Understanding Moodle $context - moodle

From Moodle doc:
A context is a space in Moodle where roles can be assigned.
I understand that a context is a logical space used to manage Moodle objects.
I developed a custom block plugin with a file upload where I use file_prepare_draft_area andfile_save_draft_area_files functions.There is a $context parameter that must be passed and I am don't really know what context should I pass ?
This mean, I guess, in which logical space should I put my block plugin uploaded files ?
In my opinion, the most logical would be store the uploaded files in a context related to my block plugin.
I tried to use context_block::instance($instanceid) but I don't know how to get $instanceid param.
Which context should I use in this case?
How to get it?

The types of context are as follows:
Course category
Activity module
The hierarchy of contexts are:
System => Course category => Course => Activity module
Block contexts can appear within courses or within the 'site' course.
User contexts are outside of courses.
If you want the files tied to a specific instance of the block (e.g. so they are deleted automatically when the block is deleted and you can keep the files from different instances of the block separate), then you should use the block context (but you'll have to pass the instanceid of the block to the sub-pages in order to use this to get the context:
$context = context_block::instance($blockinstanceid);
If you want the files tied to the course - so all instances of the block in the course share the same file space and the files are only deleted when the whole course is deleted, then use the course context (pass the courseid into the subpages, as a param, then use:
$context = context_course::instance($courseid);
If, however, you want to share that file area across all blocks on the site, then the system context is what you want:
$context = context_system();

There is also a piece of (old?) documentation for reference - see par. "13.2. Moodle's Roles and Permissions System".
(I also found Russian translation of that paragraph, maybe useful for someone.)


Is it possible to limit file references to a specific file storage?

The setup is the following:
I client of mine wants to give users the possibility to select a background image for a page. For the sake of simplicity let's say we create a new field in the pages table and configure its TCA separately, so we are completely side-effect free.
Now comes the tricky part. The storage, the users should select images from for that field, should be limited. So even if a backend user has admin rights and therefore access to all file storages and all files, users should only be able to select images from a given(configured) storage.
Is that somehow possible with a specific TCA configuration?
I would first try to extend FileBrowser for this requirement. As you said nothing about visibility of the files, you could override fileIsSelectableInFileList in a subclass. So not exactly a pure TCA feature, but the implementation would allow a deeper integration of your ruleset.
class LocalStorageBrowser extends FileBrowser {
// users should only be able to select files from a specific driver
protected function fileIsSelectableInFileList(FileInterface $file, array $imgInfo)
return $file->getStorage()->getDriver() instanceof LocalDriver;
// ...

Meteor, coffeescript files running on every page

I am just getting started with Meteor and have encountered something that isn't necessarily an issue but something that I just don't understand. I have the following code in a file called chat.coffee...
Meteor.setInterval ( ->
console.log "Hello " + roomName
Meteor.call('keepAlive', Meteor.user(), roomName)
), 5000
I originally was under the impression that coffee-script files only ran on their associated html files. This doesn't seem to be the case here as this code runs on every single page regardless of the file name. Is this the intended way things are supposed to work, and if so, is there a way to enforce that only certain code runs on certain pages.
One thing to mention is that this code is running in the client side folder.
On the client side, Meteor will associate your templates with their javascript functions and helpers based upon shared template names, but that is not inherently tied to your file names.
By way of example, if you have a template named "chat" in an html file as follows:
<template name="chat"></template>
Meteor will run scripts such as Template.chat.helpers({}) or Template.chat.events({}) only in connection with the "chat" template. But that is not dependent on your file naming conventions. It could be placed in a file name chat.js for organization and convention, but could equally well reside in a file named client.js or any other arbitrarily named .js file.
Similarly, your <template name="chat"> could reside in a file named chat.html, or client.html, or an arbitrary name of your choosing.
Your setInterval function is not tied to a specific template so it will run on every page, even if it resides in a file named chat.js.
Meteor merges all your javascript ( via coffeescript ) and all the html, which it stores in its own special way. It merges all the html in heads and body etc into a page and serves that up, and it will then render templates as you specify.
To have a more "page" oriented app you can use something like iron router.

LibXML: Comment-out a block of Elements

IS there a way to add/initate a comment ( e.g. $dom->createComment ... ) such that it comments out an entire block of xml tags. Basically I want to turn-off the content between the comment.
For example, it would look like this:
<!-- comment to blocking
<DD>d's content is good</DD>
Actually this question is a pre-cursor to my attempt to figure-out a method to be able to markup/label/identify the changes to an xml files in support of new client software functionality, but be able to have the ability to remove / back-out these xml changes in the rare event the client needs to fall back to the previous software version (and no I can't just simply point back to the original xml file because the client is allowed to make minor modifications to existing node text values). This is all going to be controlled via a perl script and LibXML's core modules (I can't use modules the client doesn't have).
So basically I've identified three possible types of xml changes as a result of new client sw functionality:
1.) ADD new element node(s) (typically to support new sw functionality)
2.) DELETE element node(s), or blocks of (would be rare, but never-the-less a possibility)
3.) CHANGE node text values (rare, but the new sw may require a new value)
For all three types, the client needs the ability to back out the changes. One thing I was thinking to use is ATTRIBUTES since the existing xml files don't use them. For example, for an ADD change type, I could include an atribute like 'ADD="sw version 4.1"' . This way if it needs to be removed, I could just simply have the perl script find those attribute strings and delete them (using LibXML methods). Same thing with CHANGE change type - I could use an attribute like CHG="newvalue_oldvalue", then again use straight perl (or LibXML) to switch back the value based on the contents of the attribute. The DELETE change type is giving me a problem though (as welll as the others lol!). I want to be able to "keep" the deleted lines in the xml file soley for the purposes if the sw falls back a version (at some late point the perl script could eventually cleanup/delete them).
I know this is a lot, I'm new to LibXML (but not to perl). I was just wonder if any of you have any thoughts as to how to go about it or seen anything resembling this kind of request ... I'd be grateful for any kind of advice! Thank you...

Creating a shadow copy using the "Backup" context in a PowerShell

I am in the process of writing a PowerShell script for backing up a Windows computer using rsync. To this end, I am attempting to use WMI from said script to create a non-persistent Shadow copy with writer participation (as is apparently recommended for backups).
I found out from another question (Accessing Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) Snapshots from powershell) a way to create a shadow copy in general, but the example given there uses "ClientAccessible" as the context parameter, which results in the creation of a persistent Shadow Copy, without writer participation.
While searching for a solution, I have found that I could use the following command to obtain a list of contexts, which I assume are understood by WMI:
Get-WmiObject win32_shadowcontext | Out-GridView
It does the list have a context named "Backup", which is conveniently what I want. I proceeded to attempt creating a non-persistent shadow copy using that context:
$shadow = (Get-WmiObject -list win32_shadowcopy).Create("C:\", "Backup")
However, this seems to fail and the content of the $shadow variable is set to
ReturnValue : 5
ShadowID : {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
According to the relevant documentation (Create method of the Win32_ShadowCopy class), the return value means "Unsupported shadow copy context."
I couldn't find any relevant documentation as to why this context is unsupported or whether it is possible to use it at all. I have also tried the "FileShareBackup" and "AppRollback" contexts without success.
I assume I am either missing something obvious, or that for some reason, WMI really doesn't support anything else than "clientAccessible" when creating shadow copies, or that this is OS-dependent (I am testing this on Windows 7, 64-bit)
How can I get this to work?
Okay, Technoob1984 here with the scoop. See my attached screen shot.
This one is tricky, because you have to use x64 version of Powershell (located under system32 not wow64)
The Shadow Copy Context are the .properties of the object.
Also I used the static method in my screenshots below.
# get existing shadow copies
$shadow = get-wmiobject win32_shadowcopy
"There are {0} shadow copies on this sytem" -f $shadow.count
# get static method
# create a new shadow copy
"Creating a new shadow copy"
$class.create("C:\", "ClientAccessible")
# Count again
$shadow = get-wmiobject win32_shadowcopy
so in the example there, you would want to use $class.Properties to see what you can use as a Shadow Context.
See my screen shot:
So Shadow Context is 'Caption, Count, Description' and anything else under the 'Name:' value of .Properties. I do not see 'Backup' as one of the options.
Your $shadow has a 5 on return value looking at the error message, your shadow id has all zeros , you would need to add a 1 or a 2 to the end of the volume shadow copy in the registry using binary or dword.
find the folder in the registry named volsnap in your regedit search .volsnap.sys is found in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers directory. The file size is 52,352 bytes.The volsnap file contains Microsoft's digital signature make sure its the correct bytes.
This confirms its authenticity. volsnap.sys appears to be a file that was compressed by an EXE-Packer. This technique is often used by trojans to keep the file size small and also hamper debugging efforts.
However, this in itself is not sufficient reason to presume malicious intent, since even well-intentioned, professional software producers take advantage of compressed files. For this reason, 2% of all experts consider this file to be a possible threat. The probability that it can cause harm is high. Please consider the additional Comments from other users.
shadow id default
if it already has a 5 which it probably doesn't change it to 1
or create new code
Shadow id $shadow 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000001
not exactly as shown.you may have to try different wording I'm not sure if $will work, if not, try the js standalone version.

Zend Lucene with symfony and i18n

I've went through the Jobeet Tutorial for integrating Zend Lucene into a symfony (1.4.8) project in order to add search capabilities into my frontend of my site (through indexing). Among others, the key concept is to use updateLuceneIndex during model's save action (needs to be overridden) in order to create/update the index of the specific entry.
My model has i18n fields, some of which (i,e name, title) I want to be inserted in the index. Everything works as expected but when it comes to save the i18n fields into the index all I get is blank values ($this->getName() returns empty string). I'm inspecting the created index with the Luke.
I ended up that this has nothing to do with the Zend Lucene but with symfony. It seems that during save the information for i18n fields isn't available (or is it?). I've also tried hook up the update during preSave(), postSave() but no avail.
So I want to ask how am I supposed to get my model's i18n field values during the save action in order to update the index accordingly?
Important note: This happens only during doctrine:data-load task. If I manually insert or update a record the index gets updated accordingly.
One last related question. It would be nice if I could save different keywords for each of the languages of the field of the model. How can I get the different values for each field's language inside the model?
The reason of this strange behaviour of Symfony is that when you are loading fixtures via cli, it has no context loaded (for instance when you try to get context instance sfContext::getInstance(), youll get "context instance does not exists" error exception).
With no context instance available, there is no "current culture" and with no current culture, there is no value of i18n fields.
The symfony context actualy supports all I18N functionalities with current User culture ($currentUserCulture = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser->getCulture()).
This all means 2 things:
You cant use symfony "current user culture" capabilities while you are
in cli session
If you needs to have sfContext::getInstance() somewhere in your
code (especialy in the models), you have to close it into condition to avoid any troubles with unexpected and hard to find exceptions while in cli
Example of getting current culture in model class (it will not pass condition while in cli):
if (sfContext::hasInstance()) {
So when you cant use Symfony i18n shortcuts (like $record->getName()), you have to work around it.
In Your symfony1-doctrine models you always have $this->Translation object available.
So you can access your translation values object via something like $this->Translation[$culture].
Its up to you to work with that, you can use your default culture $this->Translation[sfConfig::get('sf_default_culture')], or interate trough all your supported cultures from some global configuration (i recommends you to set it in one of your configuration files globaly accross of all apps - maybe /config/app.yml).
Example of getting $record Translation object in any situations:
if (sfContext::hasInstance()) {
$translation = $this->Translation[sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getCulture()];
else {
$translation = $this->Translation->getFirst();
// or: $translation = $this->Translation[$yourPreferedCulture];
// you can access to modified fields of translation object
$translationModified = $translation->getModified();