Perl CGI redirect after cancelling on a 401 - perl

I've currently got a small script running that sends a 401 to the client, upon cancelling and not providing user details the script will return nothing.
I'd like to send a redirect to the page they have come from instead.
The main subroutine looks like this;
use strict;
use CGI;
sub checkAuth {
my ($user, $pass) = &getAuthUsers(); # Get the user and pass of already authenticated users.
unless ($user) {
&sendAuthenticationHeader(); # Send 401
# Check user against DB and return 1 for success.
if ( &checkUser($user, $pass) eq 'Y') { return 1 };
else { # This is the redirect I'm trying to issue.
my $cgi = CGI->new();
print $cgi->redirect($ENV{HTTP_REFERER}); # Redirect to the referer url
Unfortunately whenever I try to send new headers it's just received as plain text.
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

sendAuthenticationHeader() emits a header with a 401 status code.
print $cgi->redirect($ENV{HTTP_REFERER}); emits a header with a 302 status code. Of course, since you've already emitted a header, this gets treated as the body.
There's no point to return a 401 if you want to redirect. Change your code to
sub checkAuth {
my ($user, $pass) = getAuthUsers();
if (!$user || !checkUser($user, $pass)) {
print CGI::redirect($ENV{HTTP_REFERER});
Removed incorrect &. Don't tell Perl to ignore the prototype of subs. Address the underlying issue instead if required.
The return value of checkUser is boolean, so it should return either a true or a false value (e.g. 0 or 1), not two true values (e.g. N or Y). The above code assumed you fixed this.


Perl catalyst controller redirect not working

I have looked over this code and I can not understand the weirdness it exhibits. For a lack of understanding all I know
is being ignored, in favor of the redirect in the following if else condition. In other words, I always end up at the OAuthentication website.
If I block comment out the else condition I end up where I want to go qbo/home
sub index :Path :Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = #_;
# Check to see if we have QBO::OAuth object in our user's session
# Create new object in session if we don't already have one
if(!($c->session->{qbo})) {
$c->log->info('Creating QBO::OAuth, save in user session');
$c->session->{qbo} = QBO::OAuth->new(
consumer_key => 'qyprddKpLkOclitN3cJCJno1fV5NzcT',
consumer_secret => 'ahwpSghVOzA142qOepNHoujyuHQFDbEzeGbZjEs3sPIc',
# Now we set our object variable to the session old or new
my $qbo = $c->session->{qbo};
######### GOTO 'qbo/home' ##########
if($c->req->params->{oauth_token}) {
$c->log->info('Now Redirect to access_endpoint');
# Get realmId and save it to our QBO::OAuth object in user session
# Call QBO::OAuth->request_access_token
my $r = $qbo->request_access_token($c->req->params->{oauth_verifier});
} else {
my $callback = '';
# Request a token
my $r = $qbo->request_token($callback);
if($qbo->has_token) {
#Continue on down, Redirect to auth_user_endpoint
$c->res->redirect($qbo->auth_user_endpoint . '?oauth_token=' . $qbo->token);
Seems I am missing some basic fundamental about how this works. Any clues appreciated
From the fine manual...
This is a convenience method that sets the Location header to the redirect destination, and then sets the response status. You will want to return or $c->detach() to interrupt the normal processing flow if you want the redirect to occur straight away.
Note also the warning on that manual page about redirecting to a relative URL - you shouldn't do it. For your use-case, I'd recommend getting into the habit of using:
return $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('qbo/home'));
$c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('qbo/home')) && $c->detach();
depending on your preference.

Perl: How can i test for a URL ( https ) accepting GET requests using "login" parameter

I have a CGI server side script that accepts GET and POST, with login parameters.
I want to test it to make sure it is not vulnerable. So the plan is to use Perl LWP, and send login parameters in GET and POST, and compare the results. the interface has been changed, so that only in POST we can send user-name and password in session cookies ( not sure if that is a great idea ) , so how do i test it ? Here is what i have so far:
use LWP;
print "This is libwww-perl-$LWP::VERSION\n";
# Create a user agent object
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("MyApp/0.1 ");
# Create a request
#my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => '');
#my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => '');
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => ' HTTP/1.1');
# Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
my $res = $ua->request($req);
# Check the outcome of the response
if ($res->is_success) {
print $res->content;
#print $res->code;
#print $res->message;
else {
print $res->status_line, "\n";
This is not going to do it, since it does not have the session cookie stuff. But might be a good start though. Is this the right way to test the GET and POST ?
Here is what was implemented in the cgi:
#cr_login for POST && login for GET -- leave GET param as it used to be.
if ($m eq 'GET' && defined($req->param('login'))) {
$msg = 'parameter "login" is invalid for this request type.';
+ my $seclog = $event_logging_directory . '/invalid_request.log';
+ open(S, ">>$seclog") or die $!;
+ my $logmsg = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",Today_and_Now())
+ . "|mode:" . $req->param('mode')
+ . "|login:" . $req->param('login')
+ . "|remote_addr:" . $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}
+ . "|$msg\n";
+ print S $logmsg;
and :
POST request to n-cu.cgi should use parameter "cr_login". If the parameter "login" is passed in a post request, it should throw error and return to login screen.
GET request to n-cu.cgi should use the parameter "login". If the parameter "cr_login" is passed in a post request, it should throw error and return to login screen.
so here is how we do it:
Keep the session cookie and context alive :
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive => 10);
$browser->cookie_jar( {} );
#$browser->ssl_opts({ verify_hostname => 0 });
and later: print the response
print "Cookies:\n", Dumper($browser->cookie_jar()), "\n\n";
my $content = $response->as_string;
print "$content\n";
Sending password in a cookie? Nope.
Disallow GET for /login.
POST username and password to /login, over SSL.
In CGI, the GET/POST is indicated via the REQUEST_METHOD environment variable.
You cannot stop determined people from issuing a GET request to your server, but you can refuse to process it like so (untested code - you have to fill in details):
# issue a redirect to a suitable error page, then return.
my $q = CGI->new();
my $user = $q->params('username');
my $password = $q->params('password');
my $encrypted_password = my_password_encryptor($password);
unless ( can_log_in($user, $encrypted_password) ) {
# issue an error message - redirect&return or fall-through...
else {
Most people do not roll their own authentication or session handling. They mostly use one from CPAN, or one included with the larger app framework. If you're doing CGI, you can use CGI::Session.
You might give CGI::Application and/or its offspring a look. Those authors have already solved a bunch of the problems that you're encountering.

Perl - Redirect loop when redirect and setting cookie

I am a Perl newbie, and i'm stuck with ths problem:
I have a _login.cgi script who manages the login and redirects to the index.cgi page when credentials are correct:
if (functions::check_credentials($input{"username"}, $input{"password"}) eq true ){
$session = new CGI::Session("driver:File", undef, {File::Spec->tmpdir});
$session->param("name", "Carcarlo Pravettoni");
$cookie = $page->cookie(CGISESSID => $session->id);
print $page->redirect( -URL => "index.cgi" -cookie=>$cookie);
} else {...}
but when I try it with correct credentials, i get an infinite redirect loop to _login.cgi (this script itself).
Instead, if I don't send the cookie with the redirect, all works:
if (functions::check_credentials($input{"username"}, $input{"password"}) eq true ){
$session = new CGI::Session("driver:File", undef, {File::Spec->tmpdir});
$session->param("name", "Carcarlo Pravettoni");
$cookie = $page->cookie(CGISESSID => $session->id);
print $page->redirect( -URL => "index.cgi");
} else {...}
You have a typo here (missing comma after "index.cgi"):
print $page->redirect( -URL => "index.cgi" -cookie=>$cookie);
I would suggest that you enable strict and warnings (and possibly diagnostics), and refactor the code till there is no errors/warnings.
if (functions::check_credentials($input{"username"}, $input{"password"}) eq true )
If you don't have use strict turned on, then this is probably accidentally doing what you want it to.
Perl doesn't have Boolean primitive types, so Perl is probably interpreting that true as the string 'true'. And it's likely you're making the same error in the check_credentials function as well, so the two errors are cancelling each other out.
The more "Perlish" approach would be for check_credentials to return true or false values (perhaps 1 and undef) as appropriate and for the if statement not to check for specific values.
if (functions::check_credentials($input{"username"}, $input{"password"})) { ... }

Is it possible to read headers using Perl HTTP::Async module?

To optimize my Perl application I need to work with async HTTP requests, so I can handle other operations once the HTTP response is finish. So I believe my only option is to work with HTTP::Async module. This works fine for simple requests, but I need to catch cookie header from one response and send it with next one, so I need to read headers. My code is:
while ($response = $async->wait_for_next_response)
threads->yield(); yield();
$cookie = $response->header('Set-Cookie');
$cookie =~ s/;.*$//;
$request->header('Cookie' => $cookie);
but it's not working, as it ends with an error Can't call method "header" on an undefined value. Obviously $response is undef. How can I catch headers before $response gets undef?
while ($response = $async->wait_for_next_response)
threads->yield(); yield();
Is guaranteed not to finish until $response is false. The only false value wait_for_next_response will return is undef. You need to either extract the cookie inside the loop, or cache the last good response inside the loop.
Something like
my $last_response;
while ($response = $async->wait_for_next_response)
$last_response = $response;
threads->yield(); yield();
should work, although I'm not sure you need the loop at all. It's hard to tell without a complete program.

Why do I have to send multiple messages to my Jabber bot before it will logout?

I am trying to make my own Jabber bot but i have run into a little trouble. I have gotten my bot to respond to messages, however, if I try to change the bot's presence then it seems as though all of the messages you send to the bot get delayed.
What I mean is when I run the script I change the presence so I can see that it is online. Then when I send it a message it takes three before the callback subroutine I have set up for messages gets called. After the thirrd message is sent and the chat subroutine is called it still process the first message I sent.
This really doesn't pose too much of a problem except that I have it set up to log out when I send the message "logout" and it has to be followed by two more messages in order to log out. I am not sure what it is that I have to do to fix this but i think it has something to do with iq packets because I have an iq callback set as well and it gets called two times after setting the presence.
Here is my source code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Jabber;
use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;
#--------------- Config Vars -----------------
# Jabber Client
my $jbrHostname = "DOMAINNAME";
my $jbrUserName = "USERNAME";
my $jbrPassword = "PASSWORD";
my $jbrResource = "RESOURCE";
my $jbrBoss = new Net::Jabber::JID();
my $dbHostname = "DOMAINNAME";
my $dbName = "DATABASENAME";
my $dbUserName = "USERNAME";
my $dbPassword = "PASSWORD";
#--------------- End Config -----------------
# connect to the db
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$dbName;host=$dbHostname",$dbUserName, $dbPassword, {RaiseError => 1}) or die "Couldn't connect to the database: $!\n";
# create a new jabber client and connect to server
my $jabberBot = Net::Jabber::Client->new();
my $status = $jabberBot->Connect(hostname=>$jbrHostname) or die "Cannot connect ($!)\n";
my #results = $jabberBot->AuthSend(username=>$jbrUserName,password=>$jbrPassword,resource=>$jbrResource);
if($results[0] ne "ok")
die "Jabber auth error #results\n";
# set jabber bot callbacks
sub welcome
$jabberBot->MessageSend(to=>$jbrBoss->GetJID(),subject=>"",body=>"Hello There!",type=>"chat",priority=>10);
$jabberBot->MessageSend(to=>$jbrBoss->GetJID(),subject=>"",body=>"Hello There! Global...",type=>"chat",priority=>10);
sub chat
print "Chat Called!\n";
my ($sessionID,$msg) = #_;
if($msg->GetBody() ne 'logout')
print $msg->GetBody()."\n";
sub gotIQ
print $_[1]->GetID()."\n";
sub keepItGoing
print "Movin' the chains!\n";
my $proc = $jabberBot->Process(1);
while(defined($proc) && $proc != 1)
$proc = $jabberBot->Process(1);
sub killBot
$jabberBot->MessageSend(to=>$_[0]->GetFrom(),subject=>"",body=>"Logging Out!",type=>"chat",priority=>10);
Thanks for your help!
You've got resource starvation because of your keepItGoing routine. In general, trying to use XMPP synchronously like this is not going to work. I suggest getting your callbacks set up, then just calling Process() in one loop.
The docs for Process() say:
Process(integer) - takes the timeout period as an argument. If no
timeout is listed then the function blocks until
a packet is received. Otherwise it waits that
number of seconds and then exits so your program
can continue doing useful things. NOTE: This is
important for GUIs. You need to leave time to
process GUI commands even if you are waiting for
packets. The following are the possible return
values, and what they mean:
1 - Status ok, data received.
0 - Status ok, no data received.
undef - Status not ok, stop processing.
IMPORTANT: You need to check the output of every
Process. If you get an undef then the connection
died and you should behave accordingly.
Each time you call Process(), 0 or more of your callbacks will fire. You never know which, since it depends on server timing. If you want for Process() to return before sending something, you're almost always thinking synchronously, rather than asych, which kills you in XMPP.
In your case, if you remove the call to keepItGoing from chat(), I bet things will work more like you expect.
Replace the line:
with these:
while (defined($jabberBot->Process(1))) {
# Do stuff here