Plot surface from irregular data - matlab

I'm make a filled contour or surface plot from a scattered dataset.
A major difference from other Qs is that the data are not convex.
[r,th] = meshgrid(10:15,0:180);
[x,y] = deal(r.*sind(th), r.*cosd(th));
z = x.^2+y.^2;
scatter(x(:),y(:),[],z(:),'fill'); axis equal off;
The inner circle is null.
I use
tri = delaunay(x,y);
trisurf(tri,x,y,z); view(2); axis equal off;
to make a surface plot.
However, as you can see, the inner circle is filled.

Rather than using the Delaunay triangulation which results in the convex hull, you're going to want to use an alphaShape with which you can impose a limit on the length of the resulting surfaces edges.
You can specify the Alpha property (by specifying a third input) which is the inverse of the maximum edge length. For your example, I've chosen an Alpha of 1.
A = alphaShape(x(:), y(:), 1);
You can then get the triangulation out using the alphaTriangulation method of your alphaSurface object.
[faces, vertices] = A.alphaTriangulation();
zvalue = sum(vertices.^2, 2);
Or you can use the plot method of the alphaShape object
plot(A, 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'CData', zvalue)


How to implement a 3D boolean operation in MATLAB to make an intersection like in Blender (or any other 3D software)?

I am working on creating 3D images from 3 individual binary images, that were taken with 3 cameras. I have a corresponding calibration and know the setup (see below). Since the image preprocessing is mostly done in MATLAB I would like to implement everything there.
The current idea of my code is to extrude the 2D binary image according to the camera calibration. Here's what a typical binary image looks like:
And an extruded image looks like this in MATLAB:
With all 3 cameras extruded and a binning algorithm, I can create my final 3D-shape. This works fine so far, but takes a long time to compute, since I need to create a lot of extrusion steps to get a good surface.
I was thinking now to speed this up by recreating the process I would do in a 3D-modeling software like Blender. There I also extrude the outline of the binary image and create an intersection easily by just creating a spline for the outline, extrude them and use a boolean operator. Here's a Blender example with 2 extruded images:
I have no idea how to implement something like this in MATLAB. I wanted to create two instances of my binary contour at the top and bottom end of the extrusion "tube" and then define faces between the individual points and create an intersection afterwards. The point creation is no problem but the face definition and the intersection (boolean operator) are. Does anyone have an idea how this could be implemented?
This might not be an easy thing to do in MATLAB, but it's possible. I'll outline one set of steps here, using two intersecting cylinders as an example...
Creating a tetrahedral mesh:
The first step is to create a tetrahedral mesh for your extrusion. If your 2D binary image that you're extruding is convex and has no holes, you could do this using the delaunayTriangulation function:
DT = delaunayTriangulation(P);
Here, P contains the coordinate points of the "end caps" of your extrusion (i.e. the faces on each end of your tube). However, when generating tetrahedral meshes, delaunayTriangulation doesn't allow you to specify constrained edges, and as such it can end up filling in holes or concavities in your extrusion. There may be some better mesh-generation alternatives in other toolboxes, such as the Partial Differential Equations Toolbox, but I don't have access to them and can't speak to their applicability.
If automated mesh-generation options don't work, you'll have to build your tetrahedral mesh yourself and pass that data to triangulation. This could be tricky, but I'll show you some steps for how you can do this for a cylinder, which may help you figure it out for more involved shapes. Below, we build a set of coordinate points P1 and an M-by-4 matrix T1 where each row contains indices into the rows of P1 which define one tetrahedron:
% Create circle coordinates for the end caps:
N = 21;
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, N).';
x = sin(theta(1:(end-1)));
y = cos(theta(1:(end-1)))+0.5;
z = ones(N-1, 1);
% Build tetrahedrons for first cylinder, aligned along the z axis:
P1 = [0 0.5 -1; ... % Center point of bottom face
x y -z; ... % Edge coordinates of bottom face
0 0.5 1; ... % Center point of top face
x y z]; % Edge coordinates of top face
cBottom = ones(N-1, 1); % Row indices for bottom center coordinate
cEdgeBottom1 = (2:N).'; % Row indices for bottom edge coordinates
cEdgeBottom2 = [3:N 2].'; % Shifted row indices for bottom edge coordinates
cTop = cBottom+N; % Row indices for top center coordinate
cEdgeTop1 = cEdgeBottom1+N; % Row indices for top edge coordinates
cEdgeTop2 = cEdgeBottom2+N; % Shifted row indices for top edge coordinates
% There are 3 tetrahedrons per radial slice of the cylinder: one that includes the
% bottom face and half of the side face (all generated simultaneously by the first row
% below), one that includes the other half of the side face (second row below), and one
% that includes the top face (third row below):
T1 = [cEdgeBottom1 cEdgeBottom2 cEdgeTop1 cBottom; ...
cEdgeBottom2 cEdgeTop1 cEdgeTop2 cBottom; ...
cEdgeTop1 cEdgeTop2 cTop cBottom];
TR1 = triangulation(T1, P1);
To better visualize how the cylinder is being divided into tetrahedrons, here's an animation of an exploded view:
Now we can create a second cylinder, offset and rotated so it aligns with the x axis and intersecting the first:
% Build tetrahedrons for second cylinder:
P2 = [P1(:, 3) -P1(:, 2) P1(:, 1)];
T2 = T1;
TR2 = triangulation(T2, P2);
% Plot cylinders:
tetramesh(TR1, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'FaceAlpha', 0.6);
hold on;
tetramesh(TR2, 'FaceColor', 'g', 'FaceAlpha', 0.6);
axis equal;
And here's the plot to visualize them:
Finding the region of intersection:
Once we have tetrahedral representations of the volumes, we can generate a grid of points covering the region of intersection and use the pointLocation function to determine which points are within both cylinders:
nGrid = 101;
[X, Y, Z] = meshgrid(linspace(-1, 1, nGrid));
QP = [X(:) Y(:) Z(:)];
indexIntersect = (~isnan(pointLocation(TR1, QP))) & ...
(~isnan(pointLocation(TR2, QP)));
mask = double(reshape(indexIntersect, [nGrid nGrid nGrid]));
We now have volume data mask that contains zeroes and ones, with the ones defining the region of intersection. The finer you make your grid (by adjusting nGrid), the more accurately this will represent the true region of intersection between the cylinders.
Generating a 3D surface:
You may want to create a surface from this data, defining the boundary of the intersection region. There are a couple ways to do this. One is to generate the surface with isosurface, which you could then visualize using featureEdges. For example:
[F, V] = isosurface(mask, 0.5);
TR = triangulation(F, V);
FE = featureEdges(TR, pi/6).';
xV = V(:, 1);
yV = V(:, 2);
zV = V(:, 3);
trisurf(TR, 'FaceColor', 'c', 'FaceAlpha', 0.8, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
axis equal;
hold on;
plot3(xV(FE), yV(FE), zV(FE), 'k');
And the resulting plot:
Another option is to create a "voxelated" Minecraft-like surface, as I illustrate here:
[X, Y, Z, C] = build_voxels(permute(mask, [2 1 3]));
hSurface = patch(X, Y, Z, 'c', ...
'AmbientStrength', 0.5, ...
'BackFaceLighting', 'unlit', ...
'EdgeColor', 'none', ...
'FaceLighting', 'flat');
axis equal;
view(-37.5, 30);
set(gca, 'XLim', [0 101], 'YLim', [25 75], 'ZLim', [0 102]);
grid on;
light('Position', get(gca, 'CameraPosition'), 'Style', 'local');
And the resulting plot:

Matlab how to make smooth contour plot?

I want to represent data with 2 variables in 2D format. The value is represented by color and the 2 variables as the 2 axis. I am using the contourf function to plot my data:
clc; clear;
cMap=jet(256); %set the colomap using the "jet" scale
set(h, 'edgecolor','none');
xlim([0.0352 0.3872]);
ylim([0.0352 0.3872]);
caxis([0.7 0.96]);
% box on;
hold on;
Both xrow and ycol are 6x6 matrices representing the coordinates. BDmatrix is the 6x6 matrix representing the corresponding data. However, what I get is this:
The following is the xrow and yrow matices:
The following is the BDmatrix matices:
Would it be possible for the contour color to vary smoothly rather than appearing as straight lines joining the data points? The problem of this figure is the coarse-granularity which is not appealing. I have tried to replace contourf with imagec but it seems not working. I am using MATLAB R2015b.
You can interpolate your data.
newpoints = 100;
[xq,yq] = meshgrid(...
linspace(min(min(xrow,[],2)),max(max(xrow,[],2)),newpoints ),...
linspace(min(min(ycol,[],1)),max(max(ycol,[],1)),newpoints )...
BDmatrixq = interp2(xrow,ycol,BDmatrix,xq,yq,'cubic');
Choose the "smoothness" of the new plot via the parameter newpoints.
To reduce the Color edges, you can increase the number of value-steps. By default this is 10. The following code increases the number of value-steps to 50:
A 3D-surf plot would be more suitable for very smooth color-shading. Just rotate it to a top-down view. The surf plot is also much faster than the contour plot with a lot of value-steps.
f = figure;
ax = axes('Parent',f);
h = surf(xq,yq,BDmatrixq,'Parent',ax);
set(h, 'edgecolor','none');
Note 1: Cubic interpolation is not shape-preserving. That means, the interpolated shape can have maxima which are greater than the maximum values of the original BDmatrix (and minima which are less). If BDmatrix has noisy values, the interpolation might be bad.
Note 2: If you generated xrow and yrow by yourself (and know the limits), than you do not need that min-max-extraction what I did.
Note 3: After adding screenshots of your data matrices to your original posting, one can see, that xrow and ycol come from an ndgrid generator. So we also must use this here in order to be consistent. Since interp2 needs meshgrid we have to switch to griddedInterpolant:
[xq,yq] = ndgrid(...
linspace(min(min(xrow,[],1)),max(max(xrow,[],1)),newpoints ),...
linspace(min(min(ycol,[],2)),max(max(ycol,[],2)),newpoints )...
F = griddedInterpolant(xrow,ycol,BDmatrix,'cubic');
BDmatrixq = F(xq,yq);

Is the diagonal of a matlab griddata realted directly to the x/Y input?

i want to get the elevation for a given coordinate for thousands of downhole density readings. I filter that down to the unique coordinates for each drill hole, and then make a rectangular topography grid with griddata so I can get the elevation values for the non uniform Easting/Northing coordinates per drillhole.
EN = [density(:,1) density(:,2)];
[uniqEN, ia, ic] = unique(EN, 'rows');
% regrid topo to the XY midpoints of the mesh
[xg yg] = meshgrid(uniqEN(:,1), uniqEN(:,2));
elevgd = griddata(topo(:,1), topo(:,2), topo(:,3), xg, yg, 'nearest');
Are the diagonals of elevgd the elevations results of each coordinate pair I input from xg and yg?
I assume it is. It makes sense if xg and yg matrices are the coordinates.

Plot vector (or arc) onto a rose plot. MATLAB

I have two datasets. One detailing a list of angles (which I am plotting onto a rose plot):
The other, detailing directional statistics from this group of angles:
Where angle essentially defines the directional mean, and error the circular variance, essentially an error bar either side of the angle
I have thus far plotted a rose histogram using the set of angles, as such:
h = rose(angles,36)
I would like to create a plot of the directional statistic angle (it does not need a length/magnitude - just to the edge of the circle plot) with the error around it.
As an example:
I added the lines by hand in Matlab. If possible it would be good to perhaps have shading within the arc too. Alternatively, (and possibly preferred) would be to have just a sliver above the rose plot bins (so it doesn't cover the data) with a centre line (showing the angle and shading surrounding for the error.
Thanks in advance.
How about this?
%// Data
angles = 2*pi*.8*randn(1,1e4);
angle = -0.848106563;
error = 0.8452778824;
%// Plot rose
rose(angles, 36);
axis image %// make axis square
hold on
%// Plot mean
a = axis;
a = a(2); %// size of axis
plot([0 cos(angle)*a], [0 sin(angle)*a], 'r')
%// Plot error as many shaded triangles that compose a circular wedge
t = linspace(-error/2+angle,error/2+angle,100); %// increase "100" if needed
for k = 1:numel(t)-1
h = patch([0 cos(t(k))*a cos(t(k+1))*a 0], ...
[0 sin(t(k))*a sin(t(k+1))*a 0], [.5 0 0], 'edgecolor', 'none');
%// change color [.5 0 0] to something else if desired. Note also alpha
set(h,'Facealpha',.3) %// make transparent
%// Place rose on top by rearranging order of axis children
ch = get(gca,'children');
set(gca,'children',[ch(2:end); ch(1)]);
For this to work, you need to use a figure renderer capable of transparency. So you may need to adjust the figure's renderer property.

How to plot a surface with a texture map

I want to plot a surface with a texture map on it, but the conditions are not the "ideal" ones.
first lets explain what I have.
I have a set of points (~7000) that are image coordinates, in a grid. This points do NOT define perfect squares. IT IS NOT A MESHGRID. For the sake of the question, lets assume that we have 9 points. Lets ilustrate what we have with an image:
Lets say we can get the "structure" of the grid, so
And now lets say we have a 3rd dimension, Z.
EDIT: Forgot to add a piece if info. I triangulate the points in the image and get a 3D correspondence, so when displayed in a surface they don't have the X and Y coords of the image, for a simplification of the given data lets say X=X/2 Y=Y/3
And we have:
What I want is to plot the surface in 3D with the image texture. Each element should have the texture piece that have in the first image.
This needs to work for huge datasheets. I don't specially need it to be fast.
related post (but I has a meshgrid as initial set of points) : Texture map for a 2D grid
PD: I can post original images + real data if needed, just posted this because i think it is easier with small data.
You can use the texturemap property of surf which works with rectangular meshes as well as with non-rectangular ones.
Creating non-rectangular data points
% creating non-rectangular data points
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:100, 1:100);
X = X+rand(size(X))*5;
Y = Y+rand(size(X))*5;
which results in the following data points:
Generating height data:
Z = sin(X/max(X(:))*2*pi).*sin(Y/max(Y(:))*2*pi);
Loading picture:
and mapping it as texture to the mesh:
surf(X,Y,Z, imageTest, ...
'edgecolor', 'none','FaceColor','texturemap')
Note that, for the sake of demonstration, this non-rectangular grid is quite sparsely populated which results in a rather jagged texture. With more points, the result gets much better, irrespective of the distortion of the grid points.
Note also that the number of grid points does not have to match the number of pixels in the texture image.
If X and Y coordinates are only available for parts of the image, you can adjust the texture accordingly by
minX = round(min(X(:)));
maxX = round(max(X(:)));
minY = round(min(Y(:)));
maxY = round(max(Y(:)));
surf(X,Y,Z, imageTest(minX:maxX, minY:maxY, :), ...
'edgecolor', 'none','FaceColor','texturemap')
I don't think you can do what you want with Matlab's built in commands and features. But using the technique from my other answer with a high-res version of the grid can do it for you.
By "high-res", I mean an interpolated version of the non-uniform grid with denser data points. That is used to sample the texture at denser data points so it can be drawn using the texturemap feature of surf. You can't use a normal 2D interpolation, however, because you need to preserve the non-uniform grid shape. This is what I came up with:
function g = nonUniformGridInterp2(g, sx, sy)
[a,b] = size(g);
g = interp1(linspace(0,1,a), g, linspace(0,1,sy)); % interp columns
g = interp1(linspace(0,1,b), g', linspace(0,1,sx))'; % interp rows
Note that you have to call this twice to interpolate the X and Y points independently. Here's an example of the original grid and an interpolated version with 10 points in each direction.
Here's how to use that high-res grid with interp2 and texturemap.
function nonUniformTextureMap
% define the non-uniform surface grid
X = [310,270,330; 430,410,400; 480,500,520];
Y = [300,400,500; 300,400,500; 300,400,500];
Z = [300,330,340; 300,310,330; 290,300,300];
% get texture data
load penny % loads data in variable P
% define texture grid based on image size
% note: using 250-550 so that a,b covers the range used by X,Y
[m,n] = size(P);
[a,b] = meshgrid(linspace(250,550,n), linspace(250,550,m));
% get a high-res version of the non-uniform grid
s = 200; % number of samples in each direction
X2 = nonUniformGridInterp2(X, s, s);
Y2 = nonUniformGridInterp2(Y, s, s);
% sample (map) the texture on the non-uniform grid
C = interp2(a, b, P, X2, Y2);
% plot the original and high-res grid
% plot the surface using sampled points for color
surf(X, Y, Z, C, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'FaceColor','texturemap')
colormap gray
I'm not sure I understand your question, but I think that what you need to do is sample (map) the texture at your grid's X,Y points. Then you can simply plot the surface and use those samples as colors.
Here's an example using the data you gave in your question. It doesn't look like much, but using more X,Y,Z points should give the result you're after.
% define the non-uniform surface grid
X = [310,270,330; 430,410,400; 480,500,520];
Y = [300,400,500; 300,400,500; 300,400,500];
Z = [300,330,340; 300,310,330; 290,300,300];
% get texture data
load penny % loads data in variable P
% define texture grid based on image size
% note: using 600 so that a,b covers the range used by X,Y
[m,n] = size(P);
[a,b] = meshgrid(linspace(0,600,n), linspace(0,600,m));
% sample (map) the texture on the non-uniform grid
C = interp2(a, b, P, X, Y);
% plot the surface using sampled points for color
surf(X, Y, Z, C)
colormap gray