mongorestore fails due to invalid BSONSize - mongodb

I have a script which dumps a mongodb
mongodump --archive=$MONGODB_PATH --host $MONGODB_HOST --port $MONGODB_PORT --username $MONGODB_USER --password $MONGODB_PASS --db $MONGODB_NAME
but when I try to restore it with
mongorestore -d db_name backup/dump
it fails with:
Failed: dump_name: error restoring from backup/dump/dump_name: reading bson input: invalid BSONSize: -2120621459 bytes
I tried --batchSize=100 but it didn't solve the issue for me.
What's going wrong here?
Solution was: mongorestore --archive=backup/dump

When you dump with --archive flag you must restore with --archive flag as well.


Mongorestore not work (Invalid BSON size error)

I run following command to get a dump from MongoDB collection:
docker exec -it mongo mongodump --db db_name --collection col_name --out - | gzip > output.gz
and I run following command to restore into other Mongo database:
mongorestore --host=localhost --port=27200 --db=db_name2 /path/output.bson
however I got following error:
Failed: db_name2.col_name: error restoring from path/output.bson.bson: reading bson input: invalid BSONSize: 808595506 bytes
is there any idea?
Try to look at this answer:
In general, it means that one of the documents you are trying to restore is too big.
You need to delete this doc and then try to restore it.

mongorestore file X does not have .bson extension

I'm trying to run mongorestore through docker to restore the database to another dockerized mongo on the system:
sudo docker run --net=host -v $PWD:/home/mongo mongo /bin/bash -c "mongorestore -d venko /home/mongo/mongo_venko_20200326230306.archive"
but I get
2020-03-27T00:17:32.645+0000 the --db and --collection args should only be used when restoring from a BSON file. Other uses are deprecated and will not exist in the future; use --nsInclude instead
2020-03-27T00:17:32.645+0000 Failed: file /home/mongo/mongo_venko_20200326230306.archive does not have .bson extension
2020-03-27T00:17:32.645+0000 0 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
Answers from mongorestore error: Don't know what to do with the dump file tell me to pass the -db option but I did pass so I don't know what to do.
I have to use both options --gzip and --archive
mongorestore --uri="uri" --gzip --archive=/Path/to/archive/abc.gz
As the error mentions the mongorestore looks for a BSON file, while the archive is not the extension it is looking for.
You can do the following:
Either use:
mongorestore --gzip /home/mongo/mongo_venko_20200326230306.archive
Or, Extract the archive file and use:
mongorestore /home/mongo/mongo_venko_20200326230306/<filename.bson>

Mongorestore in docker failed: Failed: gzip: invalid header

I created a mongo dump with commands (as suggested in this answer)
docker exec -it mongodb bash
mongodump --host $cluster --ssl --username $username --authenticationDatabase admin --db $dbname --gzip --archive > dumpname.gz
Now when I'm trying to restore the dump with
docker exec mongodb bash -c 'mongorestore --gzip --archive=dumpname.gz'
I get
Failed: gzip: invalid header
It seems like there is some bug with using redirection (>). So when I changed the first command to not use it, mongorestore started to work:
mongodump --host $cluster --ssl --username $username --authenticationDatabase admin --db $dbname --gzip --archive=dumpname.gz
Some similar problems could be found here

Restore mongodb dump to different db [duplicate]

In MongoDB, is it possible to dump a database and restore the content to a different database? For example like this:
mongodump --db db1 --out dumpdir
mongorestore --db db2 --dir dumpdir
But it doesn't work. Here's the error message:
building a list of collections to restore from dumpdir dir
don't know what to do with subdirectory "dumpdir/db1", skipping...
You need to actually point at the "database name" container directory "within" the output directory from the previous dump:
mongorestore -d db2 dumpdir/db1
And usually just <path> is fine as a positional argument rather than with -dir which would only be needed when "out of position" i.e "in the middle of the arguments list".
p.s. For archive backup file (tested with mongorestore v3.4.10)
mongorestore --gzip --archive=${BACKUP_FILE_GZ} --nsFrom "${DB_NAME}.*" --nsTo "${DB_NAME_RESTORE}.*"
mongodump --db=DB_NAME --out=/path-to-dump
mongorestore --nsFrom "DB_NAME.*" --nsTo "NEW_DB_NAME.*" /path-to-dump
In addition to the answer of Blakes Seven, if your databases use authentication I got this to work using the --uri option, which requires a recent mongo version (>3.4.6):
mongodump --uri="mongodb://$sourceUser:$sourcePwd#$sourceHost/$sourceDb" --gzip --archive | mongorestore --uri="mongodb://$targetUser:$targetPwd#$targetHost/$targetDb" --nsFrom="$sourceDb.*" --nsTo="$targetDb.*" --gzip --archive
Thank you! #Blakes Seven
Adding Docker notes:
container names are interchangeable with container ID's
(assumes authenticated, assumes named container=my_db and new_db)
docker exec -it my_db bash -c "mongodump --uri mongodb://db:password#localhost:27017/my_db --archive --gzip | cat > /tmp/backup.gz"
copy to workstation:
docker cp my_db:/tmp/backup.gz c:\backups\backup.gz
copy into new container(form backups folder):
docker cp .\backup.gz new_db:/tmp
restore from container tmp folder:
docker exec -it new_db bash -c "mongorestore --uri mongodb://db:password#localhost:27017/new_db --nsFrom 'my_db.*' --nsTo 'new_db.*' --gzip --archive=/tmp/backup.gz"
You can restore DB with another name. The syntax is:
mongorestore --port 27017 -u="username" -p="password"
--nsFrom "dbname.*"
--nsTo "new_dbname.*"
--authenticationDatabase admin /backup_path

Mongorestore to a different database

In MongoDB, is it possible to dump a database and restore the content to a different database? For example like this:
mongodump --db db1 --out dumpdir
mongorestore --db db2 --dir dumpdir
But it doesn't work. Here's the error message:
building a list of collections to restore from dumpdir dir
don't know what to do with subdirectory "dumpdir/db1", skipping...
You need to actually point at the "database name" container directory "within" the output directory from the previous dump:
mongorestore -d db2 dumpdir/db1
And usually just <path> is fine as a positional argument rather than with -dir which would only be needed when "out of position" i.e "in the middle of the arguments list".
p.s. For archive backup file (tested with mongorestore v3.4.10)
mongorestore --gzip --archive=${BACKUP_FILE_GZ} --nsFrom "${DB_NAME}.*" --nsTo "${DB_NAME_RESTORE}.*"
mongodump --db=DB_NAME --out=/path-to-dump
mongorestore --nsFrom "DB_NAME.*" --nsTo "NEW_DB_NAME.*" /path-to-dump
In addition to the answer of Blakes Seven, if your databases use authentication I got this to work using the --uri option, which requires a recent mongo version (>3.4.6):
mongodump --uri="mongodb://$sourceUser:$sourcePwd#$sourceHost/$sourceDb" --gzip --archive | mongorestore --uri="mongodb://$targetUser:$targetPwd#$targetHost/$targetDb" --nsFrom="$sourceDb.*" --nsTo="$targetDb.*" --gzip --archive
Thank you! #Blakes Seven
Adding Docker notes:
container names are interchangeable with container ID's
(assumes authenticated, assumes named container=my_db and new_db)
docker exec -it my_db bash -c "mongodump --uri mongodb://db:password#localhost:27017/my_db --archive --gzip | cat > /tmp/backup.gz"
copy to workstation:
docker cp my_db:/tmp/backup.gz c:\backups\backup.gz
copy into new container(form backups folder):
docker cp .\backup.gz new_db:/tmp
restore from container tmp folder:
docker exec -it new_db bash -c "mongorestore --uri mongodb://db:password#localhost:27017/new_db --nsFrom 'my_db.*' --nsTo 'new_db.*' --gzip --archive=/tmp/backup.gz"
You can restore DB with another name. The syntax is:
mongorestore --port 27017 -u="username" -p="password"
--nsFrom "dbname.*"
--nsTo "new_dbname.*"
--authenticationDatabase admin /backup_path