Mupdf: how to reset the resolution of pdf view page PROPERLY when the CDialogEx(MFC) OnSize? - mupdf

my pdf file is rendering in a CDialogEx(it's MFC Class),and what i want is to reset the resolution when the Dialog resized.....
I find a solution via the mupdf offical downloads site:first set the desired resolution with pdfapp_setresolution(...), then call pdfapp_reloadpage(...). This reaches my goal but not perfect, with this method the displaying dialog gets a conspicuous redrawing (first the background color, then recovered back normal)...
anybody have a better optimization? thanks

1st. resize the pdfapp_t object according to the view_window size via API pdfapp_onresize()
2nd. adjust the resolution of pdfapp_t object//#attentison# here the resolution needs some transformation on the basis of yr actual requirement, referencing the API pdfapp_autozoom() in pdfapp.c source file.
3rd. show page via pdfapp_showpage()
thats all :) maybe helpful to sb.
PS:lesson is that referencing the official document or example in details first :)


How do I select text from a scanned photo?

I'm in the process of writing an app with which you can take a picture of a text and then the text is scanned and transferred to a variable. I've done that with the plugin firebase_ml_vision and everything works.
The problem I have is that I want to decide for myself which text is scanned from the photo. For example, this could work in such a way that each word and number is automatically given a frame and the user then taps the words that are transferred to the variable. This also works with Google translator (see screenshot) but unfortunately I haven't found anything yet how to do it... Do you know how it works?
The firebase-mlkit's text recognition API returns a frame as well as cornerPoints for each of the VisionTextBlock, VisionTextLine, and VisionTextElement:
They should help you to select the words, lines, or text blocks.

Manage image deletion in a WYSIWYG editor

When an HTML editor is used and images are added from the local computer, they are uploaded to a server and a link is obtained to put it in the image src attribute. What happens when the img element is removed from the editor? How would the image be deleted from the server? In this case I understand that the image deletion event could be detected and then call a service to delete it. But what happens if the user adds a new image and leaves the page? How would it be deleted in these cases?
In both cases, if the deletion of the images is not managed, it could happen that the server is filled with unused images. How do you usually solve this problem? How is the proper way to solve this?
That's a nice question there. And yeah, for sure the server would fill up with unused images in some point. I'm not an expert on this but I'll try to suggest something so I can implement it too in my WYSIWYG editor haha. I suppose you have a custom modal for the insertion of the image. Upon clicking the button you could save the image link to an array and at SAVE || on leaving the document edit || on popstate event you could make a regex that checks the innerHTML of the editor for the specific SRC. If is not found then you could push an ajax request with the image name so you can deleteit. For sure there are more efficient and complex ways to achieve that. Such as creating text ranges and track elements on keydown - Backspace(8) / Deletekey(46).
An other way is that you could track the images that are in use. When the document is saved regex out the images in the document, push them to a db table and periodically make a check from the back end so you can delete those that are not in use.
I don't know if my suggestions are helpful or not. I just saw an interesting subject so I jumped in. Cheers mate.

Reduce initial load time - google web designer

We are developing some ads using google web designer tool
so far its good but one main issue with it is, slow loading.
its taking almost 3 seconds to load and we feel very bad about that.
can anyone know how to optimize it?
In developing html5 banners, by default the 'polite load' is checked.
Which means you banner will not be visible and will not load until the page is loaded.
And when testing your banner, there is some moments before showing the banner to simulate the webpage load.
Because no publisher(Website) allows you to make their website slow. That is the rule. There is no way for you to force yourself to show first on a publisher website.
If you want this option. You should directly talk to the publisher/ when you get approval from them, you can uncheck 'Polite Load' when you are publishing your ad. Then your banner will show faster without any delay.
#cnu - I have experienced the same issue. The only workaround I have at the moment is to set an initial loading image - while the Ad is loading
Try adding a div with an ID of 'loading' immediately after your opening body tag.
<div id="loading" class="loading-image">
<img src="default.png"/>
Then find the following function, and set the div to block display
function handleDomContentLoaded(event) {
// This is a good place to show a loading or branding image while
// the ad loads.
document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'block';
Then find the following function, and set the div to none - to hide the image after loading
function handleAdInitialized(event) {
// This marks the end of the polite load phase of the Ad. If a
// loading image was shown to the user, this is a good place to
// remove it.
document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'none';
The official GWD instructions don’t match the functions actually generated in the source, which initially made this setup confusing. The code comments in the source indicate these are the correct functions to use. You can use the first frame of the Ad as the loading image, rather than a loading gif - so the user experience isn't affected too much.
Hope this helps.

Positioning a sap.m.list

I'd like to create a twitter like stream out of a sap.m.list, hence when I get more data with a pulltorefresh control, I'd like to update the list with the additional rows, but should not move the list at all, and be hidden until the user scrolls the list down.
Any standard ways of doing this, or alternatively, custom CSS/JS recommended ways of doing this?
There's no need to drop down to jQuery here as OpenUI5 already contains the awesome iScroll library.
I've just setup a test app for you to have a look at here:
Clone this; check the readme; then just run grunt serve to open the app in your default browser. You can use Chrome dev tools to emulate an iphone or android, etc.
I think this does what you're after - it works just like the GMail mobile app. You pull down to refresh items and at the end of the refresh your still looking at the same items but can now scroll up to see the new ones.
Will be interesting to see the performance if you have a thousand items... iScroll gives you allot of settings to play that may help (which aren't discussed in the UI5 SDK).
One thing to be careful of with browser scrolling is paint times. If the browser is not 100% done painting then iScroll can't calculate all the element dimensions it needs and you get strange results - typically just no scrolling. Sometimes you've just got to give a little time back to the browser by wrapping things in setTimeout(scroll_stuff, 0).
Hope this helps...
While not quite the answer I was after, looked into doing it another way, and provided you can work with automatically generated Id's that you'll need to calculate based on the row number, the following is one brute force way of doing it (I've borrowed it from another SO question and kept the animation for fun - Referenced SO Link):
var pOffset = $("#__item0-App--Main--MyList-76").position().top;
$("#App--Main--myPage-cont").animate({scrollTop: ( pOffset)}, 800);

How do I clear the opengraph's image tag proxy cache?

I have a page with og tags (including a source and an image - a youtube-like video view page).
I've replaced the image the og:image tag points to, to another image by the same name. However, when using the facebook linter/debugger, the image shown is the old image, while clicking the image itself, opens and shows the new image.
Facebook uses some kind of a proxy cache for the content of the image - how can I clear it without changing the name of the image file ?
This thread gives an answer.
To reiterate (in case thread goes down),
Go to
Enter the URL (of the page that holds your og meta tags) and include the query data: fbrefresh=CAN_BE_ANYTHING
Using the debugger/linter should force a full recache. I suspect the caching you're seeing is in your browser. Have you tried emptying your cache or using incognito mode?
If that doesn't work (and depending on how much traffic you're getting) it might have something to do with the names being the same - but I don't think this should be the case. Try replacing the image with another with a different name, hit the URL in the debugger so FB receives the new one, then swap back to the one you want. Kinda janky, but will probably do what you want.