Identifier expected but integer literal found - scala

I got this problem when writing a recursive function that calculates the number of points where two general functions f1 and f2 are equal(Assuming only Integer values).
object X1 {
def numEqual(f1:Int=>Int,f2:Int=>Int)(a:Int,b:Int):Int=
if(a>b) 0
else f1(a)==f2(a) ? 1+numEqual(f1,f2)(a+1,b):0+numEqual(f1,f2)(a+1,b)
And this is what compiler says :
X1.scala:5: error: identifier expected but integer literal found.
f1(a)==f2(a) ? 1+numEqual(f1,f2)(a+1,b) : 0+numEqual(f1,f2)(a+1,b)
one error found.
Thank you!

The if construct in Scala is an expression. As the others already said, there's no ternary operator because there's no need for it - the if being already an expression.
I rewrote your function to a tail-recursive version (to avoid StackOverflowErrors), let's see how it looks:
#tailrec def numEqual(f1: Int => Int, f2: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int, res: Int = 0): Int =
if (a > b) res
else {
val inc = if (f1(a) == f2(a)) 1 else 0
numEqual(f1, f2)(a + 1, b, res + inc)
Notice how the result of the if expression is assigned to inc - here you would normally use the ternary operator. Anyway, I hope this helps you.

the ? : operator doesn't exist in scala

Scala does not use the ternary operator,


Set of WrappedArray: Type arguments [Int] do not conform to method empty's type parameter bounds [T <: AnyRef]

I'm trying to make a function that calculates how many combinations of elements with repetition there are given an array of values and a exact sum value.
But I'm getting an error:
Error:(23, 38) type arguments [Int] do not conform to method empty's type parameter bounds [T <: AnyRef]
It seems there is a type problem in the empty set I'm trying to pass to the function.
I choosed WrappedArrays following this [question]: Scala: lightweight way to put Arrays in a Set or Map in order to be able to have a set of arrays without duplicates.
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
def Combinations(maxValue: Int): Int = {
val values= Array(1,2,5,10)
def r (a:Int,can:WrappedArray[Int],sol:Set[WrappedArray[Int]]): Set[WrappedArray[Int]] ={> if (a-x > 0) r(a-x,can:+x,sol) else if (a-x == 0) sol + (can:+x).sorted else sol).reduce((x, y)=>x union y)
WrappedArray.empy is bounded by AnyRef, as Int inherits from AnyVal you cannot declare your wrappedArray this way.
However you can declare your empty array this way new WrappedArray.ofInt(Array())
Here is a little fiddle for you
I've never seen anyone ever importing WrappedArray for anything. It's a rather obscure implementation detail for providing collection methods on ordinary arrays, it has no place in the solution of combinatoric problems. Another general remark: methodNames are written in camel-case, starting with a lowercase letter.
Here is a more idiomatic (and also much simpler) solution:
def numCombinations(
sum: Int,
coins: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 5, 10)
): Long = {
coins match {
case Nil => if (sum == 0) 1L else 0L
case h :: t => {
(0 to sum / h)
.map { i => numCombinations(sum - i * h, t) }
Example: for n = 4, it will find the combinations
1 + 1 + 1 + 1
1 + 1 + 2
2 + 2
and output 3.

Tail Recursion in Scala with Base case as zero

Suppose I have this code in scala :
def factorial(accumulator: Int, x: Int) : Int = {
if(x == 1)
return accumulator
factorial(x * accumulator, x - 1)
And the Output :
Now I have two questions :
1) Isn't the definition of this function fundamentally wrong? ( will not give the right answer for zero) I could always wrap this function inside another function and treat zero as special case returning 1 but that does not feel right and in tune with the formal definition.
2) Also why I am returned 0 as the answer in the first place? Why doesn't the code get stuck in an infinite loop?
def factorial(x: Int): Int = {
def factorial(accumulator: Int, x: Int): Int = {
if (x <= 0)
factorial(x * accumulator, x - 1)
assert(x >= 0,"""argument should be "non-negative integer" """)
factorial(1, x)
You should not give user possibility to call factorial in wrong way. So your function should be internal
factorial(0) = 1
Yes, you should hide the accumulator and make it an argument of an internal, tailrec function. The special case for zero should also be handled explicitly, there is nothing 'against formal factorial definition' with it.
It works because integer exceeds the maximum negative value.

Scala - Type Mismatch Found Unit : required Array[Int]

Why does the method give a compile error in NetBeans
( error in question -- Type Mismatch Found Unit : required Array[Int] )
def createArray(n:Int):Array[Int] =
var x = new Array[Int](n)
for(i <- 0 to x.length-1)
x(i) = scala.util.Random.nextInt(n)
I know that if there was a if clause - and no else clause - then why we get the type mismatch.
However, I am unable to resolve this above error - unless I add this line
return x
The error is not happening because the compiler thinks what happens if n <= 0
I tried writing the function with n = 10 as hardcoded
Thoughts ?
Your for comprehension will be converted into something like: - 1).foreach(i => x(i) = scala.util.Random.nextInt(i))
Since foreach returns (), the result of your for comprehension is (), so the result of the entire function is () since it is the last expression.
You need to return the array x instead:
for(i <- 0 to x.length-1)
x(i) = scala.util.Random.nextInt(n)
Yet another one,
def createArray(n: Int): Array[Int] = Array.fill(n) { scala.util.Random.nextInt(n) }
Then, for instance
val x: Array[Int] = createArray(10)
You could do something cleaner in my own opinion using yield :
def createArray(n:Int):Array[Int] =
(for(i: Int <- 0 to n-1) yield scala.util.Random.nextInt(n)).toArray
This will make a "one lined function"

Why can't a variable be assigned placeholder in function literal?

I'm having trouble understanding underscores in function literals.
val l = List(1,2,3,4,5)
l.filter(_ > 0)
works fine
l.filter({_ > 0})
works fine
l.filter({val x=1; 1+_+3 > 0}) // ie you can have multiple statements in your function literal and use the underscore not just in the first statement.
works fine
And yet:
l.filter({val x=_; x > 0})
e>:1: error: unbound placeholder parameter
l.filter({val x=_; x > 0})
I can't assign the _ to a variable, even though the following is legal function literal:
l.filter(y => {val x=y; x > 0})
works fine.
What gives? Is my 'val x=_' getting interpreted as something else? Thanks!
Actually, you have to back up a step.
You are misunderstanding how the braces work.
scala> val is = (1 to 5).toList
is: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> is map ({ println("hi") ; 2 * _ })
res2: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
If the println were part of the function passed to map, you'd see more greetings.
scala> is map (i => { println("hi") ; 2 * i })
res3: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
Your extra braces are a block, which is some statements followed by a result expression. The result expr is the function.
Once you realize that only the result expr has an expected type that is the function expected by map, you wouldn't think to use underscore in the preceding statements, since a bare underscore needs the expected type to nail down what the underscore means.
That's the type system telling you that your underscore isn't in the right place.
Appendix: in comments you ask:
how can I use the underscore syntax to bind the parameter of a
function literal to a variable
Is this a "dumb" question, pardon the expression?
The underscore is so you don't have to name the parameter, then you say you want to name it.
One use case might be: there are few incoming parameters, but I'm interested in naming only one of them.
scala> (0 /: is)(_ + _)
res10: Int = 15
scala> (0 /: is) { case (acc, i) => acc + 2 * i }
res11: Int = 30
This doesn't work, but one may wonder why. That is, we know what the fold expects, we want to apply something with an arg. Which arg? Whatever is left over after the partially applied partial function.
scala> (0 /: is) (({ case (_, i) => _ + 2 * i })(_))
scala> (0 /: is) (({ case (_, i) => val d = 2 * i; _ + 2 * d })(_))
SLS 6.23 "placeholder syntax for anonymous functions" mentions the "expr" boundary for when you must know what the underscore represents -- it's not a scope per se. If you supply type ascriptions for the underscores, it will still complain about the expected type, presumably because type inference goes left to right.
The underscore syntax is mainly user for the following replacement:
coll.filter(x => { x % 2 == 0});
coll.filter(_ % 2 == 0);
This can only replace a single parameter. This is the placeholder syntax.
Simple syntactic sugar for a lambda.
In the breaking case you are attempting null initialization/defaulting.
For primitive types with init conventions:
var x: Int = _; // x will be 0
The general case:
var y: List[String] = _; // y is null
var z: Any = _; // z = null;
To get pedantic, it works because null is a ref to the only instance of scala.Null, a sub-type of any type, which will always satisfy the type bound because of covariance. Look HERE.
A very common usage scenario, in ScalaTest:
class myTest extends FeatureTest with GivenWhenThen with BeforeAndAfter {
var x: OAuthToken = _;
before {
x = someFunctionThatReturnsAToken;
You can also see why you shouldn't use it with val, since the whole point is to update the value after initialization.
The compiler won't even let you, failing with: error: unbound placeholder parameter.
This is your exact case, the compiler thinks you are defaulting, a behaviour undefined for vals.
Various constraints, such as timing or scope make this useful.
This is different from lazy, where you predefine the expression that will be evaluated when needed.
For more usages of _ in Scala, look HERE.
Because in this two cases underscore (_) means two different things. In case of a function it's a syntactic sugar for lambda function, your l.filter(_ > 0) later desugares into l.filter(x => x > 0). But in case of a var it has another meaning, not a lambda function, but a default value and this behavior is defined only for var's:
class Test {
var num: Int = _
Here num gonna be initialized to its default value determined by its type Int. You can't do this with val cause vals are final and if in case of vars you can later assign them some different values, with vals this has no point.
Consider this example:
l filter {
val x = // compute something
val z = _
x == z
According to your idea, z should be bound to the first argument, but how scala should understand this, or you you have more code in this computation and then underscore.
Update 2
There is a grate option in scala repl: scala -Xprint:type. If you turn it on and print your code in (l.filter({val x=1; 1+_+3 > 0})), this what you'll see:
private[this] val res1: List[Int] = l.filter({
val x: Int = 1;
((x$1: Int) => 1.+(x$1).+(3).>(0))
1+_+3 > 0 desugares into a function: ((x$1: Int) => 1.+(x$1).+(3).>(0)), what filter actually expects from you, a function from Int to Boolean. The following also works:
l.filter({val x=1; val f = 1+(_: Int)+3 > 0; f})
cause f here is a partially applied function from Int to Boolean, but underscore isn't assigned to the first argument, it's desugares to the closes scope:
private[this] val res3: List[Int] = l.filter({
val x: Int = 1;
val f: Int => Boolean = ((x$1: Int) => 1.+((x$1: Int)).+(3).>(0));

how to simplify scala's function literal like this?

I'm new to scala and trying to write a function literal that check whether a given integer is odd or not.
my first attempt is:
val isOdd = (x:Int) => (x & 1) == 1
it works great, and, since the parameter x only appears once within this function literal, I'm tempted to use the "_" notation to simplify it further, like this:
val isOdd = ((_:Int) & 1 ) == 1
however this time the compiler complains :
warning: comparing a fresh object using `==' will always yield false
val isOdd = ((_:Int) & 1 ) == 1
what does this warning mean? why does the compiler recognize ((_ :Int) & 1) as fresh object rather than a bitwise operation that results in a value? is there any way to write this function literal using the "_" notation?
The problem is basically that Scala needs to tell the difference between
val isOdd = ((_:Int) & 1 ) == 1
where you want everything to the right of the equals sign to be a lambda, and
val result = _ + 1 )
where you want only the stuff inside the parentheses to be a lambda
Scala has decided that when you use the underscore to create a lambda, that it's going to pick the innermost set of parentheses as the boundaries of that lambda. There's one exception: (_:Int) doesn't count as the innermost parentheses because its purpose is only to group they type declaration with the _ placeholder.
val isOdd = ((_:Int) & 1 ) == 1
this is the lambda
val result = _ + 1 )
this is the lambda
val result = _ + 1) / 2)
this is the lambda
and the compiler can't infer the type of the _
val result = _ + 1) / 2 * _)
this is an inner lambda with one parameter
and the compiler can't infer the type of the _
this is an outer lambda with one parameter
This last case lets you do things like + 1)
and have that get translated into
x => y=> y + 1 )
Only slightly cheating:
val isOdd = (_: Int) % 2 == 1
There you go:
val isOdd = ((_: Int) & 1) andThen (1 ==)
What Scala is doing is this:
it sees ((_:Int) & 1 ) and creates an object of type (Int) => Int, that is, a function.
it then applies the comparison operator == to compare this function to the value 1
A function is not equal to the value 1. Therefore the result is false, so your code is equivalent to:
val isOdd = false
What you could do is create another anonymous function that does the == 1 part of your computation. This is ugly:
val isOdd = ((_: Int) & 1)(_: Int) == 1
This is equivalent to the more verbose (and perhaps easier to understand):
val isOdd = (x: Int) => 1 == ((_: Int) & 1)(x)
A different approach
val isOdd = (_:Int).&(1) == 1