How to re-load the model when Spark streaming process is running? - scala

I have the configuration file myConfig.conf in which the path to the prediction model is defined as a parameter pathToModel. I am reading this file once in order to get pathToModel.
However, now I want to slightly update the logic - I want to be able to re-load the prediction model any time pathToModel is updated in the configuration file.
This is my current code:
val pathToModelPar = ConfigFactory.load("myConfig.conf")
val pathToModel = pathToModelPar.getString("pathToModel")
val model = GradientBoostedTreesModel.load(sc,pathToModel)
myDStream.foreachRDD(myRDD => {
myRDD.foreachPartition({ partitionOfRecords =>
val predictions = model.predict(...)
I was thinking that the file config.conf could be checked every hour and then the IF-THEN rule can be applied - if a new pathToModel is different from a current pathToModel, then model is re-loaded.
However, I do not know how to implement this re-loading in the context of streaming data. As far as I understand, if I put IF-THEN rule outside from myDStream.foreachRDD(myRDD => {...}), then it will be checked only at the start of the streaming process. If I put IF-THEN rule inside myDStream.foreachRDD(myRDD => {...}), then I will get Task serialization error due to using sc in load. That's the problem. Any idea?
I tried this approach, but it loads the model only once:
var pathToModelPar = ConfigFactory.load("myConfig.conf")
var pathToModel = pathToModelPar.getString("pathToModel")
var model = GradientBoostedTreesModel.load(sc,pathToModel)
val ex = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1)
val task = new Runnable {
def run() = {
pathToModelPar = ConfigFactory.load("myConfig.conf")
pathToModel = pathToModelPar.getString("pathToModel")
model = GradientBoostedTreesModel.load(sc,pathToModel)
val f = ex.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 1, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
myDStream.foreachRDD(myRDD => {
myRDD.foreachPartition({ partitionOfRecords =>
val predictions = model.predict(...)


Task not serializable - foreach function spark

I have a function getS3Object to get a json object stored in S3
def getS3Object (s3ObjectName) : Unit = {
val bucketName = "xyz"
val object_to_write = s3client.getObject(bucketName, s3ObjectName)
val file = new File(filename)
fileWriter = new FileWriter(file)
bw = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter)
My dataframe (df) contains one column where each row is the S3ObjectName
When I execute the below logic I get an error saying "task is not serializable"
Method 1:- df.foreach(x => getS3Object(x.getString(0))
I tried converting the df to rdd but still get the same error
Method 2:- df.rdd.foreach(x => getS3Object(x.getString(0))
However it works with collect()
Method 3:- df.collect.foreach(x => getS3Object(x.getString(0))
I do not wish to use the collect() method as all the elements of the dataframe are collected to the driver and potentially result in OutOfMemory error.
Is there a way to make the foreach() function work using Method 1?
The problem for your s3Client can be solved as following. But you have to remember that these functions run on executor nodes (other machines), so your whole val file = new File(filename) thing is probably not going to work here.
You can put your files on some distibuted file system like HDFS or S3.
object S3ClientWrapper extends Serializable {
// s3Client must be created here.
val s3Client = {
val awsCreds = new BasicAWSCredentials("access_key_id", "secret_key_id")
.withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(awsCreds))
def getS3Object (s3ObjectName) : Unit = {
val bucketName = "xyz"
val object_to_write = S3ClientWrapper.s3Client.getObject(bucketName, s3ObjectName)
// now you have to solve your file problem

Scala making parallel network calls using Futures

i'm new to Scala, i have a method, that reads data from the given list of files and does api calls with
the data, and writes the response to a file. { file =>
val bufferedSource = Source.fromFile(file)
val data = bufferedSource.mkString
val response = doApiCall(data) // time consuming task
if (response.nonEmpty) writeFile(response, outputLocation)
the above method, is taking too much time, during the network call, so tried to do using parallel
processing to reduce the time.
so i tried wrapping the block of code, which consumes more time, but the program ends quickly
and its not generating any output, as the above code.
import { file =>
val bufferedSource = Source.fromFile(file)
val data = bufferedSource.mkString
Future {
val response = doApiCall(data) // time consuming task
if (response.nonEmpty) writeFile(response, outputLocation)
it would be helpful, if you have any suggestions.
(I also tried using "par", it works fine,
I'm exploring other options other than 'par' and using frameworks like 'akka', 'cats' etc)
Based on Jatin instead of using default execution context which contains deamon threads
define execution context with non-deamon threads
implicit val nonDeamonEc = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool)
Also you can use Future.traverse and Await like so
val resultF = Future.traverse(listOfFiles) { file =>
val bufferedSource = Source.fromFile(file)
val data = bufferedSource.mkString
Future {
val response = doApiCall(data) // time consuming task
if (response.nonEmpty) writeFile(response, outputLocation)
Await.result(resultF, Duration.Inf)
traverse converts List[Future[A]] to Future[List[A]].

Refit existing Spark ML PipelineModel with new data

I'm using Spark Structured Streaming - more or less - to taim my data with a DecisionTreeRegressor.
I'd like to reuse my already fitted PipelineModel to fit again on new data.
Is it possible?
I've already tried to load back my PipelineModel and add it's stages to a pipeline and fit the data on a new model.
val modelDirectory = "/mnt/D834B3AF34B38ECE/DEV/hadoop/model"
var model : PipelineModel = _
var newModel : PipelineModel = _
var pipeline : Pipeline = _
val trainingData = //an instance of a dataframne
val testData = //an instance of a dataframne
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("routeId", "stopId", "month","dayOfWeek","hour","temperature","humidity","pressure","rain","snow","visibility"))
val dt = new DecisionTreeRegressor()
pipeline = new Pipeline()
try {
model = PipelineModel.load(modelDirectory)
} catch {
case iie: InvalidInputException => {
case unknownError: UnknownError => {
newModel =
// Make predictions.
val predictions: DataFrame = model.transform(testData)
// Select example rows to display.
print(s"Predictions based on ${System.currentTimeMillis()} time train: ${System.lineSeparator()}"), false)
// Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
You can find my full source code in:
There is no way to refit an already fitted model in Spark 2.4.4.
For continuous learning machine learning solutions check the MLLibs documentation. You can achieve that with StreamingLinearRegressionWithSVG, StreamingKmeans, StreamingLogisticRegressionWithSVG.
Also, keep in mind that that is a streaming application, so may your pipeline is learning continuously

Process continuously parquet files as Datastreams in Flink's DataStream API

I have a parquet file on HDFS. It is overwritten daily with a new one. My goal is to emit this parquet file continuously - when it changes - as a DataStream in a Flink Job using the DataStream API.
The end goal is to use the file content in a Broadcast State, but this is out of scope for this question.
To process a file continuously, there is this very useful API: Data-sources about datasources. More specifically, FileProcessingMode.PROCESS_CONTINUOUSLY: this is exactly what I need. This works for reading/monitoring text files, no problem, but not for parquet files:
// Partial version 1: the raw file is processed continuously
val path: String = "hdfs://hostname/path_to_file_dir/"
val textInputFormat: TextInputFormat = new TextInputFormat(new Path(path))
// monitor the file continuously every minute
val stream: DataStream[String] = streamExecutionEnvironment.readFile(textInputFormat, path, FileProcessingMode.PROCESS_CONTINUOUSLY, 60000)
To process parquet files, I can use Hadoop Input Formats using this API:
using-hadoop-inputformats. However there is no FileProcessingMode parameter via this API, and this processes the file only once:
// Partial version 2: the parquet file is only processed once
val parquetPath: String = "/path_to_file_dir/parquet_0000"
// raw text format
val hadoopInputFormat: HadoopInputFormat[Void, ArrayWritable] = HadoopInputs.readHadoopFile(new MapredParquetInputFormat(), classOf[Void], classOf[ArrayWritable], parquetPath)
val stream: DataStream[(Void, ArrayWritable)] = streamExecutionEnvironment.createInput(hadoopInputFormat).map { record =>
// process the record here ...
I would like to somehow combine the two APIs, to process continuously Parquet Files via the DataStream API. Have any of you tried something like this ?
After browsing Flink's code, looks like that those two APIS are relatively different, and it does not seem possible to merge them together.
The other approach, which I will detail here, is to define your own SourceFunction that will periodically read the file:
class ParquetSourceFunction extends SourceFunction[Int] {
private var isRunning = true
override def run(ctx: SourceFunction.SourceContext[Int]): Unit = {
while (isRunning) {
val path = new Path("path_to_parquet_file")
val conf = new Configuration()
val readFooter = ParquetFileReader.readFooter(conf, path, ParquetMetadataConverter.NO_FILTER)
val metadata = readFooter.getFileMetaData
val schema = metadata.getSchema
val parquetFileReader = new ParquetFileReader(conf, metadata, path, readFooter.getBlocks, schema.getColumns)
var pages: PageReadStore = null
try {
while ({ pages = parquetFileReader.readNextRowGroup; pages != null }) {
val rows = pages.getRowCount
val columnIO = new ColumnIOFactory().getColumnIO(schema)
val recordReader = columnIO.getRecordReader(pages, new GroupRecordConverter(schema))
(0L until rows).foreach { _ =>
val group =
val my_integer = group.getInteger("field_name", 0)
// do whatever logic suits you to stop "watching" the file
override def cancel(): Unit = isRunning = false
Then, use the streamExecutionEnvironment to register this source:
val dataStream: DataStream[Int] = streamExecutionEnvironment.addSource(new ParquetProtoSourceFunction)
// do what you want with your new datastream

Spark job not parallelising locally (using Parquet + Avro from local filesystem)

edit 2
Indirectly solved the problem by repartitioning the RDD into 8 partitions. Hit a roadblock with avro objects not being "java serialisable" found a snippet here to delegate avro serialisation to kryo. The original problem still remains.
edit 1: Removed local variable reference in map function
I'm writing a driver to run a compute heavy job on spark using parquet and avro for io/schema. I can't seem to get spark to use all my cores. What am I doing wrong ? Is it because I have set the keys to null ?
I am just getting my head around how hadoop organises files. AFAIK since my file has a gigabyte of raw data I should expect to see things parallelising with the default block and page sizes.
The function to ETL my input for processing looks as follows :
def genForum {
class MyWriter extends AvroParquetWriter[Topic](new Path("posts.parq"), Topic.getClassSchema) {
override def write(t: Topic) {
synchronized {
def makeTopic(x: ForumTopic): Topic = {
// Ommited to save space
val writer = new MyWriter
val q =
DBCrawler.db.withSession {
Query(ForumTopics).filter(x => x.crawlState === TopicCrawlState.Done).list()
val sz = q.size
val c = new AtomicInteger(0)
q.par.foreach {
x =>
val count = c.incrementAndGet()
print(f"\r${count.toFloat * 100 / sz}%4.2f%%")
And my transformation looks as follows :
def sparkNLPTransformation() {
val sc = new SparkContext("local[8]", "forumAddNlp")
// io configuration
val job = new Job()
ParquetInputFormat.setReadSupportClass(job, classOf[AvroReadSupport[Topic]])
AvroParquetOutputFormat.setSchema(job, Topic.getClassSchema)
// configure annotator
val props = new Properties()
props.put("annotators", "tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,parse")
val an = DAnnotator(props)
// annotator function
def annotatePosts(ann : DAnnotator, top : Topic) : Topic = {
val new_p ={ x=>
val at = new Annotation(x.getPostText.toString)
val t = at.get(classOf[SentencesAnnotation]).map(_.get(classOf[TreeAnnotation])).toList
val r = SpecificData.get().deepCopy[Post](x.getSchema,x)
if(t.nonEmpty) r.setTrees(t)
val new_t = SpecificData.get().deepCopy[Topic](top.getSchema,top)
// transformation
val ds = sc.newAPIHadoopFile("forum_dataset.parq", classOf[ParquetInputFormat[Topic]], classOf[Void], classOf[Topic], job.getConfiguration)
val new_ds => ( null, annotatePosts(x._2) ) )
Can you confirm that the data is indeed in multiple blocks in HDFS? The total block count on the forum_dataset.parq file