Zend Framework 2/3 Secure REST API - rest

I am trying to build a zend framework application tied to angular. So I am thinking to go with the RESTful approach. Do you have any references on examples on how to this securely?

I would suggest looking at Apigility (Created by Zend and built on top of the framework) https://apigility.org/ if you want to build RESTful API's with Zend Framework.
If you want to build APIs direct with Zend Framework you could lift a lot of ideas for authentication and authorization from the Apilgity docs https://apigility.org/documentation/auth/intro


How to handle CSRF attacks for asp.net core based microservices automatically?

I am working on developing ASP.NET Core WEB API based microservices which will be consumed by multiple client applications like Angular app, iOS and Android app.
While looking on the security aspects of the microservices I do see that there is a need to prevent the microservices from XSRF attacks. On analysis I found that there is a way for ASP.NET Core MVC application as mentioned in the below URL:
Can anyone help me to know is there any way to automatically validating anti-forgery tokens in ASP.NET Core WEB APIs?
Any links with some sample code will help me a lot.

Play framework + GWT + Restful

We're developing an app using play framework for the backend (with Restful services), and GWT in the client . We want to call Restful services from GWT. Can we use RestyGWT just to build the request and get JSON?
I have read the RestyGWT documentation (http://restygwt.fusesource.org/documentation/restygwt-user-guide.html) but I don't have all clear, because we don't need build Restful service, just call them from client.
Thanks in advance.
I think in your case you can use two feature of RestyGWT:
Calling Restful web services which developed using Play Framework, see this part of documentations.
Manipulating JSON objects in your GWT application using RestyGWT API for encoding and decoding Java Object to JSON, see this part of documentations.

how to integrate zend framework with cakephp 2.0 for the search optimization?

Is it possible to integrate the zend framework with cakephp 2.0?
I want to have search features in the cakephp 2.0 web-application using zend framework.
Define what your requirements for a search are. This questions is to generic.
There is a search plugin for CakePHP by the way: CakeDC Search
A plugin to create search indexes.
Maybe it's going to do what you want.
Your best solution for actual searching is to use Apache Solr. It's a search engine that can be used with any framework through its web service interface.
It is based upon the same library Zend Framework Search uses called "Lucence", expect Apache Solr exposes "Lucence" functions as web services. Very nice and easy to use.

ASP.NET Web API with DotNetOpenAuth

I am building RESTful web API for my ASP.NET MVC4 web application using ASP.NET WebAPI. I want to use OAuth 1.0 to provide authorization. I'm looking toward of DotNetOpenAuth library. Can anyone help me to understand how to use the service provider of this library with ASP.NET WebAPI?
I'm in a similar situation as you.
I would recommend you to take a look at Thinktecture's IdentityModel Authorization extensions for Web API (and MVC).
It's a open source project hosted on GitHub, with samples to take a look at as well.
You can also grab a lot of useful info from Dominick Baier's blog
Have you looked at the OAuthServiceProvider sample that comes with DotNetOpenAuth? It demonstrates a WCF service that is protected by OAuth 1.0.

Scaffolding CRUD in Zend Framework

I'm developing an application on the send zend framework based and I'm missing the Scaffolding. (Something I am used to from other frameworks.)
Is there anything like that for zend framework? I have found zfdatagrid but I would like to know if there is a better solution.
Check out this one: