if statements and optionals in Swift - swift

Is there a difference between something like
if let error = error {
and just checking if it is = nil
if error != nil {
if I want to check if error has a value? Think of firebase's creating user function.

The if let statement allows you to bind the value of error to a variable if it is non-nil and use it in the block. If maybeError is of type Error?, when you do:
if let error = maybeError {
/* block contents */
the type of error will be Error within the block - ie: It won't be an optional anymore. If you just do a nil-check using if, error will still be of type Error? within the block. So the code that would actually be equivalent to your first snippet would be:
if error != nil {
(Your second snippet, as it is, won't compile, as you're trying to get the localizedDescription variable of an Error? object, which has no such property)
By the way, in case you haven't seen it before, the !. thing is the unwrap operator. It runs the method on the object if the object is non-nil, but it crashes in case the object is nil. In this case, you generally know it won't crash. (But this might not actually be safe depending on where and how you use it - check #rmaddy's comment)

In the first, error is now a non-optional type, so you can use .. This is also idiomatic -- it more clearly shows what you are trying to do.
In the second, you would need to use ?. to look at error's properties (your code won't compile because you haven't done that).


How to wrap function try catch so force unwrap nil doesn't crash the app?

I am getting these errors often when a function I call uses something like:
"Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional"
I am unsure how to deal with functions that fail sometimes if I don't always have control over the inner code?
Is there a way to protect around such crashes? In most languages I could put try catches around most things.
When I do something like:
if let result = Blah.someExternalFunction(html: "some bad html") { }
This can still fail inside "someExternalFunction", even after trying to add try? in front of it.
What you're looking for is if let
If you have an optional value, you can simply do something like this to "try" it:
if let val = optionalVar{
//val is already unwrapped
else{//it was nil}
Another option is to use a guard statement. It works similarly.
guard let val = optionalVar
//the value is nil, so you need to exit the current function
//'val' is now unwrapped for any code below the guard-else statement

How to avoid returning an optional after throwing an exception?

I'm writing a utility function which takes a parameter and always returns a valid non-nil result (notice the returned value is not optional because the possible parameters are all actually hardcoded and valid, so I know the function cannot fail):
func myFunction(param: String) -> NonTrivialObject {...}
Now, during development I want to experiment with possible parameters and, should I make a mistake, I want the function to throw an exception and just crash. I don't want or need to throw Swift errors or catch them, I want to hard-crash and fix the parameter immediately. In Objective C I would just use NSParameterAssert() or do something along these lines:
guard let validatedParam = param where param != nil else {
return nil
// do the actual work and return a non-optional result
However, I cannot return nil because the result is not an optional. Is there a way to somehow tell the compiler that it doesn't need to bother returning anything from the function after an exception is thrown? Or am I doomed to litter my code with unwrapping optionals or try! statements or to return a dummy object just to make the compiler pleased?
You can use Swift assert(_:_file:line:) function as follows
assert(some condition, "Message to display if condition is false (optional)" )
If the condition is verified the app will continue running, otherwise it will terminate
An optional may contain nil, but Swift syntax forces you to safely deal with it using the ? syntax to indicate to the compiler you understand the behavior and will handle it safely.
You can define the function to be a throwing function:
func foo(param: String) throws -> NonTrivialObject {
guard param != nil else {
throw SomeErrorEnum.NilFound
The error enum needs to conform to the ErrorType protocol. The function call is now able to catch errors like this:
do {
try foo(param)
} catch SomeErrorEnum.NilFound {
print("Found nil")
In this way the function returns a non-optional but can also throw errors. For more information see: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/ErrorHandling.html

Swift basic expression

I'm very new to swift, but proficient in other languages like Java, JavaScript, C, ... I'm lost with Swift syntax when it comes to create expressions. Look at this basic example where I just try to find out if one string is contained into another by calling String.rangeOfString that returns an Optional Range (Range?)
This works as expected:
let LEXEMA:String="http://"
let longUrl:String="http://badgirls.many/picture.png"
let range=longUrl.rangeOfString(LEXEMA);
if (range? != nil) {
// blah
Now I'm trying to combine the expression inside the if, something like:
if (longUrl.rangeOfString(LEXEMA)? !=nil) {
// blah
But I always get syntax errors, the above yields a "Expected Separator" and can't understand why. Done some more tests:
if (absolutePath.rangeOfString(URL_LEXEMA) !=nil) { }
Expected Separator before "!"
if absolutePath.rangeOfString(URL_LEXEMA) !=nil { }
Braced block of statements is an unused closure
What am I doing wrong?
If you’re coming from other like Java, you might be thinking of optionals like pointers/references, and so used to equating them to nil and if non-nil, using them. But this is probably going to lead to more confusion. Instead, think of them like a container for a possible result, that you need to unwrap to use. if let combines the test and unwrapping operation.
With this in mind, here’s how you could adapt your code:
let LEXEMA: String="http://"
let longUrl: String="http://badgirls.many/picture.png"
if let range = longUrl.rangeOfString(LEXEMA) {
// use range, which will be the unwrapped non-optional range
else {
// no such range, perhaps log an error if this shouldn’t happen
Note, that ? suffixing behaviour you were using changes in Swift 1.2 so even the code in your question that compiles in 1.1 won’t in 1.2.
It’s possible that sometimes you are whether there was a value returned, but you don’t actually need that value, just to know it wasn’t nil. In that case, you can compare the value to nil without the let:
if longUrl.rangeOfString(LEXEMA) != nil {
// there was a value, but you don't care what that value was
That said, the above is probably better expressed as:
if longUrl.hasPrefix(LEXEMA) { }
For starters:
You don't need parenthesis with if statements unless you have nested parenthetical subexpressions that require it.
You don't need to specify the type on the left side of the = of a let or var declaration if Swift can figure it out from the right side of the =. Very often Swift can figure it out, and you can tell that Swift can figure it out, so you can avoid that redundant clutter.
You do need to specify the type if Swift cannot figure out the type from
the right side. Example:
For example, consider the following lines:
let LEXEMA = "http://"
let longUrl = "http://badgirls.many/picture.png"
Swift can figure out that they're strings.
Similarly for this function or class that returns a UIView:
var myView = ViewReturningClassOrFunc()
Consider this:
#IBOutlet var myView : UIView!
In the above line, Swift cannot figure out ahead of time it will be assigned a UIView, so you have to provide the type. By providing a ! at the end you've made it an implicitly unwrapped optional. That means, like ?, you're indicating that it can be nil, but that you are confident it will never be nil at the time you access it, so Swift won't require you to put a ! after it when you reference it. That trick is a time saver and big convenience.
You should NOT add the ? to the line:
if (longUrl.rangeOfString(URL_LEXEMA) !=nil) {
As another answer pointed out, you're missing the let.
if let longUrl.rangeOfString(URL_LEXEMA) {
println("What do I win? :-)")
swift is case sensitive language. you need to check about whitespaces as well
if longUrl.rangeOfString(LEXEMA) != nil {
//your condition
there should be space between statement != nil
Just add a space between != and nil like:
if longUrl.rangeOfString(LEXEMA) != nil {
// blah
I tested your code in playground, an error of Expected ',' separator reported.
And do not forget the rules that 1s and 0s and Airspeed Velocity said.

Debugging nil optionals

Numerously in the past I have fixed the sporadic unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value error, and I have just fixed one now; However the way I am doing it right now is through guessing where the nil optionals are via breakpoints.
There is always an EXC_BREAKPOINT under Swift._fatalErrorMessage (in the assembly) when an error like this is thrown for me.
Is there a more efficient method (like a exception catch) of jumping to the nil optional instead of guessing where it is with log messages and (inline) breakpoints?
Your crashes are almost certainly happening in a line where you're forcibly unwrapping an optional using !. Unless you're absolutely certain that a value exists, you should use if let instead.
Instead of:
let myValue = myArray[index]! // will crash if myArray[index] is nil
Use this:
if let myValue = myArray[index] {
println("myValue has a value and it is \(myValue)")
// Code using myValue
} else {
println("myValue is nil")
Edit: To answer your question directly, search for instances of ! and in general, replace them with if let or ?.

Failing a Swift initializer without setting stored property

I'm writing an application Bluetooth-controlled keynote remote. This will be using AppleScript to control Keynote based on interactions with the CoreBluetooth framework.
Consider this class, which requires the use of an optional OSALanguage initializer.
class KeynoteController {
let applescriptLanguage: OSALanguage
init?() {
if let applescriptLanguage = OSALanguage(forName: "AppleScript") {
self.applescriptLanguage = applescriptLanguage
} else {
return nil // Compile error on this line
In this example, I want to fail initializing my KeynoteController if there's no OSALanguage named "AppleScript" (admittedly unlikely, but good design). However, I can't return from my initializer until all stored properties are populated.
I could make applescriptLanguage an optional, but since it's non optional and constant if initialization succeeds, this seems like a hack.
What's the correct way to design this?
The problem seems to come from trying to make applescriptLanguage a non-optional. The compiler wants it to be assigned a value, even if the object is failing initialization.
Fix it by making it optional property (implicitly unwrapped because it should never actually be nil after initialization).
let applescriptLanguage: OSALanguage!
This seems like a compiler error to me, but I have no idea what's going on under the hood.
Alternatively, you could temporarily assign it to a dummy value in the else block. This adds extra initialization time and memory allocation, so probably not the best idea, but it'll work if you really want to have the property be non-optional.
} else {
self.applescriptLanguage = OSALanguage()
return nil