Sonarqube web browser is missing in Eclipse sonar plugin 3.5 - eclipse

"Sonarqube web browser" option is missing in sonar plugin 3.5 which is installed in eclipse Neon. And the option is available in sonar plugin 3.4 but the analysis is not successful through eclipse Neon.
How to get the option ? Can anyone please help on this.
Sangeetha K

The SonarQube Eclipse plugin has been deprecated and therefore is no more supported. As a consequence, chances are that you will never get an answer to your question.
Instead, I advise you to use SonarLint.


Getting error while installing SonarQube plugin in eclipse 4.2.2

I am trying to install the sonar in my eclipse but it can not find the url even though the url is working fine in my browser. If any one knows the solution please let me know, thanks.
To install the plugin you can also go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace... and search for "SonarQube". Check this for more details.
Anyway, the Eclipse SonarQube plugin has been deprecated and SonarLint for Eclipse should be used in place : see

Could not create the view: org.sonar.ide.eclipse.ui.views.issues.IssuesView

I am using SonarLint in Eclipse JUNO to analyse the error but not able to see the result in SonarQube Issues Console and getting the error of Could not create the view: org.sonar.ide.eclipse.ui.views.issues.IssuesView in SonarQube Issues Console.
In .log file, Error Message is Unable to resolve plug-in "platform:/plugin/org.sonar.ide.eclipse.ui/icons/onde-sonar-16.png
Kindly tell me what can be the issue.
Thank You in advance!!!
You have to start your Eclipse with Java 8.
See SonarLint page at Eclipse Marketplace.
Thanks, my problem is solved just by switching the new workspace which does not hold any previous version of sonar
I have the same problem after StS update. So you have to reinstall the Sonar Lint plugin;
<img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="Drag to your running Eclipse* workspace. *Requires Eclipse Marketplace Client" />
For anyone still facing the createIssuesView Error, my company's system only had Java8 installed and SonarLint latest version 7.x at this time requires minimum Java11 for runtime. The latest supporting Java8 version is, and can be found here

Is the Eclipse SonarQube plugin compatible with Eclipse Mars?

I cannot install SonarQube plugins in Eclipse Mars (tested with Java, RCP and Modeling versions).
When I search for SonarQube in 'Help' / 'Eclipse Marketplace' then the result list is empty. I can click at the link 'Browse for more solutions' which opens the marketplace site on the internet. There, I see SonarQube with the link 'Install' but when I click on it I get the error "The following solutions (SonarQube) are not compatible with this version of Eclipse"!
Any ideas how the problem can be solved?
Eclipse SonarQube plugin 3.4 is definitely compatible with Eclipse Mars.
Unfortunately, you cannot install it from the Eclipse Marketplace - probably because we need to update the compatibility information there. As mentionned by Freddy in his comment, SONARCLIPS-446 was created for this purpose.
Meanwhile, please follow the instructions described on "Install SonarQube in Eclipse" to manually install the plugin.
UPDATE July 21rst, 2015: the Marketplace has been updated so anybody using Mars can install the plugin through the Marketplace.
I'm sorry, but SonarQube is not really compatible.
If you install SonarQube 3.4.0 from marketplace to a brand new mars ( and then start the eclispe with -clean, the menuitem marketplace is gone.
Seems that there are not some other plugins don't match.

Unable to install cobetura plugin in eclipse

I'm trying to install Cobertura plugin ( on Helios version of my eclipse but getting this exception "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException", It says unable to read repository at
I'm not on proxy server.
Seems it had stopped development.
I can't install it in Eclipse 3.5 or 4.3 too.
You can use EclEmma, it's easy to use.
Eclipse Helios version is 3.6.x and eCobertura Web site states that eclipse update site works for Eclipse 3.5+. I can confirm it really is working for Eclipse Helios. If you can download update site meta information through browser, but eclipse still cannot see it, it could be a proxy problem or something else that prevents eclipse to access content of update site.

SONAR Integrated with Eclipse

Am working on sonar integrated with eclipse using ant
But when i go "right click project-->configure-->associate with sonar" nothing happens!!
My ant version is 1.7.1
Eclipse is Helios(3.6)
sonar version is 3.4.1
Welcome all your favours..........
Sonar Eclipse has nothing to do with Ant, it's really independendent.
You should follow the different steps listed in the documentation page. Most notably, you need to have a Sonar server up and running somewhere (on your local computer or elsewhere) and you must make sure that you already launched an analysis of your project, which you can browse on Sonar Web application. If not, you'll never be able to associate your project in Eclipse.
Once you have a first analysis of your project on the Sonar server, then you need to configure the URL of your server in the Eclipse settings. Only after this, you'll be able to associate your project with Sonar.
This might have to do with your plugin version. As described in the docs Version 3.0 is only compatible with Eclipse 3.7 and up.
I would suggest you either upgrade your eclipse or you downgrade your plugin.