I want to use bash autocomplete feature with saltstack.
salt '*' test.p <tab> should complete the word and make it salt '*' test.ping.
After googling, I got the following links:
& CLI completion
However, I cannot figure out how to use it. Autocompletion feature is not working by default. Please provide any step by step guide to activate it.
Download the salt.bash file.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saltstack/salt/develop/pkg/salt.bash
Copy the file to /etc/bash_completion.d/
cp salt.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/
Logout and logback in. or source the file
source /etc/bash_completion.d/salt.bash
Now use salt auto-completion feature
salt '*' tes[[tab]].pi[[tab]]
and get the result:
salt '*' test.ping
I'm using Buildroot as a submodule, and I want to reuse existing in-tree defconfigs with a few modification of my own.
I'd like to store just the modified options in a config fragment, just like I can do with BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES for the Linux kernel config.
Right now I'm doing something like:
cd buildroot
make BR2_EXTERNAL="$(pwd)/../mypackage" qemu_x86_64_defconfig
echo '
' >> .config
Is there a nicer way to avoid that echo with a config fragment, just like I'm using for the Linux kernel config fragment? I'd expect something like:
make BR2_CONFIG_FRAG=br_config_frag
where br_config_frag contains the lines:
and then I'd be able to write just:
make -C buildroot BR2_CONFIG_FRAG=br_config_frag qemu_x86_64_defconfig all
Here's the full example repo.
One slight improvement is to put the "config fragment" in a separate file buildroot_config_fragment:
and then cat that:
cat ../buildroot_config_fragment >> .config
First side note: your script should run make olddefconfig before make, so that any new options are set to their default value instead of being asked for interactively.
You could simplify the script a little by doing:
cat configs/qemu_x86_64_defconfig br_config_frag > .config
make olddefconfig
You can also use the script support/kconfig/merge_config.sh from the kconfig infrastructure. However, that script internally uses make alldefconfig which currently doesn't work - you need a patch for that.
If you would like to add support for BR2_CONFIG_FRAG to the Buildroot infrastructure, feel free to send a patch to the Buildroot mailing list!
I asked on the IRC, and an user who seems to be Yann E. Morin, who seems to be an active developer, said it is not possible currently.
Arnout's make alldefconfig patch is now merged in buildroot as of 26 Jul 2017
This means you can now do:
./support/kconfig/merge_config.sh configs/qemu_x86_64_defconfig fragment1.config fragment2.config
This will use qemu_x86_64_defconfig as the base and add modifications given in the listed fragment config files. The tool will also show nice warnings if you override items.
I need to load a shell script from a raw gist but I can't find a way to get raw URL.
curl -L address-to-raw-gist.sh | bash
And yet there is, look for the raw button (on the top-right of the source code).
The raw URL should look like this:
Note: it is possible to get the latest version by omitting the {commit_hash} part, as shown below:
February 2014: the raw url just changed.
See "Gist raw file URI change":
The raw host for all Gist files is changing immediately.
This change was made to further isolate user content from trusted GitHub applications.
The new host is
Existing URIs will redirect to the new host.
Before it was https://gist.github.com/<username>/<gist-id>/raw/...
Now it is https://gist.githubusercontent.com/<username>/<gist-id>/raw/...
For instance:
KrisWebDev adds in the comments:
If you want the last version of a Gist document, just remove the <commit>/ from URL
One can simply use the github api.
Reference: https://miguelpiedrafita.com/github-gists
Gitlab snippets provide short concise urls, are easy to create and goes well with the command line.
Sample example: Enable bash completion by patching /etc/bash.bashrc
sudo su -
(curl -s https://gitlab.com/snippets/21846/raw && echo) | patch -s /etc/bash.bashrc
Is there a way to configure the password strength for the add-user.sh script in Jboss 6 EAP?
There is no such a way to define the rules but it allows alphanumerics and special characters...
This was not possible, so somebody made a feature request for it in the community Wildfly project:
Wildfly 8 should have it, but it's not known when (if ever) this gets merged back to EAP 6.
Alternatively, you can bypass add-user and create the user by hand with any password for standalone mode. Of course, it's not because you can that you should always do so, password rules are there for security. Only do this for development, and surely don't copy your install or configuration folder to production!
Go to <jboss-install>/standalone/configuration and open mgmt-users.properties.
Find the line with #$REALM_NAME= and note the value after the =, last $ excluded. In my case it is ManagementRealm.
If you have Linux, run the following (substitute your user, the value noted above and password):
echo -n '<user>:<realm>:<password>' | md5sum
If you have Windows you will have to find your own utility to generate MD5 hashes. If you write the user/realm/password combo to file to let an MD5 tool do its work, check that there is no newline character at the end of your file or the hash will be off. You also won't need the quotes in that case.
md5sum will output a hexidecimal value. Go back to mgmt-users.properties and add a line at the end:
<user>=<MD5 hash>
I wrote a little CDN server that rebuilds its registry pool when new pool-content-packages are installed into that registry pool.
Instead of having each pool-content-package call the init.d of the cdn-server, I'd like to use triggers. That way it would restart the server only once at the end of an installation run, after all packages were installed.
What have I to do to use triggers in my packages with debhelper support?
What you are looking for is dpkg-triggers.
One solution with use of debhelper to build the debian packages is this:
Step 1)
Create file debian/<serverPackageName>.triggers (replace <serverPackageName> with name of your server package).
Step 1a)
Define a trigger that watch the directory of your pool. The content of file would be:
interest /path/to/my/pool
Step 1b)
But you can also define a named trigger, which have to be fired explicit (see step 3).
content of file:
interest cdn-pool-changed
The name of the trigger cdn-pool-changed is free. You can take what ever you want.
Step 2)
Add handler for trigger to file debian/<serverPackageName>.postinst (replace <serverPackageName> with name of your server package).
set -e
case "$1" in
#here is the handler
/etc/init.d/<serverPackageName> restart
echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
exit 1
exit 0
Replace <serverPackageName> with name of your server package.
Step 3) (only for named triggers, step 1b) )
Add in every content package the file debian/<contentPackageName>.triggers (replace <contentPackageName> with names of your content packages).
content of file:
activate cdn-pool-changed
Use same name for trigger you defined in step 1.
More detailed Information
The best description for dpkg-triggers I could found is "How to use dpkg triggers". The corresponding git repository with examples you can get here:
git clone git://anonscm.debian.org/users/seanius/dpkg-triggers-example.git
I had a need and read and re-read the docs many times. I think that the process is not clearly explain or rather what goes where is not clearly explained. Here I hope to clarify the use of Debian package triggers.
Service with Configuration Directory
A service reading its settings in a specific directory can mark that directory as being of interest.
Say I create a new service which reads settings from /usr/share/my-service/config/...
That service gets two additions:
In its debian directory I add my-service.triggers
And here are the contents:
# my-service.triggers
interest /usr/share/my-service/config
This means if any other package installs or removes a file from that directory, the trigger enters its "needs to be run" state.
In its debian directory I also add my-service.postinst
And I have a script as follow to check whether the trigger happened and run a process as required:
# my-service.postinst
if [ "$1" = "triggered" ]
if [ "$2" = "/usr/share/my-service/config" ]
# this may or may not be what you need to do, but this is often
# how you handle a change in your service config files
systemctl restart my-service
exit 0
That's it.
Now packages adding extensions to your service can add their own configuration file(s) under /usr/share/my-service/config (or a directory under /etc/my-service/my-service.d/... or /var/lib/my-service/..., although that last one should be reserved for dynamic files, not files installed from a package) and dpkg automatically calls your postinst script with:
postinst triggered /usr/share/my-service/config
# where /usr/share/my-service/config is your <interest-path>
This call happens only once and after all the packages were installed, hence the advantage of having a trigger in the first place. This way each package does not need to know that it has to restart my-service and it does not happen more than once, which could cause all sorts of side effects (i.e. the service tries to listen on a TCP port and get error: address already in use).
IMPORTANT: keep in mind that the postinst should include a line with #DEBHELPER#.
So you do not have to do anything special in other packages. Only make sure to install the configuration files in the correct directory and dpkg picks up from there (i.e. in my example under /usr/share/my-service/config).
I have an extension to BIND9 called ipmgr which makes use of .ini files saved in a specific folder. It uses the files to generate DNS zones (way less errors that way! and it includes support for getting letsencrypt certificates and settings for dmarc/dkim). This package uses this case: a simple directory where configuration files get installed. Other packages do not need to do anything other than install files in the right place (/usr/share/ipmgr/zones, for this package).
Service without a Configuration Folder
In some (rare?) cases, you may need to trigger something in a service which is not driven by the installation of a new configuration file.
In this case, you can use an arbitrary name (it should include your package name to make sure it is unique since this name is global to the entire Debian/Ubuntu system).
To make this one work, you need three files, one of which is a trigger in the other packages.
State the Interest
As above, we have an interest. In this case, the interest is stated as a name on its own. The dpkg system distinguish between a name and a path because a name cannot include a slash (/) character. Names are limited to ASCII except control characters and spaces. I would suggest you stick to a-z, 0-9 and dashes (-).
# my-service.triggers
interest my-service-settings
This is useful if you cannot simply track a folder. For example, the settings could come from a network connection that a package offers once installed.
Listen for the Triggers
Again, as above, you need a postinst script in your Service Package. This captures the trigger and allows you to run a command. The script is the same, only you test for the name instead of the folder (note that you can have any number of triggers, so you could also have both: a folder as above and a special name as here).
# my-service.postinst
if [ "$1" = "triggered" ]
if [ "$2" = "my-service-settings" ]
# this may or may not what you need to do, but this is often
# how you handle a change in your service config files
systemctl restart my-service
exit 0
The Trigger
As mentioned above, we need a third file. An arbitrary name is not going to be triggered automatically by dpkg. It wouldn't know whether your other package needs to trigger something just like that (although it is fairly automated as it is already).
So in other packages, you create a trigger file which looks like this:
# other-package.triggers
activate my-service-settings
Now we recognize the name, it is the same as the interest stated above.
In other words, if the trigger needs to run for something other than just the installation of files in a given location, use a special name and add this triggers file with the activate keyword.
Other Features
I have not tested the other features of the dpkg-trigger(1) tool. There are other keywords support in the triggers files:
The deb-triggers manual page has additional information about those. I am not too sure what the await/noawait implies other than the trigger may happen at any time when nowait is used.
Automatic Trigger Added
The build system on Ubuntu (probably Debian too) automatically adds a triggers file with the following when your package includes a library:
$ cat triggers
# Triggers added by dh_makeshlibs/11.1.6ubuntu2
activate-noawait ldconfig
I suggest you exercise caution if your package includes libraries. If you have your own triggers file, I do not know whether this addition will still happen automatically.
This also shows us a special case where it wants to use the noawait. If I understand correctly, it has to run the ldconfig trigger ASAP so your commands will work as expected after the unpack. Otherwise ldd will not know anything about your newly installed library.
I'm quite sure is something dealing with my Oh-my-zsh configuration, but I can't figure out what it is.
When I use a "#" symbol in my git command (but on everything else too, like 'ls #2' for instance) I get 'bad pattern' error or 'no match found'
I guess is about counting something, but I can't find where to configure it.
➜ demo git:(adlist) git push origin adlist#3
zsh: no matches found: adlist#3
➜ demo git:(adlist) git push origin #3-adlist
zsh: bad pattern: #3-adlist
Use single quotes:
git push origin 'adlist#3'
git push origin #3-adlist
In zsh # is used for pattern removal. See: http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Guide/zshguide05.html under the heading Standard forms: pattern removal
You can unsetopt EXTENDED_GLOB, and this should stop # being interpreted as a part of a pattern.
If you really want to keep most of the features of EXTENDED_GLOB, but want to disable # being used for patterns, then you can disable -p '#' (you have to single quote the # argument, so that it doesn't get expanded like a pattern). This certainly works in my zsh installation, version 5.7.1, even though it is not documented in zshbuiltins(1).
Open your zshrc file:
vi ~/.zshrc
Add into end of file:
unsetopt BAD_PATTERN
Effect your file:
source ~/.zshrc
Restart your terminal and enjoy it.