I want this time minus 5 minutes
I tried current_date but it gives me an other time than cet.
I need to get current date minus 5 minutes in postrgesql
SELECT now() AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Brussels' AS europe ;
SELECT current_timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Brussels' - INTERVAL '5 minutes';
│ column │
│ 2021-03-24 12:16:55.94187 │
Hello I am a beginner at SQL, especially postgresql.
I have a table that looks something like this:
ID | Entity | Startdate | enddate
------| ------ | ------ | ------
1 | Hospital |2013-01-01 |2013-01-31
1 | Clinic |2013-02-01 |2013-04-30
1 | Hospital |2013-05-01 |2013-05-31
What I would like to do in this case is that where the start and end date span more than a month to break it out so the above table would like this:
ID | Entity | Startdate | enddate
------| ------ | ------ | ------
1 | Hospital |2013-01-01 |2013-01-31
1 | Clinic |2013-02-01 |2013-02-29
1 | Clinic |2013-03-01 |2013-03-31
1 | Clinic |2013-04-01 |2013-04-30
1 | Hospital |2013-05-01 |2013-05-31
If you notice that row 2, 3 and 4 have been broken down by the month and the ID and entity have also been duplicated.
Any suggestions on how to run this in postgresql would be appreciated.
P.S Apologies I am trying to figure out how to create the table above properly. Having difficulty, the pipes between the numbers and words are lines in a table.
Hope its not too confusing.
One way to do this is to create yourself an end_of_month function like this:
CREATE FUNCTION end_of_month(date)
select (date_trunc('month', $1) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day')::date;
COST 100;
Then you can have a string of UNIONS like this:
least(end_of_month(startdate),enddate) enddate
from hospital
least(end_of_month((startdate + interval '1 month')::date),enddate) enddate
from hospital
least(end_of_month((startdate + interval '1 month')::date),enddate) enddate
from hospital
ORDER BY startdate,enddate
The problem with this approach, is that you need to have as many unions as necessary!
The alternative is to use a cursor.
Just thought of another (better) non-cursor solution. Create a table of month-end dates. Then you can simply do:
select h.id,
least(h.enddate, m.enddate) enddate
from hospital h
INNER JOIN monthends m
ON m.enddate > h.startdate and m.enddate <= end_of_month(h.enddate)
ORDER BY startdate, enddate
Here is example how to clone row based on its data:
-- Demo data begin
with t(i,x,y) as (values
(1, '2013-02-03'::date, '2013-04-27'::date),
(2, current_date, current_date))
-- Demo data end
greatest(x, z)::date as x1, least(y, z + '1 month - 1 day'::interval)::date as y1
generate_series(date_trunc('month', x)::date, date_trunc('month', y)::date, '1 month') as z;
│ i │ x │ y │ z │ x1 │ y1 │
│ 1 │ 2013-02-03 │ 2013-04-27 │ 2013-02-01 00:00:00+02 │ 2013-02-03 │ 2013-02-28 │
│ 1 │ 2013-02-03 │ 2013-04-27 │ 2013-03-01 00:00:00+02 │ 2013-03-01 │ 2013-03-31 │
│ 1 │ 2013-02-03 │ 2013-04-27 │ 2013-04-01 00:00:00+03 │ 2013-04-01 │ 2013-04-27 │
│ 2 │ 2017-08-27 │ 2017-08-27 │ 2017-08-01 00:00:00+03 │ 2017-08-27 │ 2017-08-27 │
Just remove Demo data block and replace t, x and y by your table/columns names.
least() and greatest() function returns minimum and maximum element accordingly. Link
generate_series(v1,v2,d) function returns series of values started with v1, not greatest then v2 with step d. Link
'1 month - 1 day'::interval - interval data type notation, <value>::<datatype> means explicit type casting, the SQL standard equivalent is cast(<value> as <datatype>). Link and link
date_trunc() function truncates the date/timestamp value to the specified precision. Link
I have created a query which sums up the interval for respective date-time,
select sum(ts_polling) / count(ts_polling) as Average_Queue_Wait_Time , cast(time_start AS Date)
from callcent_queuecalls group by cast(time_start AS date) order by time_start DESC;
Is there a way to convert Average_Queue_Wait_Time from interval data type to number ?
You can get the number of seconds in an interval like this:
SELECT EXTRACT(epoch FROM INTERVAL '1 day 30 minutes 1.234 seconds');
│ date_part │
│ 88201.234 │
(1 row)
I have a query where I count the number of rows for each year:
count(*) as activation_count
, extract(year from activated_at) as year
FROM "activations"
But I'd like instead to have years ranging from September to September instead of January to January. Thus grouping by school years instead of calendar years.
Can I modify my query to do that?
And more generally, is it possible to group by a time range and specify an offset to it, eg: extract(year from activated_at offset interval 2 month) as year (this is not working, just the idea of what I want)
What you essentially want is to treat all dates after September as "next year", so the following should work:
select count(*) as activation_count,
when extract(month from activated_at) >= 9 then extract(year from activated_at) + 1
else extract(year from activated_at)
end as school_year
from activations
group by school_year;
Assuming that someone whose activated_at is '2016-09-01' should be counted as year = 2017, you could add 4 months to activated_at when in the extract (translating (in the mathematical sense of the word) September to January).
SELECT * FROM activations ;
│ activated_at │
│ 2016-08-01 00:00:00+02 │
│ 2016-09-01 00:00:00+02 │
│ 2016-10-01 00:00:00+02 │
│ 2017-02-02 00:00:00+01 │
(4 rows)
EXTRACT(year FROM (activated_at + '4 months'::interval)) AS year
FROM activations
GROUP BY year;
│ count │ year │
│ 3 │ 2017 │
│ 1 │ 2016 │
(2 rows)
If it should be counted as year = 2016 you could remove 8 months instead.
How to get the median of the valcolumn from table test whose value is greater than 20.
id val
1 5.43
2 106.26
3 14.00
4 39.58
5 27.00
In this case output would be median(27.00, 39.58, 106.26) = 39.58.
I am using PostgreSQL database.
Any help would be much appreciated.
From PostgreSQL 9.4 you use ordered aggregates:
postgres=# SELECT percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY val)
FROM foo WHERE val > 20;
│ percentile_cont │
│ 39.58 │
(1 row)
or some really modern syntax:
postgres=# SELECT percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY val)
FILTER (WHERE val > 20)
FROM foo;
│ percentile_cont │
│ 39.58 │
(1 row)