Showing images on same axes - matlab

I have a basic question about MATLAB. How I can show two images on same axes? I don't want it to be in same figure (as the following code shows) but the same axes.
subplot(1,2,1), subimage(X)
subplot(1,2,2), subimage(X2)

You need hold on to plot two graphs on the same axes:
hold on

If you want to display two images side-by-side in the same axes you'll want to modify the XData property of the second image to shift it to the right of the first image
X = rand(10);
X2 = rand(10);
hold on
him2 = subimage(X2);
set(him2, 'XData', get(him2, 'XData') + size(X, 2))


Labeling plots such that label is aligned with the ylabel outside the axes

Please see the following code which creates a 2 by 2 subplot with some plots:
x = linspace(0,2*pi);
y = sin(x);
hfig = figure('Position',[1317 474 760 729]);
in each one, I have added labels by hand in Tools: Edit plot (a) (b) (c) (d) producing this figure:
The problem is, if I resize the plot they are no longer aligned with the ylabel text:
Is there a way to add these labels programmatically and have them automatically align to the ylabel text? I am surprised MATLAB does not have something like this built in already.
This is not something that is easy to do without attaching a listener to the figure resize event (see example), and doing some computations related to aspect ratios.
It's not entirely clear what sort of objects your labels are (text or annotation), so I'll just show how to do this programmatically using the text command, which creates labels in axes coordinates (as opposed to figure coordinates). This doesn't solve the problem entirely, but it looks better, possibly to an acceptable degree:
function q56624258
x = linspace(0,2*pi);
y = sin(x);
hF = figure('Position',[-1500 174 760 729]);
%% Create plots
[hAx,hYL] = deal(gobjects(4,1));
for ind1 = 1:3
hAx(ind1) = subplot(2,2,ind1, 'Parent' , hF);
plot(hAx(ind1), x,y.^ind1);
hYL(ind1) = ylabel("plot" + ind1);
hAx(4) = subplot(2,2,4);
plot(hAx(4), x,abs(y));
hYL(4) = ylabel('plot4');
%% Add texts (in data coordinates; x-position is copied from the y-label)
for ind1 = 1:4
text(hAx(ind1), hYL(ind1).Position(1), 1.1, ['(' char('a'+ind1-1) ')'], ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
Note several modifications to your code:
The handles returned by some functions that create graphical elements are now stored (mainly: hAx, hYL).
All functions that create graphical elements (subplot, plot, ylabel) now have the target (i.e. parent or container) specified.
I changed the 'Position' of the figure so that it works in my setup (you might want to change it back).

Matlab: how do I retrieve the title, the xlabel, the ylabel and font of a plotyy?

I have some figures, for which I want to change:
The title
The xlabel and the ylabel (both font size and content)
The ticks size.
This is how I usually do it:
title('new title ');
xlhand = get(gca,'xlabel');
ylhand = get(gca,'ylabel');
It usually works fine. However, it doesn't work when I want to edit a plot made with the ploty function. The only effect is that my right ylabel changes.
I'm aware that since I have two ylabels now, changing them won't be as easy as for a normal plot. However, I'm surprised that I can't change the xlabels and the title. Why is that?
What's wrong with the above code in relation to the plotxy function? How can I make it work? The documentation doesn't contain any relevant information.
I'm using Matlab R2015a.
Edit: Yes, I meant plotyy (there was a typo in my question). Here is sample code from the documentation:
x = 0:0.01:20;
y1 = 200*exp(-0.05*x).*sin(x);
y2 = 0.8*exp(-0.5*x).*sin(10*x);
figure % new figure
If you look at the documentation, you can see that plotyy can return the axis handles. So first, you that option to obtain the handles:
Ax = plotyy(x,y1,x,y2);
Now, Ax(1) is the handle to the left axes and Ax(2) is the right one. So you can change the attributes of each of them, for example
For reasons I don't fully understand, setting the label is done using
set(get(Ax(1),'YLabel'),'String','Whatever you want...');
If you already plotted the data, you can retrieve the handles using
Ax = findobj(gcf,'type','axes')
From documentation without using get, set :
x = 0:0.01:20;
y1 = 200*exp(-0.05*x).*sin(x);
y2 = 0.8*exp(-0.5*x).*sin(10*x);
figure % new figure
hAx = plotyy(x,y1,x,y2);
title('Multiple Decay Rates')
xlabel('Time (\musec)')
ylabel(hAx(1),'Slow Decay') % left y-axis
ylabel(hAx(2),'Fast Decay') % right y-axis
Then change values by
xlabel('New label','fontsize',10)
title('New Title','fontsize',10)
ylabel(hAx(2),'Fast Decay','fontsize',20)

How to add new plots of different scale to an existing histogram?

I have a Matlab figure with two histograms on it
created with hist() function. Now I want to add two plots in the same figure (bell distribution actually:
but they have different scale. I thought I could use plotyy, but I already have my first plot-scale on the figure. How can I add the second plot-scale?
Generally, this is one way to do it:
%// example data
data = randn(1000,3);
x = linspace(-4,4,100);
y = 16 - x.^2;
%// generate two axes at same position
ax1 = axes;
ax2 = axes('Position', get(ax1, 'Position'),'Color','none');
%// move second axis to the right, remove x-ticks and labels
%// plot hist and line plot
hist(ax1,data); hold on
ylabel(ax1,'label of hist')
ylabel(ax2,'label of plot')
xlabel(ax1,'Hello World!')

Moving MATLAB axis ticks by a half step

I'm trying to position MATLAB's ticks to line up with my grid, but I can't find a good way to offset the labels.
Also, if I run set(gca,'XTickLabel',1:10), my x tick labels end up ranging from 1 to 5. What gives?
You need to move the ticks, but get the labels before and write them back after moving:
f = figure(1)
X = randi(10,10,10);
ax = gca;
XTick = get(ax, 'XTick')
XTickLabel = get(ax, 'XTickLabel')
YTick = get(ax, 'YTick')
YTickLabel = get(ax, 'YTickLabel')
Or if you know everything before, do it manually from the beginning:
[N,M] = size(X)
The marked answer works with a surf or mesh plot, however, I needed a solution which worked for a 2d plot.
This can be done by creating two axes, one to display the grid and the other to display the labels as follows
xlabels=1:1:10; %define where we want to see the labels
xgrid=0.5:1:10.5; %define where we want to see the grid
plot(xlabels,xlabels.^2); %plot a parabola as an example
set(gca,'xlim',[min(xgrid) max(xgrid)]); %set axis limits so we can see all the grid lines
set(gca,'XTickLabel',xlabels); %print the labels on this axis
axis2=copyobj(gca,gcf); %make an identical copy of the current axis and add it to the current figure
set(axis2,'Color','none'); %make the new axis transparent so we can see the plot
set(axis2,'xtick',xgrid,'XTickLabel',''); %set the tick marks to the grid, turning off labels
grid(axis2,'on'); %turn on the grid
This script displays the following figure :

Overlaying two axes in a Matlab plot

I am looking for a way to overlay an x-y time series, say created with 'plot', on top of a display generated by 'contourf', with different scaling on the y-axes.
It seems that the typical way to do this in the case of two x-y plots is to use the built-in function 'plotyy', which can even be driven by functions other than 'plot' (such as 'loglog') as long as the input arguments remain the same (x,y). However, since in my case contourf requires three input arguments, 'plotyy' seems to not be applicable. Here is some sample code describing what I would like to do:
x1 = 1:1:50;
y1 = 1:1:10;
temp_data = rand(10,50);
y2 = rand(50,1)*20;
figure; hold on;
Ideally, I would like the timeseries (x1,y2) to have its own y-axes displayed on the right, and be scaled to the same vertical extent as the contourf plot.
Thanks for your time.
I don't think there's a "clean" way to do this, but you can fake it by overlaying two axes over each other.
x1 = 1:1:50;
y1 = 1:1:10;
temp_data = rand(10,50);
y2 = rand(50,1)*20;
contourf(x1, y1, temp_data);
h_ax = gca;
h_ax_line = axes('position', get(h_ax, 'position')); % Create a new axes in the same position as the first one, overlaid on top
set(h_ax_line, 'YAxisLocation', 'right', 'xlim', get(h_ax, 'xlim'), 'color', 'none'); % Put the new axes' y labels on the right, set the x limits the same as the original axes', and make the background transparent
ylabel(h_ax, 'Contour y-values');
ylabel(h_ax_line, 'Line y-values');
In fact, this "plot overlay" is almost definitely what the plotyy function does internally.
Here's example output (I increased the font size for legibility):