How to get All test cycle from ZAPI rest call - jira-zephyr

I am trying to use this API to manage my automation test cases in Jira-Zephyr.
I am trying to get all the test cycle from my project, So as per the ZAPI technical doc I used
But it is not working, It says that it is a dead link.
I googled for search all the issue from project, So I got the below one
and it is working fine for me.
So as per this link I changed the above link
It is also not working.
How I can Find out all the test cycle present in the project?

this works for me with a local install of Jira + zapi, zephry add-ons

try like this, def clientTestID = new RESTClient("")
This will work for sure if headers are properly defined


Manatee.Trello: Simple CRUD App for Updating Cards

I need to develop a simple CRUD console app to update a list of Trello cards from a CSV file. I'll run the app in TaskScheduler every night. I've installed #gregsdennis Manatee.Trello packages (impressive code!) but cannot find a single (complete example) of anything like this anywhere. All I've managed to do is auth in with app key and tokedn.
Is there a resource out there that shows simple (full) examples of how to get started? #gregsdennis—the C# libraries are extensive and obviously well thought out—I just need a jump start to get me going. Thanks to all in advance!
Here's the documentation site:

Deploying actions on google webhook on glitch

I want to deploy this example on glitch. I've added package.js and index.js to my glitch project and built successfully.
However, the code is missing a section to listen for HTTPS requests. In most node.js/express webapps, there is code to indicate which paths trigger which functions, but this is missing from the example. Can you explain to me how it should work and why that part is missing from this example?
It's not clear what do you mean by "the code is missing a section to listen" as the only main feature of index.js is to listen to requests and return information.
I suggest you check index.js and make sure that you getting requests to your end point on glitch.
Also, it would be helpful if you can share your glitch project over here at SO so we could see what you are doing.
Btw, you might want to double check that you have all the packages
I also created this simple example on Glitch - It's returning the current bitcoin price. Feel free to remix it and use the code there for your own action.
Good luck!
The part that "listens to requests" is
// The Entry point to all our actions
const actionMap = new Map();
actionMap.set(ACTION_PRICE, priceHandler);
actionMap.set(ACTION_TOTAL, totalHandler);
actionMap.set(ACTION_BLOCK, blockCountHandler);
actionMap.set(ACTION_MARKET, marketCaptHandler);
actionMap.set(ACTION_INTERVAL, intervalHandler);
where each ACTION is an action(in an intent) in Dialogflow and the handler is the corresponding function in your code.
I'd recommend you take a look at
If you want a good example of an assistant app, though this uses firebase instead of glitch.

ReactJS 5.3.0 not loading from

We have been using the following library for months:
Yes - I know we can just reference 15.3 and get the URL rewrite to the latest, but they released a breaking change. That's another issue for another day. Don't get distracted.
Yesterday this simply stopped working. You'll notice that if you load the URL mentioned, that the file is TRUNCATED. Simply cuts off. This made everything we use react with break. Interestingly, if you go to the following URL (without the .js extension) - things work.
My question is - what the heck happened? Why did the URL we've been using for 8 months suddenly stop working, and who can we get to fix it. In the interim, we had a copy locally that we've started referencing (which we probably should have been doing to begin with, since we don't want the automatic upgrade). When things like this happen, who do you inform?
I'm not sure you'll find the answer as to why this file is no longer working here but based off of the website you could reached out to the creator on twitter:
On the website it says:
unpkg is a free, best-effort service and cannot provide any uptime or
support guarantees.
i.e. you should probably only use this link if you are messing around with a small project and shouldn't be used for any website where you actually care about the uptime of the site.

Get WebdriverIO multi-remote to work with Cucumber BDD

I am able to start multiple browser sessions in a single test using WebDriverIO's multiremote with mocha.
Next I'm trying to get WebDriverIO multiremote work with Cucumber BDD. My feature definition is simply to open a browser session and navigate to a url.
Here's my simple WDIO
Problem - the browser opens up but navigation does not occur. I have tried to enable the debugger and observe node-inspector but hasn't helped. What am I missing? Thanks for all the help.
My goal was to conduct multi-user scenario based testing through BDD. Although I haven't been able to resolve this directly via WebDriverIO I found Chimp (which uses WebDriverIO underneath) has its own flavour of session based automation.
Chimp's multi-browser testing does exactly what I wanted. Problem solved!
I'm able to write scenarios such as this without explicitly switching the user context.
Scenario: Able to browse independently
Given Alice goes to "/features"
And Bob go to "/bugs"
Then Alice sees "10" features
And Bob sees "1" bugs

node-mongodb-native example code vs docs code? which to use?

I just wrote my first nodejs program using the node-mongodb-native driver. I used the documentation code from the github page, i.e.:
var mongodb = require("mongodb"),
mongoserver = new mongodb.Server('localhost', 6574),
dbConnector = new mongodb.Db('test', mongoserver);, db){
console.log('oh shit! error!');
However, upon looking at some example code on the github page, I discovered that the set up code looks very different from what I used. Does anybody know if there's any real difference between the different methods? I'm completely new to all this stuff and can't really tell if there's any reason to use one over the other. The code I wrote seems to run fine, but if the creator of the driver is using different code, I figured it would be worth checking if there are any reasons for that.
Thanks in advance for any replies!
Hi I'm the creator and no there is no particular reason you can't use your style. As when it comes to docs I usually tell people to start with the integration tests as there are many examples on how to do stuff. Unfortunately due to having a fulltime job the docs are not kept up to date at the pace I would like to.
I'm hoping to do something with that come late september but right now I'm trying to just get the driver up to the expected features of mongodb including making it work with 1.9.X and higher.
I'll accept any docs pull requests happily as the more the community help me the more it helps itself :)