How to join two collections in mongo Db? - mongodb

I've created two collections one for people details and another for their income, spending amount etc.
i want cumulative result how to combine both collections??

You can insert all documents from one collection into another. Here is how to do that using the mongo shell:
db.collection1.find().forEach( function(x){db.collection2.insert(x)} );

Instead of combining them into one collection (which may or may not be correct in your situation - no way of knowing) take a look at this StackOverflow. Also you should seriously study both the lookup and aggregation possibilities in MongoDB. Since Mongo is NoSQL the way we approach lookup information is a bit different.


Query and sort on nultiple collections based on time

Our application is planning to use MongoDB for reports.
Our reports are time-based (where the raw data is different events).
We were thinking of creating a separate collection for each day, so we will not need to query a whole large collection when we need to query,aggregate and sort events for a specific day only.
One question is whether this design makes sense.
Another question is what will happen if we need to aggregate and sort event over more than one collection - for one week for example.
Does MongoDB supports this? If it does - how should it be done so it will be efficient n terms of performance?
We were thinking of creating a separate collection for each day, so we will not need to query a whole large collection when we need to query,aggregate and sort events for a specific day only.
One question is whether this design makes sense.
While using proper indexes, mongoDB should not have problems with a very big collection.
You could read more here: MongoDB indexes
Another question is what will happen if we need to aggregate and sort event over more than one collection - for one week for example.
Does MongoDB supports this? If it does - how should it be done so it will be efficient n terms of performance?
If you want to go your way, you could use aggregation pipelines and $facet to run multiple queries at once. However this could become a little tricky because you have to generate the collection names from your query parameters. Infact, i think this could be slower and more prone to errors. So i don't recomend this approach.

Are there technical downsides to using a single collection over multiple collections in MongoDB?

Since MongoDB is schemaless, I could just drop all my documents into a single collection, with a key collection and an index on that key.
For example this:
Would become this:
db.getCollection('all').find({'collection': 'dogs'})
db.getCollection('all').find({'collection': 'cars'})
Is there any technical downside to doing this?
There are multiple reasons to have different collections, maybe the two most importants are:
Performance: even if MongoDB has been designed to be flexible, it doesn't prevent the need to have indexes on fields that will be used during the search. You would have dramatic response times if the collection is too heterogeneous.
Maintenability/evolutivity: design should be driven by the usecases (usually you'll store the data as it's received by the application) and the design should be explicit to anyone looking at the database collections
MongoDB University is a great e-learning platform, it is free and there is in particular this course:
M320: Data Modeling
schema questions are often better understood by working backwards from the queries you'll rely on and how the data will get written.... if you were going to query Field1 AND Field2 together in 1 query statement you do want them in the same collection....dogs and cars don't sound very related while dogs and cats really look at how you're going to want to query.....joining collections is not really ideal - doable via $lookup but not ideal....

MongoDB is aggregation discourage over simple query

We are running a MongoDB instance for some of our price data, and I would like to find the most recent price update for each product that I have in the database.
Coming from a SQL background my initial thought was that to create an query with a subquery, where the subquery is a group by query. In the subquery price updates are grouped by the product and then one can find the most recent update for each price update.
I talked to a colleague about this approach and he claimed that in the official training material from MongoDB it is said that one should prefer simple queries over aggregated ones. i.e. he would run a query for each product and then find the most recent price update by ordering them by the update date. So that the number of queries will be linear in comparison to the number of products.
I do agree that it is simpler to write such a query, instead of an aggregated one, but I would have thought that performance wise it would have been faster to go through the collection once and find the queries i.e. the number of queries will be constant in comparison to the number of products.
He claims also that mongodb also will be able to better do optimization when running simple queries when running in a cluster.
Anybody know if that is the case?
I tried to search on the internet and I cannot find such a claim that one should prefer simple queries over aggregated ones.
Another colleague of mine was also thinking that it may be the case that since MongoDB are a new technology, then maybe aggregation queries have not been optimized for clustered MongoDB instances.
Anybody who can shed some light on these matters?
Thanks in advance
Here is some information on the aggregation pipeline on a sharded MongoDb implementation
Aggregation Pipeline and Sharded Collections
Assuming you have the right indexes in place on your collections, you shouldn't have any problems using MongoDB aggregation.

Reading the similar data from more than two collections in mongoDB

I am novice user to MongoDB. In our application the data size for each table quite bit large, So I decided to split the same into different collections even though it is same of kind. The only difference is the "id" between each document(documents in one collection is under one category) in the all the collections. So we decided to insert the data into number collections and each collections will be having certain number of documents. currently I have 10 collections of same of kind of document data.
My requirement is
1) to get the data from all the collections in a single query to display in application home page.
2) I do need to get the data by using sorting and filtering before fetching.
I have gone through some of the posts in the stackoverflow saying that use Mongo-3.2 $lookup aggregation for this requirement. but I am suspecting If I use $lookup for 10 collections, there might be performance Issue and too complex query.
since I have divided the my same kind of data into number of collections(Each collection will have the documents which comes under one category, Like that I have the 10 categories, so I need to use 10 collections).
Could any body please suggest me whether my approach is correct?
If you have a lot data, how could you display all of them in a webpage?
My understanding is that you will only display a portion of the dataset by querying the database. Since you didn't mention how many records you have, it's not easy to make a recommendation.
Based on the vague description, sharding is the solution, you should check out the official doc.
However, before you do sharding, and since you mentioned are a novice user, you probably want to check your databases' indexing, data models, and benchmark your performance first.
Hope this helps.
You should store all 10 types of data in 1 collection, not 10. Don't make things more difficult than they need to be.

How to merge two collections in mongodb

I have two collections called Company_Details and Company_Ranks...Comp_ID is common in two collections. How do I merge these two collections to get complete details of a company.
Please help me
To make long story short, you either do that on client-side or consider the benefits of embedding those documents.
MongoDB does not support joins, as opposed to relational databases. This is both a pro and a con. It has helped MongoDB's developers to focus on scalability which is much harder to implement when you have joins and transactions.
You can follow the DBRef specification. Lots of drivers support DBRef and do the composition seamlessly for you. You can even do that manually. But most importantly, you can take advantage of embedding documents.
Embedding documents in MongoDB is a unique ability over relational databases. Meaning, you can create one collection consisting of compound documents. You'll enjoy atomicity, as there is no "partial success", and data locality: spinning disks are better in accessing data in sequence.
If querying is your motive and you don't want to change your schema. Then, try Apache Drill which allows you to query with SQLs. Then perform the full join, inner join, etc whatever you want. You can check for drill with MongoDB.
With MongoDB Version 3.2 and higher we got now the $lookup Command, which is the "same" as a Join in a RDBMS.
With that you can easy Query between your 2 Collections and get the Information you want.
For further Details Checkt out the Documentation