Tikiwiki version 15.3 There is no email sent when user setup forum thread watch - tiki-wiki

I am using tiki version 15.3
I setup my preference that if there is a new forum thread that I am an editor, I will receive an email notification in "My Watches". However, I haven't received any email. It works for blog and new user registration though. So no problem with the email setup. As I debug the code, I found a few problem in the code:
In File: /lib/notification/notificationemaillib.php
Line: 112
$nots_raw = $tikilib->get_event_watches($event, $event == 'forum_post_topic'? $forum_info['forumId']: $threadId, $forum_info);
Should the $threadId is the $parentId? Since the Tiki_user_Watch table store the Thread Parent Id not the newly created threadId.
In line 122:
foreach ( $nots_raw as $n ) {
if ($n['user'] != $author
&& !in_array($n['user'], $users)) {
// make sure user receive only one notification even if he is monitoring both the topic and thread
$n['language'] = $tikilib->get_user_preference($n['user'], "language", $defaultLanguage);
$nots[] = $n;
$users[] = $n['user'];
There is no else for this if clause. I understand this condition is to send only 1 email when user monitor both thread and topic. However, I am monitoring only 1 of them, I think there should be an"
else{ $nots[] = $n;}
This way the $nots will have something to send email in the later part of the code.
if (count($nots)) {
$smarty->assign('mail_forum', $forum_info["name"]);...
Please advise if I am wrong.

You are correct. I believe I have fixed it with this commit, which will be in the next release of version 15 (also committed to version 16, 17 and trunk).
The parent ID needed to be used instead of the thread ID as you pointed out (thanks for that - made it much easier with most of the debugging already done!). There was also an issue with identifying the existing watches properly. I don't think the if statement needs an else, but let me know if this doesn't fix it for you.


Anylogic: Queue TimeOut blocks flow

I have a pretty simple Anylogic DE model where POs are launched regularly, and a certain amount of material gets to the incoming Queue in one shot (See Sample Picture below). Then the Manufacturing process starts using that material at a regular rate, but I want to check if the material in the queue gets outdated, so I'm using the TimeOut option of that queue, in order to scrap the outdated material (older than 40wks).
The problem is that every time that some material gets scrapped through this Timeout exit, the downstream Manufacturing process "stops" pulling more material, instead of continuing, and it does not get restarted until a new batch of material gets received into the Queue.
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks a lot in advance!!
Kindest regards
Your situation is interesting because there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with what you're doing. So even though what you are doing seems to be correct, I will provide you with a workaround. Instead of the Queue block, use a Wait block. You can assign a timeout and link the timeout port just like you did for the queue (seem image at the end of the answer).
In the On Enter field of the wait block (which I will assume is named Fridge), write the following code:
if( MFG.size() < MFG.capacity ) {
In the On Enter of MFG block write the following:
if( self.size() < self.capacity && Fridge.size() > 0 ) {
And finally, in the On Exit of your MFG block write the following:
if( Fridge.size() > 0 ) {
What we are doing in the above, is we are manually pushing the agents. Each time an agent is processed, the model checks if there is capacity to send more, if yes, a new agent is sent.
I know this is an unpleasant workaround, but it provides you with a solution until AnyLogic support can figure it out.

Forwarding AnyEvent::Log messages to a callback if certain requirements are met

I am working on a project that uses AnyEvent Log in the main program as well as several dependent modules/packages. I currently have each module writing to it's own context, and all contexts are added to the main programs context as slaves. This project is part of a much larger project, and in addition to writing out a local log file, there are certain messages that I would like to send to a remote program which will then be responsible for presenting the messages to users.
The problem is that in order to send to the remote program, I have to have a piece of information that is only available from the main program, so it's not feesible to just implement a method at the package level to send messages. The piece of information I need is more or less a transaction id, and the log messages are interesting events from a particular transaction.
The main program has 2 contexts ( main , secondary ). The messages I am interested in will either come from the secondary ctx OR one of the package/module contexts. I am interested in only sending info - crit level messages to users, but ONLY WHEN the txID exists in the main program. I ALWAYS want messages to be written to my local log file regardless of whether or not a deployment is running. I would like this to be something that I setup in the main program rather than in a module because the modules are tasked to do certain thing and shouldn't even be aware of the fact that there is an ID associated with the task at hand.
Here is a quick breakdown of the log configuration specific code in the main program.
# Immediately after Proc::Daemon::Init
my $logger = AnyEvent::Log::ctx "desman";
# configure is done before daemonization to allow for --nodaemon
sub configure {
my ( $level, $file ) = #_;
sub log_event {
... logic to send messages as tx event ...
sub worker_init {
threads->create(sub {
$logger->attach( my $worklog = AnyEvent::Log::ctx "worker" );
... more stuff for worker specifics ...
Ideally, I would be able to use one or both of log_cb and fmt_cb to handle the formatting and sending of messages to the remote program using the log_event sub. I have tried a few different things, and so far I'm stuck.
# doesn't seem to do anything
$logger->fmt_cb( sub { ... } );
$logger->log_cb( sub { ... } );
# broke everything
$AnyEvent::Log::COLLECT->attach( my $evtlog = new AnyEvent::Log::Ctx
fmt_cb => \&event_formatter,
log_cb => \&log_event
I've been searching around for more examples than what's in the docs, but haven't found much yet. Not much of a surprise there since AE::log is pretty much awesome as it is, but anything to help will be greatly appreciated.

How to send an email without using the program RSCONN01?

I am trying to send an email with an excel attachment without using rsconn01. If this is possible could you show me how this is done?
I would also like a little bit more information about how rsconn01 works. I am using rsconn01 to send the emails but, I received a complaint that this program was also resending out emails that failed earlier that day.
This is the code I am using now. It works, but I want to know another way to do it without using rsconn01.
document_data = w_doc_data
put_in_outbox = 'X'
commit_work = 'X'
sent_to_all = w_sent_all
packing_list = t_packing_list
contents_bin = t_attachment
contents_txt = it_message
receivers = t_receivers
too_many_receivers = 1
document_not_sent = 2
document_type_not_exist = 3
operation_no_authorization = 4
parameter_error = 5
x_error = 6
enqueue_error = 7
if sy-subrc = 0.
SUBMIT rsconn01 WITH mode = 'INT'
WITH output = 'X'
WRITE:/ 'ERROR IN MAIL ', sy-subrc.
You will have to use RSCONN01 unless you'd like to implement your own protocol handling. You're using the standard SAPconnect functionality (although with an API that's a bit outdated, I'd switch to the BCS if I were in your shoes). As long as you're using this, you're stuck with that report. However, you usually won't have to call it for yourself. It's a background process that is called every few minutes to process outgoing mail. Perhaps you're working in a development environment where the SAPconnect system isn't properly setup - in that case, you should talk to your system administrators. There are ways to tune the SAPconnect system to work in many cases. You should try to use the existing and well supported facilities before trying to circumvent them.

Play 1.2.3 framework - Right way to commit transaction

We have a HTTP end-point that takes a long time to run and can also be called concurrently by users. As part of this request, we update the model inside a synchronized block so that other (possibly concurrent) requests pick up that change.
MyModel m = null;
synchronized (lockObject) {
m = MyModel.findById(id);
if (m.status == PENDING) {
m.status = ACTIVE;
} else {
//render a response back to user that the operation is not allowed
m.save(); //Is not expected to be called unless we set m.status = ACTIVE
//Long running operation continues here. It can involve further changes to instance "m"
The reason for the synchronized block is to ensure that even concurrent requests get to pick up the latest status. However, the underlying JPA does not commit my changes (m.save()) until the request is complete. Since this is a long-running request, I do not want to wait until the request is complete and still want to ensure that other callers are notified of the change in status. I tried to call "m.em().flush(); JPA.em().getTransaction().commit();" after m.save(), but that makes the transaction unavailable for the subsequent action as part of the same request. Can I just given "JPA.em().getTransaction().begin();" and let Play handle the transaction from then on? If not, what is the best way to handle this use-case?
Based on the response, I modified my code as follows:
MyModel m = null;
synchronized (lockObject) {
m = MyModel.findById(id);
if (m.status == PENDING) {
m.status = ACTIVE;
} else {
//render a response back to user that the operation is not allowed
m.save(); //Is not expected to be called unless we set m.status = ACTIVE
new MyModelUpdateJob(m.id).now();
And in my job, I have the following line:
doJob() {
MyModel m = MyModel.findById(id);
print m.status; //This still prints the old status as-if m.save() had no effect...
What am I missing?
Put your update code in a job an call
new MyModelUpdateJob(id).now().get();
thus the update will be done in another transaction that is commited at the end of the job
ouch, as soon as you add more play servers, you will be in trouble. You may want to play with optimistic locking in your example or and I advise against it pessimistic locking....ick.
HOWEVER, looking at your code, maybe read the article Building on Quicksand. I am not sure you need a synchronized block in that case at all...try to go after being idempotent.
In your case if
1. user 1 and user 2 both call that method and it is pending, then it goes to active(Idempotent)
If user 1 or user 2 wins, well that would be like you had the synchronization block anyways.
I am sure however you have a more complex scenario not shown here, BUT READ that article Building on Quicksand as it really changes the traditional way of thinking and is how google and amazon and very large scale systems operate.
Another option for distributed transactions across play servers is zookeeper which the big large nosql guys use BUT only as a last resort ;) ;)

WMI and Win32_DeviceChangeEvent - Wrong event type returned?

I am trying to register to a "Device added/ Device removed" event using WMI. When I say device - I mean something in the lines of a Disk-On-Key or any other device that has files on it which I can access...
I am registering to the event, and the event is raised, but the EventType propery is different from the one I am expecting to see.
The documentation (MSDN) states : 1- config change, 2- Device added, 3-Device removed 4- Docking. For some reason I always get a value of 1.
Any ideas ?
Here's sample code :
public class WMIReceiveEvent
public WMIReceiveEvent()
WqlEventQuery query = new WqlEventQuery(
"SELECT * FROM Win32_DeviceChangeEvent");
ManagementEventWatcher watcher = new ManagementEventWatcher(query);
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for an event...");
watcher.EventArrived +=
new EventArrivedEventHandler(
// Start listening for events
// Do something while waiting for events
// Stop listening for events
catch(ManagementException err)
MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while trying to receive an event: " + err.Message);
private void HandleEvent(object sender,
EventArrivedEventArgs e)
public static void Main()
WMIReceiveEvent receiveEvent = new WMIReceiveEvent();
Well, I couldn't find the code. Tried on my old RAC account, nothing. Nothing in my old backups. Go figure. But I tried to work out how I did it, and I think this is the correct sequence (I based a lot of it on this article):
Get all drive letters and cache
message, and start a timer with a
timeout of 1 second (this is done to
avoid a lot of spurious
WM_DEVICECHANGE messages that start
as start as soon as you insert the
USB key/other device and only end
when the drive is "settled").
Compare the drive letters with the
old cache and detect the new ones.
Get device information for those.
I know there are other methods, but that proved to be the only one that would work consistently in different versions of windows, and we needed that as my client used the ActiveX control on a webpage that uploaded images from any kind of device you inserted (I think they produced some kind of printing kiosk).
Oh! Yup, I've been through that, but using the raw Windows API calls some time ago, while developing an ActiveX control that detected the insertion of any kind of media. I'll try to unearth the code from my backups and see if I can tell you how I solved it. I'll subscribe to the RSS just in case somebody gets there first.
u can try win32_logical disk class and bind it to the __Instancecreationevent.
You can easily get the required info
I tried this on my system and I eventually get the right code. It just takes a while. I get a dozen or so events, and one of them is the device connect code.