I want to disable all compatibility features by resetting the DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR registry variable, so i used following command:
but it is not effected to regester variable.
Therefore I edit the DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR dirrectly bu regedit admin role, but when I restart computer, the setted value back to default value (MYS).
Please give me any suggestion if you had same problem.
Thank you very much!


Is there a way to stop datajoint from asking for username and password when I import it

In Datajoint, you are prompted for username and password. I am creating a readthedocs website with Sphinx and I need the system to not prompt for username and password. How can I turn it off?
Thanks for asking this question!
There are basically three ways to do this:
dj.config.save_local(): This will save the entire dj.config as json on your project level
dj.config.save_global(): This will save is on a system level
System Variables DJ_HOST, DJ_USER, and DJ_PASS: Can be set for once like export in terminal or permanently in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zsh_profile for linux/mac or in your system settings/environment variable settings for windows
Please check DataJoint Documentation for more details
DataJoint asks for database credentials only when they are not already provided in the settings dictionary dj.config. These values can be set programmatically, loaded from a configuration file, or loaded from environment variables. These settings are described in the documentation: https://docs.datajoint.org/python/setup/01-Install-and-Connect.html

ActiveCollab - Forgot admin password - cannot reset through phpmyadmin

I am unable to reset the owner password for ActiveCollab v5.
Emails are not configured, so forgot password option is useless.
I have access to PHPMyAdmin, but am unable to reset the password.
Any help is appreciated.
Setting password directly in the database is not recommended. Instead, there's a command in ActiveCollab's command line utility that lets you set user's password. Navigate your terminal to a directory where ActiveCollab is installed and run:
php tasks/activecollab-cli.php user:set_password you#your-company.com
System will prompt you for a new password and set it.
If ActiveCollab's CLI tool complains that user:set_password command is not present, you are using an older version of ActiveCollab, and you should upgrade first. This can be done through command line as well. Here's the help article that goes into more details:

How to change default user for psql command

When I run the command 'heroku pg:psql' it tries to authenticate me under 'justinwong'. This is a problem because that is not a user in the list of roles when I run \du command in postgres.
The only user that exists should be postgres.
How do I modify the default user that the 'heroku pg:psql' or 'psql' command tries to log me in with so that it's postgres rather than justinwong?
I hope this helps others as it helped me. I found the answer in this thread posted by the OP but a_horse_with_no_name alluded to this. Pretty much set an environment variable PGUSER to the user name you choose:
Right click on Windows icon and click “System”
Scroll down to “Advanced System Settings”
Click Environment Variables
In “System variables”, click “New”:
Variable Name: PGUSER
Variable Value: postgres

Failed global initialization: BadValue Invalid or no user locale set. Please ensure LANG and/or LC_* environment variables are set correctly

I have a problem to generate the locales on the serveur herbert and homer .
I run mongo I get the warning
Failed global initialization: BadValue Invalid or no user locale set. Please ensure LANG and/or LC_* environment variables are set correctly.
When I run
dpkg-reconfigure locales
mongo start successful , then When reboot the server and run mongo i have the same problem.
Thank for help
Looks like your locale settings are broken or non-existent on that VM,
or at least that session on that VM. One of MongoDB's dependencies
(boost) will fail when a locale is not correctly set (see
SERVER-9032). For reference, before the change in SERVER-9032 this
problem still happened but looked like this.
Sometimes logging out and back in can fix it (only broken for current
session), or you can try running sudo local-gen to make sure
generation is successful.
In the meantime, as a workaround to get mongo (or mongod etc.)
running, just set your LC_ALL variable manually before starting the
export LC_ALL=C

Postgres turn on log_statement programmatically

I want to turn on logging of all SQL statements that modify the database. I could get that on my own machine by setting the log_statement flag in the configuration file, but it needs to be enabled on the user's machine. How do you enable it from program code? (I'm using Python with psycopg2 if it matters.)
Turning on logging of SQL statements that modify the database can be achieved by:
ALTER SYSTEM SET log_statement TO 'mod';
-- Make it effective by triggering configuration reload (no server restart required).
SELECT pg_reload_conf();
-- To make sure the modification is not limited to the current session scope
-- it is better to log out from postgresql and log back in.
-- Check value of log_statement configuration, expected: mod
SELECT * FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'log_statement';
This requires superuser access rights.
Check hereafter links to documentation for more details:
The "it needs to be enabled on the user's machine" phrase is confusing, indeed... I assume you mean "from the user (client) side".
In Postgresql some server run-time parameters can be changed from a connection, but only from a superuser - and only for those settings that do not require a server restart.
I'm not sure if that includes the many log options. You might try with something like:
SELECT set_config('log_XXX', 'off', false);
where log_XXX is to be replaced by the respective logging setting, and 'false' by the value you want to set.
If that does not work, I guess you are out of luck.