--C (3, 3, 3)
then object C with a localScale of 3,3,3 will have a lossy scale of 30, 30, 30 which is the result of
2 * 5 * 3, 2 * 5 * 3, 2 * 5 * 3

Python: add zeroes in single digit numbers without using .zfill

Im currently using micropython and it does not have the .zfill method.
What Im trying to get is to get the YYMMDDhhmmss of the UTC.
The time that it gives me for example is
t = (2019, 10, 11, 3, 40, 8, 686538, None)
I'm able to access the ones that I need by using t[:6]. Now the problem is with the single digit numbers, the 3 and 8. I was able to get it to show 1910113408, but I need to get 19101034008 I would need to get the zeroes before those 2. I used
t = "".join(map(str,t))
t = t[2:]
So my idea was to iterate over t and then check if the number is less than 10. If it is. I will add zeroes in front of it, replacing the number . And this is what I came up with.
t = (2019, 1, 1, 2, 40, 0)
t = list(t)
for i in t:
if t[i] < 10:
t[i] = 0+t[i]
t[i] = t[i]
However, this gives me IndexError: list index out of range
Please help, I'm pretty new to coding/python.
When you use
for i in t:
i is not index, each item.
>>> for i in t:
... print(i)
If you want to use index, do like following:
>>> for i, v in enumerate(t):
... print("{} is {}".format(i,v))
0 is 2019
1 is 10
2 is 11
3 is 3
4 is 40
5 is 8
6 is 686538
7 is None
another way to create '191011034008'
>>> t = (2019, 10, 11, 3, 40, 8, 686538, None)
>>> "".join(map(lambda x: "%02d" % x, t[:6]))
>>> "".join(map(lambda x: "%02d" % x, t[:6]))[2:]
note that:
%02d add leading zero when argument is lower than 10 otherwise (greater or equal 10) use itself. So year is still 4digit string.
This lambda does not expect that argument is None.
I tested this code at https://micropython.org/unicorn/
edited :
str.format method version:
"".join(map(lambda x: "{:02d}".format(x), t[:6]))[2:]
"".join(map(lambda x: "{0:02d}".format(x), t[:6]))[2:]
second example's 0 is parameter index.
You can use parameter index if you want to specify it (ex: position mismatch between format-string and params, want to write same parameter multiple times...and so on) .
>>> print("arg 0: {0}, arg 2: {2}, arg 1: {1}, arg 0 again: {0}".format(1, 11, 111))
arg 0: 1, arg 2: 111, arg 1: 11, arg 0 again: 1
I'd recommend you to use Python's string formatting syntax.
>> t = (2019, 10, 11, 3, 40, 8, 686538, None)
>> r = ("%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d" % t[:-2])[2:]
>> print(r)
Let's see what's going on here:
%d means "display a number"
%2d means "display a number, at least 2 digits"
%02d means "display a number, at least 2 digits, pad with zeroes"
so we're feeding all the relevant numbers, padding them as needed, and cut the "20" out of "2019".

PostGIS conditional aggregration - presence/absence matrix

I have a dataset that resembles the following:
site_id, species
1, spp1
2, spp1
2, spp2
2, spp3
3, spp2
3, spp3
4, spp1
4, spp2
I want to create a table like this:
site_id, spp1, spp2, spp3, spp4
1, 1, 0, 0, 0
2, 1, 1, 1, 0
3, 0, 1, 1, 0
4, 1, 1, 0, 0
This question was asked here, however the issue I face is that my list of species is significantly greater and so creating a massive query listing each species manually would take a significant amount of time. I would therefore like a solution that does not require this and could instead read from the existing species list.
In addition, when playing with that query, the count() function would keep adding so I would end up with values greater than 1 where multiples of the same species were present in a site_id. Ideally I want a binary 1 or 0 output.

How to check 3D coordinates against 3D bounding box in PostGIS?

I would have imagined the obvious query was:
postgres=# SELECT ST_GeomFromText( 'POINT( 1 2 3 )' ) &&&
'BOX3D( -5 -5 -5, 5 5 5 )'::box3d;
But this results in
As opposed to t.
The query seems to lose the z-coordinate from the bounding box completely. This also results in the following issue where a bounding box ranging from z=1 to z=2 will return t for a point at z=0:
galaxymap=# SELECT ST_GeomFromText( 'POINT( 0 0 0 )' ) &&&
'BOX3D( -1 -1 1, 1 1 2 )'::box3d;
(1 row)
After an hour of googling I finally happened upon an e-mail conversation on the postgis-devel mailing list.
Our boxes are all broken.
There should be somewhere a wiki page or ticker or something about
options to improve the situation.
The suggested workaround seems to be using lines (or bounding diagonals, which I didn't try):
SELECT ST_MakePoint( 1, 2, 3 ) &&& ST_MakeLine(
ST_MakePoint( -10, -10, -10 ), ST_MakePoint( 10, 10, 10 ) );

PostGIS: intersections of set of collinear line segments, with counts

I have a set of collinear line segments (may be mutually disjoint, contained, or overlapping).
I want to make a new set of line segments where the segments are disjoint or touching (not overlapping), and each line segment has a count of the original line segments that cover it.
For example, suppose the original set is (drawn non-collinearly for illustration):
the desired new set would be:
A-------C---E-----F-----B-----------D G-------------H-------J
1 2 3 2 1 1 1
(only the point coordinates matter, the new set does not share point objects with the old set)
How can I achieve this with PostGIS?
Related question: suppose I start with a table of line segments, not all collinear, how do I write the entire query that groups the collinear segments together and then applies the solution to my first question?
Thanks for any help!
Setup (for later queries):
create table lines (
id serial primary key,
label text not null,
line_data geometry(linestring) not null
insert into lines(label, line_data)
values ('A-B', ST_MakeLine(ST_MakePoint(-3, -6), ST_MakePoint( 1, 2))),
('D-C', ST_MakeLine(ST_MakePoint( 2, 4), ST_MakePoint(-2, -4))),
('E-F', ST_MakeLine(ST_MakePoint(-1, -2), ST_MakePoint( 0, 0))),
('G-H', ST_MakeLine(ST_MakePoint( 3, 6), ST_MakePoint( 4, 8))),
('I-J', ST_MakeLine(ST_MakePoint( 4, 8), ST_MakePoint( 5, 10))),
('P-L', ST_MakeLine(ST_MakePoint( 1, 0), ST_MakePoint( 2, 2))),
('X-Y', ST_MakeLine(ST_MakePoint( 2, 2), ST_MakePoint( 0, 4)));
I purposely switched your D and C points to demonstrate a need for vector negation
The P-L line is parallel with your example lines (but not collinear)
The X-Y line has nothing to do with the others
the solutions below obviously won't work, when you have linestrings that have more than 2 points and those are not on the same line (so when a single linestring is not straight).
The ST_Union aggregate function can split your collinear linestrings. You'll just need to calculate how many lines are containing those.
However, grouping by collinearity is not that simple. I did not find any out-of-the-box solution for this, but you can calculate it (this will not calculate counts yet):
select string_agg(label, ','), ST_AsText(ST_Multi(ST_Union(line_data)))
from lines
group by (
select case
when ST_SRID(s) <> ST_SRID(e) then row(ST_SRID(s), s, null)
when ST_X(s) = ST_X(e) then row(ST_SRID(s), ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(ST_X(s), 1.0), ST_SRID(s)), null)
when ST_Y(s) = ST_Y(e) then row(ST_SRID(s), ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(1.0, ST_Y(e)), ST_SRID(s)), null)
else (
select row(
(select case
when ST_Y(rv) < 0
then ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-ST_X(rv), -ST_Y(rv)), ST_SRID(s))
else rv
end), -- normalized vector (negated when necessary, but same for all parallel lines)
(ST_X(e) * ST_Y(s) - ST_X(s) * ST_Y(e)) / (ST_X(e) - ST_X(s)) -- solution of the linear equaltion, where x=0
from coalesce(1.0 / nullif(ST_Distance(s, e), 0), 0) dmi, -- distance's multiplicative inverse
ST_TransScale(e, -ST_X(s), -ST_Y(s), dmi, dmi) rv -- raw vector (translated and scaled)
from ST_StartPoint(line_data) s,
ST_EndPoint(line_data) e
will produce:
E-F,A-B,I-J,G-H,D-C | MULTILINESTRING((-3 -6,-2 -4),(-2 -4,-1 -2),(-1 -2,0 0),(0 0,1 2),(2 4,1 2),(3 6,4 8),(4 8,5 10))
To calculate counts, JOIN your original data again, where the splitted lines are contained by (ST_Contains) your original lines:
select ST_AsText(splitted_line), count(line_data)
from (select ST_Multi(ST_Union(line_data)) ml
from lines
group by (
select case
when ST_SRID(s) <> ST_SRID(e) then row(ST_SRID(s), s, null)
when ST_X(s) = ST_X(e) then row(ST_SRID(s), ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(ST_X(s), 1.0), ST_SRID(s)), null)
when ST_Y(s) = ST_Y(e) then row(ST_SRID(s), ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(1.0, ST_Y(e)), ST_SRID(s)), null)
else (
select row(
(select case
when ST_Y(rv) < 0
then ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-ST_X(rv), -ST_Y(rv)), ST_SRID(s))
else rv
end), -- normalized vector (negated when necessary, but same for all parallel lines)
(ST_X(e) * ST_Y(s) - ST_X(s) * ST_Y(e)) / (ST_X(e) - ST_X(s)) -- solution of the linear equaltion, where x=0
from coalesce(1.0 / nullif(ST_Distance(s, e), 0), 0) dmi, -- distance's multiplicative inverse
ST_TransScale(e, -ST_X(s), -ST_Y(s), dmi, dmi) rv -- raw vector (translated and scaled)
from ST_StartPoint(line_data) s,
ST_EndPoint(line_data) e)) al,
generate_series(1, ST_NumGeometries(ml)) i,
ST_GeometryN(ml, i) splitted_line
left join lines on ST_Contains(line_data, splitted_line)
group by splitted_line
will return:
LINESTRING(-3 -6,-2 -4) | 1
LINESTRING(-2 -4,-1 -2) | 2
LINESTRING(-1 -2,0 0) | 3
LINESTRING(0 0,1 2) | 2
LINESTRING(2 2,0 4) | 1
LINESTRING(1 0,2 2) | 1
LINESTRING(2 4,1 2) | 1
LINESTRING(3 6,4 8) | 1
LINESTRING(4 8,5 10) | 1