Is there any expiry time for blob URL when it is stored in indexed db of chrome browser? - google-chrome-app

I am converting a normal image/video Url into a blob Url ,after conversion i'm storing it in INDEXED DB of chrome browser. To run the assets(image/video) in offline mode I have made this conversion.
When i run my application for three days continuously without internet,the image/video is not coming. As i'm running my application(it is a chrome extension ) in chrome box I cant able to inspect and see the error.Is there any expiry time for blob Url.
I have seen for whether auto clear of data is happening in indexed db or not, but for chrome extensions the indexed db will not get clear unless the user deleted it manually.
Thanks in advance

Check out this module, it lets you set data in your indexedDB only for x mins. After which, data is cleared automatically.


Data Explorer operation for request ID's [93848f5ec2fa6a0865cdsXXX] timed out after 45 secs Check your query and try again?

MongoDB Cloud > Cluster > Collections > Not loading documents
(when I fill the form on web page it needs to be saved on database ryt? Saving but not getting to load or I can't See my collections)
But Applications works fine.
Expecting right solutions enter image description hereenter image description here
This happened to me tonight, same situation, app worked fine etc. I was able to get past this error by clicking on another collection in Atlas and then clicking back on to the collection that was giving me the error originally.
Also try restarting your browser, or even your computer if none of the above works.

Whats the best approach to view a file in flutter which is not defined by type

I am in a situation where I need to store a document which can be of any type like. pdf, Docx, excel or an image. now I don't have the option to force only one type.
The issue is what to do for an app to work for ios/android as same. should I ask the user to upload the file and store it on the server and ask them to download every time they need it? or upload a copy to server and store it locally where they can access it.
if later is the way to go as a user might need to access the document offline. so what to do for this?
any plugin to use for the same.

TinyMCE advimage Cannot read property 'responseText' of null

All of a sudden one of our sites has developed an issue with TinyMCE, specifically it seems, in relation to the advimage plugin.
When trying to browse the image folder via TinyMCE I get an alert with one of these errors:
In Chrome I get:
2can't process ajax,TypeError: Cannot read property 'responseText' of null
In Firefox I get:
2can't process ajax,Invalid XML structure
Nothing has changed on this site for a good few months.
We have upgraded to PHP 5.4 very recently, but I don't see why that would be related.
This could be an issue with overly large images in the plugin's upload directory.
On each request, the advimage plugin scans the upload directory (set in your config) and generates thumbnails of any images it finds in there, then sends a list of images off to the client in the form of JSON or XML. If an image is too large to process, (low server memory or something), then the process quits and doesn't return any JSON/XML, hence the seemingly unrelated error message.
Prune any images over 1MB from the uploads directory. You may need to flush the cached thumbs as well. To stop your users/admins from uploading huge images, set an upload limit in the plugins config.

Is there any way to export chrome develop tools data from api or command

can i get Chrome Developer Tools Network Panel'data by communicate with chrome remote debugging port ?
it can be saved as har formate file,but i want to save it by some script.
You can right click on the Sources panel wheren you see the network data, and save the entire view as a HAR file, or a single file as a HAR file. And then you can import that exact data into chrome which will give you everything you had back from that specific data load.
I assume you want to get your web app performance information back from your clients.
window.performance has a lot of information about how your page loaded and all timings for document ready and DOMContentLoaded and many other stuff in very high resolution.
Anyway that is not as detailed as Network panel in developer tools and if you really want to get that information back you should ask your user to grab that information manually and send it to you or ask them to install a chrome extension that does the job for you.

Auto fetch data from website iOS/iPhone Programming

I wanted to auto fetch data(gold price) from a website and update a variable. Do i have to load the whole .html file in a string and find the price? Is there any other way? Even if I updated the variable, how do i save it, so it retains it's updated value(price)?
Do i have to load the whole .html file
in a string and find the price?
Is there any other way?
Only if the web site also provides an API that gives you access to just the data you need.
Even if I updated the variable, how do
i save it, so it retains it's updated
A variable will keep it's value until you change it. However if you want to preserve it even when the user quits your app, so that it starts again from the same value, you could save it in NSUserDefaults for example.
Do be aware however, that the data is almost certainly copyright, you can't just scrape data from a website and publish an app based on that data without considering the legal perspective. Price data is normally owned by the exchange and you will need a license to re-publish it.