connect call from local number to termination provider - sip

We are a telecom company that allow our clients to call from a mobile application or their landline to friend or family around the globe...
Our system works like these application:
We have three kind of calls:
1) - Direct call: A customer calls a virtual phone number with some dtmf code. This call is then transfered to a sip or voip call. The sip or voip then call the customer destination based on this dtmf code.
2) - Callback: A customer makes a web request via http connection or by sending an SMS to our platform. The sms contains some secret key, the destination number and some additional information. Base on these informations we will make request to our provider to make a call to the destination and our customer.
3) - Voip call: The client call through voip channel with his account.
We have already an termination voip provider. I'm looking for an company or a solution that can help me to connect from the DID numbers to the termination voip provider.
Do you have any idea?

Please clarify what's the missing part here?
Do You have SIP softswitch already? If yes let me know maybe i can help You in configuration to resolve the issue.


SIP Client (Peers) - Call received failed

I have to integrate the text, voice and video chat via SIP server into my application. So that I have chosen the "Peers" from
I have downloaded the code, registered a sip addressz(peers sip client) and call to another sip account(peers sip client). I can't receive a call in that peers client. If I call to another sip client(X-Lite), I can able to receive a call.
Can anybody tell me what may be the problem and how to fix?
when you want to call a remote party from peers you should use where is the domain you used in your account. If you used an ip address in domain in your sip account, you should use the same domain.

difference between SIP Registration and SIP Login

We need to developed SIP Client, and have one basic doubt,
we got SIP UserId , password and server detail and would like to know few things,
What is difference between SIP Registration & SIP Log in , I believe, there is no something like SIP Login, its Custom SIP Request , and UserId / password will be used durring time of regiestration ,
Please correct me, if I am wrong
We got to know the Audio Call flow, but all tutorial doesn't say about voice server, assuming one party is calling and another party is accepted the call, then Media Session will get established, and i believe, both the party will receive one Server & Port no, from where both the parties will need to transfer and receive the voice packets.
Please correct me if I am wrong...
SIP defines the REGISTER method so that a user agent can associate a current Contact address with an address of record. See Section 10 of RFC 3261. There is no login method defined in RFC3261. However, any initial request can be challenged with a 401/407 response that requires the UAC to resend the initial request with authentication credentials. See Section 22.2 of RFC 3261.
Each party provides the other party with the IP address and port number(s) for media streams in the SDP (Session Description Protocol), delivered as the body of the SIP message with MIME type "application/sdp". Use of SDP within SIP is documented in the relevant sections of RFC 3261, and a tutorial can be found here.
There is a very fine SIP tutorial available here.
There is a great SDP tutorial that can be found here.
It explains the relationship with Ozeki Phone System XE.
I found this page while I was searching articles about SIP :)

Is that possible to use SIP in LAN network?

I don't know enough about SIP. As far as I know SIP can not be used in LAN. But it's features are very good. I want to use it for a LAN messenger (with video conference facilities).
Is there any way of using SIP in LAN network ?
The SIP protocol can be used over any reliable transport (TCP, XMPP, instant messaging channel, etc...) to a service (e.g. a server such as a SIP proxy) that knows how to route the SIP INVITE message from the caller to the callee. e.g. If you send an INVITE to, there's needs to be a service that knows how to find "bob" and deliver the message. Likewise, when Bob sends back his response messages back, the messages need to route back to the caller who sent the original INVITE.
And you can do SIP without a server - provided the computer already have a connection (direct or indirect) to the other computer intended for the call.
But SIP isn't anything special. If you were to invent your own video conferencing protocol, it would probably look a lot like SIP. SIP's primary job is for both sides of a call to exchange IP/port candidates for connecting directly in addition to codec and bandwidth negotiation data.
After the SIP messages are exchanged, ICE/STUN/TURN take over and RTP packets typically flow. SIP isn't used in the call except to end the call.
What are you really trying to do anyway?
Thread is Old but still I would like to contribute to this. There are various SIP server like which works in LAN and can be connected to hardware phone too and soft client also.
Jitsi is open source cross platform SIP/xmpp client:
And if you want to XMPP server Openfire is the best:
I hope this will definitely help someone..!

Send activation code to GSM Mobile

i want to this:
When a new user want ta register to my site, he/she must enter GSM number on registration form
and activation code sent with a SMS message and e-mail.
he/she must enter SMS activation code and e-mail activation code for complete joomla new user register process.
Is this possible? Can i do that?
yes, But you have to think a lot about integration your implementation with Joomla.
You have 2 approaches to send SMS messages.
1. Using a GSM modem
Here you will need dedicated hardware to do this. You will need a GSM modem + A dedicated server/machine. You have to write to the serial port using appropriate language and use AT commands to send sms messages. Here the advantage is everything is yours so you have total control over everything. You will be able to find a cheap mobile service provider for this.
2. Using an SMS Gateway
Based on your requirement of integrating this with Joomla, this might be the easy approach. In this way you have to send http, https request to a certain URL with the message information and authentication details. The gateway will handle the rest. Alternatively you can choose SMTP as gateway protocol and reuse your email implementation. When you send an email to a certain preconfigured address it will generate an SMS with contents of the email message.
Clickatell is an example for such service providers.

Receiving a SMS message in a .NET application

I need to write a .NET application that listens to a SMS message , and then react to it.
I assume i need a SMS gateway to interface between my application and the sender of the SMS.
How could i implement this . Would the listening program need to be a web service or something else ?
Please give me your ideas.
You will need an SMS gateway.
Alot of SMS gateways allow you to send replies from SMS to email. Then all you need to do is retrieve the message via POP and do something.
SharpWebMail is open source. Should be samples of how to do that in there somewhere.
Hope that helps.
One easy way to do it (if it fits your architecture) is to just simply use a mobile phone and have code on it that intercepts the message and the forwards it to your application.
If you want to use .net, you can use a Windows Mobile phone and use the MessageInterceptor class with .NET Compact Framework. Then, when you have your message, use whatever method you want to forward it to your app (sockets, serial ports, web services, ...).
You first need to find an SMS provider, and then ask them how they integrate. There is no standard way to do this, and everyone use their own approach.
You do at least need something that will receive the SMS for you. That might be a GSM modem or some form of SMS gateway. How you implement the technical part of “receiving an SMS” is specific to the tool you use. You can talk to a GSM modem via serial port (or TCP), SMS gateways often use SMPP or HTTP to transfer SMS.